PAGE 2, TUESDAY, JtIN1i 30,1981,Xl WHITBY FREF PRESS Substandard housing report is due in fali: Johns By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff BEAVERTON - It will be three or four months before a report is published on the scope and severity of unsafe and substandard housing that exists flot only within the Town of Whitby but within the Region of Durham as well. At last week's When there'1sawII heres a way Everyone, including-youj, needs a Will. Een if yu only own a few possesions. Becouse if you die wit out a wvilI, the Court Ail distribute '>vur estate according to provincial law, in was you mcry not want. Making a \Mil is simple, quick and inexpensiv.. But don't try ta do if yourself. To Ieamn more, mail the coupon ta get your free pamphlet "Gifts by Will". The Sa Nation Army. r rTelme the dght woy to make a MI1.1 I The Financial Secretary, The Salvation Arrny,I PO Box 4021, Postal Station A, Toronto, Ontario M5W 2B1 IPlease send me your free pamphlet "Gifts by WiiI" night away Iown____ I L Provine - os- l -oJ mi-eeting of Durham Regional Council's social services commit- tee, Doug Johns said that the report is flot being prepared by regional staff but by the Ministry of Community and Social Services. Johns, the region's social services com- missioner, is having the study done because of a complaint received by Marie Brooks, the direc- tor 0 f Whitby Com- munity Care. Margaret Hart, the chairman of Whitby Community Care, sent a letter to the social ser- vices committee in April asking for help in combatting the problem. In an interview at that time, Brooks described the problern in Whitby as "iacute"' especially in the downtown area Classified Ads Sel Cail 668-6111 4s. Try Swensen's considera ble selection of flavours. carti es theil specualty &-and wl. het, [SPECIAL B(ANANA SP LITS (TA KE-O UT ON LY) $2n75 1 1261 BAYLY ST, BAYRIDGES IGA PLAZYA HOURS: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (Summer Hours) 7 DAYS A WEEK although it is flot limited to that area. She charged then Viat "there are quite a num- ber of people living in these conditions in the town. " A number of the agen- cy's volunteers were "shocked," Brooks ad- ded, when they encoun- tered elderly and men- tally or physically disabled people living in these conditions. An unsuccessful can- didate in the centre ward during last year's municipal election, Brooks described the people living in these conditions as being on pensions or other forms of fixed income and that they feit they were helpless to do anything about their situation. At the committee meeting, Johns told the councillors that the 9' problem was ýnot con- fined to Whitby but found throughout the en- tire region. "There are people in every area municipality living in substandard housing, " he said. Johns also said that it was difficuit to get ac- curate information on the scope of the problem although he indicated that it was substantial. "There are too many people who can't afford to pay the rents being charged, " he added. The commissioner also said that the most effective solution was in the development of geared-to-income bous- mng. "There is insufficient geared-to-income hous- ing for 10w income people in the Region of Durham. " In his report to the committee, Johns said that he expects the ministry to begin work on the survey sometime within the next month. The major thrust of the survey will be on ac- conmmodations for senior citizens. Also during this year, the Town of Whitby's planning department hopes to undertake the preparation of a municipal housing statement. According to planning director Bob Short, the municipal housing statement would iden- tify not only the types of accommodation presen- A handy new book by Sidney Ledson, author of the best-seIIing book, lTeach Vour Child to Read in 60 Days'. Here's a book rio steriograipher siould be withiott; virtually a o niversi ty cou rse i nqr an mar but preserited in a lively way rio unive rsîty car i match. $3.95 PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLV 218 Harwood Ave, S., Ajax 638-1968 tly available in the town but would clearly iden- tify the problenis and give some indication of the town's future needs. This statement will also enable the town to participate in many provincial and federal government programs that will gant funds to help r: olve this problem. HQwever, before the town can undertake the study it must receive a grant from the provin- cial government. Accordîng to Short, the town is almost ready to apply for the grant and the statement should be presented to Whitby Town Council before the end of the year. Learn to proteet your own home Working with the mot- to "Crime Is Everyone's Concern", the Durhami Regional Police are warning people to prevent break and en- ters in the home this summer. With the summer, many people will be going away on vacation for extended periods of time. It is then that homes can be the most vulnerable. Police warn residents to arrange with neigh- bours to keep an eye on their home and report any suspicious activities to them (police) right away. Deliveries of all types should be stopped or picked up by neighbours s0 that items such as milk, newspapers and mail will not ac- cumulate, a sure sign to burglars that no one is in the bouse. Other tips the police give for general day to -day protection of house and property include: - Have your locks properly mounted, of good quality and able to be dead locked. - When inspecting your home for weak points, keep in mind that burglars will use ladders, garbage pails, trellises and 10w roofs to reach windows and doors that are not readily accessible. - Your garage should be kept locked to prevent burglars from using your tools and equipment to break into your home, and to prevent thef t. - When going out for the eveming, leave lights on in one or two areas in your home and a radio playing. - Your very valuable possessions, such as ex- pensive jewellery, stocks, bonds etc. should be kept in a safety deposit box at your bank or trust com- pany. - You should keep a record of serial num- bers and identifying marks on aîl your valuables in the event they are stolen. The police say that by knowing their phone number and reporting known or suspected criminal activity burglaries will not be illiminated, but their in- cidence will be cut down drastically. The Durham Regional Police emergency nuni- ber is 579-1234. Ad- ministration is 579-1520. Kids camp bus Children wishing to attend the Parks and Recreation Depar- tment's summer camps at Iroquois Park this year need not count themselves out because they do not have a means to get to the site. The Whitby Transit systeni bas four dif- ferent routes which end up at Iroquois Park. Camp Councillors will supervise the children on each of the buses. Buses will be running before the camp starts each morning from 7 a.m. until 9:30 a.m., lunchtime from il a.m. until 2 p.m. and after camp from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. There are still openings in ail three camps: Sports (Camp (8-14 years of age>, Kin- der Camp) <3-51; years MR. BUSINESSMAN: How would you like to have 22,000 salesmen out working for you each week? YOU CAN' THE FOLLOWING AD YOUR NAME Your message YOUR ADDRESS YOUR PHONE NO. ETC. CAN BE REACHING OVER 22,000 HOUSEHOLDS EACH WEEK FOR LESSTHAN 1/3e PER HOUSEHOLD PER MONTH! INTERESTED? MARJ BURGESS at 668-6111 HWY #22 ccE -M A L_ volj zzzv- - - m- - --- - - - - JO@-.qqr -1 oendomun