PAGF-22).Wl. IItNl2.SDfAY A PR Il 2I ')s1Wl Il TRV'FREEF PRESS CONSUMER BEAT Tune your car into spring, The inevitable spring fever has already struck many a motorist's heart. There's nothing like planning simnmer Give a UNICEF gift to a friend and help a child. UNICEF dloesn t just make holiday cards UNICEF also offers a slriking array of ail- occasion cards by arlists from ail over the world. and a handsome line of statio- nery ensembles Please yourselt. please a lriend. and help a child Buy a UNICEF gitat oday For a free Doflure cail til f1ree anýtime 1-800-268-6362 Ask for operator 508 unielf notoring antd înonths of ontdoor enjonrent in these last few blustery eays hefore the grass turns green. After months of ive and snnwslush and sait- vînîr var may need a gond spning ini- ,speetion to continue Lu gve you gond serice in the warni weather ahead. A4 variety of sprint! tulle-up speciais wili monu 1)e sprout- ing froua rxany garages and repair oititets. While these service s pecials are tistîailv a gond dear l mtorists ruîust m>Lt forget that stick a tune-up ahîne is flot suffiient t( 1pre- pare a car for heavy summier driving. -After aIl. mnanv mot- oniss will add a femw thmotsaiid mtiles to their c-arsi- tw> nI<w anl(] next fail. Servive specials offered liv sorte repair motiteLststiallV fonts on onie problein area 0u11%. The t raditional spring tutne-up~ sperials. for ex- amp le. are eo ncerned miai nlv with gettiîg dte engine into top o peratîflg t<iiiiti ni. Bsifvoit want to purge the ymnîr var. voit cannot neglect other areas suîcli as the cool- ing svstemi. the blrakes. steer- ing. tires, ani so on. After reglîlar winter driving, it is jîartîcularly importiant to give vour car aci impillete ceck- o ver. Ge ocra I (Ci nsul t vN <<tirwiiîcr*.soman- ual for dite frequengcN <if. nil chianges anmd rejlaveceit <4l oiii filters. Bejîlavc % i i ! 1r <il itî a stinimier grade vititîlti- e RICHARD'S FURNITURE REFUNISHINO * Free Estimates * "Give Your Fumture a Face Lft" 600 Euclid St., Whltby Cali Rlck F*or.stal 666-2992 e s e e e e e e e e e e e' grade <il. As <il is vcînsiulered to lie the life l<hî<d 'of vutr Vmîgie. it is iiîpuîrtani tui keeji vutr car îîropîerly ltîlîncated. AHl fltiîd levels anîd changes- muîst cuîmfiîrini the nianti- faturers sjîecifirations: the auitu mat ic tranîsmission iflîîid, the- briakvflitit he U aster Sli ituer. andI thle tiiffereît ial l1Gii<. li( c i i% ' n% tires.I sit and1 jri<1îîrIy imflaie stimimer tires. int-Ic tLîug s1îare. lieU îrt r< tatinîg andtulmutoîitiffng tiinî. I miproper tire jpressturetvain ilecrease tire lifv anumi mireasv fuel vnmîstimjtionî. (:Iet-k the steering mîevh- anisîi and wheel aligutîtent: have the wheels lîalaiiced and aI igted, i f flecssarv. Inlspeet andt atdjntdit, Icrake-s: chîeck dnunis. lîrtaigandt he extermial brake lhues. Chevk dt, e\exiatnst svstt'ni perinicalvy for cracks and rust. ThIe mwîndshielîl wiîîers mîight need re1lacing after lhitvy ~witer tise. Niake suîre aIl lighits are uperating lruhî- eri.% Iîcad. tai I. signal. hrake. latk-utî. livnvîe plate. Is the hîtrmi a relialv liker? Last but flot least., cleami the nuttst<e and the imside of the car. (;fet rid of ail butild-uip of mîtuit, sai, an(] juist plain crîist- ed-uîn dirt. The cai-pet under the ruhber inais itîside the car shouild I)e rhorouightv dry tut lirevnuit ruîst froni cating UnIes into the floor l<low the car- pet. ( IVe the itiside oif the cair a go' «<1vaciuuitîtleanîing anid '4isli. 111<>car P<o<i<)Iv lbook is atvailabhle fret- brouit ENER- SAVE,.~ 588 Buiotil St., ( )ttawa, (bt..: calI (61I3) 995-18)1. BREAK AWAY TO FUN IN THE SUN! THEN BRING- YOUR FILMS TO M.B.M, FOR QUALITY RESULTS <Q4s t-f The warm weaîher is arriving, and that means famil 'y gel- logez bers. barbecues, long u'eekends and vacations! You,ll u'ant to record these treasured k -- 1~~ M.B.M. ;~: ..11 nmom>rents on filmi, and here at NLB.M. ive offervou qualitiv Ben- jamin photo finishting to give you thew hesi resulîs jpossible! BENJAMIN B]FILM LABORATOItIES LTD -Ph ot ogruphy If li a1>. 668-111 1975 MAVERICK194NV S 6 cylinder, automatic, only P/S, P/B3, only 57,000 49,000 miles. Lic. KOF 764. miles. Lic. NJT 727. Certif led Sale Price Certif led Sale Price $2195 $2295 1971 NOVA RALLY 1976 FORD SPORT PICK UP 2 door, 6 cyl., PIS, P/B3, 302, V8, good dependable automatic, original truck. Lic. EW8 451. paint. Lic. AMY 805. Certif led Sale Price Certif led Sale Price $2695 $995 1973 CUTLASS 1972 PLYMOUTH SUPREME CRICKET 2 door, 350, V8, automatic, 4 door, 4 cylI., buoket seats, console, automatic, AM radio, AM/FM cassette. power 4,0 rgnlmls steering, power brakes. Lic. Lic.0Porign51 mies ROZ 193. i.P S53 Certif led Sale Price Certif led Sale Price $ 2;395 $1395 BRADLEY MOTORS 841 DUNDAS STREET WEST WH ITBY.668-1542 WeII, right now you'oe looking at $21280. Do you want me to cati the boys off and risk certain disaster, or may they resume tinkering?" tri, '41111 'til.. ý' fil.