PAGFI-'(i, Wl- lI)NI -Sl).\\. AlPRII-22. l'» -)S I[~ F1FPRE SS Majo atms0lirinaed by Petawawa team51 MaMelong shared the goalten- The Whitby major atoms found out what losing was like when Petawawa eliminated the locals (rom further competition at the Kanat.a Tournament. WAS NOW ONLY SHOP AT THE BIG LOT AND SAVE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA 725-6501 Sean Whitehead scored the only goal in the 5-1 loss against Petawawa, Scott Luik assisted. In their first two games they were more successful as Kanata fell 4-2 and Pem- broke tied 1-1. Justin Moore scored two and Troy McKay assisted. Also Jay Summers potted the game's first goal with Scott Luik assisting. Jaan Luik broke a 2-2 tie against Kanata as he scored the winner on a penalty shot. Steve Everaîl scored against Pembroke and Scott Luik earned his third assist of the tournament. Trevor Anyon and Greg ding duties for Whitby. The team wishes to thank the Wintario corporation r In their last precision skating competition of the season the Whitby Figure Skating Club placed well this past weekend in the "Make It A Date To Skate" com- petition held in North Bay. The Ice Crystals placed second in the junior division, earning them a silver medal while the Ire Angels-picked their financial assistance tus this tournament that was provided in the form of a transportation grant. up a bronze in the novice division. Pania Ninaces and Alan Crawford won a bronze medal in the preliminary dance competition. A silver medal went to WFSC skater Scott O'Neil for his performance in the novice mens division. FREE PRESSE -MPORIUM HOHUSEOLD OVAL KITCHEN TABLE & leal, 50. Cal> 688-0170. Feb 1 1,81(B) TWO SMALL TABLES, $35. Cal> 683-6638. Apr.8,8 1(S) ONE PAIR PALE GREEN DRAPES & Thermal Lînng, 150" x 95-, $50. Cal> 668-4686 Mer. 25.811F) ONE PAIR BROWN DRAPES Ther. mal Lnng, 150" x 95, $50. Cal> 668- 4686 Mar.25,81(F) LIVINGROOM DRAPES. floor length, double lhickness, gold, $400 new, 4 years old, excellent condition, lus> cleaned, $150lirm. Cal> 6662794. Feb.11,8118) TWO ELEGANT LAMPS, gold bases, black sîreer pleated shades wîlh gold lining, $60 Cal 6682320 aller 6 p.m Mer 18,81(C) ONE RUG. red, 8 x 12, $50 Cali aller 5 p m.666-2098 Feb. 18,81 (A) SHOWER CURTAIN, $10 Cal> 571, 0271 Feb 25.81(K) CASCADE 40 ELECTRIC WATER, HEATER, 5 years old. asking $50 ANTHES 011 BURNING FURNACE arllr extra 2 speed mutur & power humidifier. asking $200 200 GALLON OtL TANK, wrît aPý proxtmalely 40 gai or>. askrng $50 Cal> aller 5 p m 6684326 Jlan 28,81 ELECTRIC CAN OPENER, $5 Cal> 571-0271 Feb 25,81(K) ELECTRIC COFFEEPOT, $10 Cali 571-0271 Feb 25>81(K) SLOW COOKER.S20 Cai 571-0211 Feb 25,81(K) ELECTRIC GRILL. $25 Cali 571-0271 Feb 25,81(K) FRIDGE, S10 Cali 6686144 Apr 22.81(R) FREEZER (mot point). 12 cubrc ' cries, stiîunder *arrantv opefect condition, 6 montris ord, berge cotor, $225 Cali 6661368 HARDWICK GAS RANGE in good condition, $150, Cal 668 1504 aller -4:30. Mar.4,81(A) GAS STOVE WITH ROTISSERIE, 59" hîgh s 30" cîde, $200 or beat olter. Cal> 723-2005. Mar. 11,81 (K) GENERAL ELECTRIC STOVE, white, excellent condition, $150. Cal 579.8915ý Fob.25,81(W) 30" ELECTRIÇ STOVE, good con- dition, $65. Cal> 668-8972. Apr.22,81(H) VIKING STOVE, 24, (ike new, $135 Cal> aller 5 668-3738. Apr 1,81(N) WHITE 2 BURNER TABLE-TOP STOVE, one cuntrol for both burners, good shape, working, $15 Cal> 579- 2073, Feb. 18,81(T) ELECTRIC STOVE. antique gold, $200. Calil666-2927 A pr 15,8 1(W) PORTABLE DISHWASHER, antique gold, $200, Cal> 666-2927 Apr 15,81(W) SIMPLICITY WASHERISPIN DRYER. excellent condition, $100 Cali 668-2164ý Aor 22.81>8) APARIMENT SIZED SPIN WASHER & SEPARATE DRYER. excellent con dîtion.$l25each Call666 1368 Mar.25,811B1 WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC WASHER, in good conditio,r $225 Cal>l 623-1534 Feb 2581(c-) WRINGER WASHER. gond condition, greet tor cottage, $20 Cili 655-3575 Api 22.811F) ONE ANTIQUE RINGER WASHING MACHINE, 1 COPPER TUB & WOOOEN WASH STAND $100 fur both or besI oller Cal> 666 1598 Feb Il 811(G) FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR, 13 5 cubîc inctreb $100 STOVE, $75 tr good condition Caii 576-2366 Apr 22,81(L) LARGE SLIM.LINE OLIVEtTI OFFICE ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR wîth tape. in excellent condition, cosi $299, seil $90. Cal> 723-6731. Apr.8,81181 TWO STENO SWIVEL CHAIRS, $50. Cal> aller 5 668-3738. Apr. 1,81l(n) ONE DRAWER FIREPROOF FILE. legel size, $165. Cal> alter 5 668-3738 A pr. 1,81 (N) TWO INSULATED OFFICE ROOM DIVIDERS on stands, 5' x 6% asking $20 each Cal> 668-6144. Apr.15,81(R) UNDERWOOD MANUAL TIW, rebut. $69. Cal> aller 5 668-3738. Apr 1,81(N) SHEEPDOG- maie, $50 ta good home, lraîned, good with chidren Cali 668-7371 Apr 15,81) 8 MONTH OLD MALE SHELTY (Shralend Sheep Dog), house lraîned, very quiet, papers, excellent dog for showîng, $200. have seen for $400 CalI 666-1576 aller 6p.m. Feb 18,81(R) ST. BERNARD, $10 lu good hume Goo wth chidren Phone 725-8370 Mer 4,81(H) 10 GAL. AQUARIUM, pump, tiller& ighl. $25 Cal> 985-3542 Apr 1,81(H) 75 GAL, FISH TANK wîlh stand. silent giant pump. healer. undergravel lîlter. $300 Cal> 668-0748 Apr 15,81(M) 30 GAL. ALL GLASS FISH TANK wîtrr bîack wroughlt on stand. power flîler. Hus I lii pump. undergravel tiller, healer. etc $150 Cal> 579-2073 Apr 1.81(T) TWU 5 GAL. FISH TANKS, $ 5 each Gael 5792073 Apr 1.81(T) THREE SHOW JARS. $1 50 eech Cal> 579-2073 Apr 1.81(T) TWO BICYCLES: mens $65, boys' $25. Call 683-6638. Apr.8,81(S) BOYS HIGH RISE BIKE, suitable tor boy 6.8 years old. Askîng $25. Cal> 668-6144. Apr. 15,81(R) TODDLER TRICYCLE. asking $12. Cal> 668-6144. Apr. 15,81) R> BEGINNERS GOLF BAG & CART, $25. n good condition. Cal> 576-2366. Apr.22,811(L) TWO GOLF BAGS. One Ladies, Green, une Mens, McGregor. Brown, excellent condition, Askîng $25 each or any reasonable olter Cali 655- 4017 Mar,25.81(M) ONE SET 0F HOCKEY EOUIPMENT, man's medîum,ý skates. pads. gloves, sticks, etc.. $100 Cal> 666-2935 alter 5Sp.m Feb. 1181(A) TWO LACROSSE STICKS, une senior. une junior, $10 each Cali 666-2935 allerS p.m Feb.1 1,81(A) LADIES RIDING BOOTS. srize 6,/?. $15 Cal 668-6185 Apr 1.81>6> LADIES RIDING BREECHES, sîze 9- 10,$10 Call668-6185 Apr 1,81(B1 .303 LEE ENFIELD RIFLE. sportîng mode>. $45 Cal> 668-3885 evenings Apr .8li1Ml LADIES FIGURE SKATES. sizes 5' & 6. $8a pair Caîl 668-0170 Feb 11.81(8) ONE PAIR 0F SKI POLES. alurriirum, for person 5' 8- lu 5' il" $10 Cal> 666-2935 aliter 5Sp m Feb 11.81(A) 1972 SNOW PRINCE. excellent con dîtion. $250 orfriest uller Cali 668-8090 Mer tl.8liCi 74 SKI-DOO ".0 Fan Engîne. new engîne. lest season j50 miles) Plus DOUBLE BED TRAILER (ries wood sîdes & ends) New tires with plates $800Cait668-2129 Feb 18,81 £~BOATS & SUPPLIS ONE 12 FOOT ALUMINUM CAR TOP BOAT, heavy duly, with 31/2 HP motor, $600. Cal> 666-2935 atter 5 p.m. Feb.11,81(A) MINI-BIKE, 98 cc, aulomatic, no girars, $1 75. Phone 668-4934. Mar.25,81(Li SUZUKI 380 MOTORCYCLE, 10,000 original miles, $750. CalII668-6972. Apt. 15.81l(Mi 1975 Î50 FOUR HONDA, excellent condition, inclues bools & helmels, $950 or nearesl otler. Phone aller 6 p.m. 655-4431. Apr.8,81 (Gi 1976 HONDA 750 SUPER SPORT, immaculate condition. 10,000 hwy, miles, original owner, engîne ix per- tect and reguiarly serviced, orange metalic and black, crash bar and back resticerrier and croise contro>, new chain and Mchelin rear lire, '80 plates. Serious cailers, $1.650. Cal> 723-2487. Apr 1,81(W) 1978 YAMAHA, 125, DTE. 0ow mleage. A-i condiion. Askîng $1,000. Cal> 668-3523 aller 6 pmý Apr,1.81(U) G TRAI1L E R S 1980 MASTERCOACH TRAILER, 33 fil wîlh 2 tip outs, 2-wey lrîdge & stuve wîth see-lhrough oven. double sink. 21 It awnînig, oak doors. TV anitenne. sleeps 6. t bedroom. 3-piece washroom. asking $14.000 Cal> 683-4457, Aax Apr 22,81(R) 4 x 8 BOX TRAILER. 14' wheeis Asking $225 Cali 668-6144 Apit 158lîRl FLATBED TRAILER wîttî dual acres, 20 ring, suis any purpose trom hauling sud lu caltie, $3.000 Cal> 668 9656 Mer 4.81(0) SOFT TOPPED TENT TRAILER tfo sale Sieeps 4. new canvss. newc tires. used xery litte $450 Cati 668-0245 Apt 8.811R) (~TRUCKSI (DFOR SALE 1974 FORD F-100 PICK UP, very good shape, certified. Will take best offer over $900. Cail 655-3527 aller 5 p.m. Feb.4,81(S) 1979 FORD HALF TON, super cab, 351 motor, 150 Explorer, low inileage, power steering, power brakes, stereo, sliding windows, tilt steering, cruise conitrol, tactory air, fold dlown seats. tinîed windows, heevy duty suspen- sion, trailer package, Ziebarted, Per- mashire, Ford cap with ail stiding windows, equipped for camping and much more. Paid $13,500, asking $8.400 cerlified. Must seli. Cati 728-6700. A pr. 15,81 (S) NEW 1H TOWN? LET US PUT OUI THE MAT FOR YOU! OIOME WI 668-9168 Poe OR Poo-579-7521 - WFC place well PRESENTS SPECIAL 0F THE WEEK 1979 PONTIAC CATALINA 9 PASSENGER, STATION WAGON, AIR CONDITION ING, LIC. OMJ 726 s-61aq " $5,8 95.00 Mat 25.8118 ___________________ -- 4p ,(Dr