WEDNESI)AY FEBRUARY 18, lQSl,wiiiTrBY UREE PRESS BRID)AISUIPL.EMLNT, PAGE -1' A Very Special Place: Your Bedroom at Home When you are planning your first home together, you'Ill want to pay special attention to your bedroom. It should be a special place for the two of you to share ogeîher, to relax in, have a late-night snack and sleep comfortably in. It mnakes good sense to invest in good-quality bcd linens and furnisiiings that will last. l'wo of the rnost impor- tant purchases yoLI will mnake are your bcd pillows and comforter. The top-of- the- line bed pillow is filled with luxuriously sofî and lightweight down from geese and ducks. If you prefer a slightly firmer pil- low, select one filled with a blend of down and feathers. The more feathers in the blend, the firmer the pillow. There are also pillows filled with goose or duck feathers. Feather pillows are the f'rmest of the natural-filI pillows. Polyester and foarn rubber are also used as pil- BRIDAI BOUDOIR . . . Traditional wood, warm colors, lace rutIles, a down-filled comforter and pillows combine to create this attractive bed- room designed for a newlywed couple. Royal blue walls and carpet form a rich ground. The pale blue down comforter adds a luxurlous note 10 the room and will keep you warm ail winter and comiortabie in the warmer months. The basic blue scherne is echoed in the tea service, lamps, night table accessories and the smail Oriental rugs. White dust ruff le, canopy, pillow shams and upholstery tabric add a crisp touch and balance the warm, blue tones of this cozy, yet iuxurious-looking, first bedroom for the just-married pair. Attention to small details make this lruly a welcome haven for the two of you Io share. + Who Pays for What? The Bride and Her Family Bride's wedding and going-away outfits Wedding invitations Wedding announicements Engagement and wedding photographs Cost of church, organist, sexton Carpet and canopy for church Flowcrs l'or church Bridesmnaids' bouquets Gratuity for tralfic police- man at a large ,%edding 'Fransportation for bridaI pariy froni bouse to cliurch and reception Brîdcsmiaîds' lunchecon Rehearsal dinner 'XII reception costs Wedding ring for groom if there is a double ring ceremiony (;ifts for bridc\s attendants Accommodations for bride's attendants The Groom Marriage licen'se Bride's engagement and wedding rings Bride's bouquet and going- away corsage Boutonnieres l'or groom's men Flowers for both m-others Gloves, ascots or tics for mien of wedding party (iifts for ushers and best m arn Accommodations for ushers and bcst man Otfferinig or lcec for clergv- lni aIn The honeymoon The Grooms' Familv Their own traveling cx- penses and hotel bills Rehearsal dinner Wedding gift for bride low fuis. Regardless of the filling, a good pillow should be resilient, odorless and free of lumps. Today, comforters are the most popular bedcov- ering choice. They create a finished look in the bcd- room without the nuisance of using both a blanket and bedspread. Comforters are particularly popular with active, busy newlyweds who don't want to spend uin- necessary time making Up the bcd, but want their bcd- rôom to look attractive. When you select a com- fnrter, kcep in mind that Credit: Handie with Care! After receiving a wed- ding ring, the next step for many young brides is to obtain- a credit card for every departmcnt store in the neighborhood. But, experts advise, take caution. Credit is con- venient but, used un- wisely, it can lead to com- pulsive spending and over- whelming debts which can deeply scai the future of your family. Exercise discipline when making credit purchases, and always make pay- ments on time and in full, recommend credit coun- selors Daisies ToId A custom from earlier days reported from our southern states tells of young ladies who fash- ioned daisy chains, (hen fastened them across the entrances of covered bridges. The first person to ride through the bridge and break the chain would become the youngý lady's husband. there are comforters filled with down, down and feathers, or polyester. The comforter filled with na- tural materials will drape your body; it will keep you warm i winter and comfor- table in the wvarmer months. A quality comforter will give you years of comifort and stili look lu.xuriouslY tluffy. It miakes good sense to in- vest in quality itemns for your home. In the long run, they will actualty be less ex- pensive than cheaper ones because they last longer and provide com fort for years. This is particularly imnpor- tant when you select bcd linenis, pillows and com- forters because ani invest- muent in your sleep will make daytimne hours more prod- uctive and enjoyable, too. t N1uuced'-'I~uIintrodu tcst bu <ild thtu 301)1Il'Luri ["c M1uo ' Iiu i cîi / t 1 ns rî'~ t b v. d' tus t , 1 îbdec, tic11 3( S <1)H intu t i 111( ),'t acîs. )d \' îa miii k I\. '11 l i it '.d ilui "Ks.)iî' -1tiî, 1'i . , And hu'.cssIs.n .llîst\s"siis.r 1Illu d'od .av-i and a i nîit'. -)itl'dctl(io iu'IcmLI[h, ail dulttud toi,li r( )L>'t 1til tt1 t i 1IL it'ê.l' 4.LI11 Ii be a lu t 1 'l t. ilit ci'1. i itr d uct'd tb ~'l' i'~ lislps Iiitll lig co)uId bu 111( we. trald It ivnal.() taunton motors lImited Taunton Road East (at Wilson) Oshawa ""Durham Region's Volvo Mercedes Bonz Dealer" 723-0209 Toronto 686-1525 For1981. the diesels of Mercedes-Benz include yeà nt another turbochargeuid model. COME IN AND CHOOSE THE PERFECT ENGRAVED WEDDING INVITATION from our large selection OFFICE SUPPLIES, PRINTING, BOOKS TEL 668-2492 1t 3 A DUNDAS ST. W. WH1ITBY. ONT.