Report fro.m IQueen's Park ~~ By GEORGE ASIlE, HP>? ________ (PC - Durham West) O)ccupa tionaW health and safety la an lssue Of" vital con- cern W many 0 f us hi this province.- For, this reason, I wished 'te draà w*your attention W the offipial pr oclamation Of tbe Occupational Health and Safety Act, tbat Wook place October 1. 1979. 1 cénsider this new legisiation a ý rather significant legialative achievement since it provides, forthe first time n Ontarila' comprehensîve fraemework wltb'iWn wblch We Jfair P~ishi Dpdate « Our *pro" stylists know aW the latest and greatest.,in hair écare and fashion. For, individual styling', con- suit us for your style, your look! LA, CONTESSA BEAUTI LOLNGE 119GrctSre A0 god 668-92(>2 1Placec' an relax when, 1450, Hopkins tol New health and safety act Wil proteet 700,00 cnproceed to protect workers against the bazarda of the workplace. Since its initial introduction in tbe Legisiature in October IM77 the Bill bas undergone a number of amendments. One feature< of the ýnew legisiation la the expansion of coverage W oafIurtber 700,00 workers. The Bill now covers, the. total workforce, witb the exception'«f teachers and tboseengage!d infarming operations. Construction projects, with 20 or more regularly em- ployed workers will now see the assigrment of a bealth and safety represen t ative chosen by the workers. Health "and safety committees must be establisbed iail workplaces where thereà are-more tban 20 employees, wlth tbe excep- tion of offices, apartment buildings,, libraries, muùseums, tbeatres, private clubs, stores, restaurants and botels <ex- cept kitchens orlaundries). Its'bould be note that I places witb lestban 20 persons employ'ed, healtb and safety committees are flot required, unless a ýregulation relating to a dangerous substance appliesto that workplace, or an or- der to an employer respecting.a-particular bazard ia Mi èf- fect.- Tbe establishmnent 0f one or more joint health and safety committees, may be ordered by the Minister, wbenn h is opinion, based on availableý information about. tbe,_'rk- place,, hazardous 'conditions exist and justify safety- precautions. Individuals to wbom the Act applies,' May now refuse tW perfrm usafework Exeptions to,.tbis provision include policemen, *firefigbters, workers in correctiloriin- stitutioinl,traiing lseb ools, or similar institutions, or plr- sons., employed in beaitb or' bealtb related 'occupations where, the- lif e, bealtb -or safety of otbers may be jeopar- dlzeéd by refusai W woirk. Ini addition' , uring any investigation of bis or ber refusail W ýwork, a worker is entitled -to bave present a bealth and J r-' Jc»IN IANDURCHIN- SUI TE 103' VINARY-BROCK BUILDING. 186 8 R OCK ST R.EE T NRTH WHITBY, ONTARIO0 TE LEPHONE 66&4341 meet, '0 more work ers safety representative or other representative of the workers. Health hazarda sucb as exposure tW toxie ýsubstances demand' close attention, since unliké safety bazards, tbey may be slow, cumulative, Iireversible and furthercom- plicated by non-occupational factors. As well, the Act provides for the regulation of toxlc substancesi the work- Place.> Both development and 'implementation, of these régulations requires anonig consultative proces. Moreover, the Act itselfivlvsa bigb degree ofcon- sistent' worker-employee -cooperation -W oident, control and reduce bazarda to the healtb and safety <ifworkers. Where possible, we would like Wo see tbe elimination oif thèse hazards. oiity<f Labour staff will monitor botb workplaces andwokrs ýexposedý to bazardous 'environments and' provide support W eëmployers and workersi their efforts Wo reduce health and safety bazarda. Since the 1880's when Sir Oliver Mowat firat introduced legisiation linked Wo industrial safety, Ontario bas actively pursued the isue of occupational health and safety. Clearly, the bealtb and safety 0f working mnen'and women i Ontario c ainnot be compromised, if we are Wo control and prevent'bumhan losa through ilinesa,ijury and deatb tbat occurs or results from conditions i the workplace. The new Occupational Healtb and Safety Act provldes for the combinedefforts of labour, mantagement, and goverr, nmentalike.. ,Along with its many' recommendations, the Act shal prove 'an Invaluable guide W ôail'concerned i- dividuals for vears tW come. 6 APPLIANCES Lovely 3 bedroom brickbungalow in N. WhitbY., Self contained basement apartment wvith fireplace for the. in-Iaws.or, could helto, supplemnent your mortgage pay- menits. Asking on ly $56,500. U~TON-BRUMVLEY REALTOR 668-0515. WHITBY PARKS& REC-REATION DEPARTMIENT IN "CONJU'NCTIOýN WITH ..WHITBY LIONS CLUB> PRESENTS, indoor golf *PGA *complet pro-shol * huons 668-9671 'END 0F ýSEASON' SPECIALS" Shoes- Golden Ram: sugg. list price $54'.95 Golf(C sugg. l Clubs-G olden Pro: ist price $280.00O Sale Price 39.95 Sale Price ALSO. SAVINGS ON CARTS, BAGS, CLUBS, SHOES and 1ACCESSORIES DlIET PE PSI FIT- FOR- FUN RUN * A10 km (6.2 miles),run sta' and ending^ at, Iroquois Park Complex on Snday, November 4, 1979 ai 1:00 pOmo and.prizes wililbe,,awarded,. DURHM SQASHCLU 4 North American Courts Sauna Showers Whirlpool Sun Room .~ ~'S~Fitness Room Lounge age. clas.sifications Entry fee is $2.00/runner (ot-entre ae$3.0and will beaccepted until 12:30 ra ce day)- ""'OPENING SOON * TWO NEW INTERNATIONAL CUT OFFICE S AVA L1,A1 :AC E là Entry -forms Parks land'Recreation Department at 575ý ,Rossland Road'East," Whitby (668-5803 ext..33). you re be, Stfreet'. GOLF-OTlON I 66e- > -à a 10 WHITBY FREF, PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1979, GE is 'Th-e're' are ',several are'. available from- the,