Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Jan 1981, p. 10

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PAÇE 10, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7,1981, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Between You and Me ...' & I By RUTH COLES It is the night befire Ni w Year's Eve, a cold and winter like nlght with snow on theground. What ia Christmas week without a covering of snow, white of course and dlean? There lasamorething very exhilaratlng about a 5flow stoi'm, especiaily when the flakes are fat and fluffy. Oh yes, our con- science hurts when we think of hlghway and clty streets clogged with snow. We are anxious and concerned until we hear the car door slam and our loveci ones are home, safe and sound. It has been ever thus, the beautiful, breath-taklng part of wmnter versus the practical side of it wbich to many people causes great concern. We, as Canacians, need the change of seasons. It's part of our heritage and a part of our physical being. Our systems adjust accordlngly whlch they do flot always do whon people go to the troples to live. Wy e need changes in seasons The lake i the winter la especiaily beautiful and when the Lhermometer drope to zero the water la covered wlth steam. 'often the most unbellevable spirals of steam rlsing high In the sky or as of thila past week, a blanket of steam whlch from a distance looks like fog. Even the animais are lnvlgorated. 'have you ever watched the bunnies running hither and yon? Tilain the dime of year to, remember your birds. If you put feed out for tJiem do itoit a regular basis. If they are used te comlng to your feeders they wli expect te find seed there walting for them. To stay aive I the wlnter they mut est frequently te keep theIr body temperature up. We flnd the rabblts corne in numbers to feed under the bird feeders from the seed whlch fails te the ground and even our amail dog Sam doesn't dlsturb them ais he runs byor stops to stare. Someday soon I mut look for a book I bave whlch shows the foot Imprints 0f varlous animais, It's qulte amazlng after a fresh snowfail to se. how many cmatures have traveiled over the show. The tiny fildmouse leaves thé Imprint of his long, thin tail and as a chlld 1 ofton wondered andsnagm what their houes underground were like, 1 wlsh we could put a thin layer of glass ovor a "moue house" no we could watch thern. Somolimo when the lce on the mai-ah clear we can me flsh and Ice bridges formod as Lhe le. freeze. (FULLY LICENSED) 110 DUNLOP EAST, WHITBY IS NOW UNDER -NEW MANAGEM ENT AND TAKES GREAT PRIDE IN THE OPENING 0F IlS NEW DINING ROOM. WE OFFER A GREAT SELECTION 0F AND FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT UNCOMPARABLE PRICES. SC DELIG HTFUL SNACK, OR DINNER )COME AND ENJOY A LUNCH IN OUR QUIET DINING ROOM. AS 0F MO N DAY JAN UARY 12, 1981 WE WILL BE OPENING AT 8 A.M. FOR BREAKFAST. FREE PARKING ¶ ~j ~ ÀM STREET DINNERS BREAKFAST, Several people have asked me to write about a very speclal gif t given to, us on our -flrst Christmas together. For a few months it seemed somethlng wau going on wlthi the family circle, very evasive and subtie , nothing w. could put Our finger on. After we had gathered together at my daughters on Christ- mas day, and one of my husband's daughters and her faily arrlved, my daughter wblspered "you'il soon know so Just watt and ail your questions wWi be answered". So, a great surprise was i store, there was somethlng or had been somethlng going on; there was something i the air!1 Everyone sat, nothlng was sald-as we were handed a beautlfuily wrapped parcel about 12" by 14". "Hurry Up",o the children sald, "open it'Up!1" This we dld and both of tu gasped ais we saw a photograph of ail aur ten grandchildren, truly a masterpiece, a work of art So this wau what it was ail about; now we understood. My husband's daughter who lives many miles away had suggested that they ail get together and somnehow give us, as a weddlng present and Christmas glft, a record of ail our grandchildren together. My eldest daughter, who has been a best friend of my husband's eider daughter, englneered the wbole thlng. 'we Jaughed long and bard over ail the funny thlngs whlch hap- pened, gettlng everyone together and keeping the whole procedure runnlng smoothly. Ten chlldren ranglng i age from seventeen to four ail in their best "bib and tucker", the boys i their grey flannels and navy blue blazers and the girls dressed i their best. Ten offsprlng of varlous ages and assorted sizes!1 Flrst of ail, they had to find a photographer who could stage iL al with needed space of a foot or a foot and a haif for each person, not an easy task in a studio unless they ail sit down or cluster together. Sa the question of the moment was-to sit or to stand. The latter was out of question as this would flot show their helghts and thia was most important. The main object of the excercise was I think te, give us a record of ail our gran- dchildren as they were when we were married or rather three months after the event. Now the question was where. The photographer asked my son-in-laws opinion; did he have a favourite out-door place in mind? Yes, he did but iL was too bright he was teld, not enough shade. The decision to take the picture out of doors was part of the magic which made the flnlshed product such a smashlng success. The location then was to be Chorely Park, a beautiful setting especiaily in the Autumn. Magnificent maples, the leaves ail amber and gold wlth the sunlight fllterlng through whlch gave the effect of a halo around each person's head.Under their feet a carpet of leaves wlth sunshlne whlch made pat- ches of'llght and this soft llgt was reflected in their faces too. They had ail gathered at my daughters before noon from far and near to keep their appolntment at one. So lunch was a big factor for ten'hungry kida but a spil here or there had ta, be avoided at ail coes. The decision by ail the mothers concer- ned was, sandwiches but no drinks!1 Can you imagine what thlrst this would create? Now to the park, ail loaded into two statlonwagons, parents included, and the photographer i his car wlth ail his equlp- .ment. The oldest grandson, aged 15, 6' 4", was the centre one wlth ail his cousins and two sisters grouped around hlm. Ail of them from the tlny four year old te my husband's seventeen year old granddaughter looked lut perfect wlth happy and special expressions on their faces. This la often difficult wlth ten young people as one or more may flot turn out welh I a group picture; an unusual happening. Sa now we bave our special ton, ail very speclal i their own way to, each of us. We hope the future holda the best for tUm ail. The world owes themn nothlng but their contribution to the world la another thing. They were ail boni and brought up i a wonderful country and we hope this generation wli give of themselves as their forebears have done. The opportunities are here, opportumities for greatness. OF o Here's to a new, great YOU!, LA CONTESSA BEÂUTY LOUNGE 119 GREEN STREET wa= 668-9262 SNACKS - - - - ------ -

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