PAGE 12 ,WFDNESDAY. JULY 8. 1981. WIIITBY FRIE PRESS Board switches site for Otter Creek sehool In an effort to save money, the Durham Board of Education bas decided te, change the site for a future sehool in mhe Otter Creek sub- division. Originally, the public p board had an option on an elgbt-acre site on mhe east side of "cQuay Blvd. directiy opposite a separate achool site. However, earlier this year, the Durham Region Roman Camholic Separate Schooi Board dropped its option on that five-site. The separate board site ta lmmedlately ad- jacent to a five-acre park. The swltcb in sites was made after board staff held discussions wlth the developer and arranged for Durham ta have the amaller and less expensive site next tothe park. The option te buy the land la valld until June, 190. Earller this year, the board voted te bulld a new publice chool in Ot- ter Creek te help relieve overcrowding problems at other Whitby scbools. However, the timing of construction was not known at press time. Teli children I to.... play safely... .awax from hydro wires. Touching or coming close to hydro wires can be fatal.ij // If kites or model airplanes cotact over- head hines, even touchingthe string or control wire can cause serious injury. ' If apet runs up ahydro \\ ~ pole, neyer clirnb after il. </ Wait for the animal to corne dlown by itself. Clirnbing hydro poles, fences around electrical equipnent, or trees near power lines can be fatal. And rernind children flot to go near areas rnarked "Danger" or "Keep Ouf' Or, the fun could be over. ont Safety around electricity Is no shock to you -M Between You and Me By RUTH COLES Beautiful words Some men see things as they are and say why? I dream thinge mhat neyer were and say why not? Robert F. Kennedy. Such beautiful words and for me they have a very special meanîng. A sense of warmth, a feeling of hope and they convey thoughts of a knight on a white horse galloping to the fulfilîment of bis dreams. More words, this time spoken by John F. Ken- nedy, "And sa, my feilow Americans, ask not wbat your country can do for you; ask wbat you can do for your country. " Splendid words and again ful of meaning, simple but powerful. Wise words weil spoken and 1 wish they could ring out across the country from coast to caast. Idealistic' Why not? My thougbts this week are very divergent in nature; thoughts of a young man with a dream who by lits actions may change the wbole course of medical history and unhappily cross, sad thougbts about the Canadian Post Office. N f "I J, d./ \~ p. f anio hydlro IVTATIONSES > SUMMRISLE I CLAAC I I I R.H. Mitchell B.P.E., D.C. Is pleased ta announce the opening of his office for the practice of CH IROPRACTIC Brooklin Chiropractie Centre 66 Baldwin St. Brooklin, Ont. j p w Courage, challenge, determination and dignity al a part of Terry Fox and his dreams. Terry said, "why don't people understand? Anythiflg 15 possible wit.h hard work and success will follow." Words of t.ruth and this lad knew what his goal was and he has handed the torch to us to be carried, cherished and hopefully neyer forgotten. For me, it is almost profane to turn m 'y thoughts to this unrest at the Post Ottice. In the name of God where are we when a minority can hold a whole country to ransom? Again, as we always say, one cannot generalize, there are always exceptions of course. Not al me workers want these demands to be met and why are mhe others allowing themselves to be led? The right to strike in this case was a dreadful mistake, the right is being abused. As for the ins and outs that can.not be dealt with here but the principle of mhe thing can be. I don't stand alone in zny thinking and many thousands of us are upset. Many people over the years have worked long and bard and fougbt a couple of wars in between to make our country what it is and now mhis. There are so many ramifications to mhese actions; some of mhem very sad, others just awful. What this does to both large and small businesses is im- possible to calculate. SmaUl business men can teli you what a long strike does to them and how a goodly number will go under and others will spend a few years recouping their lasses. Mail of every klnd can be a life line for the elderly the disabled and the sick. We have many people In our midst who are bedridden or for some omher reason cannot go out. A strike means they are often cut off from mheir family andfrlends who may be far away. Everyone cannot always pick up the recelver and make long distance cails whenever the desire or the need occurs, it's too expensive. For some there is littie or nothing to be excrted about except the arrivaI of the postman who in a sense becomes mheir friend and in many cases postmen or women have helped to save lives by alerting someone when iliness strikes mhese lonely people. I amn flot in a position to make judgment.s or to make written commenta about much of mhis. On the other hand, I have listened to others. My suggestion to anyone who feels puzzled is to apply for, say Christmas work in this work place, preferably in the City. Before anyone allows themselves to be activated to strike, stop, think and ask yourselves a few questions. Why for a beginner? Has ail else failed or are your expectationis too high? In mhis life we al have to be realîstic and sensible. Ask yourselves who the union leaders are, flot the men you work beside or wimh but the leaders. Where do they corne from and why? Do you know if there are any paid activists in your midst? Are any of the trouble makers oid timers who have given their ail? Har- dly. Can we as a country allow a lot of outsiders to rabble rouse and create mischief? We, too have trouble makers, always they are with us but they are a mînority. How much chaos can be allowed? Tip-toeing around mhe issue is nonsense. The Small Business Association is being heard and this is a good thing. Some day picture this. Four months maternity leave, 17 weeks, full pay and ail the other benefits. None of us wiil be able to eat as the taxes will soar to pay for ail civil servants, female mhat is who get pregnant. Eight months of work, four months off. 0f course, if mhis is granted it wiIl spread like a disease throughout mhe land. Small businesses wil go under, managerial types will flot be able to afford pregnancies for their wives; they wili be too bust keeping accounts and doing paper work, such as signing cheques. What happens after mhe babies are born and their mothers go back to work? Do we set up day nurseries, paid for by the taxpayers to care for these mites? It's worth thinking about. Want to lease a Rabblt? Or an Audi 5000S Also available 7 8andl12 seat buses ~OWA SC 1425 DUNDAS ST. E., :~ OMM 3SToronto Une ,361-1126t 0 ýqffl m mono - - - - - - - - f 99999-7 à aw