Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Oct 1979, p. 22

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caII668-M6' rAds wiII onlly'be accepted subject to the Phono 008.5328. Explorer K) oublo In- sion. Ford or booster, for Brod. Oct. 17,79 ,mags wth radial. 60 sertes piorfter saterso 'eystemn. Wili' certlfy. $2.800, PhoneoI008.9496. Oct. 3, 79 1974 AMBASSADOR BROUGHAM Power stsering & brakes. Air con- dltlcning. Radio 'and clock. Good condition. Wili certIfy. Asking $16896. Ptioee8.581. Oct. 3, 79 1871 DODOE C0RONZT Station wagon. 318 Automattc. $300 or bout offer, Phono 06979. - Oct. 3, 79 FOR TOYOTA snow tires $15; scissors Jack $7; trouler htch $5; All in go-od condition, Caii 668.4257. Oct. 3,79 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY V-8. Power 'steorlng & brakos. Good condition. $550. Phoneo6608-3580. Sept. 26, 79 1975 I>ODQE MONACO V-. Power stoortng & brakos. New tires. New oxhaust systmn.' $1,100. Phone 688. 3580. -Sept. 26, 79 1971 PINTO Automatic. Radio. As s. . Runnir>g càndit ion. Needs b ody work. $200 or best off er. Phone 668.0718. Sept. 19,79 74 Veçp Wagon automatic. $650. Phone 655-4974. Aug. 29, 79 1971 Toyota automatic, 57,000 miles, good condition. $600.00 Cati 668-4495 Aug. 8, 79 1971 Tornado $1 ,800. Low milleage, has power everything Good condition. Phone 668- 0920. Aug. 1,79 rREMRITI NAL WVEHICLES PAOTORCYCLE, 1979 .PE175. 2,000, KLM. Ported A poiished. Fox shocks. Air forks and Bell Moto 3 hoimet. AskIng $1,800. Phone anytimo after 4 p.m. 68.71 05. Sept. 26, 79 VAMAHA IT 175 In good condi- tion. Recentiy rebuilt engine, $900 or best offer. Phone 668- 8325 af ter 4 p.m. on weekdays. Sept. 19, 79 SKI DOO !ýnOw mobile. Excel lent condition.' 440 TN~'T fan cool. 81,100 or best offer, indlu. des Tachomneter & cover. Aiso straw for sale. Phone 655-8001. Sept. 12, 79 le FT. HANDMADE.SKI BOAT 283 ~Chevy engine, v-drivo, in good ccdn- dition. $2,000 or best offer. Phono 655-4418.Aug. 22,79 1977 SUZUKI RM 125B Exicel- lent condition. Wisco,piston., Ported & polished. Very quick and powerfui with Bell Moto- star heimet,,Digger, bootsaând other accessories. $800 tirm. Phone 668.2203. Aug. 22, 79 197a SUZUKI RM 125CExcel- lent condition, re.built, toots, heimet, gioves. Asking $1,000. Phone 294-6029. Aug. 22, 79 120'C is a aoSd room 1 QUIEN r-ZE lED Foam mattresa with ono brand. New heasd board. Ex- cellent condition $00. Cati 068.1 Oct. 17, 79 HUMIDIFIER In good condition. Ap- proxlmateiy 2 years oid. ýUprlght modal $50. Cali atter 5 p.m. 668.6910.ý -~Oct. 17..79 CCM BOY'S BIKE $50. Cali after 6 p.m.655-M22. Oct. 17, 79 CRUSHIED VELVET couch, gray, tuxodo style. 5 yeare oid. $110. Phono 68.1075, attere p.m. Oct. 17,79 2 GASOLINE LAWN MOWERS In worklng condition. $25 each or beat oiter. 68&7511 affor 6 p.m. - Oct. 17, 79 2 CAPTAINS CHAIRS rad crushed velvet, swivsl bases, $225 a pair; Styrofoani van cooler, new $40; bed, box spring & mattrees 39" $50; Emer- son console Wainut 68" long AM-FM wlth garard changer $100; Antique white treadie eewing machine $60; Magnlsonic AM.FM tuner $45; interior wooden door 30 x 78 x 1 318 $20. Phone 728-2327. Oct. 17, 79 CHESTERFIED SUITE lnciuding, otoman. Very good condition. Brown, belge & tan. $300 3 seater chester- field. Good for cottage. Back $50. Phone 576-5261. Oct.- 10, 79 2 SETS 0F BUNK BED8 3 wlth top line Sealy mattresses and posture boards, harwood head & foot board. $150 complets or boat offer. Calil 68.. 4804. Oct. 10, 79 WALL HUNO eiectric f treptaco. Meéter & flreiog. $75;,2 E.78-14 snow tires$ $20. PthoneE661843. Oct. 10, 79 ELECTROHOME consois stereo with AM-FM sutomatic recordchge,8 tract rcrdr&piayer( 'wainut cabinet. Aeking $225. Calii 08-1146. - Oct. 3,79 FOR SALE Purpie rug &,drapes, suitabie for roc. room. Asking $30 or boat offer for both. Phono 564618. Sept. 2,7i9 BABY OOODS package deal. In- cludes: Silver Cross cairiage, stroiler, Joliy jumper, toddler seat, bak carrier rocker lounge chair & others.Ail In A. l condition. $M0. Ph one *14133794. Sept .26,79 2 YELVET SWIVEL ROCKER CHAIRS. Fiat base. Bear ;_ g swivoi. i rod", 1 ruet. As new. $150 oach. Phono 668- M02. Sept. 26,79 USED DOORS (1) 34-1 x 82 ext. mahogany slab -830 (2) 321, x 80 ext. codar wlth window $30 (3) 34, X 8201 oxt., mahogany wlth, Wtndow $30 (4) 32" x 80" ecroon door $25 (5) 34-- x 82" screen door $25 (8) 32", x 80 soreoin door $25; French prov. cherry Wood coffee endend table $80; 2 alumlnum storm windows 32" x 55%6 $10 euch; Dai. lesink $10; 24" white range hood $15; arborito circuler col- tee table $15; Cofltee coloured polo' tamp $20; red thoromalgard 'bsdroom drapes $M unllned drapes for chiid's room, ight, brown & animai pattemn $10. Phono 868-46M., Sept. 26,79 APPLIANCES, Viking washer spin dryer, avocado, excellent condition $175. Rifle, 22 cal. Semni aùtomnatic, with case, excellent $85. Phone ý655 À053. Sept., 19, 79 1 K IMBELL ORGA 3 4 yrS. otd. $1,00 3022. TELEAINNENT TVG GAMES, UIKE NEW, US AM. Like new 00. Cali 655 Sept. 19, 79. GAME, WH' SIED VERY LIT- PLASE READ When the advertised item is soid, disposed of, or unavallable for whatever reason, the item wiii be deemed to have been soid and aý commission wiit be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iltustrated beiow, regard iess if price is stated with "best offerl., if the item. s NOT SOLD, or dlispesed of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE cf $3,00,will appiy. All. advertlsements must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WIiITBY FREE PRESS and run at ieast one month if not soid. RATES [if article is soidi:- 5%-/' cf advertised price up to $400.00 2% cf balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item advertised for $120.00 'commission due «.00 i minimum charge is 83.00] IlPrivate advertisin9 onlyl Please notify us if you f mnd a ret listed as a private advertiser. 'ailer Ploa-se' notiiy the Whltby Free Press immediateiy whern item 's soid so that we may delete it f rom the foilowing issues. A11; ads not f ittlng the Em-pà.riur guidelines wili be treated anCt charged per week as regular cîassified ads on a pre paid basis- such as: services, heip wanted, ciothing, real estate, and personai message type ads, or ads net quoting price or quantîty:, Private classifie -d ads may. appear in the Emporium section under 't in doubt, cati 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, ,Whitby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St; N., Whiiby I T NE , DEADLINlE.FOiRý EMPORIUM- ADS IS THE I FRiDAY PRlEVIOUS Tlo PuLIRI lrTiroki T mn CHESTERFIELD with 1, matching chair $1 20;1 *n'on matchIng chair $40. Suitabie.for basemnent or cottage. Colt 668.088. Sept. 12,-79 BOY'S 3SPEED racIng bicycie $55;, gir's 20" wheei bicycle $40 4 newiy uphoistored swivei.kitchen chairs $75; Muite spood resi f0 reei tape recorder $150; Antique c'ondlment set $20; Occasio nai table $15; Prose gises dishe $5; Camnivai vase $15; Oid hand rInger $20. Phone 579"929. Sept. 12,79 PDL2 And Universe 23 channel side band CB set. $250. for both. Tires F775- 14's giass beited, 2 summer & 2 wvinter $80. Mahogany china, cabinet. Best. offert Phone 668-3876. Sept. 12, 79 BOY'S SIZE 1 CCM Tacks hockey skates $20, Boy's blue hockey, pants. Waist size 24 26 $10.-Tetephone 668:5227. Sept. 12/79 ' FLUORES CENT. DESK lamp $4; 2. bedroorn cupb>oard doors $3 each; 16 moel cupboard door hinges and han- dies 25 cents each. Cai 66>960. ".Sept. 5,79 HOOVER WASHER spin dryer.i n good working order $100; Chitdren's car.seats .'one GM infant seat, two Ford. saf e- ty seats $15 ea. Phone 655-4045. Sept. 5, 79 FULL LENGTH LEATHEIR coat Fur cotiar. Brown/red cotour. Worn very iittie. 2 years oid. $320 new. Asking $150. Size 10. Phone 668-7613. Sept. 5, 79 AQUARIUM 15 gai. with canape, att accessortos, iron stand and fish. Ex- cellent condition. Ask for John $90.- Phono 668.9165. Sept. 5,79 CHESTER FI ELDý SUITE buiit for the big mnnin Énmd. New $1.400. Wili seli $800;' set of coffee table & end tabIe. Soiid mrapie $100 for the set;,3 Pc. bedroom. suite $175; kitchen suite. 5 pc. chromne suite, $75. B est offer witi.be accepted on any of the above items. Phone 668 3164. Aug. 29, 79 AIR CONDITIONIER $80; Lewit vacuum cleaner $45; Camera stand, brand new $10; Many other items. Price to seil. Phone 725 1585. Aug. 22, 79 CEDAR'HOPE, CHEST top trçiy Iinod with qrevin toit. $100new, askinq $300 or, bost of frrPhonè l579'3395. Auq. 22/79, REEL-TYPE power iawn mower $75. TwIn onomel la undry tubs, with stand and piumbing '$30, Moffstt buiit-In oven and mohogany cabinet, range' top blue, onml wlth '36 Inch stovo fan. $100. Calt1728-6470. Aug. 15,79 COLEMAN LANTERN $15. Funk & Waqnaii encyciopodia set $50; Praktica 35mm came ra outfit $200, AMF VO0iT MR 12. regùfator' with Dacor pros sure qauqe $150. Phonoe 668 2675. Auq. 15, 79 GIBSON eiectric guitar &'amplifier >. $800. Phono 6688.6563. Aug. .15, 79' 30 INCH white Chofmoster etovo goocf condition. $35. Phono 655-3006. Aug. 15,79 OSTERîZER BLENDER Fairiy new $20;'Double bed. 6 yoars oid, wood headboard, footboard a rail. $20; Stivor trivets, $5 & $10;'010dalivor but- ter- dish win krîIfo$5; ýSIlvor candis stick -$10 a pair; Antique ladies dresser, with large beeied' ovai swinging !mirror'$175; Antique cheet of drawors,, couid oak on ,chine castors, eit brocs hardware 8 koy hole with koy $250. Boat offeron the abovo articles. Phono 668.567. Aug. 8, 79 Console Stereo Grundeig, not in working order $120. -Two matresses & box springs twin size $40., pair;-chitd's dresser red, & hite $90.; Teak desk $95.; Phone after 5 p.m. 281-2999." Aug. 8, 79 8-Track Car Deck'Sej j F0. 501648 - Moc. Mo. C940- 26821 with speakers&. 3 tapes. $50. Cali 4 - 6 p.m., 668-5919., Aug. 1, 79 1 PAIR 0F AUSTRAUIAN Damond Doves et $20 a p>air; 1 pair of German Roluer Canaries et $30 a pair; One pair of Zebra Fînches et $15 a pair. With< cages If destrod et $8 por cage. Phono 668-2461. Sept. 26.79 FOR SALE 18 month oid purebred registorod yeilow labrador maie. $20 or beat offor. Phono' 655-3895 LUTO PARTS 2-15-15N Michelin Radiai Tires. 4 boit pattem. Uke new. AskIng $60 for the pair. Cati608.1 Oct. 17, 79 vIl wth al your heart k! PIanning Io move? be sure to cali Phonef-.l>S ,j The Most' Famous L POSITIVELY YOU NEED PROTEIN FOR I-EALTHY LIVING by Joan Flelden e*' Protein has become a household ýword. In tact, many nutri- tionists declare that we're going through, the "protein" era. There's no, doubt about t-. nutrition science hasproved that pet0fprotein s a mu st for healthy living. One-of the, best. detinitions,,for ýprotein Ns "the stutt our bodies are made of". Protein s found in every living oeil.-m hair, -bonesand muscles. As we grow and get eilder, new body tissues are. formed.anid wern-out tissues must be replaced or rebuiit. Food protein is'the main materNai in the ceils ln these tissues. Act ually, what we cail a single matera - protein - s a complex combination of several substances called amino acids. If a food contains a talrly high percentage 0f these sub- stances, it Ns usually referred to as a "protein" food. Dîfferent protein foods contain diffèrent assertments et the amine acids. There are many et these arnino acids, but a tood's rating as a 'complete" or an "incomplete" protein food depe'nds upon its content of eIght building blocks known to be essential for, health. Most animal foods, like.meat,'t sh, poultry, eggs, and milk are "*complt e"'. protein foôods an.dthus are excellent mealtime choices. Cereals.and some plant 4oods, Ilie 1peas, beansand nuts, are "Incomplete" protein toods, because they' lack one.orýmore of the elght essentiai amine acids. Science has shoWn.that animal and cereal proteins, WHIEN EATEN TOGEHERprovide better nutrition than' either type does "alone. Thus we are wise to balance Our intake et arimal protein foods with plenty of'whole grain cereals and whole wheat, rye and enriched white breads. Protein has other uses than as a builder et body tissue. lt. can also provide a generous ameunt of energy when digested and oxidized (burned),in Our bodies. Equal weights et pretein and carbohydrate (sugars and star- ches), produce exactly« the. same number et calories (or- energy)- four per gram. If an excess of energy calories s prdcdby eating more protein or more carbohydrates tha we need, the extra wNll be storedas bedy fat. ln ether words- whreprotein is concerned, enough et a goed thing seouh Excesses, in the torm et bedyfat, may be dangereus te health. Fortunately, protein s widely distributed in our commen foods. Although complete (animal> preteins are usually more expensive te buy, their cost as well as«thelr food value may be counterbalanced by using pienty of comparatively inexpensîve cereals and breads A simple daily'protein "check chart" for adlults.-wili show check marks opposite these teods: one ser- ving et whele gra in cereal, at least tour slices et enriched or whole grain bread; one serving ýmeat, peultry or tish; one ser- v!ng et 'either eggs, cheèse' or legumes; and '/- pint et milk (more for children, adolescents and pregnant and nursing methers). Why net make sure et your. good heaith by heeding the war- ning, "Postively- yeu need pretein!" D 1' il

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