Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Sep 1979, p. 20

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PAGE 20., WEDNESDAy ýSEPTEMBER 19, 1979, WHITBy FREE. PRESS ree PessEp orium uO ccepted subiect to the foIIow AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1971 PINTO Automatîc. Radio. As is. Runnlng condîion. Needs body work. $200 or best offer. Phone 668.0718. Sept. 19,79, 74Voir, Wagon automnatic.' $650. Phono 655-4974. Aug.ý 29, 79 197 1 Toyota automnatuc, 57,000 Miles, good condition. $600.00 Caîl 668-4495 Aug. 8, 7 1971 Ton'nado $1,800. Low milleage, has Power everythit GOod condition. Phone 668. Aug. .1, 79 79 74 R ena'u t - R 12 Statjio n wagon. H clutch. $275. As is. 655.136. Ju 18, 79 68 ,DODGE ý0.ýA AGood condItIon. New brake lob. Bill to prove. As 1S. $150.' 302 Byron" St. N., Whitby.> JUIy 11, 75 75 Ford - 6 ýcyl. Maverick Excellent condition. $3,20.0. Phone. 579-6144. Jl ,7 ZREATIONAL YAMAHA IT 175 In good condi. tion. Recently rebuilt engine. $900 or best offer. Phone 668. 8325 after 4 p.m. on wekdays. Sept. 19, 79 SKI DOO snow mobile. Excel- lent condition. '440 TNT fan cool. 1,100 or best Offer, indlu. des Tachometer & cover. Also straw for sale. Phono 655.8001.- Sept. 12, 79 19 'FT. CEDAR SAILBC Needs repairing. Will selI $75 or bést offer. Phone * 4364. Sept.5 16 FT. HANOMADE SKI BC * 283 Chevy engine, v-drive, good condition. $2,00()or I offer. Phono 655.4Z.6 Aug. 22, 19'78 SUZUKI RM l25CExcf lent condition, re.bulit; tôol helmet, gloves. Asking $1,00 Phone 294.6029.* Aug.-22, 1977 SUZUKI RM 1258 Exct lent. condition. Wîsco pisto Ported & polished. Very quic and Powerfuî with Bell Moi star helmet, Digger boots ar other accessonies.,$800 f irn Phone 668.2203. Aug. 22; 1966 VALIANT slant 6 autorna tic, 72,000 original miles, gooc running condition. $200. or bes offer. Cal 668-0621. Aug. 15, 71 75RD350 YAMAHA 6,000 miles. Saddle bags, Windshîeîd, chromed protection bar, back car rier. Original owner $750. Phone 668-0989. JUly 4, 79 MISCELA EU MEN'S SKATES, Bauer. size 12, like new, haîf price $45. Cal 668-1142. DOAT' 1for 655. 5/79, OAT 1,in best 2/79 00. 79 -el. on, ck to- nd MT. 79 a- id 79 A ~Viking washer spin dryer, avocado,, excellent condition $175. Rifle, 22 'cal. Semi automnatîc, with. case, excellent $85. Phone 655-4053.< Sept. 19, 79 BOY'S 'BICYCLE,20"1 $30; 011 space heater s for, cottage or workst galion tank and complet Sept. BOY'S SIZE 1 CCM hockey. skates $20; Boy' hockey pants. Waist siz $10. Telephone 668.5227.- Sept. Captains lied vey good dition. -Aski ,ng -$190. Ais teletain ment 'T.V. game, 4 gamnes, 1ike new, used- little, Price $40., Phone E 5659..1 CHESTERFIELD with matching chair $120; j mnatching chair' $40. Suil for basement or cottage. 668-0888. PD L2 And Un iverse 23 Channel side band CB set. $250. for both. Tirés F77 14's glass belted, 2 suffm 2 winter $80. Mahogany china cabinet. Best offerl Phone 668-3876. RAI LROAD'SLED $35; 4 ri road steamer no.' $35; bc, 3-speed racing- bicycle i glrl's 20 wheel bicycle $40, newly uPholstered swivel k chen chairs $75; Malte spe replto reel tape recorder $15 AntIque, condiment set $2 Occasional table $15; Pni glass 'dishe $5; Carnival vw $15; Old band ringer $20. Phog 579-6929. Eloctrlc Lawn Mower $7.; pi Pane camper heater $5.; Flo escent dosk Iamp $4.; 2 bed roomn cup ard doors $3. eac 16 mtal. cuPboard door hing and handles 25 cents each. Cal668-9605. Sept. 5. 79 AQUARIUM- 15gai. viftt canape, ali accessories, iror stand and f ish. Excellent condi. tion. Ask for John $90. Phone 668-9165. FULL LENGTH LEATHER copt Fur collar. Brown/red colour. Worn very littie. 2 years old: "$320 new. Asking $150. Size 10. Phone 668-7613. Sept. 5, 79 HOOVER WASHER spin dryer. I n good work ingorder $100; Children's car seats, .one GM infant seat, two Ford safe. ty seats $15 ea. Phone 655.4045. Sept. 5, 79 CHESTERFIELD SUITE built for the big man in mind. New $1,400. WiII seli $800; set of coffee table & end table. Sold maple $100 for the set; 3 Pc. bedroom, suite $175; kitchen suite - 5 pc. chrome suite $75. Best offer will, be accepted on any of the above items. Phone 668-3164. 1- Sept. 19, 79 1 KIMBELL ORGAN. Like new I3-4 yrs. old. $1,000. Cal655- I3022. Sept. 19, 79. ADJUSTABLE£- WALKER $12; Portable gates one $6,-one $4 like new. Phone 668-6590. Sept. 19, 79.I AIR CONAug. 29, $80 AIR -COD-TION--.1 n Lewit vacuum clearier $5 Camera stand, brand new $10; Many other items. Price to sel. Phone 725-1585. Aug. 22, 79 CEDAR HOPE CHESr top tray lired with green felt. $1,00W new, asking $300 or best offer. Phone 579.3395. Aug. 22/79 Metrlc- it's worth the chançje Whe te dvet PdIte AsSI IA Disoe f rua Whente aver te Item i sld, dispoed t0favor unala ChaeveirssionN t h ite wlbe ed T haDveRTbe 0 as Illustrateci below, regardless If price Is stated with "besti ir "e tm s NOT SOLD, or dîsposeci of' the ad wlll be rur MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE'0f $3.00 wlî appi advertlsemnents muÜst be placed on an exclusive basîs wlt RATES [if article is sold]:' 5% of advertised price Up to $400.00 2% of balance over 400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120.00 . comMissIon due $s.00 iminmumcharge is $3.0] Private advertîsing onlyl Please notify us if you find a reli listed as a Private advertiser. Plea'se notify' the Whîtby Free Press immnediateîy whè iter Ail ads not f itting the Emp.,rlum guidelines will be treated charged per week as regular classified ads on'a pre paid.bi esuchas: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate,.and persc message type ads, or ads not quotlng prlce or quantity: Priv classified ads may appear ln the Empor iu m section un approprlate headlngs. Iin'doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TrO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P-0- Box 206, THE DEADLINE FbR EMPORIUM ADs 15 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUR LICATintiw oà& OR DELIVER 1 131 Brock St. Whil wheels Sultable hop. 3 te. $30. 19, 79 Tacks 's blue ze 24-26 12/79 con. with very 668- 2, 79 1non table Call 12/79 lr& 79 ail-. >ys Il ; b kit. eed ý50;.- ;20; ci ess Fi se se 2ff ýur. - 301 ih goc ch300 ges f fier Wrig $550. OSTi ly fl6 old,m & rai -, $ 1 0 ; ( knife a paii wl th1 Ing m of dra caster key h off er Phone -consol flot in Tmo r twin si dresser desk $, 281-29 WOODEN BANISTER $50); Hardwood flooring $100; Also wooden chest $20; Large 2 tiered f Iower stand $20; Wooden' bed frame & spring $10. Phone 683-6638. JuIy 25, 79 r a 1 IHOOVER APPARTMENT. Iwasher & dryer with sta Avocado green. Good cor tion. $350. Ca Il 668-4200 a nyti July 25, Air conditioner - 15000 81 2 Speed fan 220 vo1v window hardware $20O>.i 655 <4003. Jul Yî8 WOOD CUPBOARD $40; walnut end tables $35 a pa Phone 683-6638. July 18, AKAI STEREO in mint conc tion. Turn table, amplifier receiver. 2 speakers. Comple $700, or bestoffer. Good sta rf syste1m. Phone '668-2649. July 11,7 PUMPAND FlLTERforabov( ground pool. Stainless steec tank. 3/4 H.P., 3450 'RPM, 6 CPS, 115 volts. Asking $125. Phone 668-0570. - July 11,79 qestinghouse automatlc wa- ling machine, good condition. 075.- Under warranty. Phone 2 3-5 1 5.Ju ly 4 , 7 9 %merican stroller, chair Con. erts into carniage, car bed, eeding chair, rocking chair.. lue. Good condition. $7. uone 683-1574. IDU Pension Insurance the company you work for as establishedj pension or ofit-sharing programs for )ur retmrement, a new Fed- al Government corpor- in has been estabîishedr protect you if the fund es broke. Pension Benefit a amn a wtn pk re h en [ýsurÇS the pensions of p-a Guaranty Corporation in- e t i n proximately23 million vvok-in et r__ bn Cp ers by guaranteeing cer- y Poe n re asG g ar iorementiit s S_ tain normal retirement agefits Il f . ts cco te y xbenfits, early -retirement uinro 0 rm a ret benefits, disability bbenfitsfgec - us s tt and death benefits accord- ping to guidelines it hhas ees- ondrt sent£ WeIIýinsuîlated home burns .20%- Iess 'fuel ble for d and * PRICI off er" ffor3 lY. All lth the t Sold. aller m is land4 Jasisý ;onal1 v<a te nder ro: N., ltby size and. fldi. time Î, 79 TV, 79 2 air. 79 idi. .te er 79 ee L. 1 io 5. The special feelingc warmth you get when yo insuj 'tate hour house'mi cornfot only from the fa' that you are cutt 1ing up i 25 per cent* off your fue bill,- but you are savini precious natural resourcei as well. You may well be skep. tical about dlaims that ane made "for fuel savingi through insulation. 1 believed it only after doing a thorough insulating job on your own i 7-year.olcl four.bedroorn house. Fuel consumption dropped almost 26 per oent over two years. 1 attribute 20 per cent of that decline Geueral financiai, advice by naembers of the Institute of' Chartered Accountante of O>ntario. to the insulation. In fair- ness, the rernainder re- sulted fromn one member of the family leaingr home. The inslilating rnethods we use d were chosen with comfort More than cost in mnd .,For example, we put in triple.glazed sealed thermal win dows to replace double' sliding glass windows. It is doubtful that we will recover our costs through the savings in fuel for a few years, but the.day consdoser, every tirne fuel costs go Up. Our guide -to insulating was the- federal Govern. ment's publication, "tKeep- ing thé Remît In" published Mr. Yae'srey istr the THEI PEASANT GIRL WHO0 BECAME A FRENCH HEROINE AND SAINT4,NEVER LEARNED T0 READ OR WRITE. A VISION CON-VINCED I-ER SHE WAS PEsflNED 70 LEAE3 FRANCE IN 1TS WAR Wr-M ENGLAND. SN-E LEFT I-HOME ATM 17 AND WAs ABLE- 70 PERSUAE.CHARLSYfW 'T0O 1<VME4R MISSIONt. A-FIfS-rTHE FRENCH OFF,IC ERS WERE RELUCTrANT 70 06EV HEP. BUT ALL 14IER ~4 £)ECSONS PROVED RIGWT, .90TI-EY TW.EN -BELIEVEV IN HER. prH-O SUCCESSFUL IN -BATTLES, SI-EFSLIFFERED C4ýATLY'Wffl INJURIES, C'AP11JRrz ,IMPR1So0NMAewr INSULTS, TRIAL AS A AT TH-ESTAKE IT WA.S > 489 YEARSAI-TERH ER OF-ATH4, 51E WAS Me4E A SAINT. H ER FEAST DA'< Is OBSERVED IN FRANCE ON AV 30>. 19 1 19 Mwer 'ubs, $30. and" top tove 979. ;15; dia e' 68- '79 î5- 9. si $l - 6. A ve fe, Pil If t pru y t erat atic goi Reel-type Power lawn rMc $5. twin enamel laundry tu with stand and plumbing1 Mofftt built-in ovenz -mohagany cabinet, ^range blue enamel with 36 inch Stc 'an. $100. Cali 728-6470. Aug., 15, jil OLEMAN -ýLANTERN>-$s eunk & Wagnaîî encycope<i ;et $50; Praktica 35m M can ýa Outfit $200;, AMFV0IT.JM reuatrwthDacor: pré ire gauge $150. Phono 66i 675. Aug. 15,- inch white Chef master 1s tov DodI cbnditionï. $35. Phone 655 MR" 1 AI of by the federal Departrnent Du of* Energy, Mines' an d iy Resouroes. It . contais et dozens of tips on how to o insulate - in walls, attics,, el roofs and around doors 'and [g windows, as well as how t0 bs hire a contractor, or how to do the job yourselt. In our case, we decided e to- hire a contractor and 8 concentrate on- blowing 1 insulation into the walls, g insi4jating the attic (which i aready had some insul- 1 ation), and replacing the double sliding glais 1windows with sealed ther. tmal windows. We had kept records of our gas consumption for several years and in a three.year period covering the October.April home heating .season -frorn 1973-74 to 1975-76, we used an average of 148,000 cubic feet of gas each winter. Last winter, folloWinïg the insulation job -- which was staged, 'over ,a,,.two-year period -- Our consuûnption was1 only 110,500 cubic feet. And that was during a winter that - the gas company isaid was'- ruch' colder than usual,'Precisely our fuel saving over the three-year average was 25.73 per cent although, as 1 said, our daughter's 'departure for' a place of her own might have, accounted ibson electric guitar & ampli ýr. $800. Phono 668-6563. A.ug. 153, 1979. ýht Piano, good condition1r, -or hes 1 of fer. Caî1l* 655-422 1. Aug. 15, 1979. ERIZER BLENDER Fair. ew $20; Double boa. 6 years Woodt headboaIrd, footboard il. $20; Silver trivets, $5 & Old sil'ver butter dish, with e$5; Silver- candle stick $10 r; Antique ladies dresser laýrge bevelled oval swing. nirror $175; Antique chest "awers, soid oak on hina' ns, ail brass hardware & hole with key $250. Best on the above articles.> ý668-6567. Auq. 8/79 île Stenoo Grundeig, 1woking odr $120. elatresses & box Springs sizo $40. Pair; child's >r red &ý hite $90.; Teak $95.; Phono aften 5 p.m. ~999. Aug. 8, 79 'k Car Dock Sei 1 F0. 18 - Moc. Mo. C940- with speakers & 3 $50. Ca 14 -6 p.m. .Sept. , SA-Pt. 12, -Sept. 12r, 'Aug. 15, 1975 Aug. 29, 79 Aug. 1, 79 F, ZMI i w 'Condb*'tions. -- -1 7 - - 1 j DID YOU IKMOW?---l

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