PAGE 4,WEDNES1)AY. MAY 6, 1981, PROGRESS EDITION,WIIITBY FEE PRESS The Corporation of the Town of Whitby *The Fastest growing Municipality in Durham Region *400 Acres of FulIy Serviced Industrial Land *Just 22 minutes East of Yonge Street WHITBY m We Mean Business THE whitbv maill&Lang tower IS PROUD TO BE, shopping Centue Office Complex A PART OF THEPG ROWTH OF WH ITBY Anthony Lang Presldent ~AMrKA A word jr()nl 1/thej)Prej4der "Tfhe WJ/iitbv [4vfail Shopping Centre arid Latig 'Ioiver Office Corpiex serî'ing t/he Dur/ham Region alnd îîîîvis plea.sed 1<> announce ifs second( exparîsiol f)r<gr(Ini. lJe noir have more f/îati 40 stores in a (om 1fort a ie clan (11f> con frolied 5/opp îng ni al il/i auItra nioderî cerporafe offices aril profession ai suites. We (are (1014' adding more, retail.faedIlties. riodrnîzînig oad enlarging Miracle Food Mart, ami for vour eniterfoîrnnert. creati. ing fel4 inerns ito f'ulfili l i eeds of*f/he cornmurîît.. A ,'erv large Woolco I)epartmevrit Store is also iocaîed iM t/e JJ/it)v :Mail ai lias b((IwceOie e of tIe flag s/lips of t/le Wooico i)epartnmiri tStores. Tlhere are fine [uni i*v restaurantsit ii t/w W/IleNial flo ple<ise vour appel île i- <-li(lilng (a ieill'v biîii 1'cI)onaids arnd bY f/le îcaY thire is a hranid newIuuqior sitore iiif/he mail. The neiv Liag Ioîîer ,,c ï.e oli. (lace o t/leMai/s red desigiated a floor for docors laîc.vers, and ot/îer Professions to (,ler to tlle rîeig/î bor/îood uîee<ls. 'I'/ere is aiî4'os anmple parking. Pleaise pa ls a<iilî. Lang Tower Office Comnplex whitby mal lshoppling centie THICKSON R[D.& HWY 02.WHITBY. ONTARIO Fofr rvilia i nfoirmîationiicIl: (416) 579-2515 TELEX TIJE WTBY nIAL 06-981462 POSTAL ADDRESS: 1615 DUN OAS ST. EAST WHITBY, ONT. LiN 2L1 CANADA 1~.*. 't..* a' WHITBY MALL 7-j7