Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Jul 1981, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1981, PAGE 17 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS SM PRO VEM ENT METRO LIC. B-2554 Ktohons, Coramniçn TiIIng, Drywalî, Roc. Rooms, Codar Docks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cali 668-4686 NIGHEfT PRICES PaId for Gold and Silvor coins, oid guns, dlocks, jowoiory, dishes, fur- nituro, crocks, ohl pain- tings and soalors. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA SCREEN & GLASS REPAIRS SWhitby Aluminum Home Improvement Centre REPLACEMENT WINDOWS - DOORS - SIDING DISTRIBUJTOR FOR 2 PLUS 2 PATIO DOORS 900 HOPKINS ST. UNIT 3 (AT BURNS ST.) WHITBY, ONT. 668-2252 686-18531 /0,686-1551- bŽt., cJ?onal'd j. ointi% OPTOM ETRIST P.O0. BO0X 412 J 136 COMMERCIAL AVE.J AJAX, ONTARIO LIS 3C5 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D License Cal PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 00" ha ift a dTs fume 1-800-268-9689 Day, Eve. & Sat. cçurses ALLTILING JOBS DONE. MIHNON ANu KTCHiNi. MAUS ce nROORs. FOR FREE ES TIMA TES CALL LEIGH HALL 666-3981 c"GIVE YOUR FURNITUR A FACE LIFT"P R P ~ RICHARD'S jj~ FURNUTURE REFUNISHINO 60FREE ESTIMATES foOEuclid St., Whltby CALL RICK FORESTAIL 666-29921c A& RHOME IMPROVEMENT Nb Job T» S". Bathrooms, rec rooms and fencing. For f ree ostimate cali: 579-654 JOU FOR LIFE AND BREATH Support your local Lung Association 723-3151 ATT ENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Ploase check your ad for errors on the tirst day of publication. The Wfitby Fusa Prose wiII not ba fiable loi (alure t0 pubiish an d, or for typographie or other si-rs ln publication beyond the coat 0f the spaca occupied by the errer up to a maximum coat of the filut Inserion. The Whitby Fiee Press reserves the rlght to cassify or i.fact ail advesmenls. Box numbers ara avalabla at an additional charge of 82.00. PRE-PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT: You may charge your Claaaified Advertsement 10 your Chaîgax or Visa Account and recetîte a discount on the puice of the ad. Ploasehav your VIsa cad rsady when caiting. DEADLINES:- Deadline for Emporium Ada is Futclay noon pîtor to publication. Deadiine for Ctassifled Ada la Monday noon pdi-loi-fpublication. CALL 668-6111 Il I I 8WiMMiNG POOL MANUFAC- TURER has 1980 stock being of- fered at a fraction of regular seling price for oariy sprîng delivery. $1,690.00 la complets puIce of pools equippod ;with ilter, pump. motor, patio, waik about dock & fencing. Smail deposît wlii hoid tli dellvery date. Offor good oniy whiie suppty lotte. Cali toi f ret 1800-286@570. Toronto 1. 410-746-3340. SWIMMING POOL MANUFAC. TURER wiiileaoe and Install new 1981 famiiy size pool complote with waikway, sun doeck and fen- cing, on a rentai basîs with option 10 buy. Vour choico of style. Try before you buyi Cli Importât Pools fol f ret 1-600-268-5970. Toronto 1-416-746-3340. URINE.ERàASE guarantees memoval of urine Mtains anid odors fîomn carpets. Fiee brochure. Roldeil Chemîcais Ltd., Box 7500, London. King.slze WATER BED, 4 montha oid, pîne trame, pedestal, liner, heater, matreos and cover. $40 or best of fer. Cal6833595. COMPUTER SOFTWARE, CBM and PET. 16K required. Full sound system. Kits avalable. Phono 668-2115. Large ize Frigidaire window-typo AIR cONDITIONER. Privateiy owned electrlc golf carl. Caîl 668- 3477. ROSSLAND SOUARE SIDEWALK SALE JULY 9, 10, 11 Corner of Rossland and Wilson Roada, Oshawa. Dally speciais at ail partlcipatIng stores. 1975 BUICK SKYLARK, 2 door, V8, new ciutch, new rear brakes, recont tune-up. Excellent MPG. Seat offer. Cati 666-2563 evenings. AVOMOTIVE ~JPARPAIT~R/PARTS VOLVO _ 142 PARTS - Good doors , trunk Ild, hood, gloa, body and trim parts. Alec good engine and suspension. Cail 655-4410 after 7 pm 1975 FORD PICK-UP TRUCK, C.B., row bar and mariy extras. Beet of- fer. Rebulli OLDSMOSILE ENGINE, 455 Rocket for sale. Cal 66&1585. AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, JULY 9 6:30 P.M. 1614 Charles St., Whitby BeautIfUl maple dlning room suito (modern), stove, fridgo, dryor, TV's, bods. Somothing for ovoryone. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER 666&3731 579"250 <Evgs.) AUCTION SALE SAT., JULY il - 6 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE, 4 miles south of Port Porry, 'h milo oast on Shirley Road. Antique drossors, kitchen cabinet, crock, wardrobes, rocker, French Provincial buffet, bar, Zenith fridge, table saw, propane stove, Tan- dom bicycle, Arles 30 mower, snow biower, mans 10 speod and ladies 5 speed bicycles and many more good Items. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 AUCTION SALE WED., JULYI'1 - 6:30 P.M. Brookîin CommunIty Hall Loveîy selection of an- tique and modemn fur- nishings, glassware, paintings andi coîiec- tables. Preview 4930 p.m. Lunch available. DAVIS AUCTION SERVICES 728-4455 GARAGE SALE.- Friday and Satur- day 9 to 5. Box tralier, househoid and cottage furnishInge, fridge, water softener, sofa, chairs, freezer, twin bede, linons and much more. PrIngle Creek, Whit. by, 7 Cader Cree. 3 FAMILV GARAGE SALE - An- tiquas, wood stoves, pigeons, etc. Friday, Saturday and Sunday on Cochrane Street, 'h mile north of No. 7 Mwy. ln Brooklin. GARAGE SALE - MOVING Everything muet gol On Saturday, Juiy 11 and Sunday, Juiy 12 (rom 10 a&..f0 4 p.m. at 147 Pringie Drive, Whitby. Th. WHITUY HISTORICAL SOCIETY would like to announce the wlnning ticket of ies annual dlock draw that waa held JuIy 1 et the Lynde ouse Museum. The wlnnlng ticket la number 0020. The draw waa cantIed out under licence number 314919. ( PATMTS/ I. CONDOCS FRNFORORRENT NICE MODERN APARTMENT ln Whitby's quiet resîdentil are&. Would suit mature singls lady. $34 monthiy Including utilities and cabie. Phone 72541l74 ater 5 p.m. Gt:3RS ML S WANTED- A person drIvIng to Miami or Fort Lauderdale ln Sep- tomber with spaco to carry sovorai boxes of used clolhIng which wili be shipped to the Turks and Caicos Islands (Oust north of Halte) by a non-profit organization. Phone 666-3W4. CARS WITII DRIVERS. DEMOLITION DERBY. Oshawa & Whitby Exhibition JULV 17 & 18 CALL 728-0884 OR 723-4580 LDSIIPPIIES~P LS CUMDOG KENNELS FOR SALE. 576-5606 CASH Tum your unwanted merchandise Into cash. We handie estates, bankruptles and liquidations. An- tiques Our speciaityl 21 years ex. perience deaiing ln fine antiqtues, furnIture, glass and china. Free appuaisais. Lot us sait your mer- chandise to the highest bidder. 1614 Charges St., Whltby 666.3731 Deys 579-250 Evgs. Auctonter: 8111 Wannamaker SALES ASSISTANTS IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT .Thînking you'II nover mako It big ,Making excuses for your falluros -Wasting your lîfo ln a doad-end job 'Wishful thinklng Feeling sorry for your- soif'- Don't bo over-cautious and loso success oell, Where you wilI get professional sales training GO With Canada's iargost Homo Improvement' Company Where your earnings are only iimited by your abilUy, GO-GO-GO TO A BETTER FUTURE IN 1981 WE RECUIRE " Self-motivation " Neat appearance " Abiiity to meet people " Free 10 travel " Eager to eamn exec utive Income " 4 day worlc-weak " TransportatIOn supplied " igheist commission " Monthîy bonuses- quarterly bonuses-.tripe " Exclusive products IFOR A CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW, CALL MR. FRANK LALLEMAND SALES MANAGER AT 666-1500 ANDEN VINYL PRODUCTS LIMITED I 440 HOPKINS STREET, WHITBY RESPONSIBLE PERSON WANTED- To DELIVER NEWSPAPERS TO HOM ES AN D BUSI NESSES IN THE OSHAWAIWHITBY AREA. MORNINGS MON DAY TO SATURDAY. A RELIABLE VEHICLE IS REQUIRED. CALL 723-8174 COMPANION HOUSEKEEPER for lady ln Oshawa who"Is a dlabetlc. NEED A HAND? Live-In, prîvate room. Mas Gel good local heip wlth an ad ln cleanlng lady weekly. SM00par the Whitby FreoPiosa. CatI: month. Phone 725-1074. 6861 FOR THE DU RATION 0 F TH EPOSTA L LABOUR DISPUTE ALL'INVOICES (DISPLAY, CLASSIFIED AND EMPORIUM) AND OUTSTAN DING ACCOU NT'S MAY BE PICKED UP AND PAID AT OUR OFFICe.%E AT 131 BROCK STUN, WHITBY MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9-5 SATURDAY 10-5 QSIECE WHITBY FABRICS Custom Sheeru And Drapes V/E ALSO DO ALTERATIONS 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby OPP Poat Office 668-4821 nuuffl

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