Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Sep 1979, p. 38

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PAGE, 18, WEDNESDAYf SEPTEMBER 26, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Legion gives suppor t KEY 110 GREEN ST WIIITBV 668-40887 S 4,0.0PMIED TO BELL immediate PoseaIlon'Older 1% y' home, 2 bedrooma, seperate dInIng room, sun porch, eat.ln Kit. 2-3 po. bath*, extras Inolude stovefge, dlshwasher, dryer. ld ln Central WhItby nearparl. Cati 080 WA 11U00Oder-detached frime home, 100 amp. wlrlng, tool fuldge à&sto, 4 po. bath, F.A.O. hoeing. UOlM08 The R4yaI Canadian Legion, Branch 112 of-Whlt- by supports many com- munity organizations. Recently they gave their financial support to the followlng organizations: 1Whltby Minor Soccer: the. cheque was accepted by Ken Marsh that 'was given by John Melvor;, Whltby Minor Hockey: the cheque was accepted by BiJI Beer; Dr. JO0. Ruddy Hospital: the cheque was accepted by Verla Parilament who received 'the cheque from president. Branch- 112'and'was accep- Henry Perry, branch Whitby Minor Basebail: ted by Capt. Jimný Vanderen- the cheque w as accepted'by de and Officer Cadet Jan Lorne Campbell; and Askew. The Whitby Sea, Cadet League: the cheque was given by Bernard Greeming, Free Press photo by Robin the public relations officer of Lvn WHITBY - 4 SEDROOM EXECUTIVE $MM00 This home hie main floer famniiy room wl th fireplace and walkout, mainfloor.iaundry room, break- fast-no o k In ktchen, master bedrom hie 4 pc.. ensuite, double garage, excellent flnancing avallable to qualified buyers. Ciii LEO ZWIERS now for Infonniti.nU"171 or OO805. Qïiluvy GODJACKET REALTY 110. member broker 824 Brock St. N., Whitby 1Uacb a MM.la ladep.adaulyan 668-6221 683-6221 ,ad aid pu.d WHITY -848,0002 bedroom brick bungalow on large Wx 220 lot. 10 par cetmrggplaiecMi HERI VISSER 001471 or U08"71&. * -WHITUY SUPER, HOME 083,100'3 ba droom brick bungalow, wlth * hollywood kitchen, large living, rec.ramwlth wet bar, fridge, brick an. * tificiai firapla, attiched garage, beiuiifuilly lande p~4gmounds wlth * ool shedand heated wuorkshop. Sho ws to prl: t ~a lsoon wlth M MERV PARCHMENT.00M417,1 or m"110. WE0TLYNDE 11111%10 Titis Wall kept 3 badroem, 2 @torej home hie L. shped living and dinling room, 1 % bitha, large master bedroom ad ai- tached garage. Titis home la -a fantastlo buy ln ana of Whitby'e nicîr nelghborhoods ai twth SOl HARTLE?< 081171 or008.10àS EAST LYNNE NEW HOMESI ý4 bedroome, 2 atoreY homes. double garages spaclous entrances famlIY roome have fireplaces. Hugo kitcheni 3 biths. Choiceof broidioom - cupboards etc.. One loft at 69,900 and 4 et $78,900. HELEN COUTURE, DETACHED $81,00,10 114 per cent, lit mortgage la hard to beat iaday, three bedroom 1%s bath over size kîtchen, famlly roomn wlih fireplice. Dlning omr overlooking living room. Waikout to paioanmd fenced yard. 81111900. BRUCE OFFERUUCH DO YOU LIKE A QUIET COURT? Immicuiète four bedroom home ait ln hucher, sapanate dinlng room, 1.4 pc. 1 2po. bathroom, main, floor fimlly roomn firapiace wlth waikeut to aeciuded patio. Beautiftuily landscaped prica 78,900 ask for VIC BROWN 080.828 OOOD MORTGAGE Morigage $41,00(j. Tihis home. 1 4 po. bath, 1 - 2 Po. flnished nec. room with bar andstoils large carpori with aundeck on top and Patio betwaen carpoWrtwdted aIe1d. Extra bedraom ln baiment prlce$S4S5. ele biown0814M8. WHITey 57,000 Cathedral cellinge In this spilt bungalow. 3 bedrooma and bath on 2nd levai. upgraded carpeting. Faznhly room with fieldatone firapiace. Nlcely landocappd In excellant iraof Whitby. This one won't CUSTOM SUILT EXECUTIVE HOME 4 bedroomu, auge- kichen with sapante Itlng ira, walh.ouite cediar deckand patio ire, harmonieus deceratlng through.out, anosed biezeway. firapiace, flnlshed b"sment, nicsly Iindscipad lot 00 x 175. Aehing 891,00. With 10 114 par cent moilgage. For lurther Information oeil KAY ROGERS 081171 or WEST WHIIBY 3 badroom split levai, sapaate dlnfing rom, sunken iingroorn, etIn ktchen, 3 bath., flnlshod family mcom wiih asie firaplce. Aaking 02,900. Caii MARLENE KERR t. ai.tiis nmoM81171 DOWNTOWN WH1TY REIENCE Grane ieI lady awidts your ap- prova. Site couid ho rsnovited miet a darlng of lte 30s or converted it a duplex. We ha* MWsesxcellent finincing suggestions for you se Cali tcdiv GARPET DOWKER OUMI.i7 yo ur #Y99 Sf1l. ail or oirop bD the office îor y' of the new "Frank Coun- perty fali catalogue 668-ý BrookSt. N... Whltbv. , WHITIY 4 BEDROOMS $87,M0 Super decanatad,.2 storey home wlth living and dlnling, famiiy raom wlth wallcout, ait-In kitchen, fabulôesrie. room wlth bar, frldge and eiectrilc firaplaca, large gimas mcm, attached *garage and much mori. Wall worth saeing wlth MERV PARCHMENT M00 8171 or 5794).00 FORECLOSURE 10000O Excellent 3 bedroom fariiy home wlth famlly mcmr. New owner couid tilce advaniaga cf appreximataly 3$0,000. Firat et 1l per cent but hurry thora la only on@. Ciii GARRETT DOWKER OS&. $171. WHY WAIT? Whan you can own titis brick bungalow today. Il effara somathlng for everyone, holiywood kitchen for mom, double garage and workshep for did and piayommand yard for tha kida. Listad et 063,000. and wlth i large 10 par cent mortgage It cauid ho yaurs. Cmii MARLENE KCERR toea@e Il now @Ml4171 or 0001750. WHITBY - NEW 3 BEDâOOM HOMESIIIn astibiishad irai. Near achools shopping and ge-eyatam, main fleor famliy room wiih firepiace, and waikeut iaundry room on main floar, master bedroomn wlth 4 pce ensuite, good financlng availabie te quellfled buyers. Asking pries $77,900. Caii LEO ZWIERS now et 000.071 or 008405. WHITBY - 4 DEIPROOM EXECUTIVE HOME In astabIishad area, nair achools, shopping and ge-systam, family room with firapiac anmd walkeut on maInfloor. MaInfloor iaundry roem, master bedrom nwith 3 pca. ensuite, double garage, good fInancing ivailabla te qualified buyara. Aeking 381,900. ('iii LEO ZWIERS now et U"8171 or 08-0.800 WHITBY TOWNHOUSE MM3 03 bedroom end-unit In a wali kept com- piex. This nicely decoratad home hie L-shipad living and dining with waik-out to fanced patio, ettiched garage end large marigage ai 10 314 par cent. See It now with MERV PARCHMENT 008171 or 5711w«49. LARGE SIDESPLIT 871,000 improasve 3 badroam home wlth main f leor fimlly rom ad beeutlfuiiy filihad roc-om In bisemeni, large L- shapad living.dlning combination, family aizad kitchen ovarieoklng fuliy fencad backyard that bicha on pirhiand. Caii308 HARTLEN 0011711 or IIII8IW1028. ASSUME 10 PER CENT MORTGAGE Fineat redecorated end unit tawnhouse ln the Dovadate area. Asklng $39,900. With prisant merigage balance et approx. $33,500. For addltionalIinfermatien ciii GARRETT DOWICER 0014171. SROOKLIN ROOM TO GROW 858,000 On a deiighfuilet 90 x 191 wlth miny fruit tresitetotitis spirhling clean, 3 bedromr bungalow with large living, eat-in hitchen, 20' sun rom, full busement and àl alumlnum ex- terier. Sea 1h18 grait buy wlth MERV PARCHMENT 801171 or 570.0 WHITSY 084.00 Large eider 2-eterty home h»s 4 badrooms, living and dlnlng rmmend large country khchen, aboya greund pool en ail fencad lot. Cili HERB VMSSRMIO0M471 orII08I47181. The. Canida-wide real ~ esta'te5 service with 350 Selected real est ate. off i- eI~oeces in 200 communities Sbcohacross Canada. -A 'FRANK' LISTING MEANS A GREAT DEAL FST WlTH "FRANK" PFflPI F ~RmikikR 101 Brock St. S., Whitby SHIRLEY RD, SLACKSTOCK 8Sacres woodad &8'Psture 2stai hore birn 4 badroom home, 3 baths, 2 firaplacas. Sepanate dining mcom & main fleor I fimily mcom. 138,000. DORIS SMITH OMM88. WHITSIY REDUCES Warm up toe afranidin upsialm rs oecornerbric firaplice ln the roc. mcom. Seimad ceing ln dinling. Weilout te baicony. Lovely dacor. Now 65,900. BLAIR BUCHIANAN 001480or 08.313 387,000.0 Excellent 3 bedroom, 2 storay home, ittached garae, sapanate dining mcom, extra larg kitchen. Situated on a court ln Whitby. 1153ExraM pii, NM n m, fluiehahM4àt»'d 0 e4 larg bedi mm, 3 trome, dinno msoilook» iNg mcrm, wit FRAN' Ki BrOCK St 668-6171-

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