WIIITBY FREE PRESS, TUESDAY J UNE 30, 198 1, PAGE 17 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Ktchens, Ceramlc Tilng, Drywaîl, Roc. Rooms, Cedar Docks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cail 668-4686 -A &R HOME -" IMPROVEMENT No Job oSma. Bathrooms, roc rooms and fenclng. For f ree estimate cal : 579-6545 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS or Straight Trucks Cali The Canadien institut* of Tructor Trailler Traînlng Ltd. 416.247.7496 1264 Wcatom Ro.d Toronto, Ontaro M6M 4R1 EstoUbisd 1971 HIGHEST PRICES PaId for GoId and Sîlver coins, oîd guns, dlocks, Jeweîery, dishes, fur- niture, crocks, oil pain- tinga and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Ciass A & D License Cal PARTICIPATION 41 6-363-8031 OutudIe luulnff Cd YTelrk» 1-800-268-9689 Da,, Eve. & Sot. courses DOG KENNELS CUSTOM DOG KENNELS FOR SALE. 576-5606 I I I SWIMMING POOL MANUFAC- TURER has 1M8 stock bolng of- fored at a fraction of rogular selllng prîco for eorly sprlng dellvery. 0,90.00 la completo prîce of pools equlpped wlth fltor, pump, motor, patio, wolk about dock & foncîng. Small deposît willI hold tIll dol ivery date. 0f fer good only white suppîy laste. Cal toit free 14O0M2685970. Toronto 1- 416-74&3340. SWIMMING POOL MANUFAC- TURER wlll lease and ImatalItnew 1981 famlly sîze pool complote wth walkway, sun dock and ton- clng, on a rentaI boots wlth option to buy. Vour choice of style. Try beforo you buyf Cell Imperlal Pool. lolf rec 1-800-288-5970. Toronto 1-416748-3340. CHESTERFIELD & Mtchtng Chair, brown volvot. DINING ROOM SUITE wth 6 chairs. Cal aller 6p.mn.86.1779. AUTOMOBILE FOIR SALEI 1968 VOLVO, 4 cylîndor, standard, 53,000 miles, rocently cortlflod, fair condition, $600 as la. Cl 666-2713 aller 6 p.m. 1975 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE, ln good condition, AM radio, 2 spores, con be certif led. Asklng $1,700. catI 6553772. 1976 MONTEGO BROUGHAM, 2 door, 351, automnatlc. cream wlth brown Interlor and vinyl roof. Low 32,000 mles. $2.500 certIf led. cal 6684863. 1981 GMC MOTOAHOME, Cour- tice, two-tono brown, loadod with extras, frldgo, stovo, tollot. Asking $23900. For Inormation caîl 725- 1585. FLOID1 W W VACATION I REWRNTLSALS CLEARWATER - Savon fumlshed mobile permanent homos, air condltioned, pools, tennis, shuf- f leboard, close 10 gul beoches and major attractions. children welcome. Catl 683-5503 or 6813- 5824. WILL BABYSIT ln my homo, Mon- day 10 Frlday during summor mon- the. $30 for 1 chlld; $45 for two. Colt 655-3858. NORTON, Ken & Wendy are thriiied to announce that Kelly Anne has a new baby brother, TIMOTHY ANDREW, weighing 7 Ibs. 6 oz. on his arrivaI JUne 24, 1981 at Oshawa General. O3ERCES CASH Turn your unwented marchandise Into cash. We handie estates, bonkruptcies and liquidations, An- tiques Dur speciolty! 21 years ex- peience daalîng in fine antiques. lurniture, glass and china. Free oppraîsals. Let us seit your mar- chandise to the highest bidder. 1614 Charea St., Whîtby 663731 Days 5798250 Evgs. Auctionser 8111 Wannamaker WHITBY FABRICS Custom Sheers And Drapes WE .,-4L-S(>DO .4LTER.4TH).S 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby OPP Pool office 668-.4821 COMPANION HOUSEKEEPER for lady ln Oshawa who la a dlabetlc. Lîvo-in, prîvoto room. Has cloaning lady wookly. $400 par month. Phono 7251074. DEIEYBOYS IWANTED.I Part time. IPhono 668-6495 AUCTION SALE FRI., JULY3 - 6P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE, 4 miles south of Port Perry on Shirley Road. Consignment sale of antiques, furniture, ap- pliances, etc. Press-back chairs, antique dressers, brass bed, wash stand, Quebec heater, hand- woven matting, Admirai dishwasher, Kenmore washer, Westinghouse fridge, Viking dryer, air conditioner, bug killer light, 3 h.p. lawn mower, new humidifier, carpets, Zenith color TV, chrome set, wardrobes, good bicycles, bunk beds, shelving and many more good items too nUmeroUs to mention. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE (416> 985-7492 It's flot work to walk. So why not walk to work?3 AUCTION SALE SAT., JU LY 4 -1 P.M. Property of JAMES FRANCIS, 21/2 miles west of Manchester or 1/ mi. east of Durham Rd. 23. Garage items, auto parts, househoîd Items. 1975 Ford Custom 1/2 ton, 1970 Nova SS, certified, Ford 820 farmn tractor with 3 pt. hitch & industrial bucket, mower, snow blade, brush hqQ, dIsos & plough too, tUrnip seeder & planter, Dodge headers, Ctimmings 350 muffler, Bostrumn truck seat, 14" & 15'" mag rims, 24' roof trusses, exhaust flex pipe, Iogging chains, 8' truck cap, work bench, 500' ext. cord, tape deck, bike, radios etc. HOUSEHOLD: 24" Viking range, Frigidaire dryer, Findîay wood stove, Hoover twin tub, dressers, bed, chester- field & chair, parlour table, 4 wooden chairs, chrome set, exerciser, milk stool, dishes, pots, pans, etc. Terms - cash or good choque. Lunch. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE (416> 985-7492 LAWN SALE - Saturday, Jufy 4 f rom10 a.m. -4 p.m.Hwy 12 1 ' miles north of Taunton. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA 1lOth Anniversar3 Contest WIN 2 FREE TICKETS TO SEE STYX IN CONCERT AT MAPLE LEAF GARDENS Just write and tell us, in 25 words or Iess, WHY YOU READ THE WHITBY FREE PRESS, and the 2 best answers wiIl win tickets for 2 (Reds) to the Styx concert, August 7, 1981 at Maple Leaf Gardens. Send your entries to "Styx Contest", Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whltby or brlng them In to our offices at 131 Brock St. N., Whit- by. They must be recelved by JuIy 31, 1981, to qualify. Wlnners wilI be notified by phone. Ail entries become the property of M.B.M. Publishing, whose decisions are final, with permission to publish un- derstood. Employees of M.B.M. Pubishing and their families are not eligible. o v rPAYROLL CLERK PAYROLL CLERK REQUIRED FOR LOCAL FOOD COMPANY. APPLICANTS SHOULD BE FAMILIAR WITH CI BC PAYROLL SERVICES. IN VIEW 0F A MAIL STRIKE, RESUM ES SHOULD BE DELIVERED TO: STOKELY VAN CAMP 0F CANADA INC. MAPLE & B ROCK WHITBY ATTN: MRS. A. TRANTOU APPLICANTS WILL BE CONTACTED TO ARRANGE FOR A PERSONAL INTERVJIEW. SCREEN & GLASS REPAIRS Whitby Aluminum Home Improvement Centre REPLACEMENT WINDOWS - DOORS - SIDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR 2 PLUS 2 PATIO DOORS 900 HOPKINS ST. UNIT 3 (AT BURNS ST.> WHITBY, ONT. 686-1853j 668-2252 il. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e s e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e s s ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your ad for errors on the first day of publication.I The Whlby Free Press wili nfot be iabte for liure 10 pubtish an ad, or for typographic or 0f ber rrors in publication boyond the coat of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the rght to ctasslty or reject att advorisomonts, Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $200M PRE-PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT: Youj may charge your Classlied Advertisement ID your Chargex or Visa Account and receivo a dscount on the price of the ad.E Please have your Visa card roady when callîng, DEADLIN ES: Dadlîno lor Emporium Ads is Frîday noon orior to publication. Deadline for Cassified Ads is Monday noon prior to publication. CALL 668-6111 1