l'AGi 24, PRILD , SL)Aý I> I i~ ti, XVIII IBY FI.Rî 0ss Free Press Emnpocriumn CaII668-611 Emporium Ads wili only be accepted.subject to the following Conditions. 14 I ~ £rs'..~. ~L' I I I ..~""' WHITE WEDDING DRESS, size 12. n very good conditionitre new $100ý Cati after 6 p.m.at668-9836 Feb 4,81 GIRL'S BEIGE ALL-WEATHER COAT wiIh aiiached hood. Suze 12. $25. Cati 68-1076ý Feb.25,8 1 BOYS' 3.PIECE SUIT $10. Witt go tes.BOYS' SHIRTS (appros 6) trom 75t - $1. BOYS' SWEATERS tapprox. 6) trom $3 - $5 Sue 14. Ait reasonabty prïced. Cati 7282578. Mar. 18,81 BABY ITEMS FOR SALE - Crib Mat. tros $25. Meth Pîmypen $20, Swing- O*Matîc $12. Car Soat $15 MIgh Chair $5, Bath Change Table $40. Two Botîle Sterîlîzers $7 each. Gen- dran Stroîler wih detachabie boot & wîndbreaker $40. Cati 666-1419ý Mar.25,81 BABY NEEDS - Change Table, ike new, $20. Fisher Price Mobile $5. Cati 668-4934. Apr.1.81 BABY CARRIAGE $45. BABY'S CAR SEAT $20. In good condition. Cati 668-3448. Apr. 1,81 GENDRON STROLLER wlth 3, position back, foot test & handie ad- jusiment, shopping basket, canapy and boot weatherizer, $40. Cati 668- 6563. Apr.1,81 ELECTRIC GUITAR, itre new, $95. BONTEMPI TABLE ORGAN $20. BLACK AND DECKER CIRCULAR SAW $15. Phone 668-4407. Feb 25,81 CONN ORGAN, $1100. Sîrummer section and bench. Lestie speakers. Buffet wîth mîrror attached, $100. Dresser wth mîrror $50. Cati 623- 2769 Feb 11,81 LOWREY GENIE ELECTRIC ORGAN, 1 year otd. Asking $900. Cati 985- 8573 Feb. 4,81 SILVER HOLTEN TRUMPET WITH CASE, itre new $250. Cati 723-0855 Jan 21,81 CMESS COMPUTER for sasie $300. Piays ai "10 Levets- plus postai gemes. Cati 668-4670. Mar.25,81 1978 GOEBEL ANNUAL HUMMEL PLATE WITMBOX. $185. Phone 668- 6461 sller 6 p.m. Feb 25,81 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. 25 volumes ai 1904 edîtion. Aakîng $65ý Phone 655-4456 Mar.4,81 BELL & OWELL MOVIE CAMERA. One year otd, Coat $379 - seti' for $100 Pios acreen $20 Cati1666-3995. Mat 18.81 Large siImliIne OLIVETTI OFFICE ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR wîth tape. In excellent condition CosI $299. seli $90 Cati 723-6731 Apr 8,81 C.B. RADIO - 23 ctiannei Sanyo, new condition, $45 .303 LEE ENFîELD RIFLE, sporting modei, $45 Caii 668. 3.885 evenings Ap r 8,81 FORORASAELE1 30 gai. aIl gloa FISH TANK with blactr wraught iran stand, power tilter, Hush lit pump, undergravet filiar, heater, etc, $150. 2 5 gaI. FISH TANKS, $5 each, 3 SHOW JARS, $1.50 aach. BRIGGS & STRATTON 3 .P. ENGINE for lawn mower. good condition, $35. ASSORTED TV AND RADIO TUBES, $1 eacil 23 CHAN- NEL DIGITAL CB RADIO, $35. Cati 579-2073. AprI 1,81 One BAR, curvad and siraîght sec- tion, 95' overait. Stools, mitrons. etc, $200ý One PEREGO BABY CARRIAGE, large wheats, $100, Cati 666-2916 Apt 8,81 VIKING ZIG ZAG ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE & cabinet, in gaod wortrîng condition. May be seen ai 211 Craydon Road aller 5 p.m, Astrung $60. Cait 668-2406. Apr.8,81 STEREO wîth stand $100. HIGM CHAIR $10ý 3 LADIES' COATS - aîze 12 - 1 Leathar $30, 2 fui-tangth $25 each. Cati 666-3428. Mar.4,81 VIKING STOVE, 24", itre naw, $135. One WOODEN WINDOW, 52s52", $25. ONE DRAWER FIREPROOF FILE, tegat size, $165. UNDERWOOD MANUAL TIW, rebuili, $69. BOX TRAILER, 80x60" inside, $150. 2 STENO.SWIVEL CHAIRS, $50. Phone et 1er 5 p.m. 668-3738. Apr. 1,81 Two sets of SWINGS FOR CIIILDREN. Excellent condition. One cosi $129 - sai for $50. Other coat $39 - sali tor $17. Cati 666-3995. Mar. 18,81 Oval KITCHEN TABLE & eaf $50ý Ladesa FIGURE SKATES, sizas 51/2 and 6, $8 a pair. Cati 668-0170. Fab. 11,81 MANCH ESTER, ENGLAN 0 Two plane tickets an the 27ih ai Aprit. 1-way, $100 aach, Big suvingu on regular prîcet Cali 683-6571 evenînga, Mar. 18,81 Thrse TIRES for sale, iwa anows $25 a pair, 6.50vx 13, ana sommer $10, 6.00 x 13. One DODGE WMEEL RIM, 15 inch, $10. One 12-foot ALUMINUM CAR TOP BOAT, heavy duty, with 31/ HP mator, $600. On@ set of HOCKEY EOUIPMENT, mans medium; strates. pada, giovas, sticks, etc. $100. Two LACROSSE STICKS, ana senior, ana junior. $10 aach Onu EXERCISE BICYCLE, aid style, $25 One pair of SKI POLES, atumînum. for pron 5'8- to5' 1il'$ 10 MEATING DUCT PIPES, 4 inch diamater in sections 20 teat, witti two 90 dagraa etbaws. $10 IRONER, tull auza modal ta use an 110 volt sysiem. $50 Cuit 666-2935 aflter 5 p.m. 2 SNOW TIRES & RIMS - au each 1 NEW LADY'S COAT $80 SHOWER CURTAI MINIATURE CRIB $35 E GRILL $25 ELECTRîC COI $10 ELECTRIC CAN OPE SLOW COOKER $20, 4 AI' DOOR CLOSERS $20 each PLIFIER $40 CHILO'S L TURE $8 Cali 571-0271 FORONADO CELLULOý SULATION BLOWER, 110 couptings & sorte hose co)ndition )$150 Cali 666 35 2 WOOD LATHS, $75 & $50 TABLES, $35 Variety TOOLS, $10 Oid 78 REC WIND-UP RECORD PLAYER BICYCLES: men*s $65. i Cali 683-6638 AAUTMOBI 1971 CHEVELLE. 4 iour 32 automatic as s net-ds tr treavy doly Scîîiîgs ai! arou endioust dine $5W0 Call 723 Feb. 11,81 te 14, $40 T - suze 20. ON $10 ELECTRIC îrr-crO i ENER $5ý v TO MATIC 1 TV AM- AMP FIX- 7 nir Feb,25.81 tf SE IN. voittiOse 191 Excellent taij 528 w Jan 28.81 47 cal 2 SMALL ot MANO ýCORDs & 191 R. SIN 2 cet boys $25 ttij ste Ap 881 o( dîti bro 7 rTîl,' i oly wnnk 61 > und iront cet ý3 0855 aný Jlan 21 >81 Whmn the advertised Item Is soîd, disposed of, or Unava!llble for Whatever reason, the item wiII be deemed to have been sold and a commission Will be Charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as IlîUstrated below, regardîess If priCe Is stated with "best of fer". If the Item l8 NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wilI be rttn for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $300 wiII apply. Ali adVertisements must be plaCed on an exclusive basis With trie WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one montri If not soîd. RATES (If article la sold): 5% of advertîsed price Up to $400.00 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertlsed for $120.00 -commission due $6.00 (minimum charge le $3.00) Privaie advertising only! Please notify trie Whitby Free Press immediately when Item i8 soîd 50 that we may delete t from trie folloWing issues. Ali ads not fitting trie Emporium guidelines wiIl be treated and Charged per week as regular Classifiled ads on a pre paid basis suCri as: services, help Wanted, Clothing, real estate, and personai message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private Classified ads may appear in trie Emporium section Under appropriate headings. Al ada wili go In classIieid sectIon unis otherwiae sp.ecifled. If In doubt, caîl 668-6111 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOOI £fw AUTOMOBILES FOR SAILE 1972 CUTLASS OLDS, 350 auto, new paint, new engine and transmission, new carb, new rad. new exhaust. chrome 5 stot mags, air shocks, in- terior in good shape. Sharp looking car. Aaiking $1,600. Cai 668-1588. Mar.25,8 1 1972 PONTIAC STATION WAGON. PIS, P/B, Power Rear Window. ideat tor contractor. $550 as is or witt cet- tity. Cati 668-1481 Feb. 4,81 73 FORD GRAND TORINO to seit tor parts. Asking $750 or best cotter. Engîne 351 Windsor. 65,000 original mites. New Holley 650 CSM 4-barrel carburator. New Ottenhauser high- tise manitold. New Mattory duat. point dîstrîbutor. New tripte-core radiator. Superior mag rims ait around, Ail parts good in this car. Cati 7259537 Feb 18,81 1973 MAZDA 808 STATION WAGON, 4 door, standard transmission Needs work, As is. $300 Cali 6680463ý Apr 8,81 1974 ASTRA, as os, good condition, $1300 Caii days 668-6922 or enunga ait b68-4046 4DOOGE CORONET. ig condition, $700 fed. CaIl668ý1564. C Cai R74 VEGA MATCH 8ACK. i r condition and angine nei îrk, Calot t ed wîth tari ,000 mites (original)t iliera $450 -723-2487ý )76 GRAN FURY BROUGH ýlient condition. PS, PB. unk, croise contrai, air c nerîng wheei. AMIFM aief ,of and Mictielins Body wi ioned and paînted last st Colort iverired En( irhauled 2 ilears ago Itt ir4uet, iuvory pkg Askîng 0 Sprioos cailers 723 24î ;76 MONTE CARLO. ca' IS PIB airi cndiluonrrg iselle, swivei bockets, ta( 000 miles $3,750 cent# ýIlenf Cr.nrI&h,,în Cail Feb 4.81 iood nun- 3n ba cen. Feb.25,81 Body us in ada some n interion Serious Apt, 1.81 4AM. Ev. ,PW and aond., tiit ira. vunyi tas recon yeat. no igne was erior ted $2.700 or 87 Apt 1.81 teat unes A MIF M idiai lites, 'ied Ev 655 3026 Jani 21,81 FIOR Si 1976 PONTIAC VENTURA hatchbacr. 260 V8. Power steering. Cartitied Oct./80. Cati alter 6 p.m. 839-5656. 28 FT. SUPER16R MOTO CLASS A self contained with vanity, fuit bathroom vanity, toitet, bath & showei stove & oven, double steeai large size fridga. large tumn decoratad. 440 Dodge $12.500 or beat offar. Cali E1 CHRYSLER PARTS FOR 16 NEW TRW LIFTERS for1 $70. NEW CLUTCM DRI WITH FAN $70 ONE NEW1 PIPE (replaces converter) LeBaron, Cordoba, Dîpiorr ONE NEW GAS TANK FILi iregutar gasi for 2-door LeEi doba. Dîpiornat $18 C1 DOOR SKIN for 67-691 passenger aide. $45 ONI BLADE STEEL FAN $18T UNIROYAL ICE RADIAL P205/75R15. $140 fur pair NEW MICHELIN ZX RADIJ 165/705R13. $240 for sel F( RALLY WHEELS for Omni-& $80 FOUR USED AUNG WIRE ALUMINUM MAG' 15" v 7",$150. ONE USED INTAKE MANIFOLD $60.T% 3401383 AVS CARBURATC each ONE USED 69 BA NOSE PIECE $20 ONE NEY RAC GUAGES toit waleî ONE USED RADIO for Hi speaker and antennae $310 3266 350 CHEV SM BLOCK. 4b il 5 1 TRW pistons i aiu2C rruure BOIS tu prilve Bi $1 0our best ruier Caîl 683 AUTOMOTIVE FACTORY . MANUALS. Chevrolel 19ý '1978, $10 eau' Buick. t9 $10 each Pontiac, 1949 th $15 Toyota Selîca, 1971 tý $12 Oodge Culi & Plymouuth 1971 thto 1973. $10 Plyn 1968, $10 Duudge' aili19 DoidgeuPlymouîrîîCtrysler 1978,$1? Cai6553266 ER TO: ck SI.N. by, Ont. N. A. 2-door r brakes & 0. $1.795. Feb.25,81 DR HOME. J bedroom iwith sink, r, 4 burner sink, extra iace, newty ?motor. 83-3030. Jan 14,81 R SALE big block. IVE UNIT EXH AU ST r) for V8 nat $45 .ER NECK taron. Cor- NE NEW Baracuda. E NEW 7 rwo NEW LS. site Ir FOUR ALS, site :OUR NEW & Horizon. GER MOT WM EELS. D 340 AVS rWO USEO 'ORS, $30 &RACUDA :W SET 0F airutîl$25 iriild wiih Gali 65f) Mar 18,11 bol iinrîir 02, lîeads, ýraîrd nîew 13 6487 Mat 18,81 SERVICE )55ý 1961 57 1958ý Oru 1954ý titu 1974- h Crnî.kv>î Tit)i.,ldi 970, $Io 1977 Ap' 1 81 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN 5S1 OR DELIV 131 Broc Whlth r L r»MO C rl =M L# ELECTRONIC IGNiTIC and Asira. $25. cati 66 FACTORY CAR RADI Vatiant & Dart $30. 19 Plymouth $35. Cati 655 SET 0F 4 SUPERIOI been used, ait chrome, Cati 723-9972 4 SUMMER TIRES,1 SNOW TIRES, E-78-1ý $50. Cati 666-3958. 15" WIRE SPOKE T COVERS, regulariy $ Cati Hank ai 668-4795. WGHOUS WATER BED, new, qi lier, heater & trame,$ 0664. ENGLISH BED-SETTE Wooden trames and a & gray, 2 matching arg Cati 666-1896. 2 YOUTM BED 66"x33". Very good aach. Cati 668-4193. SOFA & CHAIR.- Blut floral pattern, Arm( condition. $150. Cati( ANTIQUE OAK DININi 6 chairs & hutch. dition. $950. 54" FORMICA BUFFET wl 1 year oid. $325. GI TRIC STOVE. White, dition. $150. Cati 579-1 SOLID PINE WITH ROOM SUITE, Hutch chairs, 2 aide chairs. t finish on top. Table i Two 1, leaves. Mediunr Askîng $2.800. Phone7 SOLID CHERRYWOOI DINING TABLE ta sf people. Litre new.1 askîng $550. Wiih 5 $600. For information between 8 and 10 a.m. o THICK SOLID PINE TRI 37 1'2wide s 59 long, E> $500. 4-DRAWER CHE, - "Roxion" 45 hîgh s 3, 3.SEATER BED CH ESTI MATCHING CHAIR. $31 STEEL FIRE SCREEN,2 iuigh and MATCHING F comptete. Cati 668-2258 TRESTLE DESK, DARKf wîth brasa finish handie Comptete with Capiain $575. Cati 666-1899 ANTIQUE WALNUT DRI 1890 8 drawers, 3 ni lengih. 2 wîngt, $350 Sundays 668-3729, ANTIQUE HUTCH & BU CIMOIVIEHOUSEHOLO IR/PARTS 1 aWGOODS 1 DN for '75 Vega HARDWICK OAS RANGE in good 563995. condition $150. Catt 668-1504 atter Mat 18,81 4:30. Mar.4,81 IOS. 196511966__ 9681969 Dodge REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse, 5-3266. $115. RANGE, 3011, $100. Apr.1,81 WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC WASHER $225. Att in good condition. iR RIMS, never Cati 623-1534. 15", $250 tîrm. Feb.25,81 Apr.8,81 GAS STOVE wîth rotisserie, 59" high s 30" wlde. $200 or bast otter. Cati D-78-14, $40. 2 723-2005.Mt1,8 4, on Ford rima,Ma.18 Ap.,1 WHITE 2 BURNER TABLE-TOP Ap.,1 STOVE. One controt tor both burnera. - White, good shape, working. $15. rBIRD WHEEL Cati 579-2073. 385 tor $100. Feb 18,81 Mar.18,81 Apartmentaîlzed SPtN WASHER& SEPARATE DRYER. Excellent con- dition. $125 each. FREEZER (Hot Point> 12 cublc inches. Stiti under *.warranty. Perfect condition. 6 mon- ths otd. Belge cotor. $225. Cati1666. OD 1368.Mar.25,81 ANTIQUE RINGER WASHING lueen mattreas, MACHINE and Copper Tub & Wooden 170. Cati 1-281- Wash Stand $100 for both or besi of- fer. One EXERCISE BED $5. 2-PC. Apr.1,81 SECTIONAL CHESTERFIELD, new In -Aug.180. Rusi cotor, puits ouita bed, E, sieeps iwo. siorage* compariment underneath. irmrests. Black $300 or besi otter. Cati 666-J598. rmchairs. $280. Feb. 11,81 Mar.18,81 CASCADE 40 ELECTRIC WATER, - HEATER, 5 years otd, asklng $50. MATTRESSES ANTHES OIL BURNING FURNACE condition. $20 with extra 2 speed motor & power humidifier, asking $200. 200 Feb.25,81 GALLON OI1 TANK, with ap. pfoximateiy 40 gai. oit, asking $50. e, green & goid Cati atter 5p.m. 668-4326. caps. In good Jan.28,81 666-2457.________________ Feb 18,81 FLOOR LENGTH, DOUBLE THICKNESS, GOLD LIVINGROOM 3G ROOM SUITE. DRAPES, $400 new. Four years oid, Excellent con- excellent condition, jusi cieaned, SPANISH OAK $150 f irm. Cati 666-2794. th gtass doors. Feb. 11,81 ENERAL ELEC. ______________ ,excellent con- 2 eloent LAMPS, gotd bss ic -8915. sheer pteated shades with goid Feb.25,8 1 iining. $60. CaiI668-2320 afier 6p.m. Mar. 18,81 OAK DINING ____________ 1buffet, 2 arm 21" 1BLACK à WHITE TV. Fioor ipeciai tacquer modet. $25. CaiI666-3995. 6' long - ovat Mar.18,81 ,n brown stain,_______ 723-9398> One DOUBLE BED, BOX SPRING & Mar. 18.81 MATTRESS, Good condition. Asklng $100. One red 8s12' RUG for $50. D EXTENSION One TV STAND $20, Cati atter 5 p.m. eat up to 12 666-2098. Wiih 4 chairs Feb. 18,81 chairs askîng icati 728-9732 r afier 6 p.m. Mar. 11,81 IESTIE TABLE, itenda fa 80" rST ON CHEST 34 wîde. $350, EFEOAND 00. SWEDISH <V\ / 36 wîde s 28,12 IRE SET. $35 ( ~ .~ Feb.25,81 (i-p HONEY PINE,y s and knobs, Style Chair Jan 28,81 ESSER. Cîrca îîîrors Il full. 0.Evnng, NEW IN TOWIN? Feb 25,81