WI ITBY FR EE PRESS , WEDN USDAY, J UN E 10, 19Q8 1, PAG E [9 The Family Law Reform Act has now been in for- ce in Ontario for over three years, but some of its basic concepts are stil misunderstood. The most common misconception is the belief that each spouse is entitled to one-half of everything owned by the other spouse. This rule of thuxnb only applies ta the matrimonial home and other items defined as 'family assets'. It is flot always clear what is or is flot a family asset, as the definition in- cludes everyt.hing ordinarily enjoyed or used by the family. This was illustrated in one case which deait with a husband's collection of oriental (and expen- sive) rugs. The court held that those rugs on display in the family home were family assets and the wife was entitled to one-haif thieir value, but those that were stored were the husband's exclusively. It should be noted that the starting point for dividing family assets is 50-50, but in unusual circumstances a court may change these percentages. The court may award a spouse a share of non- First City to pay fuil levy Cont'd frompage 1 the pipes for a population of 25,000; - First City shall pay for local sewers and related restoration to the lot line of existing building in the hamlet; - the developer shail give the region an irrevokable letter of credit for $2.15 million that shall be indexed annually and if First City does not sign subdivision agreements within four years of getting the approval to build, the region can draw on the letter of credit to "«imprave" sewerage works and/or water supply facilities in Brooklin; - the region may require the developer ta undertake a transportation impact study on regional roads; - the region will apply for ail necessary provincial and federal government grants ta build the sewers; - First City shahl pay for any study or hearing under the Environmental Assessment Act and for "extraordinary" costs incurred by the region for Ontario Municipal Board hearings; and, - First City shall pay the fuil regional lot levy of $2,147 per dwelling unit. The last condition ensures, Aker said, that the developer will "pay llke anybody else. " However, since these conditions have been amended from the original proposal put for- ward by First City it is not known whether or not they will be acceptable ta the developer. Rumm's reaction ta the finance commit- tee's recommendations should corne to light today is the entire package concerning Brooklin is expected ta be debated at today's meeting of Durham Regional Council. Family assets hard to define, 50-50 Split does not family assets if convinced that he or she has con- tributed money or money's worth ta the acquisition of those assets. An example would be a wife helping Barry Evans part-time in her husband's business. If a spouse has spent ail of his or her timne raising a famnily and keeping the household, thereby freeing the other spouse ta build a business, then the court may award a share even though there has been na direct contribution. For those of you wha are stili living together as husband and wife,,don't make the cammon mistake of pointing out assets that are haîf yours even though in the other's namne. You are only entitled ta your share upon separation. Therefore, the Famnily Law Reform Act did not give you somnething for BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC HARWQOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074ý the Doctor Joseph 0. Ruddy General 'l ospital THE CORPORATION 0F THE DR. JOSEPH O. RUDDY GENERAL HOSPITAL ANN UAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Corporation wiII be held WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24TH commencing at 8:00 p.m. in the cafeteria af the hospital. The meeting wiII be held ta: 1. Review minutes ai previaus meeting 2. Recelve Reports 3. Appoint Auditars 4. Elect mem bers ta the Board 5. Discuss any matter raised at the meeting Copies ai the Hospital By-Laws and Financial Statements may be examlned at the office of the Secretary at any time durlng normal business hours or wiII be maîed ta members an request. By Order ai the Board, J. Kunetsky, Secretary always work nothing - a high price must be paid before you get your share. This act does not apply once your spouse has died, unless you have commenced an action bef are death. Once your spouse has passed away, your rights will be determined by other legislation governing estates and relief for dependants. The spirit of the Family Law Reform Act is ta fairly apportian assets upon separation without regard ta fault. In very exceptional circumstances, the court will take fault into account, but usually the concern is a fair distribution of wealth. Your rights and obligations upon separation are not simple. It is important ta consult a lawyer, ideally before separatian occurs. In the yellow pages you will find under the headings lawyers a list of those who have indicated family law as a preferred area of practice. In addition, the Law Society provides a referral service to refer you toaa lawyer dealing with the area of law you are concer- ned with at a nominal fee of $10 for a 30 minute in- terview. Dial 1-800-268-8470 and an interview will be arranged. Nowere! i (Nol exactiy as shownï1) SoII Pine Wall Units at Very ReasonâaWe Pricas. 13EAT SALES TAXI ORDER BEFORE THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT FROM THE BEAVERS, CUBS, SCOUTS AND VENTURERS 0F WH ITBY DISTRICT. JUNE 13TH LAST PAPER DRIVE UNTIL SEPTEMBER A AMWELCOME AWAITS YOU AT FAITH