PAG 1Q, WEDNESDAV SEPT Hit, don'tI< BER 19,'1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS watch the birdie at thie 'Y', DENTURE'.THERApY >CLINIC 111 DUNDAS STRRRT WIPRT I WH 668, 1464 ELEGANTLY FEMININE A gréat hairst ylè for any occa- sioi - it can be worn to the office or for aj super nite out on the town! j LA CONTESSA BEÂUTY LOUNCE 19 Green. Street 668-9262 "We have players at ajL~ levels Of abilitY. Some Of whom play for the exercise, some for the competition which includes tournaments at other clubs," says club spokesman,- John Houghton. "The adult club has arran- ged a five week instruction program for beginners as well as' occasional clinics for advanced players that',. conducted 1-Centrai Ontario 1tà LonAssocia- e e tion coaches," fie says. Hýoughton says that "bad- minton can be as relaxing or as strenuous as an individual wô6uld wish. We have members' who are over 50 years old W'ho generally-play doubles, or mixed doubles matches, while singles bad- minton, which has been compared to squash in energy expenditure, is domi- nated by younger players."9 The 'club has a junior counterpart that is coached by Bob Smith. The club is open to children from 6to il years old and plays Saturday' mornings and S unday after-. noons -and - compiled an impressive tourn record last year. The senior. (oraduli plays- on Mondays Thursdays evenings beginning October Sunday afternoo-n asi Membership in this Whitby-ComImunity Bingo. Javcee e Kiwan is Kinsm en, $l 0 Optimists EVERY. MONDAY NIGHT Monday Septembor 24, 1979- Lice No. 23552 FIRSI JACKPOT AT 52 NUMBERS SECOND JACKPOT AT 5-7 NUMBERS NO ADMISSION CHARGE! HEYDENSHORE PAVILlON4 (Corner Wate(St. & Dunlop Dr., Whitby)i_ ament says.. "Although we are a YMCA t) club activity, th e club virtualîy sand runs itself andhas a-board of ;and directors," he says. r 14, The board of directors is well. comprised of the following club is people: Ùghton President: Neil Mittlestead Vice-president: Dave Hunt Secretary: Sara Houghton Treasurer: Roger Wood Tournament: Les Crossley Junior: Bob Smith Directors: Anne Crossley, Doris Holley, Peter Bramma, John Houghton and Stewart Wright. For more information about the club, contact Sara -Houghton at 668-1116 Whitby Ambulance Ser- vice responded to 85 caîls for service for the week that ended at midnight Monday. 0f these, 37 were routine calîs, 27 were standby cails for other, ambulance ser- vices in Oshawa and Ajax. The service responded to 18 urgent cails and three motor vehicle accidents. -ij À v di JACKPOTS 7:15 P.Me No châ under 16 admitted. -Fou