WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 1979, PAGE 19] Abouùt yourself a.nd to dance away the night CONT'D FROM PAGjE'18 you have expressed anger? Our instructor, Pamita Kraus, will le ad you through a series of presentation and ongoing structed exercises, participants will learn how to, accept'their feelings of anger, how to express them constructively and in a ma nner mutualiy heneficial for' ail parties, how to work through'their problems and cope with situation of stress. Location: Classroom; Henry Street High School. SELF AWARENESS "What makes me tick? How do I relate to others? What do 1 feel? Arn I prey to urges from the subconscious? How arn I avoiding being in the present? Hlow can mny life be fresh and exciting again? How can I relax? How creative amn J? This is an, experiential group led byPamita Kraus:- where you will learn to- take risks,- to be honest with yourself and others in order fao enrich yo'ur life. Bri'ng loose clothing. Especially good for teachers!1 Location: Classroom; Henry Street High Sehool. Letter to the editor....6 if they don 't li*keourwayS, .they shouid, go ýhome! Dear Sir: In1910 wheni MY parents- migrated f rom Britain there was a consi- derable amfount'0f anta- gonism towards the English immigrants' in Toronto, much of it. being just f led because some 0f the immigrants refused to adapt to the Canadian ways. Ail of us were called cockneys, chir, pers, sparrows, bron- chos, limneys, and ridicu- led. for, dropping, our aitches. Many employers openly displayed -their feelings with signs out- side' their employment ,office, "No English n eed apply",, * " There were no.. social work ers, progressive educators, civil liberties lawyers, muddle headed politicians, multicuiturà ,- lisis, or other do-gooders to ease the hostility be t- ween the English and Canad ians. The Canadian method of assimilating us was blunt, direct and very.,effective., We were, told, "If yoo' ike ourý' Canadian ways7go back fo your home country!" Most-of us didn't want to ever go back.to Britain' and we quickly learned to become Canadians. Three 'generations' later,,' Toronto is having another- immigrant problem and l1,im wondering if the esta- bllshed Canadians should be blurit like those p rag. m atic. Canadians of my, childhood. John Livlngsfone. R.' R. No. 1 Locust Hill BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC "HARWOOD PLACE MALt 683m6074 COMPOST- Organic fertilizer and soul conditioner for vegletable and flower gardens, also very good for lawn top dressing. TOPSOIL- Good fluality. GRAVEL AND MATERIALS- For laneways, driveways and parking 'lots. GRADNG- Laneways ani parking loti. (Ail materials delivered in any quantity.) BARCLAY TRAN9SPORT LIMITD R.R.INoÃ". 1 (Kinsale Sand & Gravel> Phones 683-4461 Brooklin, Ontario & 683-4458 Dance, is fun, rhythm and exercise and the Durharn 'Y' has oulndail dance classes for youth and adult. ADULT DISCO ý Modern, popular dance has evolved considerabîy over the last several years., Disco music and 'dance have corne to dominate the current dance sceneé. While disco stepsmnay appear cornplicated they are actuallyvariations from familiar and basic dance 'patterns. Inta Leja wili guide and develop your disco skills and knowledge in a fun and straight forward way. You can m.bster the latin hustie, linedan 'cing, NewYork hustie and others. Crash disco on Fridays. *Location:, West Lynde School BALLooMDANCE This social dance program, presented according to levels from, beginner through' advanced, will outline the art of Mlodern ballroorn dance. Antoinette Weissbach will, guide you through the fundamentai to 'the most intricate steps 'in a variety of dances, E.G. Modern, latin arnerican, disco,1 polka, waltz, foxtrot and every 'dance you've be en eager, to learn. 1Location: Henry Street H igh School. 1CLASSICAL JAZZ Stylisticaily, this course wiIl instruct classical jazz on the basis of its ballet-related components. These jazz steps have the touchand spontaniety of-modern disco.. Location: West Lynde Schooi BALLET YOUTH This dance prograrn is designed to develop grace.'0f movernent, mental technique and balance by following t 'he Royal Academv dance and (BATD) svllabus. Gp.ared tn he doing exams'by 1981/ those ready. A recital will be presented.* Location: Henry Street High Sehool. MODERN JAZZ AND TAP Modem jazz uses conternporary music and choreography in order to improve the partieipant's sense of rhythm, physical well-being and control. This course is 'taken simultaneously with tap which emphasizes, movemnent, concentration and rhythm. Location: Henry Street High Sehool MUSICAL MOVEMENT This -is a fun program for' blîdren 4, 5 years old. Music and dance wil he interpreted into a program stressing creative expression. The classes include, synchronized movement 'to music. Location: West Lynde Sehool. ADDRESS LETTERS TO: THE EDITOR, THE WHITBY FREE PRESS POST OFFICE BOX NUMBER 206 WHITBY lo s ta lne Intallatioaies oniy o *Of ca ble se rvices if youore Ot. 5, 1919 20 cha>nnels With our Deluxe Converter Package *Fine Tunes *Changes Channels *Saves wear'and tear on tuner 579ý2232 ff~ipinedge cbletv 1353, King St. E., Oshawa M The 'Y' wili teach you.... Free m I I I 1 1 0 Cail m 1 1