Councl Column Agood excerise '0i g( the taxDayer which would have to be paid for in the next 10 years anyway. The rnorning session was taken up by deputations from ordlinary men and women from Brooklin who told the council of their support of the project. The participation of Bill Manning, formerly ad- ministrator of the County of Ontario, and highly respected contributor in the municipal level of government for many years, was particularly enlightening. Mr. Manning outlined growth in the area since the 1930's. He made the point that if a community fails to expand it will stagnate and atrophy. The regional councillors entered the debate following the lunch recess and each of the Whitby representatives spoke in favour of the town's position that the amendment should be adopted and the development allowed to proceed. The vote was surprisingiy strongly in favour, 19 to 9. Some residents of Whitby are concerned that this development will mean additional costs to them. I can only repeat to them the assurances of Donovan Pinker who reported to the council of Whitby in 1977 that by judicious use of lot levies, the development is within the financial capacity of the town, and we should suffer no adverse result. It might be comfor- ting to be reminded that the West Lynde develop- ment was delayed for many years because it cost around $600,000 to drain the land. Eventually the developer put up the money, and as a result we have a worthy addition to the residential facilities to our WIIITBY FREEL PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JlUNE 17,19~8 1, l'AGI' 5 overnment Town comînunity. The developer of both Brooklin and Lynde Creek is First City DevelopmentS Cor- poration Ltd. The construction season is upon us, and residents of Whitby should be prepared for some incon- venience over the next few months. Annes Street has already started and some $183,000 of road reconstruction will take place. The next projeet is road reconstruction in the Perry-Mary Street area, in the amount of about $245,000, and will be com- plete in about 10 weeks. Other road reconstruction will take place at the following locations; Stewart Street $128,000 commencing around July 20, and will take 6 weeks to complete; Mary St. East, Ash to Hickory, will cost $108,000 and Hickory northerly, will cost $50,000. These projects will start around August 17, and will take about 5 weeks to complete. Also there is Green Street reconstruction, Coîbour- ne to Gilbert, cost $97,000 starting June 1, for 5 weeks. These are projects which have been long delayed because of lack of funds and the'longer they are left the more expensive they become. Construction projects outside of the downtown area by the Town of Whitby include the following; Palmerston Ave. storm sewers, cost $50,000, commencing July 6, about 4 weeks to complete; Almond Ave. storm sewers, cost $70,000 starting July 20, will take about 5 weeks to complete. On the same date, July 20, we should start several other projects includîng CONT'D ON PG. 8 w ants help The Whitby Parks and Recreation Departmeflt is currently acceptirig applications for student help to work in the can- teens at Iroquois Park and Brooklin Memorial Arenas. Hours will vary Mon- day through Sunday. Application forms are available at either arena, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Iroquois Park Pool are also acceptiflg ap- plications for qualified Red Cross and Royal Life Saving Instructors. Application forms are available at the pool, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. By REGIONAL COUNCILLOR TOM EDWARDS Deputy Mayor 1 expeet that this issue of the Whitby Free Press will cover the Brooklin expansion pretty thoroughly s0 I do not want to duplicate information provided elsewhere. However, I want to comment that the discussion on the matter at the regional council meeting on Wednesday last, was a fascinating ex- ercise in the practice of local government. * First off, we had conflicting advice from our department heads. The planning commissioner recommended against it, because in his opinion it was premature. The commissioner of public works, and the commissioner of finance recommended j adoption by the region because the developer would be providing funds to extend services at no cost to ejR6if SrMSAEATN AVA O OZ]l W. con glue qukh a.rvlcw in.appWyng cusiom mmode.ruavampe-ai budget prie". Drop jIn and leu » a> uaun IF YOU ARE INVOLVED UN AN ACCIDENTI 1. 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