WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARX' 14. 1981, PA GE 23 Warhle Fly Pro gram to beabandoned A recommendation was brought before the operations comminttoe at last weeks regular meeting which, if adopted would see the discontinuation of the town's Warble Fly Control Program sorne time in 1981. This recommendation was brought to the committee's attention in reaction to Bill 153, a provincial gover- nment bill to which repealed the Warble FIy Control Act Iast November. During 1980 the town's Warble Fly Control operations cost was The County Town Singers wilI be holding auditions for men only in the Music Room of the Hemry Street Higli School at 8 p.m. on January 21. The choir is in special $7,18%U.8s5, close to $25,O0 over the budget. The act originated in 1953 when cattie owners in the former Township of Whitby petitioned the municipality to pass a by-law requiring the treatment of cattie in- fested with warble fly grubs. Ever since then the town has conducted a warble fly control prograrn during the months of April and May in order to identify infested cattie and treat them accor- dingly. According to a special clerk's report to the commit- need of tenors, baritones and bass singers. Those desiring to audition are advised to corne with a prepared piece of music. For more information cati Angela Willis at 668-5629. tee on the subject many cat- tde farmers have, for the past few years, been using systematic products applied in the fall of the year to con- trol warble grubs. The report went on to say that since this method of treatment is superior to the treatment required under the act the Ontario Cat- tlemen's Association recen- tly recommended that the provincial government repeal the Warble fly Con- trot Act. The report also suggest Shop the Annuity market with Mutual Life Through Mutual Life>s Product Placement Service, 1 can provide you with the best rate for single*premium "payout" anriuit les from over 30 life insurance and trust companies. Cail if you're looking for a quote. l'Il shop the market for you. Herb Tran 725-6564 Mutuai Uife of Canada HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT A CAREER IN RIEAL ESTATE? ...and done nothing about it 1 arn available to help you decide CALI ME ANYTIME 30 OFFICES lii.stTO SERVE -- --.-..,- YOU BETTERI 668-8865 cA/dzf16ý - Easy apartm ont living wlth the> warmth of a DURHAM REGIONS MOST LUXURIOUS ADUIT APARTMENTS . Brickfireplace .Wood trim baiconies . Acre of Gardens .Spacious ll'ceilings . electronic security avai-labie NWY.481 & oe I .Modern kitchens & bathrooms . Sauna & Excercise Room *Variety of f loor plans - 3(oninoe tdî tîv FOR RENTAL AND APPOINTMENTS CALL 117111-45pl Il arn- 5 îrn treatment endorsed by the Ontario Pesticides Advisory Committee for future treat- ment of warble flies. -E bi di ni 1' J' Sc JJyý ,bye warble .a0l Coir needs maie singers Sonîething..0.l learn ln sehool! We areprtud tehave the op~>riomuu(y te povide > atg tmu .ttd gié t ith txtu blty t ditverug otr ltpgt-. Rponîbty aid tttai a rutg t o bmiat .tat ar on oitiîjob lrauog wtttto a boy or go-t av-otpt.aa nowaloaptrd vr y utt The reroainabolity iagret otrauet.he enutro effort of vry talt tridla-op dt. pet% thtor dtivtry tof the, ntwapaper on tintrio matttr what utather tut ditiorut or other r r runitannas anar Btuig an undeperident mtrcbant he oral e ia responoible tînaay fr the a jyttnt anti rulbet on of moruea for t eoapaptnr del verud. WerLr cogtuze the reaponniatnbaoth inancal and job ierorimanc, antd wuwould ldo tc, îgrtulate the girla andi boys who valut. toua txperttrnov and do ta oaoelkcnt job or aatiatyong our cutmes W H ITBY FREE PRESS Spocial ln French YBooks-- Records..G reetî ng Cards Robinding- Plastic Binding LIBRAIRIE FRANCOPHONE D'OSHAWA Mours Mon.-Wed. & Sat. 9-5 Th urs. & Fri. 9-9 585 Rue Wentworth St. Unit 39 Oshawa 579-6214 ,ýecýjél 1