P\(I IW!IIIBNsllJI' PIRSS 131I DA tS il UI1N.WL)USA 3ITRtýJARY 18i S.I,'5 Suggestioris On .Select ing You r Wedding Flowers Here are a few aspects to consider when you choose the flowers for your wedding: The size and the kind of ___ room you plan to deco- rate. A large, lavishly fur- nished room requires fewer flowers than a smnall, bare room. The basic color scheme you have used throughout your wedding. Your flow- ers should coordinate somehow with the colors and style of the clothes for your wedding party. Thc tirne of year in which you plan to get înarried. Find out from your lorîst what kinds of' lowers are in season then; j they are usually much less expenisive t hart out-ot- season l]owers. AIs'> bc sure t'> find out wvhich lowers will reinain fresh the longcst at that tinie o' year. You don'î want your bloorms to wilt half-way through the cere- rnony! The kind of lighting- natural or artificial-that will characterize your wed- WAITING TO CATCH THE BOUQUET .. The brides attendant is romantic in a flowing gown designed ta grace ailier evenings. NOW OPEN Every Saturday,. 1:*00 p.m. This auction comprising of a large quantity of eelect antiques and fine old furniture:- Victorian and early Americari. Plus Canadiana, Bric A Brac le:- dlocks a china - gilass - lamps - paintings - brass etc. lncluding items too numerous to list Conslgnment and estate property welcorne by arrangement *%WM~for our weely auctions. Open to preview: Frlday 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. and Saturday 10 k.M. prior to sale Ref reshments available West of Brock Road Brock Road Hwy 7 x Brougham Hwy 2 Hwy 401 dings. This affects how your flowers will look and how long they'll stay fresh. Love Is Grand! ~t#a#v - ~fu~~aa* ?'Iarg 1'ÃnnelcS Ja/,ics 90 Sirîîcoe St. S. 57111869 OSHAWA 33 King St. W. 623-4351 BOWMAN VILLE Clouds of'eciffton, lavishcd itIi A kncon lace and Schitili embroidcry over bodice. bishoP s1ceve.s, chapel train. Beautifu I. traditional. Hwy. Broughamn Phone: 686-0103 839-3295 Proprietors: M. Robinsoui M. Carroll W- E m - 1 1