Wl ITL3Y FREE, l>R[SS, WihL)NI-SI)AY., APRI L 15, 11)8 I1, PAGE 1I() One A Penny, Two A Penny Hot Cro.s Buns The sweet spicy Hot Cross Buns we now associate with the Lenten scason actuaiiy evolved from ancient "rnoon buns". The cross, re- presenting the four quart- ers of the moon was originaily used ta decorate buns which were sacred ta the Gods. Egyptions offered them as sacrifies ta their goddesses, beiieving that the cross had magical powers. The Erîglish adopted Hot Cross Buns for Good Fridav and Easter Sunday in the early days of Christianity Keen competition amouîg English bakers resuited in the buns we knaw today. imagine enjaying the mouth-watering aroma of freshîy baked Hot Cross Buns - nicely spiced and generous with fruit. Robin Hood Multifoods makes it extremeiy easy for you by starting with a package of their Bread and Rail Mix. Most of the ingredients have been premeasured s0 you not oniy save time but also have littie chance for error. A few simple additions and you're well on the way ta c reating this deliciaus ever-loved Easter treat. We're convinced you'ii be deiighted with the resuits 50 we've inciuded a variation for Fruit Loaf which will enabie you to mnake this delicious bread ail year ron.Hot Cross Buns 1 pkg. ROBIN -,HOOD Bread and Roli.Mixv 3-11'4 cup.s warn wa*'er 2 eggs, heawen 1/4 cup sugar 1Itbsp. cinnarnon 1 (Sp. c/oves 11/2 sp. nutrneg 2 cups currarns or raisins 1/2 cup cuz mixedpeel 1 egg yolk beaten wîth 1J bsp. waer Dissolve yeast as directed r I I I I I I I I I I on- Bread and Roll Mix package except use oniy 3- 1/4 cups warm water. Stîr eggs, sugar. spices, raisins and peel into dissolved yeast. Add Bread Mix and procèed as directed on - package. (Riîng time - about l- 1/2 - 2 hours) Punch down and divîde into 3 equai portions. Use each portion ta prepare 1 dozen buns. Divide each portion into 12 equal pieces. Shape each piece into a smooth bail. Place 1- 1/2" apart on greased baking sheets. Flatten balîs siightiy. Caver ,, with greased waxed paper and let rise until doubled in / bulk. (about i hour)- Brush each bun with egg yolk mixture. Bake at 375'F for 18-25 minutes, or until golden bro wn. Cool, then make a cross on top of each bun with vanilla icing. Makes 3 dozen buns. % RICHARD'S 'Give Your Fumiture a Face Litt" 600 Euclid St., Whitby DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-7797 Hours: Mon. - Sat. & Evenings By Appointment Only across f rom Beer Store) Grow the best Iawn in your neighbourhood. SeuIEeN Premuum 21 Ali Canadian. A great Canadian fertilizer. Produces thick. green, heaithy grass. Contains Iron for extra deep green coiour, -7-7 Use throughout the scason 10 produce the best Iooking lawn n your neighbourhood. A speciai blend for Canadian tawns. Resuits guaranteed or your money Available in 20kg and 10kg bags. -I I I I I I I I I I I Open 7ldays aweek. ~ 1(&I L~ 4.II.*lî- rA>m A.1-(1Tdfman The second instalment of taxes for 1981 ls due and payable April 23, 1981. If payment is flot received by the due date, penalty at the rate of 11/4 % per mont h will be charged on the overdue balance. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby Bank wthout bank collec- tion charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Gail Empey, Tax Collector, Town of Whitby. EASTER TI DE AT ST. JOH N'S (the Port Whjitby Church) Visitors Welcome Maundy Thursday 7:30 p.m. - The Lord's Supper à Good Friday 12 -3 p.m. Three Hour Service (with opporiunity ta corne or go every 20 mina. Famiiy Portion 2:20> Easter Day 9IDr..Baptiism & Hoiy communion il &.m. Hoiy Communion "The truth is that Christ has been raised f rom death" Fnin îthe hýsun. When the top's down your Rabbit Convertible becomes > on open chariot under ..... ...surnmer skies. And the confident hondling of front-wheel drive and *.*. ..*...**.*.**.***.*independent suspen- .........sion odds to the wonderful feeling of fun and freedom. Warm in osom When the top is up, you are stili safe, dry and worm The top is five layer s thick, corniple h 1, Neathet-r o i 00 od snucjly supportr b b r n inrtegr oted roll1 bur Cnvertible C IDon't settie for less QWASCO VOLKSWAGEN LTD.A# 1S 425 DUNDAS ST. E. tobflo WHITOY 668-933 UNI361-1128 3 sources of Nitrogen for a complete teedîng; Rundie GARDEN CENTRE LTD. lois King Street East, Oshawa. Telephone 725-6551J 1 683-19 Ji