~VI-1TBYFREEPRES. W AY, JANUARY 28, 198 1, P>AGE 21 u IHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, clocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil, pantings and sep'ars. FRIENDLY FLEA MARK ET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA THE BOOK BETWEEN Heip fights inflation with 1/2 price books, trade-ins, 25 cent specials. 120 Dundas St. W. Whltby 666-2442 MUSIC LESSONS Qualified Instructor Violin or Guitar 668-3741 METRO LIC. B - 2554 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D License Cal1 PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses LEARN TO DRIVE With Whîtby Drlvîng School Full Drivers Z course, for Insurance discount or private tessons. Cuil 666. 1073 i- RICHARD'S FURNITURE REFINISHING "Give Your Furniture a FaceLift" Free Estimates Cal i Rck Forestall 666-2992 or 655-4560 BROOKLIN TOOL CO. GARAGE flbar jacks -S$8 and up, new and used, wiii tako trede-ina. 683- 1753 MECHANICS STARTER KIT-98 plaes set Includes ail basic bools for ap- prentice mechanic, brend new rogufar price $750. Self for $350 cash. 683- 1753 DRILL PRESS Sie", MT No. 2, brend new $265. 683-1753 SAND BLASTER for body shopa, 8 gai. sand capaclfy, complolo wlf h mask, hose, gun and extra nozzlea $175. 683-1753 AIR COMPRESSORS AND ARC WELDERS, new and used $125 and up. Wili take trade-ina- 683-1753 BIENON GRINDER ½ hp. heavy duty condenser sarter brend new, neyer used. $110. 683-1753 AIR TOOLS, a large assortment of new & used air drilla, grInders, san- ders, polishers, ratchots, Impact wrenchos, sheers, nibbiers, hammors and many more. $30 and up. 683- 1753. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 AIN BRUNINO 2000 ELECTROSTATIC COPIER AND PAPER PLATE MAKER for sale. Partly diaaaaembled due f0 moving, roaconable. Calil6886111 and ask for Mike or Sally. OcI 29,80 ( romswaIks art- for petdes- trians. 1979 BUICK PARK AVENUE, maroon interlor & exterlor fulîy oqulpped, werranly just oxplrod. Cail 725-8598 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS, 350 V-8 aulomatic, new pint, new brakes al way around. Cerlified $1000 firm. Call Gall 655-4206 JOG FOR LIFE AND BREATH Lun Assciation 7233151 ATTENTION DISPLAY &CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your ad for errors on the iraI day of publication. The Whllby Free Press will not bo hiabla for failure to publish an ad, or for fypographic or otherorrors in publicat ion beyond the coat 0f the space occupied by the error up t0 a maximum coat of the ir- atIincorrect insertion. The Whifby Free Press reserves the righf f0 classify or rejoct ail advertisemenfs Box numbers are aveilable aI an ad- ditionel charge of $24 DEAD LINES Doad Lino for Emporium Ads 5s Friday noon prior 10 publication. Dead Lino for Classifîed Ads is Mon- day nooin prior bo publication, CALL 668-6111 PRE.PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT You may charge your Classîfîed Ad- verlisemenl f0 your Charges or Visa Account and receive a discount on the prîceof t he ad, Please have your Visa cardi ready when callîng VIS WAREHOUSE SALE Have a warohouso of usod office fur- niture and oqulpment for sale. What wo have on hand varies from day to day, as theso Itoms are much ln dectiend and soif readily et Our low prices. We generelfy have e good. supply of deaka, recliner chairs, steno chairs, ail sizes of fillng cabinets and lots of steel sholvlng, plus meny other hard to get Items. Caeil us anytime you are ln the market for good used office furniluro and ssk for Grant or Wes. Those chaps cen generally feul you what Is availablo and the prîce range. If you are In- terestsd iln maklng such s purchaso wo wlll be pleasod f0 tae you on e four of our Ajax Wsrohouso by sp- pointment. DICKSON PRINTINO OFFICE SUPPLIES AJAX 6831968 ZENITH COLOUR T.V., f loor modal, $100 or beef offer. Oeil Gloria 655- 3978. WOOD STOVE, glass doors, $125. Oelil666-1424 MOFFATT FRIOGE & STOVE, 3 yoars o!d, excollent condition, now home equlpped with appliancos, ssking $650 for sef or boaf offer. Oelil 666- 1972 5411 BED, Includos apringa, head- board and mattreas. Oeil 668-4157 THE WHITBY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, wishes e former President, Mrs. Florence M. Hourd a Happy Brthday on Februsry 1sf. OPEN HOUSE Friends are cordially invited to celebrate the Sth Wed- ding Anniversay of MR. & MRS. JOHN KNOESTER on Saturday, Jan. 31, 1981. An Open House wiII be held from 2 to 4 p.m. at the home of their youngest son DIrk Knoester ai 133 Elizabeth OresCent, Whîtby. Best wishes only, please. JAN ITORIAL CONTRACTO RS To provide janitorlal ser- vices at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Of- fice, 16 Bascom street, ux- bridge, Ontario on a two year bas is. Tender No. L06085 Ll N-81-018 SEALED TENDERS wiIl be received until 2:00 p.m. local time- FECRUARY 18, 1981. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional 0f fice, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lin- dsay, Ontario- NOTE: For further inf or- mation regarding this ten- der, please cal Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above address- Telephone: (705) 324-9188. The lowest or any tender not necessarfly accepted. Ontario Ministry of Government Services Swlmmlng Pool Manufacturer has 1980 lftI over pools being offered et a fraction of regufer selfing price for early spring deflvery. $1,690.00O s complete price of pools equlpped wlth filter, pump, molor, patio, walk around dock and fencing. Smel i deposit wili hofd tiff dol lvery date. Of. fer good only whlle supply lests. Cail 1-800-268-5970 - Toronto 746-33.40 Swlmmlng Pool Manufacturer will fesse and InataIt now 1981 f amily size pool complote with walkway, sun dock and fencing, on e rentai 1.asis with option to buy. Your chclice of stylo. Try boforo you buy! (,ait IM. PERIAL POOLS Toitf Free 1-800-268- 5970. If withln our local caIllng ares, phone 746-3340. (Toronto) WOOD STOVES ai pre-seeson speciel. White presont suppfy lests fuel efficient wood burning stoves rogularly priced aI $489.00 now available for a limiled lime ai only $174,99. Call toit free et 1-800-268- 5970 or if within our local caffing ares 746-3340 (Toronto). PIANOS Teke advantsge of our low overhoad complefo ine of Uprights and Gran- ds. One used Yamsh Uprighl (2 yoars old> Oel 579-1491 WANTED To BUY OLD WOODEN DECQYS WILL PAY GOOD PRICES Also any information per- tainning to a oarver.named Bill Ellis who ived in Whit- by. CAIL S. STUART 655-3158 BROOKLIN (APARTMENTS/I CODSFOR R ENT FEMALE TO SHARE COUNTRY HOME, 10 miles north of Whitby, own room $150 monthfy. Oeil Mary aflor 2 p.m. 855-4035. SUPPLIES FREE TO 0000 HOME, white wif f groy spots, 1 year ofd male cat, very dlean and f riendly pet. Caîl 655-4525 Z'Carriers are SAjax, and ez S needed ini îst of Haz- . elwood and east of Kendalwood in Whit- by. Anyone who feels they can do the job for a long period of time can apply at: 1I THE WHI . - d g~CH ILD GARE S~ECE To bebysit n my home or yours. Oell 668-9870 WOMAN, 50 le 60 yaars, Wanlod For Daycare, for 3 month old baby ln own home ln Pringie Creek. Own Iran- unnni, nrford.Cal66-15 ITBY'FREEPRESS 668-6111 - PPORN I I ES CASH BOX ON WHEELS Two Ohlp Trucks wIth localtions and contrecf s. Excellent income oppor- tunlty. OeIl 723-0898 or 579-5490 The Canacisan movemeni bor personal imnes l WANTETED 1 LIFE AGENTS Only lite insu rance agents -past -present -future Need reply to this advertisement To double your closing ratio and commissions. Send resurne in confidence to: R. S. PRICE 354 Regal Briar Whitby, Ontario LUN 6N1 HOMEMAKERS WANTED Whltby Red Cross requires comn- paent homernakors for -Brooklin Aros -Also livo ln Situation ln Whitby ares. Car preforred. If lnterested cali 668- 2741 for f urther information. At 1 (sr EMPYME1T MATURE WELDER, 40 yesrs ex- porience, Deperîment of Labor Cer- lifled. Seeka steady or part-ime, oveninga or weekends. Cali Bob 668. 1277 HOUSKEEPER - West Lynde, Whlf- by. Monday - Frlday, 210 3 hours a day, cfeanlng, supervision and general care. Cali 8661414 aller 5:30 p.m. EXPERIENCEO RELIABLE LADY REQUIRES HOUSEKEEPINO CLIEN. TS, bondable and referrences. Cali 576-0523 or 579-5837 PeaInUtS By Chorles Schulz FEBRUARYiS HEARTMONTIN. WELCOAiE VOUS >4EEART FUNO VOLUNT EEP. ~~ARTICLES FRSALE -È WHITBY FREE PRESS, Wl ffl sponalion preierreu