Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Sep 1979, p. 17

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WHTTBY FREE PRESS' WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19' 1979, PAýGE 17 Tom Jones- a versatie perf ormer "Ladies and gentlemen ... this is TOM JONES!!! This simple introduction is ail that is needed to begin an hour or m'ore of unsurpasscd entertainiment by a performer whohas been the object of critical and popular acclaimn since his first smash recording of IT'S NOT UNUSUAL propelled hlm to world-wide stardom. Tom Joncs was born on June 7, in Pntypridd, Wales. His earliest memory of singing in public was at age four. He cannot recaîl a time when music was not a part of his life. The welsh are famcd for their love of music, and there are many fine voices in Wales, but Tom was flot a 'part of his life. The Wclsh are famed for their love of music;-and there are many fine voices in Wales, but Tom -was unique among thcm from the beginning. Men who worked with himduring the day would line up outside-the pubs and clubs he performed -in at night for a chance to.hear their own "Tommy", just as thousands upon thousands have lined up ail over the world since that time. First in London, then Europe, Australia and Japan, the United' States "and South Africa. Tom Joncs was the first performer of internatiiinal renown to break theecolor barrier in South Africa by bis insistence on playing to mixed audiences in South African theatres.* The ycar of 1979 will find Tom Joncs doing more of what he loves best and does best - sharing his music and enormous talent with the many thousands of fans who wait for him to come to their.area so they may sec in person this cxciting and dynamie performer. From New York to Los Angeles, Washington to Texas, -Connecticut to Florida and up into Canada, Tom'Joncs will tour and people will corne fromn miles around to join in tribute' to this tirelcss talent. Tom gives his al each and cvcry time out, a rare and wonderful quaiity to find in a performer of his stature. -11 The amount of energy Tomi Joncs uses in just one show would put most of us to bed for a week! How does he do it? He WORKS at kccping himself in shape for his audiences. When flot on the road, be spends bis time at his home in CalifQrnia by running at lcast two miles before breakfast. He also swims and plays squash in the complex be has had built on the grounds of his home. Las Vegas, and bis appearances at Caesar's Palace, ta kes an enormous toîl on his resources. He spends part of, each day working out in the gym, being massagedand taking stcam baths, to ensure that his body and voice are in top shape for the tow grueiing shows to' corne. Tom wiil continue to record for Epic Records in' 1979, and, of course, make as many television appearances as his schedule allows. gordon Milîs, Tom's Manager, producer of his records Witby out "of < OBAB play'f The Wbitby Peè-Wees lost out- to the eventual OBA.*B. champions Sault Ste. Marie in a thrilling dispiay of base- bail. <In the first game of the tournament Whitby defcated Chatham 4-0 on aàtwo bitter. by Paul Gucst: Scott Harper provided Uic big- bat for, Whitby going 3 for 3 at the plate 1 triple, 1 double and 1 home run, scoring the 3 0f 4 runs. Scott Burnett was the other scorer'forWbitby. In the secon d gamc-Whitby ýwas, dcfcatcd by Sault Ste. Marie by a, widc margin. DmA d Grylîs, Troy Bates, Scott Burnett, Steve, Gibson and Scott Harper scored Whitby's runs. >Whithy than advanced to the final rounds once again dra wingSault Ste. Marie as their opponents. This time, howevcr, Whitby gave theSault al thattbey could handlebsUic winner was not dctcrmnined until the tenth inning of a seven inning baIl game with Sault Ste. Marie Icoming out on top ýscorers for Whîtby were John Phillips and Steve -Gibson. The Sault teamn than ddvanc&d to the fi nals defea- ting Saint Catherines to win the OBA B Charnpionship. 1Although Whitby did not, win the OBA- championship. i bey represented the east as truc F:ORAx hapions. and composer of the song that began it ail, IT'S NOT UNUSUAL, bas just formed a company for the acquisition and dcvelopment of material suitable for film scripts. To that end, he bas just bought the rights to a book. THE GOSPEL SINGER, which he feels will m'ake a wondcrfuJ musical drama for Tom.' Not that-he plans to limit Tom to only musical roles. Gordon feels that just as Tom bas broad range as a singer, be wili be able to play comcdy and drama equally- as well as musical roles. Lt promises to be another exciting outiet for Tom and a further treat for al bis fans. Gord on feels that just as Tom bas broad range as a singer, he will be able to play comedy and drama cqualiy as wcli as musical roles. Lt promises to be anoôther exciting outlet for Tom'and a furtber treat for ail his fans. Tom pand his famiiy became legaI, residents of the United States sometime ago. Whiie Tom has a deep and abidjing interest in American Ristory'and he vcry much enjoys living and working in the'US., he has no plans at his tirne of relinquishing his British citizenship. He is pleascd and nappy to be able to have not one, but tow, -countries to love and feci a part of and at home in. Lans, may .mean jobs Ontario's three develop- ment ýcorporations apProved atotal of 327 boans.of vani-. ous types worth $63 .03 mil- lion during 1978 and Janu- ary 1979, states theontarîo Ministry of industry and, Tourism annual review. This repfesents a 2 1 per cent in- creaÉe' in dollar volume, compared w-ith the entire prevjous fiscal. year* of 1977/78.. Since 1966 the corporations have processed 2,891' bans worth $409.9 million which, will have geîn- erated an. estimfatedý 68'520 nüew jobs by. 1983. KNIGHTS0FCLMU V8BING( CABLE, CHANNEL 10 .EVERY ,WEDNESDAY STARTING TODAY AT 6:0 00 P.M. UP To $375JIPRIZEI LAST. WEEKS WINNERS GRAND PRIZE E. MUflE, -OshaWa P. CORMACK, Oshawa W. MURD)OCH, Bowhianville B. SALLOWS, Oshawa Bing.oeards avoable at 3 for $1,00O(SOca«dh) Bailey Pharmacy - 372 Brock St. S. (Safeway Malil) Baskn-Robbins - 372 Brock St. S. (Safeway Mail) Jury & Lovel Drug Store - 317 Brock St. S. Kamecka Footwear - Thickson Rd. S. (Whitby Mail) Oshawa Meat Products & Dclicat'esscn 1818 Dundas'St..L Shorty's Cigar Store - 121 Brock St. N. Shorty & Son Billiards - i30-Dundas St. N. Whitby- Glass & Mirror - 210 Brock St. S. s I m Gold Rçcords: IT'S NOT UNUSUAL WITHOUT LOVE GREEN, GREEN GRASS 0F HOME LOVE ME TONIGHT WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT DAUGHTER 0F DARKNESS I'LL NEVER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN SHE'S A LADY DELIÉAH AWARDS: Votcd World's Number One Vocalist in U.S. Dise Jockey Poli Entertainer of the Ycar by America's Friars Club Voted Showbix Pcrsonality of the Year by th c Variety Club of Great Britain Voted Top TV Artists and Top Maie Singer Voted World's Sexiest Maie by réaders of a women's magazine Tom Jones has broken ail time box officeý records at London's premier show places the TALK 0F THE TOWN and the PALLADIUM THEATRE. He bas also broken box office records al across he United States, Japan, Australia and South Amnerica. Tom hostcd his own'telcvision show THIS IS...TOM JONES for tbrcc ycars, and has appeared on countless other shows as YOU DONT PAY FOR YOUR MISTAKES at M.B.M. -PHOTOGRApHY When you bring in a roll of 'film to be prooessed, we charge you 1ONLY FOR THE PRINTS THAT COME OUT Wel1also be there ta0give you friendly, professional advl ce (if you want it) and show you where you made*your mistake. Ml.BMI. - The Fr1 endly PrpofessionaLs,, MaBoMa PHOTOGRWAPHY 131 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBV 68-6111 Mon, Wed, 9 ôThlJ.Fr49 8St ]0'- LIST,ýEN .,TO COUNTRY MusIc ON-RDO1 e o o GOÃ"D COUNTRY' MUSIC i Return the.attached coupon to: 97 McMaster Avenue, Ajax Lis 2E6 If you are flot a member of CHOO Country Club, joip now and become eligable ta win exciting prizes. NAM E ADDRBEss POSTA- CODE EHON E ____PROUD, TOSBE PART 0F VOLJ Your.Favourite Country Artist 3. JR CC JNITY . . .. .. ... ....... IcHoo il -M m 9 - - Is, ýý ýýi Qý

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