%&ao -_- T_ Inside Whitby Welding Whitby Welding makes s peciïaliz ed produets Whitby Welding has a deceiving name. By the sound of it, one would not suspect that it does an inter- national trade. This international trade is conducted out of a 16-year- old, 35,000 square foot plant on Warren Road. Whitby Welding specializes in the manufac- ture of heavy equipment for the steel milI industry. The company was started by Clarence Hewson 25 years ago with an annual payroll of $3,000. Its payroll to date is $1.75 million a year. t has grown from a two- man operation to a major employer of 70 in the plant alone and has a field crew of anywhere between 10 and 125 people. Aside fromn the manufac- ture of heavy equipment, Whitby Welding also has the capability of erecting plate and structural steel buildings.' According to Hewson, their last major effort was assisting in the construction of the Lake Ontario Steel plant's expansion. Most of Hewson's business is conducted out of the coun- try with his major customers located primarily in the United States, the United Kingdom and Ireland. In fact, Jim Gartshore, a former mayor of Whitby and Hewson's right hand man is fond of telling the story of how Hewson once boarded a Concorde in New York one afternoon, flew to London to sign a deal that night and return by Concorde the very next morning. The company's products include such things as tran- sfer carniages, reheat fur- races, discharge conveyors, wldes (for pouring molten steel, flot hot soup) and pollution control systems. Whitby Welding, it is said, can handie almost any job that cornes along, fromn the one that takes five hours to the one that takes 10,000 hours. While business is good, Hewson does not anticipate undertaking any expansion in the near future. "We have just completed a fairly significant expan- sion," he said, adding that it is probable that "staff will be increasing." Whitby Welding is one in- dustry that is taking this town out into the world for the benefit of al] of us. PROcJRESS EDITI ON. WiliITBY FREE: PRE:SS, WEDI)LSI)AY, MIAY (, 198 1, PAGE') PWg4IM...Fi fr>a BETTErbwv What make a community great? Businesses, large and small, the commerce and industry of its people f ulf illing and providing for each other. We're happy to be a part of that interaction. 113 Warren Whitby Welding Ltd. Whitby 668-88351 The world is our workshop, but Whitby is our home! Yolrî itinw lti\ ti!rxnu r \l d o ' bu îlt \ru IýIhIkiw ui riu -r i d i M iar Mi 1 as a CI TO) lrr ut L i2.Iiuringi2ad) sirîcu, 19t)8 la c uci l d ui2rii i lw t, l r ) SI i\ a r Il l d Steelrni il - ls lr ur I air di.t- tri\t~ Ii u\ luas Miciganîr, Gruat lil rînîIl anid Ini \ Ill Lue lsut jilarit Iîcr c 1' t(nîl tit a ir uIt rst sicsti us uruIiualst i( tlud I tai'tl ,tcci m sInul1- i ci ar trs ttf( i al.u d tilt 1. ,-% M li .l , < uiliiv ,spaiii. tilt M\lilc rrîl 1't r 'st. ' lrî l l ilr i ii t it, li ru lilic c t \\ w,1r iîi\u pr( ý rsiur(t ais VCIit'S. 9m 1 i10 0t li il i- itccl .