-. -~ -~ ~ FREE PRESS WEEKS WINNERS. S. BUTTON, Oshawa G. LOW, Whitby: E. G EISS, Whitby L. McPHE'E, Oshawa 3 for $.00(Scen BalIey Pharmiacy - 372 Brock St. S. (Safeway Mail) Baskjn Robbins.- 372 Brock St. S. (Safeway Mail) Jury & LoVeil Drug Store -, 317 ,,Brock' St. S. Kameka Footw ear:- Thickson:Rd. S. (Wliitby Mail) Osiawa Meat Products & Delicatessen 1818 Dunda s St. E. Shorty's Cigar Store -121 Brock St. N. Shorty 4 Son'-Billards l-,,130 Dunjdas St. N. Wlitby Glass,'Miro - 210 Brock St. S. nTy ow 1 yro1DndaSt. W BlairPark Variet luon frjýN C ent Bwl, 118 BDrn St. . NAME BRAND TOYS "MATTEL' "PARKER" "REGAL" "ROM4PER JIMMY "MATTEL' OSMOND$ DOIL$ DEPT STORE PRICE WAS $6.99 Corridor w Ca pers KM IGIfTS 0F COLUMBUS TVBINGOý CABLE CHANNEL 10 EVERY WEDNWESDAY AT- 6:00 P.M.ý- u P TO '$375 UN PRIZES THAN 50 LOCATIONS >TO' SERVE YOU KNIT AFGHANS a SWEATERS. PURSES WITH GRANNY CIRCLES LIST PRICE $1995 Assen LAFFY-CATHY ,.DLL 'A s REGAL » TALKING -P GIGGLING$ O f OY'WILLY WALKER DOG T-V HE ACTS ONOR MAN 1978 DEPT STORE Tým a CAT. PRICE $1995 SNOOPY OR PEANUTS OOLLS REG. $299, TALKING TELEPHONE DEPT STORE PRICE8.99 $59 "#PARKER BROS BOARD GAMESTO 7.9UES A D fl UAmi% MMI IEHY OPERATED 4141<1 l~C ~i~< [44 TRAIN SEl REG. 16.95 164S DUNDAS st. W. MON TO il WkftYý 686-2831 668-743119 t@ 9 133 TAkUNTON RD. W. SAT Oià o 9 to 5 ý The number of clients unemployedand registered for work at tbe Canada Em- ploymnent Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the month of September totalled 9,182,ý consisting of 5,425 female and 3,757 maIe clien- Plac ements In the three offices totalled 1,077 for the montb, whlcb compares to a total of 848 placements during Auguit. hIe majorlty et clients were reglstered' li cleWa and related; sales; Servie;product' fabrlcating, assembllng and repaisï;:materlal-ba ndling, and related. Durlng September, the greatest employment oppor- tunities existed ln accom- modation and food service; retail trade; manu.facturing of transportation equip- ment. At the end of September, there were 152 students in the skill courses sponsored by'the Canada Employment Centre and 36 people receiving academie upgradiaig at Durbam College. Tbe student centres in Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa and Bowmanville, had 11,576 students register during 1979 wbicb compares to 6,258 in 1978. Employers listed, 3,676 7:15 p.m'. Huffave a good week. M. McEachern 725-896 vacancies at thse centres durinig'1979 compared.' to 2,643 in 1978. The centres placed 3,495-students during 1979compared to 2,277 lu 1978. Employers- are en- couraged to take advantage Whitby Community ingo * Jaycee e iwanis el Kinsmen 0 Optim ists ýý5OOAKPT 2- Last Weeks Winner MARY GAUTHIER EVERY MNA IHT'ý Monday October 22,' 1979 Liee No. 23552 -FIRST 'J 'ACKP 'OT AT 50 NUMBERS, SECOND JIACKPOT AT 51 NUMBERS Credit Prograni wblch provides a tax advantage of up to $3,120 for a 12 month period for, eacb emnployee bired underthis prograni. For further information, frene Stoehr may be contac- ted at 579-9402at theéshwa NO,,ADMISSION CHARGE! WVELCOME HOME DARYL A welcome borne to Daryl Taylor of Garrard Rd. ýWhitby. The 15 year old Grade 10 student of Anderson. Collegiate and two other handlcapped teenagers enjoyed a week vacation ln So utbbampton, England. They. had, a bectlc schedule, but managed, one' full day in London wbere they crowded i a sigbt seeing excursion they wiII neyer forget. Tbe, three s 'tudents returned Thanksglvlng Dayý tired but happy. Daryl is alsQ, an active player on the Durhamn Golden Wheels B asketbail Team. On October 21, the team iwlll challenge the St. Catherines Charloteers in St. Catherines and'on November 4th, "the Burlington team wll compete against theDurbamteain iOshwa. Daryl bas. been one of the leading scorers for bis team. Ail oui best. Please oeil wlth news Rtemns for the column. AIL-SAINTS CHURCHýý AIL Saints Church will hold lt's Christmias Bazaar onà oc- tObe27from 2-4p.m.itheparlsh hall. There will be many attractions, icluding white elephant table -1baud crafts, Chistnas decorations', home akn and many.more. Aftèrnoon tes *wlbeserà ved. 9,182*jobless LAST GRAND PRIZE lUPY~ ZU 20 pe AWAY NOW FOR 1 &Y, OCTOI3ER 17. 1979, WHITBY1 REG. 16.95 SPEEDING ON KEgNDALWOOD ROAD Kenidalwood Road ln Whitby bas become a second Mosport Raceway..Wben it was first suggested that.Ken- dalwood be made a through êtret and conneet with Burns, the residents voiced their concerns about the added traffice and speedlng. We are assured by the experts that no significant change would occur. To the road experts (who lncidently live outside Whitby), our worst fears have been realized. Cars travelling at ex- cessive speeds ranging Up to 80 or 90 kilometers are con- stant travellers on the once quiet, residential street. Residents, who always enjoyed a lelsurely'evenlng stroil, are denled their exercise for safety reasons. It is extremely dangerousfor the children to ride their bicycles or walk along the road. The added traffic we can >tolerate, but the speecling must cese. May I add, the cuiprits are not teenagers, but irresponsible aduit motorlats who seemn to sprout borns wben behlnd the wheel of a car, and at tixues race twýo abi-east à long the road. Lets do something to ensure safety on Kendalwood Road before its toolate!1 ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AnnlversarySunday - Sunday, ýOc-tober'28 willmark the 4thAnniversary Service at St. Andrews Chureh, ,cochrane Street N. ln. Wbltby. Dr. R.H. Armistong frin; Wlngham, will be the guest speaker at the 10:00 arn. ser- vice and the General Motors Choir wll perfor i n the San- ctuary at 8:00 pi.. The Cburch memni extend a cordial invitation fo al .Plan toattend.' BAZAAR St. Andrews annual bazaar -wll be held on Saturday, November' 3rd fromn 1 pin. to 4 p.m. ln tbe Church, Cochrant.St. in Whltby.; CORRIDOR CAP ERS DANCE' The Capers fal dance, was held Saturday evening- at Heydenshore, and I'm sure everyone who attended'enjoyed the friendly fun evenlng. Our. special, welcome to Mayor Jim and Marjorle: Gar- tsbore, Jh Sylvia Dehartý Ann and Bob Carson, Betty and Gerry Emni and Nan and Jo Drum. To Joe, wb o bas been slightly under the weater with. the flue, we did appreciate your attendlng. Lynu Majores and behr da nce »comimittee'again, outdld themselves. The decorations were created by Lynn's grade 3 students at Glen Street'Public Scbool.< Prizes for the evening were generously donated by K-Mart, Woolco, Dominion,'Osbawa Mdeat Market, Wbitby Mail Florist, Gerry Emin, and tbe Corridor Royal Bank'. Tbank you ail for supperting your Community organization. Our next >Capers Bail will be beld on Saturday, February 23, 1900 at Heydenshore Pavillon. >EXECUTIVE MEETING <At our last executive 'meeting we, bad as, our> guests, Karen Dowe and Theresa Vallic, 2nd year' students at Ryerson Insà t..We hope the two Young ladies -obta'ined s8uf- ficient information for their scbool project. Also ln atten- dance were Ann Preston and Allen Skaife, members of -the Cardia eabilitation Centre.1 -Mr. Skaife outlined bis own personal experiences with a major beart condition and explained tbe. many benefits of tbe Rehabilitation Centre. Hie personally feels that the work carried on atý the* Centre bas been instrumental in'bis recovery. 'WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Regional Presbytery Meetings - October 22 and 23 at New1castle and Port Perry respectively. T urkey Dinner - Saturday, October 27 is tbe date of the Turkey Supper. Tickets wifl be available from any U.C.W. m ember'or caîl Hazel Whiteside at 725-5417.'This year the cost ýwillbe ,$4.50 for aduits and $2.25 fore cbildren 6 to 12 years. Time 4:3o to 6:30-and admittance by 'TICKET $1'29. 0:1& TRAM SET No chIdren under- 16- admîttedé,