Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 May 1981, p. 25

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WHITY FRF PRSS. ED~ AY. MAY 27. 1981 -PAGE 25~ u ME CALLtA PRFSSIONAL Froo Estimâtes '*Give Vour Fumiture a Face Lift- 600 EuclId St., Whitby CoRiî IIk rntall «B-2«2O CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEIMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, CeramiC Tiîing, Drywaîl, ReC. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Caîl 668-4686 HIGH EST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, clOCkS, lewelery, dishes, furniture, Crocks, oil, paintings and sealers. FRIEN DLV FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA TRACTOR TRAILER DAVIS AUCTION TRAINING SERVICES For Cîass A & D LiCense Ask anyone who has used Caîl our services - PARTICIPATION they're our best 416-363-8031 reCommendationi! 0.de1 0 asToi dtefr Estaee, Antiques, Ferma, 1-800-268-9689 Consignment Day, Eve. & Set. courses 728-4455 686-1551 4IZM. JnaL'dJ. gintez OPTOMETRIST PO. BOX 412 1 136 COMMERCIAL AVE. AJAX, ONTARIO LiS 3C5 A&R HOME MRN IMPROVEMENT PJSUPPLIES I No job too smaIî. Bathrooms, rec rooms& fenCing. For f ree estimate PEOP REPAIES FAST 11 VICE Cail: FIIERGLASS SUPPLIES 579-6545 OSHAWA GLASS FIBRE 341 DURHAM ST., OSHAWA RADE 579-1433 (Open Staurrlav. LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS or Straight Trucks Cal 1 The Canadian Institute of Trator Traîler Traînlng Ltd. 416-247-7496 1264 Weston Road Toronto, Ontario M6M 4R1 Eathod J DOG KENNELS CUSTOM DOG KENNELS FOR SALE. 576-5606 If you are Iooking for an exciting and chaîîenging career then: VISIT OUR MOBILE RECRUITING TEAM FROM 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. OSHAWA ARMOU RIES EVERY WEDNESDAY THERE'S NO LIFF LIKI ST THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES takefront lt, 85 I by 2W0 fi . with sand beach in Scugog Ilaind sub- division ol year-round homes Per- mita avaitabie, Phone 985-7893 or 985-3M9 or 683-1606ý ÎRACTINS Q3IEICESHL S%, ARTICLES lFOR SALE SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has 1980 stock being offerad 8f a fractiut- of regular sol ling price for early spring defivery. $1,690.00 fa complote price of poofla oqutppod wlth fiter, pump, motor, patio, walk about deck'& fonclng. Small doposif wtil hotd tilt delivery date. Offer good oniy white suppiy lasts. Cali foUi frse 1-300-208-5970. Toronto 1-416- SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER wlfl lase and Insfail now 1981 famlly sizo pool complote witth watkway, sun dock and fonclng, on a rentaf basta with option t0 buy. Vour choice of stylo. Try beforo you buyl Celliim- Perlai Pools foi f res1-6010-268-5970. Toronto 1.416-746-3340. 3 PC. BEDROOM SUITE, dark wood, sprlng & matI rosa, $100. Extra 4 DRAWER CHEST, $60. CaiI668-2360. SHINAN MOVIE CAMERA & Projector with sound. Only usod once. Muet sait. Phono 668-7210. FLIOOR ODEL TUBE RALIO, Rogers Majestic, stili in working order. Record player neods some work. Phono 668-0258 affter 6:30 p.m. Two Chippendalo Provincial Twin CHAIRS; Provincial LOVESEATIC HESTER FIELD to mat- ch. Oval Colonial Drap Leaf TABLE, nover usod. One studonts' DESK. Cati 579-119. USED TRUCK< CAP, fils rogular B' box, any mako truck, very good condition. Catil Ted et 683-5358. 24 PATIO STONES, size 24" x 30, %; each. CatI 666-2159. VANITY - 32 x 48 x 16½, 3 doors. Cati 668-7991. 1975 GIMC VANDURA, wtndow van, radial tires, customnizod, tIke new, 84,000 miles, 350 4 barrot. Asking $3000 or bostoffer. Catil 6681117 af- ter 6 p. 4m GARAGE SALES LARGE REMARRIAGE GARAGE SALE - Tfiurs., Fr1. & Sat,, May 28, 29 &30 f romn 9 ar.. t 5 p.m. Ouatity housewares and clothing. Bike, 5f ereo, exorciser, range fan, f loor polishor. 91 Apptewood Cros., Whil- by <2 bocks south oft Whitby Mail>. YARD SALE - Saturdey, May 30 f rom 9 ar. f0 4 p.m. et 101 Oueon St., Brooklin. Barbie dols and clothes, doit carniage, childas chrome sot, fur- nituro, dishes and household Items. kAY 30 lé a.. - 4 p.m., 2 Pitkington Cres., Whitby (toIt off Brock et Man- ning). Car seats, baby f urniture, toys, drapes, vacuum cloaners and more. YARD SALE.- Saturday, May 30 f rom 10 e.m. to 5 p.m. rein or shine. 319 Rosstand Road West, Whitby. Baby items, hcuusehotd gooda - somolhing for everyone. OARKING LOT MARKET at Iroquois Arena, June 20 from 10 a.m. f0 5 p.m. Booths are $12. Cati the Whitby Parka & Recreaf ion Department at 68-7765 for furthor Information. SIX REGISTIÈRED QUARTER MOR- SES for sale from $900 to $3.500. Show quaiity. Cati 683.0914. ACCOMMODAION AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 30 STARTING 11.0 A.M. Clearing estete aucf ion of antique & confemporary furnituro, glass, chine, appliances, foots, etc. The properly of the late Mldred Routley, et 47 Hobor Down Ces., Brooklin. Partial lisf Includes: Hetntzman piano ex- cellent condition); oak dresser; spool bed; old blankef boxes; 7 pc. dining room suife; 3 pc. chesferfietd suife; 3 pc. bedroom suife; J & H piaf forni rocker; rockers; pressbeck chairs; kitchen chair&; music cabinet; dressers; lezy boy chair; vartous tables; select ion of temps; otd quilî; beda; white carnivel compote;, Set- auma china; nippon; doprossion glass; lofa of other good glass & chine; pictures; fremes; smell ap- pitances; Panasonic colour T.V.; Viking f ridge nenty now); McLary stove; sfereo; Viking dryor & washor- gardon toof s; and much more. N.B. This la a good dlean sale, with evorythtng tn good condiftion. Terme cash or good choque. No resorve. Ref reshmenf s avaitable. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 965-161 AUCTION SALE SATU RDAY, MAY 30 AT 11 AM. Clering eucflion for The Piano Shop on No. 7 highway, 3 miles oasf of Brougham, 5 miles west of Brookln. Sale of 3 uprighf pianos, antiques, furniture, bric-e-brec. lncîudtng 6 Windsor chairs, maplo dining fable (6 leaves), Douifon sink, butter-nuf drop- teaf fable, oid Lionel elecfnic frein set 200 foott0fff reck, 6 engines, 30 cens, scenery. etc.), Jacques & Hayes drosser, welnuf ontrance table, 2 dressers, hump-back trunti, oit temps, Gingerbread dlock (old), 2 carved wooden Indiens (6 f. and 3 ft.), round 00k table, 2 sets of 6 pressbeck chairs, shever stand, 3 rocking chairs, oak hall stand, bras hall free, boaven seaier, mirrors, copper boiter, milk cen, piano st001, plus numerous 0f hon articles. Loaso expired. Terma cash. No reserve. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 655-4663 AUCTION SALE SATU RDAY, MAY 30 AT il AM. Af the home of Mn. & Mrs. Dennis Moore. Firat noad west of Kinsate, Vs mile south off No. 7 htghway <Bisam Rd. S.). Large country auction of f un- niture, appliances, tools, fractor, mowor, jeep, traiter and antiques. In- cluding dlning room suife, bednoomn suite, kitchen set, cotIse and end tables, desk, chairs, Oussier cup- board, rocktng chair, hait mirror, wash stand, coer cheat, buffet, f ntdge, stove, dishes, glaaaware, china, otd dlock, gandening f0015, hand foots, lawn swing, picnic fable, wheeî banrow, box traiter, Massey fracton, 59 Willls jeep wtth ptow and dump, 10 h.p. rdlng tractor, tawn mower, large snow btower for tractor, moped, pool table (completse), boat and traiter plus hundreds of usefuliItems. Bring a iawn chair and enjoy a deltghtful day n the country. Properly sotd. Lunch availabto. DAVIS AUCTION SERVICES 728-4456 AUICTION SALE SATU RDAY, MAY 30 AT 6 P.M. Af PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd. South of Port Penn. Con- signiment sale wifh Viscount fridge, Inglis heavy duty waaher, 30' Tappan range, Viking dryer, 5 pc. Spanish.- bednoom suife, pool table wîf h com- plete accessories and snooker balla, Black & Docker radial arm saw, 25 hp econd. outboard with confrots & tank, blonde bodnoom suite, Orcana organ, chesterfiolda. 2 man lenf, 9xa11 cream carpet, mapie bunk beds, dressera, high chair, good biankela, lthe, parnot cage, foots, dishes, good pota & pana, exrcise equîpmont and many more good items. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS WHITBY FABRICS Custom Sheers And Drapes WàE ALS() DO ALTERATIONS 215 Dundas St. E, Whitby OPP Pool Office 668-4821 CASH Tumn your unwanted marchandise tn- fa cash. We handle estates, bankrup- tcies and liquidations. Antiques our spocialtyl 21 years experionco dealing ln fine antiques, fumituro,. glss and china. Free appralsals. Lot us soit your merchandise f0 the htgheat btddor. 1614 Chartes St., Whlfby 66&-3731 Deys 579-250 Evenings Auctaoneer: DIII Wannsmaicsr PRIVATE NURSING available ln your home. TRAINED NURSE SPECIALIST IN PSYCHO/ GERIA TRIC CARE. Please Cali1 666-3177 BUSINESS OPRTUNITIES EARN EXTRA MONEY as e beeuty consultant. Training provtded, studonts weicome. Phono Mrs. Nadeau 686-2549. 'jeHILD CAREI SERVICES MOTHER 0F 2 WILL CARE for 1 or 2 chitdren tn my home, ages 2 and older. Gîter Creek, Phase 1. Phono 668-5066. MOTHERS SUMMER HELPERS, tîvo. n girls f rom Queboc, hetp with chitdren and housowork, success or rofund guaranteed. Caît 282-2478. 'q:RTST SEASONAL TRAILER SITES. Ait ser- vices. Noar Uxbridgo. Grang.ways Traier Partk 416-852-3260 VACATION WW RIENTSALS CLEARWATER - Seven furnished mobile homos, air conditioned, pools, tennis, shuffleboard, close f0 gutf beaches and major attractiors, children woicome. Cai 683-5503. LOST in D'Hilier Park on the long weekend RED NYLON JACKET wlf h Canadian Hockey Team crest. Sîze 12. Reward. Phone666-3418. ~7LA NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F LILLA MILDRED LIBY LEON SMITH commonîy known as MILDRED LEVON SMITH, Late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional MuniCipality of Durham, Housewife, DeCeased. TAKE NOTICE that ail creditors and others having Claims or demands agains> the estate of the said Lilla Mildred Liby Leon Smith who died on or about the 29th day o? April, 1981, are required to give (o the undernarnied (hein names, ad- dress and full partiCulars of their claim on or befo. e the 3th day of June, 1981, after which date the estate wiII be distributed having regard only to the Claims of which the Executon then has notice. Robert J. Smith, Executor CIo Schilling. Evans 121 Bock Street North P.O. Box 267 WH ITBY, Ontario Li1N 5S1 HOMEMAKERS WANTED The Whitby Red Cross requires mature, competent homemakers In the Whitby area. AIso for Ilve-in situations. Car preferred. If 1interested calI1: 668-2741 for further Information. WHITDIY RED CROSS requires bOOKKEEPER. 12 houre minimum per weelc et $588 per hour. Cal 68&2741.- ENUMERATORS NEEDED for local dirscory. 30 hours per week for ap- proxlmstely 3 weeks. Soma, evening work necesaary. Rapiy: City Dîrso- tory, rio General Detivery, Oshawa. JANITOR Mature person required. Good opportunity for semil- retlred person. 5-day week, shifts InCIuding weekends. North of Whitby. Own tran- sportation needed. Cali MATURE SALES CLERK wanted for marine sfore. Soins boating knowiodgo preforrabte. Ropty In par- son 686-1465 and ask for Tom. PART-TIME SECRETARY for Rosi Estate office In Whttby. Evenlngs and atternafo Saturdays. Cal 668-171.- EXPERIENCED STYLIST AND ASSISTANT STYLISTS. Wers iooktng for and experienced atylist and assistent styllsts for our new salon In the Oahawa Shopping Cen- fre. If you're looking for a weil mansged shop with high standards, sotid training programs and the op- portunlty for promotion, phono us for an Interview af 725-1369. TEEDES DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION DR. ROBERT THORNTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Whltby, Ontario Tenders are invited to provide a Compete janitorial service for Dr. Robert Thornton *Public School. EvidenCe of prior satisfactory ContraCt ex- perienCe is essentiai. Bld- der must be bondable. Tenders wiII be reCeived by Mr. R.J. Russell, Superin- tendent of Plant of the Durham Board of EduCat ion, 555 Rossland Road West,' Oshawa, Ontario until 4 p.m. E.D.S.T. Friday, June 12, 1981.- SpecifiCations wiII be available on or after May 27, 1981. The Iowest or any tender wilI flot neCessariîy be ac- Cepted. WIIITBY FREE PRESS. WEDb

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