Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1979, p. 20

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WHITBY FREEPRESS' ,Frc 7 cc si 7 E) Ph 71 i Ni $7. '43 16 281 go off 19 ler hi p t 19i ler a n Ott AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 74 VEGA Automatic wagor £650.'Phono Aug. 29/7 1971 Toyota automnatic, 57,00 miles, good condition. $600 Cail 668-4495. Au. ,1979ç 1971 -TORNADO $1,800. La milleage has power ovor' thing. Good condition. Phon 668-0920. Aug. 117 1974, GREMLINi as is, 304 V-t standaërd, 3 speed, transmis 'sion., $1400. Phone 668-8178. June 27, 71 74 RENAULT 9 12 Statici wagon. H clutch. $275. As is 655-4136. _____ JuIY 18, 7E 75MERCURY COMET, browr, 2-.door. Au toma tic radio. Power steering. A-1 condition. Asklng $1,995 or best offer. Phone 668-0776. Julil, 7 i8 DObdGE -POLAIRA;,Goo condition. New brake 1,ob0 Bil lo prove. As Is. $150. 302. Byron St. N, Whitby. July 11, 79 5 Ford -'^ 6 cyl. Maverlck xcellent condition. $3,200. 'hone 579-6144. JI ,7 76-DODGE DART, vinyl roof, beige, autamatic power steer- ng, radio, excellent condition. Asking $3,000. Cail 668-0776. J.une 29, 79. rECRTAONAL VHCES' 9.FT. CEDAR SAILBOAT eeds repairing. Wili seil for* 75 or best offer. Phono 655.' 364. ep.5/79, 6PT., HAN DMADESRIfBOATý 83 Chevy en gine, c.di-v* _'i- ood 'condition. $2,000 'ôr' best. ffer. Phono 655-4416. Aug. 22/79. 978 SUZUKI RM 125-C Excel-, ent condition, re-bulit, tools, ilmet, gioves. Asking $1,000. hone 294-6029. Au.22/79 977 SUZUKI RM 125B Excel- nt 'condition.' Wisco _piston. lorted & polisheci. Very quick nd 'pow 'erful wllh Bell Mata-, tar helmet, Digger boots'and, 'her accessories. $800 f irmn. hane ,668-2203. Aug. 22/79 1966 Valiant siant 6 autamatic, F2,000 original miles, good runl 'ing condition. $200., or bosi ffer. Cali 668- 0621. ____ Aug 15, 1979. 5R D350 YAMAHA 6,000 mi les. addlo bags, windshield, hromed protection bar, back' îrrier. Ori-ginal owner $750. ,one 668-0989. JuIy 4/79 75 YAMAHA YZ 125. Just ýuiit, proof of parts. Asking 00 or best off or. Ca Il 668-4680., Jurie 27, 79 EANEOAUS ,Lbt;TRlC LAWN MOWER Fpropane camper heater $5; uorescent dlesk lamp $4; 2' elroom culpboard doors $3 3ch; 16 metal cupboard door indles & hinges 25 cents each.. ai 11668-9605. Sept. 5/79 UNk BE-DS Complote with rlinos & mattresses.-M ione 668-2689 after 6 p.m. Sept. 5179 EL $7; Flt bec eac hai Cal Spr Ph . 79 :8 e9 y. 19 :8 in s. I. ~eYres-s E- olr Emoim ci668-6111 imAdsw'iII-o'nly be accepted u M tt tef inojg Condilions AQUARIUM 15-gaIl. with canapo, aIl acce'ssonios, iron stand and fish. Excellent condi- tion. Ask for John $90. Phono 668-9165. Sept. 5/79, FULL LENTH LEATHER COAT Fur, coliar. Brown/red colour. Worn very lIttle 2 years old. $320 new. Asking $150. Size :10. Phone 668-7613. Sept. 5/79 HOOiVER WASHER - spin dryer. In good working order <$100; Children's car seats - onoý' GM Infant seat, two Ford safe- ty sea ts,$15. ea. Phono 655-4045. _____ Sept. 5/79 CéOLOR TV Philiips.> Excellent* condition $250;- Double bed, mattress & box ýsprinig $40; Antique closet <,$17 5; Complote' set of dishes $12;, SmaII cube table $10; Oid dIning room table...Goçoi,for. cottage '$20;' Lawn mower $35; Wood-:'ard. table $8iitu' 1lherrîp-tàble $35;,Glass coffee tableý$55;'Old stand üp ,radio'$20; Chrome & brw corduroy' chair $35; ,Upholsteredwing back arm' chaire $30; Large oa k ,desk $150;* -Small child's desk $15; Wicker 'chair $18. Phono 655-4974:* - Aug.29/79 tCHESTERFIÈLD SUITE built 'for-the big man ln mmnd. New, $1,400. WiIl sell $800; set Of coffee table & end table. Salid- mapie $100 for the set; 3 pc. bedraom suite $175;_ kitchen suite - 5 pc. chrome suite $75., Best offer wilI be accepted on, any of the above items., Phono' __ Aug. 29/7?. ,BRAKE- DRUM laphe 'and' wheel balancer. Both for $400. Phone 655-4976. _____ Aug. 29, 79 AIR CONDITIONER $80; Lewit vacuun cleaner $45;:' Camera stand, brand new $10;" Many other items. Pýrice to sel.' Phono 725-1585. Aug. 22/79 CEDPAR,<HOPE: CHEST top, tray, llned with.green toIt. $1,000 new, asking $300 or best' offer. Phono 579-3395. 'Aug. 22/79 $75. ',tW[n1ënWïdi9"làuhdrêy tubs, with. 'stand! and"'p1u#hiling $30.- Moffatt bujît-in aven -and mohagany cabinet, range top blue enamel with 36 inch stove fan. $100. Caîl 728.6470. Aug. 15, 1979. Wright piano, good condition, $550. or bestoffer. Ca11 655-4221. Aug. 15, 1979. OELEMAN LANT-RN $15; Funk & Wag-nall encyclapedia set $50; Praktica 35 mm came- ra Ã"utfit $200; AMF-VOIT-MR 2 regulator with Dacor pros- sure gauge $150. Phono, 668-2675. Aug.. 15, 79 Men's 10 speed bicycle, 26 inch fra me, good cor;to4 $50. Caî11 668-4468. Aug. 15, 1979. 30 incn white Lhuermaster stoveý good condition. $35. Phono 655- 3006. ____ Aug. 15, 1979. Sibson electric guitar & ampli- oer. $800. Phono 668-6563. Aug. 15, 1979. Fe «cIrom set-,twin'beds, twom J side tables, and a dresser th two mirrors, medium browni. $400. Chesterfield, gald, atr.d green, $75. Caîl res. 986- 4716, morning or B3us. 668-.881 ext. 298. Aug. 15, 1979. I. When-.he dvertiso Whçý th adertseditem Is sold, disposed of, or' unavailable for whatever reason, thé item will bie deemed to have been sold and a commission wilI be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as lllustratod beîow, rogardless If price Is stated with "best offerl". If the Item îI1s NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a Mi -NIMUM CHARGE, 0f,$3.00 wiUl apply. Ail advertlsements must be pîaced' on an exclusive basis with the WHITBV* FREE PRESS and run a? Ieast one month If not sold.- RATES [If article is soldi: 5% of advertlse 'd prîce Up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed for $120.0 -commIssIlon due $6.0_ 'IminiMumn chargeis $3.001 Private advertising only I Please notify us if you f Ind a rotailier listed as a private advertiser. '- Pleaso notlfy the Whitby Free Press lmmediately wheén item is sold 50 that we may.delete it f rom the following Issues. * AIl. ads not f ittlng the Empvrlum guidelines will be treated ancd charged per wjeek as rogular classified ads on' a pro paid basîs' such as:- services, hoUp wanted, clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting priceor quantlty: Private classifled ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headlngs. Ulin doubt, caîl ,668.6111 MAIL ADS TO. FREE -PRESS'EMPORIUM P-0. Box 206, Whitby, Li-N 581 OR DELIVER TO:. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR, EMPORIUM ADS US THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATIONAT NOON. O':TERIZFR BLENDER Fair.ý ly novw. $9j0; Double bed. 6 yrlrs old, -wood headboard,. frlbon-rd & rail. M$2; Silver 'triver dish & $10; Old silver' v.'ý'e-cihith knife $5; Silver candie, ý*.tick $10 pair; Antique luldies cioesser with large bevel- led aoval swinging mirror,$175; Ar'iqcuc. chcu f 0f drawers, soi id oi. ' on clin .asters, ail brass hardware & r. oy hale wlth key- $250. Bert offer on the abave articles. Phono 668-6567,. Aug. 8/79, CONSOLE STE REO Grundeig, -not ln working ordor $120; Two mattressod & box springs, twint size $40 a pair; Child's dresser, red & white $90; Teak desk $95. Phono after 5 'p.m., 281-2999. Aug. 8/79 R.C.A. REFRIGERATOR Used anly 1 year. Wide 10f t 'hajnc; R.C.A. range self dlean- 1ig, 2 largo burners, 2 small, electric $750 for bath. Phono 986-4716 mornings, 668-5881 ext. 298 af ternoon§-' Aug. 1/79 AIR CONDITIONER' Viking- 10,500 B.T.U. "-'2 speed fan furniture- style front panelling with hidden push buttan con- trais - approx. 24 1/2"1 X 22 1/2" x 14 1/2"1 high $150. Phono 668-7953 atter 7 p.m. Aug. 1/79 8 TRACK CAR DECK Soi 1 Fa. 501648 - Moc. No. C940-26821 with 4 speakers & 3 tapes. $50. Cail 668-5919. 4 - 6 p. m. Aug. 1/79. 1-TWO PIECE French provin- cial suite, green & gold velvet. Pulls out into a double bed '$150; Twa orange,,part vinyl part fabric, chrome chairs, $20 oach; 1 3/4 colonial bed, com- plote bed $75; Two 20" girls bicycles $15'each; One f ive drawers chest $25; One green crushed velvet rocker $75; One portable black & white TV $25; One 3 piece white rad-iron round kitchen table with 2 chairs $40; Phono 668-1436. Cali after 5:30 p.m. Aug._1/79 ALMOND. COLOURED ADMIRAL stove & fridge, 3 months aid. $500 for pair;' Large aquarium $5; Glass top coffee table $25. Phono 668-4886 ta see. Aug. 1/79 HOOVER APPARTMIENT size washer & dryer with stand.- Avacadoà green. Good condi- tion. $350. Cati 668-4200 anytime. July, 25, 79 WOODE14 BANISTER' $50; Hardwoocl f Iooring $100;. Also wooden chest $20; Large 2 tiered f Iower stand $20; Wooden bed frame & sprlng $10. Phono 683-6638. JuIy 25, 79, ý_ir condiîtioner - 15000 BTV, '2 speed fan 220 volt wit h windlow hardware $200. Ph. 6554003. Juy1,7 WOOD CUPBOARD $40;2 walnut end tables $35 a pair. -Phono 683-6638., -.1uI1y' 18, 79 AKAI STEREU in Irint condi- tion. Turn table, amplifier & receiver. 2 speakers. Complote $700 or best offer.. Good starter system. Phono 668-2649. ____ July 11, 79 PUMP AND FILTERforabove ground pool. Stainless steel tank.. 3/4 H.P., 3450 RPM, 60 CPS, 115 volts. Asking $125. Phono 668-0570., July 11,79 Westinghouse* automatic wa-' shing machine, goad condition.- $175. Under warranty. Phono 623-571l5. July 4,79 Americ5n stroier chair. Con- verts into carniage, car bed, feeding chair, rocking -ch9ir.,' Blue. Good condition. $7 5. -Phane 683-1574. *JuIy4,79 ,SPORTSMAN FLORESCENT LANTERN, usod 'twice' $25; Lloyds calculator $5; Doîphini car reverberator $15. Phono' 668-8178. Juné 27, 79 FOR' SALE Gas pool heater. Used two seasons. $325; Pool pupi 3/4 horsepower, used one season $175. Pool vacuum kit and skimmer net $20; and pool chemicaîs, including 30 lbas. of chiorine $30. Caîl 576-7655. June 20, 79. DOUBLE BED SET Nin e drawer dresser and mirrar.' Asking $150. Phone 668-8154. June 20, 79. BABY ITEMS FOR SALE Gendren Carniage, canverts ta' car bod or &troter $25; Bathi- nette $15. Phone 668-1528. 0 June 20, 79. Metrlc- measure for measure, it's a better way measure SOth Anniversary In 1978, the Ontario R e-, search Foundation at Sheri-, dan Park,, Mississauga, cele- brated its, SOth anniversary as a probleni-solving resourcel for Ontario industry. In.' 1928 it had an income of' $59,000 and a staff of 10..' In 19 78, its revenue was just .. over $11 million, and it now' has 344 staff members. Tourism Expansion In 1978 development or' expansion of 300 Ontario tourisrn establishments re- sulted in investments exceed- ing $40 million and created, some 950 new jobs statesi the 1978 Ontario Ministry of Industry 'and Tourism' annual revîew. Travel'Centres> The Ontario Ministry. of' Industry and Tourism oper-7 ates eight year-round travel information centres, 10 sea-' sonal centres-and 18.service centres along Highway 401. in 1978 more than 800,000 visitors were serviced at these centres. I cre 1 ý 1 s a e a n d le il th' sa cli e' a] Sti leî by of of me loa sel ths Thor are safeguardý against this kind of, sit liatian., The, Ontario 'Con surner -Roporting ^Ac allows a woman ta réques that separato cr edit his taries ho maintained ir bath, 'hir name and -hei husband's .naine. ,ThiE won 't. happçn ' automal. ically - yau must makea formaI roquestif yau takE out a boan or open a credil account jointly in bat] namnes. The acî ls entities anyone ta review bis or ho: credit bistory aI any timo. It is a good idea ta do this once a year. Clerical ertrra and misleading information can creep mbt these files, and if they do you want ta have it corrected. Anoîber good idea is ta take out a small loan eve n thougb you may flot need one. If you bave. a savings] account or bonds- use them, between the interost you- pay and the interost you ea.rn will bo sinail, and your good credit record --- a long with the fact that yaur Joan' officer now knows you as a! financially responsible per-, son -- wil mako it oasier for' you to gel a Jloan in the future. In 'applying for a Joan, yaur best asset is a good credit record, and you shouid have one in your, own naine whoîher you think you'll ever need il, or, fot. Chances are ha one day you îilI. Linda Willis 1' witls Clarkson Gordon & Co, Toronto. 1~ be'sure to, cali Phone~ DOLLAR SUfSE Nom-en should establ's'h their, -own, cred it records By Linda Wiilis, CA IIIý ci si S. In al a e it h s r 9 3 1 1 Evon in 'this -compar. tively enligbîened age of 'quality of the, sexes, thore ire stili areas where women eed ta guard against fiscriminatian -'. one is the natter of obtaining loans tnd cre dit. It is sometimes harder or a woman to. obtain oan or linoý of credit than' is for a man, even though loir earnings may ho the ime. The major banks. Jaim that their policy is qual credit apportunity for 11, but some loan officers tiil believe that womon are ass, reliable borrowors than General financial advicle , members of the Institute fChartered Accountants ' Ontario. ien. As a rosuit, a woman tay be askod to have her asband or fatber co-sign a, in application. Mon are ldom evor asked 10 have keir wivos co-sign. Un derlying this problem the fact that a woman -- d especially a married oman - >often bas no edit history in her own ime. Wh en a woman arries bier credit history' com.bined with ber isband's, and even loans ey jointly -take out and intly repay, wilf refleet ibis credit rating alone, n hors Whaî happens if a couple cide ta separato and 'oroe or if the, wife is Idenly widowed? A mIan with no credit tory of her own may flot able to obtain a Joan or edit at ail. j' à.- ri st t- a it r s

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