Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Feb 1981, p. 24

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-- PRFýýq Press Cou 1668 Emiporiumn -6111w Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. m AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1971 CHEVELLE, 4 door, 327 motor, sutomatic, as la. needa body work, heavy duty springsalal around, front end juat done. $500. Cati 723-085 Jan 21,81 1972 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, PIS, PIB, Power Rear Window, Ideai for contractor. $550 as le or wiii Car- tify. Cali 868-1481 Feb. 4,81 1974 ASTRA, as la, good condition, $1300. Cati days 668-6922 or evenînga ai 668-4046 Feb. 4,81 73 GRAND TORîNO, 351 V8 automatic, PS, P/B, ln good con- dition. $600 Cali 655-3679 Dec 17.80 1974 ASTRE GT, automatic, radio witti rear defroster, ln good working condition. $1375. Cal 668-8937 Dec 17,80 1975 DODGE D200 PICK-UP TRUCK, 318 V8 aulomalic, cap, recent paint, radiais, 71,000 miles, certiiiad asking $2100. Phona 668-3052 Dec 10,80 1973 T-B1ID, ioaded, new tires, good body, movlng 10 Florida. Wili sacrifice for $1200. Cali 666-1247 Dec 10,80 74 GREMLîN, 258 - 6 cyl., FMIAM radio, 72,000 mitas, good condition body wisa, standard steering and brakas. Asking $80 as la. Cati Fred et 576-787Ef Dec 3,80 1974 ASTRE GT, autonîaric, radio, with rear deiroster, Ir good working con. dition. $1275. Calil668-8937 Dec 10,80 1974 0000E VAN, running condition, P/S, PIB, 6 cyt., automatic $600 or beat offer. As la. Cali 66-3528 Jan 28,81 1976 MONTE CARLO, cars featuras PIS, PIB, air condition, AMIFM cassette, swlvel buckets, radiai tires, 61,000 mniles. $3750 certif lad. Ex- cellent condition. Cali 655-3026 anytime. Jan 21,81 26 FT. SUPERIOR MOTOR HOME, CLASS A self containad bedroom wth vanity, full bathroom wth sink, vanity, toilai, bath & showar, 4 burner stove & oven, double stael sink, extra large iza fridga, large furnace, newiy dacorated. 440 Dodga motor. $12.500 or basf of er. Cali 683-3030. Jan 14,81 1974 FORD F-100 PICK UP, very good shape. Asking $1295 cartifiad. Calii 655-3527 ater 5Dpm. Feb. 4,81 ri CiRANDE PRIX, PIS, PIB, Powar Windows. Power Seats, air, tilt, AMIFM stareo, buckats and console. Reily wheeis 10,000 miles on naw motor, very good condition. $1800 certif lad. CaIl 655-4409 or 655-3794 Nov 5,80 %afe -- it>t orri j ALgEUT OMR/O TWO RECLINING CAR SE mountlng brackets, vetou good shape $50. Caîl 668-87 TANDEM BOX TRAILER, 24 cspacity -$300. CatI 668-61' BEDROOM SUITE, doul dressing table, chasteg $150. Cati 576-2366 METAL DESK, 60"X30" ta tibie, tyepwrltar table at $75. Cali 686.2131 GREEN CHESTERFIELD <ar $350. Goid Living room c Lazy-Boy chair (new> $95. E 78" X 15", - $30. Floor poi Rug Shampooer $10. And pliancas. Ca11 666-1247 SPANISH DESIGN BAR, bîx & velvet, strobeilights on b Includas record playar, AMI trac, large unit, Includas 3 1: 2 customed speakers valuec asking $400. Caîl 683-303 Items for sale. Bunk beda & maîtresses $1 kitchen tablse8à isaf $50. figure skate mixes 5½ and 6 Cait 6880170 OLD FASHION TUB $1 tlibed $40. Caii 666-ý CUSTOM MADE DRAI red vaivet with vatanc $300. Cati 579-7234 BLACK GLASS DI TABLE (round) and chairs. Diameter 41t, 4464 Jan 7,81 BROWN ALUMINII DOOR, 2' 10' X 6- 10"., Calîl 668-2213 KING SIZE MATTI SPRINGS, f lrm comi( $200. XMAS TREE string and one 15a $5.00 Cail 728-2327 SILVER HOLTEN TF CASE, l16e new $250.1 50 SQUARE YARDS,1 PLUSH CARPET vvitth for sale. Aaking $300. aflter 6:30 p.m. INGLIS OAS ORVER 2911 altar 5 p.m. 9 PIECE ANTIQUE1 SUITE. Solid Walnut leaihar upholstarad buffet & 4 modalc Traditionat style. ba. Excellent condition, 1 0889 Floor Ienght, double iivingroam Drapes, $ý years aId, excellent cleaned. $150 firm. Ci ANITOUE RINGEI MACHINE and Coppei wash stand $100 fort fer. One exervise@ bed lionsi chetterfld n Rust colour. pulls OUI comparnmant under best oltar, Call 666-151 3288 PES, 4 ce, pli ININC 4 w uitile i IESS art 78 LITES string, RUMP Cati 7. LIGHT GREEN i underpaddlng L Cxli 666-2139 Nov. 12,80 1$75ý Caîl 725- Nov. 26,60 DINING ROOM . 6 chairs with seats & bacirs, china cabinet. ýautîful design. $2000. Caii 663- Feb 11,81 thkcknoe, god ý4 new. Four cond ition. juat -ail 666-2794 Feb. 11,81 R WASHING er Tub A wooden bath or'basi ai- d $5 2-pc sec- ew in AugI8O. ta bed. storaga naath $300 or 98 Fab 11,81 Joliy Jumpar ;;5, i Waiker $10. Elactric plus glass botties $! blua bag type $5, 11 monîhs - 2 piece $11C condition. Cxii 655-2 DRUMMER PRACTI( symbol and hi hat $2 WrC Organ $150. Call UMBEROLLA STROL 668-6625 GRAVEL GARDEN condition. rabult 7.6 reai mowar, sulky sn lug tiras and Chain S 655-570 TRESTLE OESK. DARI with brasa finish hemc Compiate with Capta $575. Cali 666-1899 C07-N ORGAN, $11( section and banch. Le Buffet wîth mirror ai Dreser with mirror1 2769 Baby Swing $10, - .---- cBoutla Starilizer TORONADO 5, 2 snawsuits - 1 SULATION 81i brown & beige 18 cauptinga &s 0. Ail ln excellent condtion $150. 3873 Jan 21,81 ___ AEROQUIPT CE PAD SET also wîîh ramola ci 00. 40 Card EIec- 100 alida irays 11576-1384 $ 10(K. Cali 655. Dec 17,80 LLER, $12. Cali TWO MEN's Feb 1,81 hair, darir brai Fab 1,81 now $745 each ta suit individ TRACTOR, A-i $150aeachaofbe 3HP angine, 30'* 0w piaugh, new M0. Cati Rager Twa pairs ai cil Dec 10,80 boots, $30. i Chlid's bicycle IK MNEY INE, organ $10. Boyi dies and irnoba. Cai6834 mn Styla Chair Jan 28.81 CASCADE 40 E -- yeara aid asir 0 Srummar Bumlng Fuma ealia speakers. motor I& powe ttached, $100- $200. 200 Gatt $50 Cati 623- praaîmataly 40 Cati afler 5 p.m Feb 11,81 CELI lOWER. 0.CalI66 SLIDE controls os. Excel 5.4957 HAIR I mn, curif ,h. Cant duals i :)st offei hildrent Acoustic se $10. qs end g leoclrtc% dng $50 ece with ver hun ion 011 i gel ai r.ý668-43; LUSLOSE IN- l110 volt, hose osa. Excellent ;66-3528 Jan 28,81 E PROJECTOR s. Tairas 36 and ellent cordition. Nov 12,80 PIECES, naturel 'rni cost if new. ba colour tinled eeada. Asking r. Cati1668-4721 Dec 24,80 skis, potes and Ic Guitar $20. Smaii chord lids skatezS$5. Fab 4.81 Water Hater, 5 ).Anthea Oiid i extra 2 speee nidifier. asking 1Tank, wiih ap- il asking $50. 326 Jan 28,81 TWO GIRLS BIKI One 24" - $30. Cal 74 SKI-DOO. 440 F fer. Cali 668-2129 MAN$ SNOW Mo Back & Gaid $4. fait tiners. Bleck strIpa. Canadienr 2327 DOWNHILL SKIS lenght of skis 175 6638 01iSl 1D GALLON At Iron stand and sor BRIGS AND STRA n running condlt for lawnmowar eaI ES. One 26" - $35. tI 686-2334 Nov 5,80 Fan. $700 or beat oi- Jan 7,81 OBILE SUIT, size XL. 5. SKI-DOO BOOTS, k& Ooid wIth stivar made $20. Cali 728- Dec 3,80 S, BOOTS, POLES, '5 cm - $85. Cati 683- Nov 19,80 'UPLES QUARIUM, wrought Pm acssrengins, PLEASE READ Whrn the advertlsed Item is sold, dlsposed of, or LATS, wlth Unavallale for whatever reason, the Item wiiI be deemed to r Inserts, have been sold and a commission wiIi bo Charged based on 785 Dec 10,80 THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustrated below, regardiess If price ls stated with "Ibest offer". '00 pound If the Item 18 NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad will be run 4 Nov 19,80 for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiIl apply. Ail advertlsements must be piaced on an exclusive basis wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month If not soid. RATES (If article la soil): -5% of advertlsfed prIce Up to $40000 ble b.d. 2% of balance over $400.00 ir-drawers. Jan 28,81 EXAM PLE: Sold Item advertlsed for $12000 op, rtrac- (minimum charge la $3.00> one sida. Private advertising oniy! Please notify the Whitby Free Dec 31,80 Press immediateiy when item Is soid 50 that we may delete it from the folîowing Issues. rtShoppa) Ail ads not fitting the Emporium gUidelines wiii be treated haîr $75 and Charged per week as regUlar Ciassified ads on a pre paid Snow tiras shar $10. basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothing, reai estate, 1amaîl ap- and personai message type ads, or ads not qUoting price or Dec 0,80 quantity: Private Classified ads may appear in the Emporium Dec 0,80 section under appropriate headings. ci leathar olh sidas, Ailt ade wtIi ga In cîassîfIed section unles otherwise apecliîed. FM with 8 bar stoals, If lni doijbt, cali 668-6111 ýdat $1.000 30. Other MAIL ADS TO: OR DELI VER TO: Jan 21,81 FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 131 Brock St.N. - P.O. Box 206, WhItby, Ont. Whltby, Li N 5S1 100. Ovai .Ladies THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE $8Se8 pair. FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. Feb 11,81 d Continen-ARTCLE FOR SALE Dec 17,80 BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT, large Three tires for sais, Iwo snows $25 a size, Ai condition, customn made, full pair 6.50 X 13, ana summar $10, 6.OOX 4 panais of ianght, worn oniy a few lrnes. $600 13. us sheers. or basi 0fifer. POLAROIO CAMERA Ont apaflment sized eîectric etove, 4 Jn1,1 440 - $30. Cali 683-7538 burner, whte ln gaod condition $75. Jan1481Nov 26,80 Heatlng duct pipes, 4 Inch diameter __________________ in sections. 20 test, wiih twa 90 degrea aibaws $10. 3 ROOM SHEEP SKIN COAT, f ull lenght: On. Dodge Wheel Rim, 15 Inch $10 rhita vînyl ladies, aiza 12-14, ln very gaad con- One *'Peter Storm" Rein Suit, bran Cali 576- dition, $150. CalII668-2213 new, llght walghi. Salmon Derby Dec 31,80 prize. Size XI $50 On. set of hockey equipment, mans MANS COAT - Plie Iinad, dark brown, madîum; skates, pada, gioves, sticks, SCREEN leather look. Siza 38-40. $45. MAN'S etc. $100. usd$5. TWEED TOP COAT mIxa 42-44, One 12 foot alumlnum car top boat, Cryofls lebled $50 b. heavy duty. with 31/2 HP mator. $600. Croyoniuiy inad betedbacr ~ Twa Lacrosse Sticks, ana senior, ana Dec 10,80 Cali 728-2327 Dec 3,80 junior $10each. One exercise bicycle, aid style $25. LADIES BLACK FINE LEATHER On. pair of ski pales, atuminumn, for à Box FLICED LINE BOOTS, brand naw, person 5'8" to 5' il'" $10 BX 78'. size 7, $70. Caii 668-2213 Ironer, full size modal ta use on 110 S, ana 25- Dec 10,80 volt system $50. Indoor. ___. .. Calii668-2935 afiter 5 p.m. Dec 3.80 WHITE WEDDING DRESS, size 12, in Fb1, vary goad condition, like new $100.------ 1ll"-. - Calii star 6 p.m. ai 668-9836 LOWREV GENIE ELECTRIC ORGAN, ET WITH Feb. 4, 81 1 year aid. Asking $900. Cali 985- '23-0855 ___ __ 8573 Jan 21,81 mABY CAR BmD $15.Play-Pean $25,Feb.4,81 ONE PAIR 0F ZEBRA FINC a pair. ONE PAIR DIAMONI $20 a pair. Ideai for christ and wiii hold tilt Chrstmas. 2461 s muffier) i579-2073 Dec 17,80 HES, $14 D DOVES, mas gifts CatI 668- Dec 10,80 0I N Saturday February 14 et 1 p.m. Large sale ai reconditianed elactric appliances and furniture. B à K SALES à SERVICES, 86 Wlilliam Street Enal, Oshawa. With twln tub washers, rangea, sierea sets, humidifiera, dryars, radios, chester- field sets, de-humidifiers, beds, love seata, crame set, wardrobe, end tables, stacklng chairs, baby fur- niture, lampa, tapa decira, car radia, cameras, il-pc socket set, skates, some dîshea, electric matars and many more gaad Items. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 Wednesday, Febuary 18, ut ô p.m. Consignment sale ai furnîture, ap- pliances, antiques etc. AT PRINCE ALBERT HALL, 2 miles sauth ai Port Parry with Tiny Genie Lowray Organ and bencti, moi fat range, reirigeratar, singer commercial aewing machine, 6-pc dining room suite with drap leaut table, 8-pc dining room suite neada stripping, chestarf laid, dressera, beds, instamaiic camera, aniqua 'typewriter, movie camera and projac- tr, skis, water sofiener, dishes and many more Items too numarous ta mention. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 Q Y I Carriers are needed in Ajax, and east of Haz- elwood and east of Kendalwood in Whit- by. Anyone who feels they can do the job for a long period of time can apply at: THE WHITBY FREE PRESS "'% 668-6111 -1 e yvril loi TWO SETS 0F SKIS AND BOOTS, one ladies and one mens. Ladle's size 5 boot, and men's size 9 boot. $50 a set. Cail 668-3209 Jan 14,81 One pair cross country lather ski boots blue li white, size 6, like new $15. Cati Harold 6884721 Dec 10,80 LARGE Framoees napsack, excellent condition $30. Venliest Copper-Tone Slows Hood, 36 inches - $30. Cati 655. 4220 Jan 14,81 CROSS COUNTRY SKIS, potes & boots for child age 8 to 10. Lîke new, $25 complete. Call 668-1063 Jan 28,81 BEN HOGEN GOLF CLUBS, 14 club set, new bag and head covers, 'h prîce of new $300. Cati 666-1247 Dec 10,80 NEW IN TOWN? LET us PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YU IATTON 3 H tion (neadE c. $45. Call j i 1 1

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