PAGE' 1 ,W-D I X JUII7, l98 I. WlIITBY FRhISE RI-SSS Free Press Emnporiu _ _ _ Emporium Ads wiII only be occepted subject to the following Conditions. I. -~ ------PLEASE READ gHOSHOLD (U P'ARTICLESI ARICLES~ FRSALE FOR SALE AIR CONÎDITiONER fo side 20" AGS COLOR PORTABLIE, ex- siing windows. Watnut wood cellent condition, $250 or beal of- aratneul 6.000 ATUs. $175. Cati fer. Cati 666-3995. Alan et 668-2401. AIR CONDITIONER, $1 50. cl08166&-1368. TRAYNOR AMPLIFIE 9853542. Used BIKE, 20" whiee condition, $35. Cati a 0931. MOTOCROSS 810V collent condition. petilion trame and mi or beat offer. Oeil 668 C.8. RADIO, Citizen base with pro-amp, 120 f t. of base co-axj antenne, $180. Cati 66 CHESS COMPUTER1 "10 Leveta" plus pi Cali 668-4670. SHOPMATE ELECT SAW, $12. Cati1728-13 LIKE NEW - Scanc rowtng exrciser, $1 0748. CEILING FAN $75. TRIO GRILL $25. Cati ACORN OLYMP FIREPLACE, heatil doors and ire grte, For more Informatit 6892. Swedlsh Steel FIREPLACE SCREEN htgh, $70. Swedtsii TANGULAR FIREPLA 38" wtde x 26" hîgi 571-3.471. One OIL FURNACI Aaking $15. Cati 668-1 BELL à HOWE CAMERA, 1 yr. otd. seli for $100. Plus Sc 666-3996. BASS GUITAR, $1:a 3542. 55 Watts Per Channi RECEIVER, 5 mo. ol Cal1l666-3995. DAVID BROWN QIN MATIC, front end m( pt. hitch. $8,000 or b 985.9066 afier 6 p.m. INDUSTRIAL STEEL Cati 985-3542. NEW CLOSET SLII fils 82" x 69". $151 dware. Room-atzed Cati 668-7281 atter 8:: ELE CTROH O ME STEREO, aotid wa with two satellite, collent condition, S. 1372. FRANKLIN-TYPE Sý used, $200.Cati,6M-4 Two 750 lb. SWAY OJ TRAILER HITCH & b boih or beat offer Ca 2î' 11 LACK ÎAWHI model. $25. Cati 86&,' 24- IBLACK & WHrt TV, $W0 Cili 578-2364 Varety of HANO TO> Jun. 10,81(M) 5,000 BTUs, Apr.1,81(B) R, $35. Cai Apr. 1,81(H) las, very good ivenInga 723- Jun.1O,81(WV) CLE, In ex- Wiih com- ag rima. $100 -9482. Jun.10.81(M) 140 channet SWR mater, and 518 weve 8I-7123. Apr.1,81(M) $300. Piays ai stai gamea. Mer,25,81 (M) Ric SABRE 348. Apr.29,81(R) dia hydrottc 60. Oeil 668- Apr.15,81(M)- Large ELEC- 723-0855. May 20,81 (M) bic 2,000 leator, glass ,asklng $450. Ion cati 728- Apr.22,81 (B) ARCHED ,41½h" x31" i Steel REC- CE SCREEN, h, $30. Oel Apr.22,81(W) E, 2 motora. -5448. Jun .3,81(F) LL MOVIE Coat $379 reen $20. Cati Mar.1 8,81(R) 25. Oeil 985- Apr. 1,81(H) ie TECHNICS )d, $450 frm. May 6,81(R) KI 5ELECT-A- ýotor, diesel, 3 est offer. Cati May 6.81(T LSHELVING. Apr.1,81(H) DING DOOR, including har- CARPET $85. :30 p.m. May 20,81 (Y) CON SOLE mlut cabinet speakers, ex- 200. Oel 66&- Apr.22.81(G) 18 Assorted TV AN TUBES, $1 each. Cati 57 TRACTOR, Ford 8N., dItton, 3 pt. hitch, n AskIng $1,696. Cai 655- CASSETTE DECK, tetefunken, cosi $510, Cati 666-3996. GENERAL ELECTRIC good condition, asktng ty Automatic IRONER FrigidaIre Heavy Duti STOVE $60. HAND M( Two ALUMINUM COM DOORS, $15 eech. Ze TABLE BLACK à WHII control, lelevision, $t good condition. Cati6 May 6,81(R) ND RADIO $79-2073. Apr.1,81<l) good con- new peint. .4995- fApr.29,81 (K) top load, 1soit $275. May 6,81(R) DRYER, In j $100. Beet- 1$75. White y 4-Burner OWER $10. WBINATION ýentth POR- rTE, remote lI , AU In i 88-2800. May 6,81(P) When the advertised Item la sotd, diaposed of, or unavaitabte for whatever reason deemed to have been aold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVEI Iitualraled beiow, regardiesa If price la tated with "besi 0f fer". If the Item la NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad witt be run for 3 MONTHS and a MIl of $3.00 wiii appty. Ail advertiaemenla must ba piaced on an exclusive basis wtth ti: PRESS and run aileasi one month if not sold. RATE$ (If article Is sold): 5% of advarlsed price up to SM00 2% of bah EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlaed for $120.00. Commission due $6:00 (minimum chi Private advertising onlyt Please noiify the Whitby Free Press immedtately when ItE we may dolte it from the fottowing issues. Att ada nol fitting the Emporiumg treaied and charged per week as regutar ciassified ada on a pre-paid basis such a wanted, ctothing, reat estate, and personal message type ada, or ada not quottng Private classified ada may appear Inthe Emporium section under appropriate headir ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEC MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whltby, LiN 551 If in doubt cati: 668-6111 ithe Item wili be RTISED PRICE aa INIMUM CHARGE ne WHITBY FREE inca over $400-00 ýarge le $300) erm la sold 80 that ldelinea wili be s: services, hetp price or quanlity. igs. CIFIED. OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whilby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE B:Y REPIRPATSREPAIR/PARTS : 3W500HEVSM B5LO-K, 4 boit main, Two SNOW TIRES, E-78-14, on Two sots 'of SWINGS 11.5-1 TRW pistons, cem, 202, Ford rima, $50. Cait 666-3968. excellent condition hoada, more. Bitta toi new. $1,000 or besi 883-647. JSED TRUCK CAP, fi box, any make truck. condition. Cai Ted ai C.AP FOR A HALF PICK-UP TRUCK, 2 ye front & aide siingm roof vent. Witt fit an up. Patd $1,350, soit 728-6700. TRUCK CAP (Expli Nindows, roof vent, IL nsuiated. Asking $37 8052. ELECTRONIO IGNIT Vega and Astre, $25. C Four Shetby atumnir MAGS with G-50-141 10 fit Chev. Coat $6 $300. Calil Paul ai 668 0642. AUTOMOTIVE FAC VICE MANUALS. Chi 1961, 1978, $10 eech. 1958, $10each. Pont 1954, $15. Toyota sel 1974 $12. Dodge Coli Cricket, 1971 thru Dodge, ail1 1970, $10.1 MOUTHChrysier 197 Oeli 655-3266. 351 CLEVELAND MI piete, from 1974 F( Automnatic transmisai $80. Cati 655-3006. FORD 390 MOT(OR & smtsston. Motor nee $30. Cati 686-2708. 1974 GRAND TORINC conditiontng rad & i. end windows, etc. Cati 655-3006. 1973 MERCURY MARý PARTS. WindahieIdý gri, fendera, rad, air unit, etc. $200. Cati 6 FACTORY CAR 198511986 Voilante 198&1969 Dodge Pl) Cati 655.3266. SET 0F 4 SUPERIOR used, ait chrome, 15' Oeli 723-9972. FOUR 14" RADIAL steel belted, reised tires. Under 10,000 nm Aakîng $200. Cati 655 Two Glass Belted Pý npike Wide Track TIF tubelesa. Almost nei $50. Cali689482. st offer. Oel Mar.18,81(J) Is regutar ' Very good 683-5358. Jun.3,81(V) TON FORD tara old wiih iindows and y Ford pick- 1$850. Caliti May 13,81(S) ýrer), atiding uggage rack, ý75. Cati 655- Jun.3,81(C) ION for '75 ail 666-3995. Mar.18,81(R) num stotted G-60-1 4 ires 30. Seul for B-8145 cor 668- Jun. 10,81 (G) TORY SER- evroiet 1955, .Bulck 1957, tac 1949 thru tlca 1971 thru It & Plymouth 1973, $10. Dodge/PLY- '7, 1978, $12. Apr.1 81(A) IOTOR, com- ýord. $150. ion for same Jun.3,81(R) krebuit tran- da oit pump. Apr.29,81 (C) 0 PARTS, air nl, rad, rear Aaktng $125. May 13,81(R) QOUIS SEDAN a, front end, conditioning 55-3006. J un. 3,81l(R) -RADIO-, S. & Dant, $30. ymouth, $35. Apr.1 .81(A) 1RIMS, nover V,$250 ftrm. Apr.8,81(S) ,S, Untroyal 1whiteleter i on ait ires. 54108, Jun.17,81(H) lotyester Tur- RES, (G78-14) ýw, with rima. Jun. 10,81(M) _______________ (C)_ $12 - soi for $ . Cai66 Twol fRr $17.RADIAL 6N6W1: TIo RES -1 mon DtoILC ratt wheoia, $110 or boat ol DR78-14 RADIAL TIREt white lettors) Fîreatone beitod lires mounted on wheols, $180 or boat ol GROO-14 FIRESTONE S! TIRES (rataed white lett betted mounted on two1 Ctasatc Mega, $225 or b, Wiit fit smait Chrysiers. tires wiit soit for $450 or b Ptease catil88-1886 bi p.m. and 10 p.m. Att tires fier. Two S (ratsed 721 steel AMC ratty fier. Two 3 RADIAL ors) ateel Koystone est 0f for. i.Att six eat off er. ,tween 2 i ko new. r.22,81(D) CHRYSLER PARTS FOR SALE 16 new TRW Liftera for big block, $70. New Clulch Drive Unit Wllh Fan $70. One New Exhaust Pipe (replaces converter) for V8 LoBaron, Cordoba, Diptomel, $45. One new Ga Tank Fitter Neck (regutar gas) for 2-door LeBaron, Cordoba, DIptomnat $18. One New Door 5kmn for 67-69 Bracuda, passenger aide, $45. One new 7 Biade Steel Fan $18. Two new Untroyal Ice RadiaIs, sîze P205/75R15, $140 for pair. Four now Michelin ZX Radiais, aize 165/705R13, $240 for sel. Four new Ratiy Wheets for Omni & Horizon, $80. Four uaod Aunger Hot Wtre Atumtnum Mag Wheets, 15" x 7", $150. One used 340 AVS Iniake Mantfoid $60. Two used 3401383 AVS Carburators, $30 oach. One uaed 69 Barecuda Nose Plae $20. One new set of RAC Guages (oit, waler, amp) $25. One used Radio for Honda wihh speaker and antennae $30. Cati 655-3266. Mar.18,81 15' SKI BOAT and Ev radio, ski trtpod, cli $2195. Phono 668-3E 5 H.P. CHRYSLER MOTOR with 5 gai. good condition. Asi 655-4245. One 4 H.P. EVINF Twin, outboard mot $375. Oeil 668-0808. 327 MOTOR $200. Ce BOYS' 3 PC. POWDI worn once, size 14. Catil 668-9420. BOYS, 3-PC. SUIT, oesa. BOYS' SHIRI ftrom 75Ç 10 $1. BOYe (approx. 6) f rom $3 tg Att reasonabiy pnic 2578. DESIGNER WEDDC size 13/14, pearta anc of lace. Asking $20U 686-3839. BABY AFGHAN, crib sîze, soitt WU green/whtte/yoitow mixture, hand ENGLISH BEO-SE1 crochetled, $20. Oelil 668-563. lwo, wooden trames Apr.22,81(M) black & gray, lwo mohairs, $280. Cati 1967 CADILLAC, 4 paint, radiai tires, pov power brakes, powe power seats, certifie $1,800 or best offer. Cî 1969 CHEVELLE MAL dr. H.T., power brai ateering, auto. on coni tape dock. As ta, $85( condition. Cati 666-251 1972 GMC VANDURA verter, ateepa 3, equipped, 6 cyt., certi, or best otter. Cati 66& 1973 MAVERICK, eutomatic, 62,000 mi., body work. Asking $7( 668-8675 afler 6:30 p.n 1974 DUSTER, aient dItIon, good moche recent ovenhaui, new1 best of fer. 0811 66818 1974 VEGA HATCHBi n fair condition and e somo work, red with 47,000 mi. (origine catiers - $450 - 723-248 GOOD SECOND CAR LTD, body and engine shape, many new parti new radiai tires, $1,40 ciosest offer. Oeil be weekdays or enytime ds 576-5447. 1975 MONTE CARL( power steering, powe original paint, radial certfied. Asking $2,5 2702. 1976 DATSU N 710, 4a mi., two new tires anc tif ted, $2,300. Oeill6M p.m. 1976 DODGE ASPE speed Imanuait. sai 20,000 original mite condition, $2.300 or Cati 668-0850. 1976 GRAN FURY I excellent condition, t and trunk. Cruise cond., tilt steerlng wi stereo, vinyl roof an Body wes reconditior ted lest yeer, no silverlred, Engine W& 2 yra. ago, Inleriori Luxury package. Sef $2,700 or beat off er, 7' 1976 MERCURY WAGON. newtiîres track. power door co diloned, tradler hilci roof rack, certif îed, A Cati 655-8052. WIt 655-8052. L Jun.3,81(C) ' IBU, 307. 2 ýkea, power isoie radio & 0 fimm. Good F 82 anytime. f Jun.10,81(G) r NVAN, con- comptetety f led. $2200 6879. Jun.10,81NK 6 cyt., needa some 100 as a. Call *n. Apr.29,81 (V) 6, fair con- nicai order, tires. $800 or t B28 eveninga. J unr.17,81 (W) 1,0K, body Is ingine needa tan intertor, al). Serious 37. Apr.1 81(W) Il - 1975 Ford t are ln good son it, brand M certitted or etween 9 & 2 i on weeken- Apr.15,81 (N) 3w 30auto., r brekes, air, tas & anows, 00. Cati 797- May 27,81(T) speed, 75.000 di anowa, cer- 8-8471 aff or 5 Apr.22,81(M) EN, 4 dr., 3 ni 6 engine, s. excellent ýr besi offer. Jun.10,811E) BROUGHAM. PS, PIB. PW controt, air heet, AMIFM id Michetins. ned and pain- ruaI, colon ks oveniiauted red broquet. noua caltera. 123-2487. Apr.1,81(W) STATION i. AMIFM. 8 cks, air cor- h. air shocks. 9 %skînç $2995. Jun.3,81(C) BUNK BEDS wit $130. Cati 576-745. Brand new BOX SPF size bed, excellent i Oei l686&8-360 or 579- 3 DRAWER DRESSE $45. a DRAWER I new, ô DRAWER i for both. Oeli 66&-391 AN'TIOUE HUTCH à 2 metchtng stde chi condition, refinishe aoiid oak, $475, Cati Soiid Pine with ROOM SUITE. Hutc chairs, 2 aide ct lecquer finish on long, oval, tlw Ji brown stain. Aakinî 723-93M. S for chttdren, n. One cool iter cosi $39 - -3995. Mar.18,81 (R) IPLIES :vinrude motor, ian and sharp. 653. M ey 6,81 (C) iOUTBOARD 1. gas tank. In iking $275. Oel May 20,81 (L) RUDE, Yacht tor, ike new, Jun.3,81(S) ýait 723-0855. May 20,81 (M) ER BLUE SUIT, -Asktng $60. May 6,81 (G) $10. WIi go IS (epprox. 6) S' SWEATERS 10 $5. Size 14. ced. Cati 728- Mar.18,81(W) )ING DRESS, id sequins, lots 0. Oell enytime May 20,81(S) TTEE, aleopa s and ermrests, Smatchtng er- 888-1896. Mer. 18,81(Bi hmaîtresses Jun.17,81(G) tINO for queen condition, $75. 1178. J un. 17,81 (G) ER, 50 yra. otd, DRESSER, like DRESSER, $85 )96. May 6,81 (R) l BUFFET plus airs, excellent id. 60 yra. otd, 66&3995. Mar.18,81 (Rt Oak DININO ch buffet. 2 arm hairs. apecisi itop. Table 6' evos, medium $ 2,800. Phono M ar. 18,81 (P) Blue Brocade CHAIR, $50. ln goôod Viking AUTOMATIC WASHER condition. Cai 576-2366. DRYER. worktng condition, $50 Apr.22,81(L) each or $75 for tho pair. Cati 655. 8ý Two Kroeier LIVII CHAIRS, tweed, beige good condition, $7 Square-type FLOOP wtndow fan, $15 oaci 4245. CHESTERFIELD & Chair, elmoat new, beige & brown, aakln 668-2999 or 725-2243. CHESTERFIELD & Be chair and rocktng chal 68-&9771, CHESTERFIELD, buL good condition, $125 4756. Smail 3-SEATER CI chair and footatoot, i ditton. Aaktng $100.1 $40. Cati 668-6533 site Medium slzed COU( new 54" MATTRESS offer. Cali 666-3995. KITCHEN TABLE Asktng $50. Oeli 579 p.m. Horizon blue wit quiited BEDSPREAC wtth metchtng drapee 84", $75. Chemi: SHEERS, 6 mo. otd, or beat of fer. Oeil 661 Westbend Tefion C, POPPER and cord, ng $15. Oeli 728-1348. Four TABLE LAMF Threo-cushton CHE $99, gold color. BED Two tivtngroom t TABLES, one se $25, Cati l668-9009. Baycrest ELECTRIC1 otd, $100. In good ci 668-6710 afier 7 p.m. GAS DRVER $55. Gc Oei 579-9371. FREEZER (hot point) suitl under werrenty, ditton, 6 mo. otd, belg Cat l668-1368. 30" VIKING STOVE,! 7658 eft1er 6 p.m. Moiftt STOVE à FRI hervest gotd, $400 668-0828. Is a Mov World! And we are herei movîng population. just moved intoaa caul the Weicome Y ess. PHONE 6-1c NG ROOM a and brown, 5 for pair. R FAN and 9 h. Oel 65U& a May 20,81(IL) Matchlng olive gray, c g $450. Cati Apr.22,81(N) d, matchIng %r, $150. Cai Mayl13,81(Z) 1 je brocade, t i. Cati 668- Jun.10,81(B) 1 -OUCH, arm n good con- EXERCYCLE r 5 p.m. Jun.10,81(G) c CH $35. Like ,$30 or best May 6,81(R) &4 chairs. 9-8808 att or 5 May 13,81(S) i baby blue i for 54" bed is, 110" wide x pagne color 4 panels, $65 8-3995. May 6,81 (R) oeted CORN iew condition, Apr.29,81 (R) S, $5 each, STERFIELD, )SOFA, $110. quere END ,other ta $45. May 27,81 (K) DRYER, 5 yrs. ,ondItion. Cati May 13,81(S) ood condition. Jun.3,81(13) )12 cublc in., ,perfect con- te cotor, $225. Mar.25,81 (B) $75. Catil 579- Jun.3,81 (P) 1DG E (1 dîo-r), for pair. Cati May 13,81 (M) , MEWA HAND KNITS, newbor Change Table $40 for al separate. Cati 668.216, TODDLER ROCKER,S 6144. STROLLER, astring $1, 6144. BABY ITEMS FOR SA Matiresa $25, Mesh i Swtng-O-Mettc $12, Ci Htgh Chair $5, Bath Ct $40, two Bottie Steriti: Gendron Strolier with boot & windbreaker $4 1419. CHANGE TABLE $30. Car Bad $10. Free-sli Jumper $15. Carrdage and Stide $40« 081 668-127. door, new oer steering, r windows, ed. Askinq rn to 2 yrs., ail or wiii seli ý4. Apr.22,81(B) $8. Cati 668 Apr.15,81(RI) 10. Cati 68 Apr.15,811R) A.LE - Crib & Ptaypen $20, ar Seat $15. hange Table zers $7 each, h delachabte go. Cali 68& Mer.25,81(T Waiker $15. anding Jolty a $40. Swing siter 5 p.m. Apr.22,81 (Di UTOMOBILESI FUR SA.ELE à - m 1 - - -,- -,- - -- -- m - May 6,81(D) SimplIIity RINGER WASHER, good condition, $90. 081 668-3885 ovefliiige. May 6,81(M) ,Zpartment sizedâ SPIN WASHER à SEPARATE DRYER, excellent condition, $125 each. Cati 666- 1368. Mer.25,81 <B) MOTORCCLSLS câu SLSRNA 1974 HONDA, 550 cc, 4 cylinder, excellent condition, 6,000 mi., ex- iras. Asking $1,000. Cati 688-1471. J un. 17,81 (M) 1974 SUZUKI, GT 380, A-1, extrea, 9,O00 mi. Asklng $650. Caill6W8- 2776 aetter 5 p.m. May 27,81(L) 1975 550 FOUR HONDA, excellent condition, Includes 10018 & rielmets, $950 or neareet offer. Phono after 6 p.m. 655-4431. Apr.8,81 <G) 1975 SUZUKI MOTORCYCLE, TM125. Aaking $325 or best 0f fer. Cati 655-4732. Jun.3,81(G) 1978 HONDA 750 SUPER SPORT, Immaculate condition, 10,000 hwy. mi., original ownor, engine la per- feci and rogulariy aervtced, orange metallic and black, crash bar and back resticarrier and cruise con- trol, new chain and Michelin rear tire, '80 plates. Serlous cailers, $1,650. Cati 723-2487. Apr.1 ,81(W) 1978 VAMAHA, 125, DTE, low mileege, A-i condition. Asking $1,000. Cati 668-3523 aff or 6 p.m. Apr.1 ,81<U) 1980 GRANDE MOPED, herdiy used, $700. Phono 655-3470 before noon or after 6 p.m. May 6,81(G) MINI-BIKE, 98 cc, automatic, no geara, $175. Caei 668-4934. Mar.25,81(L) SUZUKI 380 MOTORCYCLE, 10,000 original mil., $750. Oeil 686972. Apr.15,81(M) SUPPLIES Large siim-iine OLIVETTI OFFICE ELECTRONIO CALCULATOR with tape. ln excellent condition. Coet $299, seil $45. Cali 723-6731. Apr.8,81 (B) Sears Celebrity Power 12 ELEC- TRIC TYPEWRITER, 9 mo. oid. Paid $269, asking $200. Oeli 723- 0855. May 27,81 (M) PETS& SUPPLIES SHEEPDOO, maie, $5ff to good home, tralned, good with chiidren. Cati 68-7371. Apr.15.81(P) KITTENS, part Persian, maies& femaies, $1 each Io good homeý Cati 655-3545 at ter 5 p.m. Jun. tO,61(HI 10 GAL. AQUARIUM, pump, tiller Slight, $25. Oeli 965-3542. Apr.1,8îIHI