WVIITBY iRLF PLS V-N'iA iRi ,I9l.PG Region must synchronize Iights.... N egle( By MICHlAEL KNEI. Free JPress Staff Not only fuel but lives could be saved if the Region of Durham synchronized its traffic lights. That is the opinion of WhitIby Regional Councillor Tom Edwards who made the remark in response to a regional public works depar- tment report on the use of flashing traffic ights at night. The report, which was submitted to regional coun- cil iast week, said that the use of flashing amber and red traffic lights at night af- ter midnight or 2 amn. creates maximum efficien- cy while giving the Fairview t of traffie liglits could cost lives minimum amount of delay and hazard. However, Edwards' viewpoint is different. I think these flashing araber lights and red ights are a hazard," he said ad- ding, -I don't agree that they sa ve fuel. " The way to save fuel is to synchronize the traffie signaIs Edwards said defyîng anybne to drive at the speed limit on Brock Street and meet a green light every time. "If they're synchronized, the synchronîzation is to stop you at every traffie light," he dlaims. 'Let them synchronize the traffic lights in the Town of Whitby and Lodge to get new wing soon Construction of a new wing on Fairview Lodge should be started by July or August of this year, accor- ding to Doug Johns, regional commissioner of social ser- vices. Johns said that, while ten- tative architectural plans have been drawn for the project, regional officiais have stili not been told if the province will release funds for a new wing that will in- clude extra beds for nursing home residents. Renovations to Fairview Lodge are now under way and include improvements to sanitary facilities in the nursing home. As it now stands the new wîng is being built only to replace beds lost when renovations to the interior are completed. Renovations and the new wing are expected to cost $2.3 million. Johns said that, meeting to discuss whether the new wing wîll house additional beds has been planned for later on this month. A provincial poiicy in for- ce earlier this year said the government, which provides 50 per cent of the money for most capital projects on nursing homes, would not release funds for expansion projects. Previous to the March 19 provincial eler- ions Keith Worton, the minister of community and social services, announced that the freeze on capital ex- pansion projects had ended. The minister said that the province would provide $20 million to help pay for up Lo $40 million in capital expan- sion. Regional Councillor John DeHart (Oshawa), chair- man of the regional social services committee, said that Pairview is a priority for the government and, therefore, he feit confident they would release the money to increase the capacity of Fairview by 25 beds. Regional officiais are hopeful that the government w,,il11 release the funds because a waiting list of more than 400 names for a number of months exist of people wishing to enter regional nursing homes. A consultant's study recommended that $2 million worth of renovations be done to Fairview Lodge foliowing a salmonella out- break which claîmed the lives of two of the 200 residents in 1979, The study recommended that more washrooms and sinks be added to increase iodge. In addition to new sewage pipes and a newly instailed dining room floor, about $70,000 worth of fire preven- tion items wiil be installed. Installation of new washrooms will take up space now occupied by nur- sing care beds. the Region of Durham going east and west and north and south." As an example of a syn- chronized traffic system, Edwards points to that of the City of Hamilton saying that a driver can traverse the en- tire breadth of the city without having to stop if he is travelling at the speed limit. One of the problems with the flashing light system, he said, is that people don't un- derstand how Lo use it and that generally people won't stop at a flashing red. In Whitby the intersec- tions at Brock and Mary Streets; Brock and Dundas Streets; Dundas and Jeffrey Streets; Dundas and Cochrane Streets; Victoria and Brock Streets and Thickson and Rossland Roads operate on a flashing light system between 12 midnight and 6 ar. "I don't agree that the smali amount of fuel savings is worth the hazard that those flashing lights in- troduce," Edwards said claiming that the hazard is due to the fact that drivers aren't as defensive during these hours as they are during the day. Edwards said that the region has recently installed a $300,000 traffic computer in the Durham Regional Police Force's Oshawa headquarters but dlaims that it isn'L working properly. 'LeL's make that thing work for the benefit of ahl of us," he said. "What good is a $300,000 piece of equip- ment that makes you stop at every traffic light?" Whitby's other regional councillor, Gerry Emm, chairman of the regional public works committee which is responsible for the traffîc iights, agrees with the need for syn- chronization. However, Emm is con- fident that the computer will have ail of the traffic iights on the heavy traffic corridor in Oshawa and Whitby syn- chronized by next year. Emm admitted that the computer isn't "100 per cent operational" and attributed this to the fact that ail of the equipment has yet to be in- stalled. "There is a lot of work in- volved in getting the systemn working," Emn- said adding THE -1ýhALIaPE CNTE OSHAWA 140 Simcoe Street South Ijust south of John) 579-1655 lJust1 AJAX 1313 Harwood Ave. North N of Hwy 401 & Pennyworthsl 686-0719 SCARBOROUG H 553 Markhamn Road tJust South of Lawrence) 431 -4458 that the present regional ar- terial roads can handie more raffic "if there's an even flow.", The systemn will "try to keep the traffic moving. " 'However, it wiil be sonietime next year before the synchronization is com- piete. " RICHARDS FURNITURE REFINISHING e - ~Free Estlmates * . Gîve Your Fumfture a Face LiWf' * 600 EucUd St., Whltby * CailiRlck rorestal 666-2992 Tiiil COR>OKA] '11 '1'I()\V N (QI- Il- oiN o i1ll1 PUBLIC NOTICE \NNING 'ARTIMIST' RE: DUNDASITHICKSON SUB-CENTRAL AREA STUDY JL H H1w7 ILC -ýi , \ 'i 1114 DATE: WedneSday, April 15, 1981 TlIME: 8:00 P.M. PLACE: Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. A planning sludy of the Sub-Central Area in the vicinity of the Dundas Street/Thickson Road intersection is being carried out by the Town of Whitby Planning Depart ment in compliance with the Durham Region Official Plan. An in- troductory Background Information Report wlll bepresen- ted to the public at the Public Workshop. AIl interested persons are invited to attend the workshop and ail subsequent concerns and comments will be ap- preciated. Afler the receipl of aIl public input, it is an- ticipated that a second Public Workshop will be arranged in May for the presenlat ion of a Draft Plan Report. Further information on the above stud'y may be obtained by calling the undersigned at (416) 668-5803 or Larry Cavanagh of the Town of Whitby Planning Department. ROBERT B. SHORT, Director of Planning ,McLITESCso Cover Sale Continues Savings of 20%/ During this limited time, you may choose f rom any beautiful, hand- crafted Barrymore or Super ior sofa. loveseat or chair. Have it co)vered in your choice of a beautiful-- array o) fabrics and SAVE 20 % with no sales tax W>ere di'scerninq Peopie make an nvesin enti n be îuIy 70 Rossland Rd. W.. Oshawa (416) 576-6465 Mon .Tues., Wed. 10-6 -Thurs.. Fn .10-9 -Sat. 10-5 'N 1~ ALL STORES OPEN T-USA &FIAY NIGHTS UNTIL NINE! 1