Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1979, p. 21

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WHITOY FREE PRESS, ROO0KLU__TOOL Co. $PÉdIAL SALE Air tooiss$40 Micrometers 1 '2'thnhojst W Dprill Press $25>« 3 ton Car Stand $21 nmpact Socket seijàÃ" l'tâ îe. $35 "--- Plus other related prod' Dealerswye!comedj 683-?1753 HIGNESI PRUCES Pold for Gold end Silver coins, old guns, clocks, jewhlery, dishos, furniture, crocks, 011, paintings und soers. FRUENDLV FIPEA MARKET 725:9783- L23 KING ST. W., lýH-uA CARPENTRY JHOME REPAIRS, IMPROVEMENTS -NMITRO0 LI C. B, - 2554 KitconsCormic Tiing, Drywahl, Rec:* Rooms, Codar Docks a nd Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES, Alminûm& vinyl siding, 50f f Itt, fascia& seamless aâlumi. num eavestroughing installa- tion. Free. estimates, very reasdnable.,Caîl 666.1979 eéve- nings, 10 per cent discçunt for' senior citizens. ~Off SATU RDAY, S E PT. 8 a t 12:30 p.m. clearinô auction 0f an- tique & contemporary furni." ture, glass, china, appliances, tools etc. The estate 0f Clara Gray, locatedat 326 Cochrane StWhitby. Partial list -indu- çles: 6 pc. dini ng room suite w/corner china cabinet; 6 Pc. mission oak dining roomn suite; set 0f pressback châirs; 5 pc.' teakwood bedroom suite; 2 upholstered sofas w/matching ichairs; corner what-niot; sofa table; walnut table w/4 beaves; pedestal table; occassional. tables & chairs; washstands; m'rahogany chests of drawors; piano stool; old rockers; set 0f wm. rogers siivorware; assor- ted glass & china; standing & table lamps; mirrors; coppor bolier; , ail lamps; quilts; >hooked rugs; crocks; coloured T.V.; sereo combination; washer, fridgo, stove, electric lawn mower; garden furniture & tools; and other misc. Items. This 'is a real good sale with everything in good condition. ýTerms *cash or cheque Cwith l.D.) No reserve. Kahn Auction t ervcés - 985-8161. SAT.- SEPT. 15, 10 A.M. The property of the late Belle Nokes, 15 Brock St. E. <Uxbridge. Sale 0f furniture, household contents, dishes'and ýmany antiques. Sale Includes *Uxbridge 'Piano, 3 space' . heaters, Quebec heater, Ornate.' quarter cut oak sideboard, Pinewardrobe, hand made oak .sideboard, cherry bookcase, washstand,, oak secretary, chest of drawers, pin. trunk, oak hall mîrror rach, 5 hand made gunstQck chairs, 2 Oak > hall tables; dining table, chicken coop chair, Walnut' high top bed & dresser, round oak parlour table hanging cor- SERIIÈ Quel tySçreenmed * TOP SOIL Also SAND & STONE TED ARNTS LOAM SU PPLI Brock Rid., N., R R. 1, Pickering 683-0887 ner what not shelf, coat rack, oak planter, walnut 3 crawer chest, wlanut dresser top swivel mirror, spool cradle, excellent '4 piece walnut Jacques & Hayes Settee (sofa, armn chair, platform rocker, side chair) Bowmanville- rocker, walnut, parlour table, walnut oval parlour table, oak pressed back chairs, walnut swing gate table, 2 piano stools, oak hall stand rack (hand madle), set 0 4 walnut chairs, waterbury steeple dlock, mirrors, Ice tongs, quantity of old picturef rames, large brass *Jardinaire,. quantity 0f brass candle sticks, lap desk, coal. port dishes, staffordshire* dishes, 6fruit nappies, books, *garden tools, quantity 0f anti- que' cabinet makers tools indlu. ding 6wooden planes, 12 draw knives, hand augers, wooden mallet, brase & bit, wooden 'markers, spoke shavers, chizels, wooden clamps, plus 1-numerous other articles. An excellent sale. Many items ln family for 105 years. Tools selI f irst. Terms cash. No reserve. John Annis, Auctioneer. 416.- SATURDAY, SEPT. 15 at il1:00 .a.m. - contents from century, home consisting'0f antique -fur-> niture,, glass, china, tools, appliances , etc. The property of Dr. JH. McKinney, 137 ,Baldwin St., Brooklin. Partial list includes: 9 ,pc. walnut ,dining room suite; 3 pc. walnu t *bodroom sVlte; round oak po- *destal,,table w/3 leaves; 6 oak dininig cýhairs; oak china, cabinet; victorian oval parlour table; pine. pfftmasterls desk: &bookcase,; french carved sofa; washstands;ý mahogany *chest of drawers; oakchest of drawers; 4 pc. settee set; drop loaf table; pîne cupboard;,pine' 'desk; old gramaphone; occa- ssional tables & chairs; blanket boxes, trunks; mirrors; *crocks; doUlton footwarmer;ý hall tree; kitchon set; selection' 0f colloctable glass & china; several iron & brass beds; cast. iron stoves; primitive too15; moffat stove, coldspot. fridge, washer & dryer, dehumidi-. fiers; blankots, quilts, cover- lts; riding lawn mower & * garden tools, bLilch saw, lumbor; and much muçh more. This is an excellent sale, 0f quality antiques from a will estabilshed home. Terms cash or cheque (with l.D.). No roserve. Refreshrnents. Kahn Auction Services. 9Ù'.8161. EMOLMENT KING & JACKSON Experien- ced auctioneers. Ron King 985- 2643 &f ,Murray Jackson 985. :2459. - CLEAN SWEEP' Experiencodi chimney cleaning .specializlng- in fireplaces and wood stove S. -Cal collect. 1-649-5166. c OR RENT FOR RENT off ioe.spmSo. Up to 2<,00 ýq., ft. sprinklered. Hopkins &L: Cali collect Tôronto 633-1615. Lý: RSL E APARTrMENI4 SIZE Lady. Kenmore automatic washer and dryor.-Used 1 year. $375. Phone 668-9192. >- îBRAND NEW 1979 van be nch seat; Remington rifle 22/256 icaliber with scope; Browning hunting bow- & arrows 50 lb. Pull; Taxid ermy done at reaso- ,'nable rates for fish. Phone 725-2774.: Ask for J im or leave telephone no. TýýREES AND PLANTS FOR SALE, Spruce,,, Pine, Cedar, 'Maple, Oak, Locust and alsc somne réd rhubarb, red coal strawberry plants, Horsera. dish plants and roots. Peonies and Miac roots. AIl very reaso- nably priced. For more Infor- mation caîl 655.4525. SWIMMING ýPOOL Manufac- turer has new 1978 Pools, regu- lar price S2,190, now -at our in season'special 0of $1,355. Pools- come with walkaround deck,. Patio, fencing, pump, motor & filter. Delivery' arranged to' your .convenience. For, best- selection and information caîl IMPERIAL POOLS toîl free, 1-800-268-5790. SWEET INDIAN CORN now' ready. Available at Keith Bell Farm, Myrtle Rd., No. 5, (3> miles north of Brooklin) 1 mile east of .1Highway' 12. Phone 655-3326.-We are not the same, Bell that attends the farmers ma rkeèt. Used sheiving and pallet rack- ing.. Pool liner: 201 x 321 x 41 by 020* Mill inground or above ground. *New stili in packing case. Medlal tote boxes and wire baskets at bargain price. Must. clear out. We are moving. Mezzanine 12, x 22' x 81 çlear. Complet. with sta Irs. Cai(l 686-, 1693. SWIMMING POOL manufac- 2turer over stocked. Must close out. Ail 1979 and sizes. Huge savings on above ground and Inground pools 0f, steel and aluminum. No monthly. pay- monts tilI 1980. Caîl toll f ree 1-800-268-5970. LOVE SEAT brown,' black & whitestripes. Excellent condi- tion $60 or nearest offer; Beige -room size rug, red rub same; hockey skates like new. ýSize 5; Boy's clothes, size 3-4 and girl's clothes size 9-10. Phone 668- CAR PETING FOR SALE Sui.- table for rec. room, good condi- tion. Red & black, mod.ý shag. Approx. 12' x 17'. Call 668- FREEZER FOR SALE 16 cubtc ft. Reg. $519. On sale $250. Cal aftor 6. 668-0241. WINDOW4O" x 55e'wi hstorm, window to match. Phone 668- Trravel manager & Consultant Experienced travel manager& consultant required immedia- tely for Woolco travel dept. Applicants must have experi-' unce ln fares, ticketing & vaca- tion travel. Please 'contact Barbara Gentles, Actco Travel, Afria N. Suite Al23, Please contact: Barbara Gentles,- Atco Travel, Atria N. Suite A123, 2255 Shephard Ave. E., Willowdale, Ontario 416-497-0422. EARN EXTRA MONEY Show aur exditing lineo0f Christmas cards and gifts to friends, neighbours, relatives. No expe-' rience neoded. Our big, colour- fully illustrated catalogue makes it easy' and profitable. Start now. Write today for froo Christmas catalogue and Infor- mation. Monarch Greeting Cards,, 217 Cannon, Hamilton, L8N 3K3 or phonw (416)* 527- 3891. Make full time MONEY fiel 'Wit' Wei, mu dus tani TENDER ECHANIIAL CONTRACTOR.9 Supply fi labour, materli and- 0felectric hot water heaters ln. Cottages 2, 3 and 4 at the Durham Regional Centre, TENDER NO. LIN-79-11' Ci a Si -T Si 81 C- TENDER SHEET MEIAFLCONTRACT ,OR Extend and modify stainloss stelel range hood at the Pro.. vincial Jail,,Whltby, Ontario.1 TENDER NÏo. LiN-79-121 P82955 Sealed tenders will be received until 2:00,,p.m.' LOCAL TIME SEPTEMBER 25, 1979. Tender Documents May, ,be" ,Ã"bta'ined > from t he, Ontarlo Mi-. , Lindsay Regional Office, '322' Kent 'Street West, P.O. Boxý 7l000,ý Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: 'For \further infor ma- tion r egarding 'ths tender,' please call Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above address. Tolephone: j%705) 324-M88. The lowest or :any tender'.not necessarily ýacceptod.: Oiiark Il * Seaied tenders will be received' until 2:00 p.m. LOCAL TIME SEPTEMBER 19, 1979. Tender Documents may bo, obtained from the Ontario Mi- <nistry 0f Government Services, Lindsay Regional' off ice, 322* Kent Street West, P.O. Bbx, 7000, Lindsay,. Ontario. NOTE: For.furthor infor ma-' t.n tegardlng. this tender, Please cail Mrs. E.M. Neale at 'tjân above address. Telephone: (705) 324-9188.' The. lowest or any tender not ineçessarily açcepted. Economic Growth Ontario> s economiy grew 3.6 per cent in real terms last year and is expected to grow at approxiMately the samne rate during 1979, states the Ontario Ministry-of Industry *and Tourismn annual review. Applications to, b. submitted 14th, 1979 to: ln writlng by September Make fulli Urne MONEY With a part-time lob!l Beautiful>wardrobe, self CHANDELLE FASHIONS For more Information caîll NicoleGuta 579-6376.> AJAX, PICKERING & whitby Association for Retar- ded Children requires program teacher with 2,years experi. ence in M.R. with E.C.E. or botter Telephone 683-91 12 or LOOKING FOR, THE SECU-' RITY, THE EXTRAS, A SECOND INCOME CAN PRO. VIDE We can help you-start a profiltable part.time business of your own. Phone C.huck.655- af ter 5 p.m.-- 'FOR SALE purebred male., poodile, nine mopths old,,C. K.C. registered, $130. Cali 985-7957. RECTAONAL VELES 1977 FORD TRUCK F-100, supecab ith ap,351 engine, P/S, P/B, ý8 track player. & block'heater. Excellent condit- tion, wil! certif y. Caîll 5979 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for., nother & 3 children. p to $250 rent. Cail 655-4954. "TO'RENT YOUNG DIENTIST a WIFE wish a 3 bedroomn house or nain f loor duplex appartment In move In condition, In vicinity of downtown Whitby. Referen. ces available. Caîl 668-5815 or ifter 3:00 'p.m., cali collect 1-282-0753. *MALL 2 OR 3 bedroom house to rent In Brooklin or north Vhitby. Phone 576-0693 or 668.- 1799. EDALE DSÉ ATURDAY, SEPTEMBÉRý Mh 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 71 Grath res., In Hazeiwood subdivi. Jon. Sponsored by Delta Sigma :hapter of Bata Sigma Phi. 'Pmething for everyone. Even ckel & dîme table for hIldren. CONIG EVNS EAN SALE Hadassah Jeans 3le. Brand name.leans. Aill les. Reasonable prices. earance of upholstery fabric good used clothing. On Mon- ay, Sept. 11. 9-1:30 p.m., Wed- esday, September 12. 630-8:30 .m. Beth Zion. Synagogue, 144 Jng St. E., Oshawa. Mr. W.H. Parnell,I Assessment Commissioner, M tturham Assessment office,' P.O. Box-270, 05ROssland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. LUN S1i * Job Creation The job ,creation rate in Ontario was 3.6 per cent in -1978', exceedin that ofCn ada, while the. unemploy-, ment rate ,of 7.2 per-cent compared favorably with an' 8.4 per cent unemployment' ra te for Canada, states the, Ontario Ministry of lndustry srnd Tourism annual review. Industrial Contàéts- The Ontario Ministry ,of lustry and Tourism indus- al officers located ini 15 ,d offices across the prov-* e made 17,953 contacts th industry last year as ,11 as 944 contacts with xnucipalities regardmng i- strial developmnent assis- ice, reports the ministry's nual review. Businesses tlelpod A totalý of 383 individual - businesses. ininorthern and' eastern Ontario communities were assisted in 1978 under. the, Ontario Ministry of In-*' dustry « nd Tourism small business management devel- opment program. Computerized Shoe C utting *In 1978 the Ontario Min- istry of Industry and Tour,ý * ism assisted six Waterloo. area sho. manufacturers1 ac- quire' computerized equip- -ment' for. pattern grading and. marker rmaking.: The* equipment ise enabling the' group' to, save $1l 00,000 an- nuallyi and reduce by 75 per cent the time required to bring a ne w shoe design into production. * - Wi. ID OFFICE. NUIIPMENT TECNICIAN We ore Iooking for an experienoed off ice typmwitmr und,,I or photocopy tachnician for the, Orillia arma. Knowledgs of electronics an a.ssot. For. inteviw, uend resu me or phone Brion. Baker 1 - 705 - 325 - 7332, after hours 1'- 705 - 325,- 6631. WHITFIELD OFFICE OUTFITTERS, 62 Coiborne St. East Orillia, Ont L3V- ITS Izo uMINISTRY 0F REVENUE v DURHfAM REGIONAL. Ontario ASSESSMENT OFFICE WHITBY* PROPERTY ASSESSOR > Starting Salary $12#363.OO -$13#175.00 QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation ln Assessment Admnins- tration from a Coliege 0f Applied Arts and Technology or a graduate of a University 0of recognized standing, prefer. ably ln Economnics, Political Science or Geography. "Equality 0f Opportunity for Employment". UUMUM * i Il i fil

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