Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Jan 1981, p. 17

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HIGH EST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, oid guns, clocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, ohl, paintlngs and seaiers. FRI EN DLV FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W.9 OSHAWA DRESSMAKI NG ALTERATIONS DONE PHONE 668-2864 MUSIC LESSONS Qualified Instructor Violin or Guitar 668-3741 CARPENTRY HOME REPAI RS I MPROVEM ENTS M ETRO LI C. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTI MATES Cail 668-4686 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D License Cal PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses RICHARD'S FURNITURE REFINISH ING "Give Your Furniture a Face Lift" Free Estimates Cail RIck Forestali 666-2992 or 655-4560 ~HEAV1 BROOKLIN TOOL CO. GARAGE f loor jacks - $80 and up, new and used, wili take trade-ins. 683- 1753 MECHANIOS STARTER KIT-98 places set Includas att basic foots for ep- prantica mechanlc. brand naw ragular prîce $750. Sait for $350 cash. 683- 1753 DRILL PRESS 5811 MT No. 2, brand nw$265. 683-1753 SAND BLASTER for body shope. 8 gal. sand capaclty, complets wlth mask, hose. gun and extra nozzles $175. 583-1753 AIR COMPRESSORS AND ARC WELDERS, new and used $125 and up. Wili taka trade-ine. 683-1753 BENCH GRINDER ½ 3hp. naavy duty condenser starter brand naw, nover ueed. $110. 683-1753 AIR TOOLS. a large assortment of new & ueed air drills, grîndoers, sen- dors, polishere, ratchts, Impact wrenchos. shoars, nibblers. hammers and many more. $30 and up. 683. 1753. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 6831753 A/M BRUNINO 2000 ELECTROSTATIC COPIER AND PAPER PLATE MAKER for sale. Partiy dla.aaaembled due ho movîng, reasonable. Cati 66841 11 and asic for Mike or Saity. Oct 2980 GARANT-Davo and Leslie (No. Frernch)>va thrlled to announce fme bicifi of thoir dgugliter. JulifaEvelyn. bon' December 26. 1980. 6 ibe 15 ozS. First grsrcddught0r for Jlm and Shiley French of Wost MIla&M Gaston and Moeen Garant of Cardlec Ouebec. Speciai thanks 10 Or. Spear CARRIERS.- BOYS à GIRLS for early morning paper deiivery. Ail area of Whitby. CatI 723-8172 WANTED MAN & WIFE TEAM, without chiidren to five ln and manage mini ware house. Please write inciuding previous job, ex. perience, etc. To: ATTENTION MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 451 Whifby, Ont ario Li N 5S4 Hyfand Street- Contecfntioua Mother of two chldren off ors DAVOARE for yourchiîclren ln my home. 'Phone 666- 3959 af or 6 p.m. (PARTENTS7/ CODSFOR RENT SUBLET 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT ln Whitby. Appliances and utifities Inciuded. Asking $382 par month. dal666-3124 ATTENTION DISPLAY &CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Pt ease check your ad for errors on tha tirst day of publication. The Wfitby Free Press wiii not be liabla for faifure f0 pubish an ad, or for typographic or other errore in publication beyond the cost of the space occupiad by the arror up f0 a maximum cost of the tir- et incorrect insertion. The Whitby Frea Press rasarvas tha right f0 ciassify or rejact ail advertisamants. Box numbers are availabie at an ad- ditionaf charge of $2"1 DEAD LIN ES Dead Lina for Emporium Ada 'a Frlday noon prior 10 publication. Dead Lina for Classified Ada is Mon- day noon prior f0 publication. CALL 66-6111l PRE-PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT You may charge your Cîassfied Ad- vartisamant f0 your charges or Visa Account and recaiva a dscount on the prnce oh the ad. Please have your Visa card raady when caling, VIm NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All daims against the estate of DELILAH LEONE WEB- STER (aiso known as LEONE WEBSTER) late of the Town of Whltby, ln the Regional Munlcipallty of Durham, who dled on or about October 23rd, 1980, must be f lied wlth the un- derslgned personal representatives on or before January l6th, 1981, thereafter, the underslgned wil distribute the assets of the sald estate havlng regard oniy to the dlaims then f lied. DATED December l9th, 1980. DAVID J. D. SIMS, Q. C., Exécutor SIMS MORTON McINERNEY & BRADY Barristors and Solilcitors, 117 King Street, Whltby, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate of ___________________DELILAH LEONE WEBSTER ARTICLES Swlmming Pool Manufacturer ha. 1980 offt over pools being oftfered et a fraction of regular selling prîco for early sprlng dellvery. $1,690.00 is complete price of pools equippod with filter, pump, motor, patio, waik around deck and fencing. Small deposît will hold tit dellvery date. 0f- fer good oniy white euppiy lasta. Cal 1-800-268-5970 - Toronto 746-3340 Swlmmlng Pool Manufacturer wl lease and Instail now 1981 famlly sîze pool complets withi walkway, sun deck and fencing, on e rentai baste with option 10 buy. Vour choice of style. Try betore you buy! Cali IM- PERIAL POOLS Toi Free 1-800-268- 5970. If wthin our local callng area, phone 746-3340. (Toronto) WOOD STOVES et pre-season epeciai. White presant eupply lests tuai efficient wood burning tovos regufarly priced et $489.00 now aveliabla for a llmnited timne et only $17499. Callti free et 1-800-268- 5970 or If withln our local celiing ares 746-3340 (Toronto). BEST CASH FOR COLOUR TV, eny condit1wn Cati 1.421-3071 NOTIES HAMILTON, Frederlck Htarold Entered into rest at the Dr.- J. O. Ruddy Hospitâl, Whitby, on Saturday, Jan. 3, 1981. Freclerick Harold Hamilton of Whitby (formerly of Brougham) in his 83rd year, beloved husband of Cora White, loving father of Beula (Mrs. Donald Duncan) of Brooklin, Kay (Mrs. Gordon, Wegg) of Stouffville, John of RR 1, Markham, Ronald, RR 4, Wlioodville, loving grand- father of 13 grandchildren, dear brother of Marie (Mrs. C. A. Balsdon) of Pickering Village, predeceased by Mable (Mns. Clifford Hub- berd). Mr. Hamilton is resting at the McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Rd. W., Pickering, Hwy. 2, Pickering Village (Town of Ajax)>. Funeral service in t.he chapel on Monday, Jan. 5 at 1:3o pm. Spring interînent Whitevale Cemetery. jý0-FOR LIFE AND BRjEAITrH Support your local Lung Association 723-3151 and or. Dilon "ndthe nursIng staff. mg - m1--- Ed MORTOAGE SALE CONDOMINIUM 929 BURNS STREET WEST WHITBY UNITS 113 & 120 under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained ln a certain morgege which will be produced et the time of sale, thora will be otfered for sale by: AUCTION ON MON. JAN. 19 AT 9:30 A.M. At 1127 FINCH AVENUE WEST, DO WNS VIE W The said properites wili be offered for sale subject fo a reserve bld each and conditions of sale. TERMS: 'A deposit of $4,000.00 by cash or certified choque to be qla the time ofsasie and the balance within thirty days tereetter. For further particufars regarding the Auct ion and sppointment for inspec- tion apply f0: DANBURY SALES (1971) LTD,, 1127 FINCH AVENUE WEST, DOWNSVIEW (416)>630-5241 I __________1 IWI3vSINESS Z'Carriers are needed in SAjax, and east of Haz- 4 elwood and east of KendaIwood in Whit- by. Anyone who feels they can do the job for a long period of time can apply at: 'FRES THE WHITBY FREE PRESS q4ý668-6111 - OUTSTAN DING OPPORTUNITY TO JOUN A TOP NOTCH DENTAL TEAM!1 Experlenced business secretary needed to run large office for 2 dentists, hyglenlst and auxiliary staff. This is a long estabiished practice ln the Oshawa area wlth modern equlpment and congenil staff. The rlght person should be outgoing and mature and able to relate weIi to others. Excellent saîary and benefits. Send resume to: BOX 206, WHITBY ARY'S GALLERY ~. L~ ~. 'i rCUSTOM DRAPERIES SHEERS TRIPLE E PLEATED FOOT UP TO 100" LONG 48 COLOURS Ready mode Bedroom, Fomily Room,Livingroom Drapes on Sale 50% Off First-corne, first served, while stock Iosts. Ary's Gallery HOURS "Our Reputation is Spreadîn g" n o iyu 668-3811 I I 159 Brock St. No, Whîtby Umm Mr 1 j

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