I *Coing Events BIRTHDAY PARTY The Whltby Psyc <hiatrie Hospitail wll, be holding a birtbday Party to celebrate their Gth anniversary on October 23. The festivities are scheduled to begin at 1:.30 p.m. ti the recreation hall. There wlll be entertainment and refreshments, will be served. Al ,former staff members are urged to lattend.ý For more Information con- tact Dianne.Mill at 668-588 ext. 274. I Congrtulations Plastics Surface Finishers Llmted 1The Ontari o Miistry of Jndustry and Tourism takes pleasure in'saluting Plastics surface Finishers Linited, On receiing the Govemnment of Ontario UAX for Achi'evemIent Award, for their outstanding contribu- tion to theProvince's economy. This award recognizes theaheemnsof Plastics Surface Finishers Limited, based on increased exports, iniport replacement increased, employment opportunities, plant expansion and new product ~L~Gosa, devel pment ! ~ 1 Miniter of Industry Plastics surface Finishers Lùmited joins the ranks. and Tourism of 118 Ontario Companîies achieving this award sinoe 1963. lb them and their staff, congratulations ~William'Davis, and thancs, froin the Govemnmenrt of Ontario. Ontarlo Premier the Whitney Hall of the Iroquois Park Arena on Sat urday, October 27 at 8 p.m. Entertainment will be provlded by Whelan's D.J. Costumes are optional. The cost 18 $12 per couple and includes a buffet. KIRK BAZAAR On Saturday, November 3, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.nif., St. Andrew's Presbyterian- Church (209 Cochrane $t. Whitby) is holding their an- nual Kirk Bazaar. Included in the many' booths'are à Home Bake Taîbe, Stich'n Sew, Arts'n Crafts, a White Elephant Table, and a Tea Room. Corne and celebrate the start of the Christmas season at the Kirk Bazaar. rn THEREGIONL >MUNICIPALITy< 0F DURHAM DURHAM Please be advised that Superior Sewer Services Ltd. wiliibe testing porti ons of the sewers ln the Town of Whitby commenclng the week of October 29, 1979, by the use of SMOKF. The'SMOKE is flot harmf ui and shouid flot enter the premises uniess a ieafc, ls present., Any presence,.0f SMOKE. within the building should be reported.to the peopieý conducting, the- test along the street or by caiiing -the' Reglonai Municipaiity of Durham Works Department at 668-7721. Please ask for the Maintenance Division. The area in Whitbywhere these tests wili be conducted is bounded by Dun-" das Street West, .Annes Street, Lynde Creek and Highway 401. ) £o CALAIS T LCREEK ~-CALAIS sir CALAIS S u l.y 5 CC VA M Aj, &A c r W. A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng Commisioner of works I MAKES THE DIFIFERENCEý WE OFFER TOP QUALITY F ILM PROCESSING AT COMPETITIVE PRI.CES AND THAT-S VALUE! MJM PHTOGJRApHYý 131 BROCK STREET NORTH WITBY 668-6111 Mon - Wed 9 fa n- 6non -Tho a rc LPr; SANTA CLAUS PARADE The Whitby Jaycees will be holding their annual S'an- ta Claus Parade on Decem- ber 1latl10a.m. Anyone or any orÉanization' interested in, participating in the event is urged to contact Nîgel: Schilling, the.p&rade en- trance co-ordinator at 683- 3392 or 668-9166 (after office hours). There will be prizes for the best entries, in several categories including the best float and the best band. PAGE ? 14, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1979, WHITBYTFREE PRESS WITCHES DAN CE ~The West Lynide' Com-' rnunity Association wilI be' holding. their AAWithesand- m m CWL NNIVRSARY The Catholle Wornen's League of St. John the Evagelstchurch wlll be holding their 4th annlver- sary celebration on Novein- ber3at6:30p.m. The celebration wlll be held at. Cedrick's Banquet Hall with a speclal mass to be said at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 a head for the dinner and dance. For more information or tickets eaU Judy Wolfenden ai 668-0370. HOCKEY DANCE The Whitby, and Brooklln Minor, Hockey Ladies Auxillarywli be holding a Hockey Sweater Dance on Saturday, November 3 from, 8:30 p.m. toi a.m. It will be held at the, Heydenshore Pavilon at a cost of $12 per couple. <There wWJ be music, dan- cing, prizes, a hot dinner and special draw for those people weari-ng a hockey sweater. Tickets are available from the following members 'of the . WBHA Ladies Auxiliary: Helen Avery - 668-2810 (af- ter 5p.m.) Dawra Page - 668-6670 To Dborey - 668-2801 Terry Wilson - 668-9594 Doreen Wild -668-5588 RIDE-A-THON On Sunday, October'21, Pinewood Place will hold an Autumfn Ride-A-Thon on the Great Pine Ridge T7rail. The ride wiI assemble at 9:30 ar.. and- the 40 kilometre course wlil have a lunch stop at Jericho Farmn. The ride-a-thon wuil raise funds to provide horseback riding, as therapy and recreation for handicapped persons in Durham Region. There Iwill'be trophies waddfor: the mont pledges, the youngest rider, the oldest rider, sportman- ship and horsem&nship. ' For more Information and registration cail985-2777. HALLOWEEN DANCE The Canadian'Scottish Clu<b 0ýf Whitby will be holding their Halloween Dance on, Saturday, October 20 from 8 p.m. to 1 arn. at à 1he Masonie, hall on, Ccrne Street. For further information and tickets cai 6684134. TURKEY SUPPER The Westminster United Churchwill hold their an- nual. Turkey Supper on Saturday October 27 from 4:30p.mn.- SCost is $4.50 for adults and,,/ $2.25 for children. AdMssont is by ticket or reservation which maY be purchaseëd from any UCW mnember. or bY Calli1 25-5417. ', CHINESES COOKING DEMONSTRATION Th e CtocWornen's Leagu e of St. John the Evangellst Church will be holding a Chinese cooking demonstration at the Henry Street HiMgh School cafeteria Tuesday, October 23 at 7:30 p.rn. There wil be an admission of $2.50 per person and .40 door --prizes will be given away. for more information and, tickets,.cali Sylvia -Spencer at 668-8492 or Gloria St. Pierre at 668-3721. iý *' 1