WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, 0OCTOBER 10, 1979, PAGE9 w' Ottawa Report By. SCOTT FENNELL, MP, (PC -'Ontario) -w 1 know that the mortgage interest tax credit plan put fowarc by the Progressive Conservyative party is of, great interest »to many Ontarlo Rlding residents. In fact, Joe Clark's mortgage interest tax*credit and.property tax credit scheme is so suitable for Ontario Rlding's suburban areà s'that it's tempting to guess that lie was thinking specificaily 0f us when he directed Finance Minister John Crosbie to put the plan in 'place. Just t"ln of Onta rio Riding. jax, Pickeling, Uxbridge anc Whtby have some levels of rentai ac'ommodation but the vasi majority,0fý familles own- their own residences. Many of thesE. familles are young and couldreaily useaa xbreak. There is probably no riding in the province that *wi benefit as' much froni mortgage interest tax credits as weWill1 Aswe ailknow .bynow,the pla n 18 goingto be implemented ini time for- this year's'tax return. Despite feverpitch speculation by the media and' the opposition that the. Tories were ýgoing to break their campaign promise, the fact las we- are proud to live CLOCAwildo I ) k management studyforpan Ontarj iding res ident's wl benefit from moirtgage deductability, this t .ax year up to our commlitment. John Crosbie has repeated over and over aanthatwe canpt ignore mortgage'intereet relief as Iit t important to Canadians. By 1982 the maximum benefit to an Ontario Ridlng household under the>. plan ,wiil be $1,500. Twenty-flve percettofthis or, ,$375, will be this, year's maximum benefit. The plan will ha phased in over four years.' Thetax credit for 'mortgage Interest wWll h 25 percent of the first-$5,000 of interest paid to a maximum of $1,250 a year., The- property tax credit wii haaa fiat $250. SOI, in 1982, if you're paying $2,000 a year in mortgage interest, you'il hae ntitled to aý $500 mortgage tax credit and a $250 proper- ty tax credit for a total tax reduction of $750. Your deduction for this year would ha $18750 - a $125 mortgage lnterest credit plus $62,50operty tax ,credit. Similarly, if you pay $4,000 a year in mortage interest, your 1982 tax reduction would ha $1,250 and your deduction for this year would ha $312.50.. There is no, doubt that ts plan wiil make'liféeaesier.for On- tario Riding residents. For a person buying a $50,000 home, the maximum hanefit of $1,500 means that in the« initial years of *homeownership, the effective cost has been cut by 20 percent. And theeconompy 1 in need. of a boost. The'situation is par- tlcularly cër itical ' in the construction industry,,where, unem- ploymient 1 averaged,16 percent last year. In the first year, this, program will return, $575 million to home and apartment owners, providing them with spending money that will stimulate the economy. Renters will be encouraged to become homeowners, thus stlmulatlng the construction and furniture industries. And the fiat, straightforward property tax credit aspect of the plan means that more Canadians will receive, more of a break that if Joe Clark had opted for mortgage interest deductibility only. It's true that,10w Income people need assistance too, but for years grand a nd elaborate and expensive social programs have-c been- paid for by the mniddle cblass. Tenants already enjoy the 'financial benefits of rent control and it's time that homeowners be treated fairly. And, more importantly, it's Urne that young Canadians be ienthe opportunity to one day afford their own homes. D. THAPARI Denture lTherapist 2 14 Dundas St. E.-, Whitby 668-7797 HOURS: Mon. - Sat. & Evenings By Appointment 0OnIy The Central Lake Ontario Conservati on Authority ha s initiated -a master drainage plan for the watershed., At RtIS Septemnber mneeting, CLOCA endorsed storm waer drainageplans for Whltby and Newcastle. Whe'n CLOCA's plans are completed, they wlll form comÛponents of à a master drainage plan. The "drainage plan wiIi outllne policy and -strategy for -watershe d.,drainage A studyto be done by CLOCA will identify exlsting erosion, water quality, and fiooding problem s as well as measures taken.to minimize future drainage problems. The stud y wiil also assess the effects 0f development on drainage -and .develope Storm- water management plans. CLOCAs plans-wiil then be incorpora tèd ,Into the town'sofficial plan. Depending, upon the availabi lIity- of funiding, the plan should be completed wIthin two to three years. TOWN 0F WHI1TBY -FALL CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN OCTOBER 151SH TO 191K, 1-979 1., Brush, hedglng, tree branches , and other sîmîlar type materlal wilI be picked Up dur lng.the Fali Clean-Upà Week only. The material, must flot be cut any longer than 21/2 feet lin ,ength and securely bundled. Loo se1 mate4liî and long er materlal WILL, NOT BE PICKED UP.' 2. Household furniture, appliances, ciothlng, rubblsh, resuîting from fRe cieaning up of the grounds, or from MINOR household repairs, domestlc waste* materls such "as paper, rags, cartons, packlng cases and botties willI be plcked up. 3. This, special collection. wiIi be LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM 0F 12 RECEPTACLES OR BUNDLES PER DWELLING UNIT. 4.Each bundie or receptacie to have a gross welght of NOT MORE THAN 50 POUN DS. 5. The speclal collections appiy only to' dweil.ing units and DO NOT INCLUDE COMMERCIAL AND. INDUSTRIAL PREMISES. ***Your co-operation Is requested ln having ail, garbage out EARLYon your REGULAR COLLECTION DAY. Open ta bath men and women REGISTERED, NURSES AND R-EGISTERED ýPSYCHIATRIC ýNUR>SE"s Up to $1.9,669 REGIONAL PSVCHIATRIC CENTRE Corr,ctional Servýice of Canada Ministry of the Solicitor General of Canada SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN 79-CSC-OC-21 4 319-184-010 A new 106 bedRegional. Psychiatric Hospital was recently opened in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for the, treatment of psychiatrically disturbed inmates of bath Provincial and Federal Institutions. This Hospital is.affiliated with the University of Saskatchewan, in particu lar the Departments of Psychiatry and Nu rsi ng. An, active, research department is part of the establ ish ment. and it is planned that the Centre wiII be used to train posi-graduate students of many health care disciplines. We require nurses with experielnce in psychiatry who are interested in accepting challenge and responsibility as well as learning forensic psychiatry nursing'skills.; CO-ORDINATOR 0F NURSING IN- SERVICE EDUCATION AND CLINICAL. NURSING Salary: $17,180 - $1 9,669 plus $1 000./yr. Penitentiary Allowance This position carnies with it a university appointment in the College of Nursing and requires a Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing. The incumbent provides on-going in service education toalal levels of nursing staff. Experience and expertise in the clinical teaching of psychiatric and general nursing and the ability ta prôVide expert professional advice in psychiatric nursing is required for this position. TEAM LEADERS Salary: $15,1 17 - $16,986 plus $1 000.Iyr. Pmnitenti.ry Allowance Responsible for first linie supervisionof approximately 7 nurses during dlay and evening shifts in a unit of 12 or 24 beds. Experience in Psychiatric Nursing and the ability to implemrent nursing programns are required. STAFF NURSES Salary: $14,456- $16.326- plus $1 O./yr. Ponitontiary Allowance Provides direct nursing care ta patients on a 24 hour basis. Experience inpsychiatric anid/or medical nursing is required. Qualifications for the abovo positions Baccala ureate Degree or a Dîploma in Nursing from a recognized School of Nursing. Applicants'musth«ave current registratian as aRegistered Nurse in Canada. Knowledge of English is essential. REGISTERIED PSYCHIATRIC. NURSES Salary: $15.600.-$17,411' plus $1 200./yr. Ponitentiary Allowance Provides psychiatric and medical, nursing care directly to patients on a shift-rotating basis. Qlualifications Applicants must have current registration as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse in Canada and experience in Psychiatric Nursing. Knowledge of English is essential. Benefits Excellent pension plan, free unifarms and shoes, good sick beave benefits; evening, night and weekend premiums; il Statutory Holidays; 3 weeks vacation ta start; an excellent in service training programn, plus relocation expenses paid. Hours of work: 37.5 hours per week. "Additional job information is available by w'ritîng ta the address bel ow"; Toute information relative à ce concours est disponible en fr ançais et peut être obtenue en écrivant à l'adresse suivante. To arrange an interview or for further information regarding these positions, please telephone Georgina Gerlitz at (613) 995-8832 - collect between 9:00 a.m. and 5:.00 p.m. or wvrite ta her at Correctional Service of Canada, 340 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario KiA 0P9. Please quote the applicable reference number et alltknes. R.A. Kuwahara, P., Eng., Director of PubilicWorks.