LY£AIUGUST22 1979, WHITBY FR PES ree f p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1971 Toyota, automa tic, 57,000ý miles, good condition. $600. Cal 66.4495. Aug. 8, 1979. 1973 NOVA Good Power steering. Aski Phone 668-0920. 1974 GREMLIN,' as1 standard, 3 speed Sion. $1400. Phone 66 Emporium .,Ai AIR CONDITIONER $80; Bar. -beque $15; Florescent light, 2 tubes $15; Lewt.vacuum clea- ner $45; Camera stand, brand new $10; Many other Items. Price to sel. Phone 725.1585. Aug. 22/79 Condition. Reel-type power lawn mower ;Ing$1,00. $75. lwin enamel laundry tubs, ing$1,00. with stand andplumbing $30. Aug.1/79. mohagany cabtin et, anto - Moffagat cbit anve and Is, 304 V-8 blue enamel with 36 Inch steve trans'mis fan. $100. CaII 7286470., 68-8178. une 27, 79 '74 RENAULT - R12 Station wagon. H cîutch. $275. As is. 655-4136. Ju ly 18, 79 75 MERCURY CONi 2-door. Automa tic ri steerlng. A-i condit $1,995 or best ofl 668-0776. 68 DDE POLA condition. New braf te, prove. As ls. $15U St'. N.,O Whitby. 7e Ford -6 cyil. Excellent condition Phone 579-6144. Auci. 15, 1979. Cedar 'Chest- an attra ctive plece of furniture. 48 x 20 x 22. Good condition. $1oo. Phono 655-4978. MET, brown; Aug. 15, 1979. adio. Power tien. Asking Bedroom set- twin beds, two ffer. Phono hed sido tables, "and a dresser with two NTirrors, medium July 11, 79. brown. $400. Chesterfield, gold .. and green, $75. Caîl res. 986. ,ARA Geod 4716, morning or Bus. 668-5881 ke job* Bill ext. 298. 0. 302 Byron1 .iuly 11, 79 Aug. 15,'l1979. * -- Coleman laniern '$15., -FunR & Maverick Wagnaill ncyclopedia set $65., n. $3,200. Praktica 35 mm camera outfit ly4 9 i5. AMF-VOIT-MR 12 reg- ulylator wîth Dacor pressure *gauge $175,. Phono 668-2675. 76 DODGE DART, vinyl roof, beige, autoniatic power steer- ing, radio, excellent condition. Asking $3,000. Caîl 668-0776. June, 20, 79. AU ARTS FORSALe.H goodyear 9-LT-15 A/T rarersmountecj on white rh-ns En good sha 1pe. $300 or best, offer.' Phono 668-3065 aftfer 5 ocîock Jne1 17 VEH'IESý 1977 SUZUKI RM 125B Excel- lent condition. Wisco piston. Ported & pol ished. Very qulck. and powerful with Bell Moto. star hlmet,, Digçg ether accossories Phono 668-2203. 16 FT. HAN DMA 283 Chevy engine good condition. $, offer. Phono 655.4 :GO.KART 4.5 h Honda englne,stinç $700 or best offer. 5615. 1978 SUZUKI RM lent condition, re. helmet, gloves. As Phono 294-6029. Men's10 spei trame, goodc 668-4468. Gibson electr fier. $800. Pt 30 Inch white good conditic 3006., ress rpru CaII 668-6.1 1,1 wiII -only be accepted subject to the followi 'um~e READ- When t he advertised Item is seld, disposed et, or unavailable for whatover reason, the item will be deemeci te have been seld and a commission wlll be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated bolow, regardless If price is stated wlth "lbost offer"#. If the item Is îlOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wlll be run for 3 MONTHS and a -MINIMUM CHARGE of .$3.00 will appiy. Ail advertisement must bo placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at, least one menth if net sold. RATES (if article Is sold]: 5% ef advertlsod prico up te $400.00 2% ef balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertîsed fer 5120.00 commission due 1.00 lminimum charge Is $3.001 Private advertising only 1 Please notify us'if you f lnd a retaller listed as a privato advertiser. Please notify' the Whltby Free Press immedlately wheln item is, sold 50 that wo may -delote It f rom the following issues'. net f itting the Emnpurium guldelines will be troated and- charged per week as regular classlfled ads on, a pro pald basis- such as: services, hoîp wanted, cîothing, real estate, and personal message. type ads, or ads net queting price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear ln the Emporium section undor appropriate headings. If in doubt, caîl 668.6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN 551 OR DELIVER'TO: 131 Brock St. N.,,' Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION*AT NOON. Aug. 15, 1979. - 1-TWO PIECE French provin- 'ed bicycle, 26 inch' cial suite, green & gold velvet. condition. $50. Cali Pulls eut into a double bed $150; Two orange, part vinyl part fabric, chrome chairs $20 Aug. 15, 1979.' each; 1 3/4 colonial bed, com- plote bed $75; Two 20"1 girls rlc guitar & ampli, bicycles $15 each; One f Ive lhone 668-6563. drawers chest $25; One green crushed velvet rocker $75; One Au q. 15S, 1979. portable black & white TV $25; - One 3 piece white' rodIron e Chfmaster stovo round kitchen table with 2 ýon. $35. Phono 655- chairs $40; Phono 668-1436. Cal1 after 5:30 p.m. Aug. 1/79 Aug. 15, 1979. Wright piano, go $550. or best offer. ood condition, ,Cal l 655-4221. Aug. 15, 1979. uer boots and s. $800 fîrm. OrTERIZFR BLENDER Fair- * ly new. $20; Double bod. 6 Aug. 22/79 ycars cà Id,,- wood headboard, fcc.board & rail. $2 0; Silver DE SKI BOAT' trivets, $5 & $10; Old silver e, v-drive, in butter dish with knifeo$5; Silver' 2,000 or bost candîe, -stick $10 pair; Antique 4416. ladies dresser with largo bovel- Aug. 22/79 led oval swinging mirror $175; Aiif quc. chost of drawers, sol id Oak on chini. castors, ail brass horsepower, hardware*& koy holewith koy iger GO-Kart. $250. Best offor on tho aboe Phono 668-. articles. Phono 66.8-6567. Ju ne 6, 7ý,. Aug. 8/79. * BABY'S CRIB White liKo new, 125-C Excel-. including mattress., $80, new -built, tools, $200; GM car seat $10). Phone ýskin $,0.nn 668-6590. Aug. 22/79. 1966 Valiant siant 6 automatic, 72,000 original miles, good run- ning condition. $200. or best offer. Cali 668- 0621. Aug 15, 1979. 75 RD350 Varnaha. 6,000 miles. Saddle bags, Windshieldç, clîrored protection bar, back carrier. Original- owner $850. Phono 668-0989. July 4, 79 1975 YAMAHA YZ 125. rebuilt, proof of parts.A $400 or bes t of fer. CaîIl 661 Ju ne i. Just Asking 8-4680. 27, 79 EIELLANEOUS CEDAR HQPE= CHEST -top tray lined' with green toit. $1,000 new, asking $300 or best 1 1 Aug. 22/79 Metrlc - measurefor. measure, Iles a better way Aug. 8/79 CONSOLE STEREO Grundeig, not in working order $120; Two mattressod & box springs, twin size $40 a pair; Child's dresser, red & white $90; Teak desk $95. Phono aftor 5 pm., 281-2999. Aug. 8/79 AIR CONDITIONER Viking 10,500 B.T.U. - 2 speed fan furniture. style front panel ling with hidden push button con- trois - approx. 24 1/211 x 22 1/211 x 14 1/211 high $150. Phone 668-7953 after 7 p.m. Alla. 1/79 R. C.A. R EFRIGERATOR Used only 1 year. Wide loftt hand; R.C.A. range self clean- ing, 2 large burners, 2 small, olectric $750 for both. Phono 986-4716 ïmornings, 668-5881 ext. 298 afternoons. Auq. 1/79. FInLin your hem >oeak"E les rugh 8 TRACK CAR DECK Sei 1 F0. 501648 - Moc. No. C940-26821 with 4 speakers & 3 tapes. $50. Cali 668-5919. 4 - 6 p.m.. Auq. 1/79 ALMOND COLOURE.D ADMIRAL steve, & tridge, 3, * months old. $500 for pair; Large aquarium $5; cotffe table $25. Phono 668-4886 f0 s0d., Aug. 1/79 WOODEN BANISTER $50; Hardwood flooring $100; Also wooden' chest $20;-Large 2 tiered f lower stand $20; Wooden bed trame & spring $10. Phono 683-6638. JuIy 25, 79 HOOVER APPARTMENT size washe r & dryer with stand. Avocado green. Good condi- tion. $350. Caîl 668-4200 anytime. 25, 79 REFRIGERATOF dition forta cottagi hitch &bar $60; Hi wood cupboard $ý end tables $35 a 683-6638. ;fe 28; Roosor fair dryer $10;M CB RADIO, 40 channol, single S40; 2 waînut sideband TRC A48with capabi- ipair. Phono lities. Just liko new.> Buying July 18, 79 abases lation. Asking $300. CaîIl 1 668-4277. - - AKAI STEREO in mint condi- tion. Turn table, amplifier & rocoivor. 2 speakers. Complote $700 or best offor. Gond starter system. Phono 668-2649. July 11, .79 Westinghouse automnatic wa- shing machine, good condition. $1 75. Under warranty. Phono 623-5715. -- American stroller verts into carriaci foeding chair, roc Blue. Good cond Phono 683-1574. SPORTSMAN FLC LANTERN, usod* LloYds calculator$ car, reverborator1 668-8178. DOUBLE BEDS drawer drosser an Asking 5150. Phono Jt BABY ITEMS FC .Gendren Carniage,c car bed or %troiler$ nette $15. Phono 668. JL FOR SALE Gas Pci Used tWo seasons.$ pup1i3/4 horsopower, season $175. Pool va and skimmer net $20; chemicals, including chIenine $30. Cai 576 Ju ly 4, 79 chair. Con- toi i.7 share many of the same prob- July 4 79 lems - including communi- cations. ORESCENT Ci-I>i servants suffer from tie$25;* a horrible disadvantage when $5; Doîphin hyms omnct 'h $15. Phono hymseomuiaewt the rest of the world. The June 27, 79, disadvantage arises because thre civil servants do flot SET Nine pa nls. ntahe nd .mirror. spkEnisiIstate 668-8154. spew out a dialect, best des- uneq 20,_79. cribed as "bureaucratese", OR SALE* which is aIl but incomprehen- .onverts te sible to the uninitiated. The $25; Bathi- basic distinction between the -1528. - lune 20, 79. two. languages lies in thre number and length of thre )'01 heater. wrs nls ssruhy $325; Pool wod;Egihuerugl used one one-third as many phrases acuum kit (ail of them involving fewer ,and pool ltes sbracaee-t 30 Ibs. of eLeasbractseo 6-7655. make thre same point. PI CTU RES $50 and $15; Trlcy. clc $13; Child's Rod.iron Scoo. t- SS, Child's tablo-eloc triç orqan. $10; Swlmming* Louniger for $19; ChiId's ballet shoes size 10 $3; Console Sterea AM-FM $250. Phone 666-1372. June 6, 79. ONE PAIR of goîd drapes, Iined. Size 14 x 94. Asking $75.. Phone 668-4760.. June 6, 79. People To People Dsvelopment Send YourlTax.Oetductible Contribution Ta: OXFAM.CANADA Box 18,000 Box 12.000 TORONTO WINNIPEG OTTAWA REGINA HALIFAX CALGARY ST.JOHNS VANCOUVER w with. al yur heart Think smal bj ImnSmithi Back to the Stone Age -* nasmuch as Canada and . the UnitedStates sleep ta- *gether (geographically speak- *ing) it should corne as no sur- *prise to, learn that'the two Portable Mesh Child's Gate $6. White wicker Basinette $15. Phono 668-5471.- July 18, 79 BRAUN' MIXER vegetable shroader, slicer and mneat grinder attachments. Under warranty. Retail value $360. Asking $225. Phono 655-4271. ,july 18,'79 Air conditioner - 2 speed fa2f W idowhardware 655-4003. PUMP AND FILTE greund pool. Stait tank. 3/4 H.P., 3451 cPs, 115 volts. As Phono 668-0570'. e2volt.with ' WESTINGHOUSI 400.Pn. 6,000 B.T.U. Aur July 18, 79 window stylo. $7 1 6062. .iune 13, 1979. - FOR SALE Purple ýrug & dra - pes, su i ab letfor rec -room. Ask - i ng $300 or bes t offer f or b oth. Pihono 666-1618. June 13, 1979. FOR SALE Acme Fax" stock conf cluding of cards. $100. Phori Rforabove *iiw> bit:Ll FOR SALE Eloci 0 R PM, 60 114 h.p. 110 volt. sking, $125. ra m 1,'2" shaf t w JUIY 1, 79 22" B.B.Q. witth JuIy 1, '~ Eloctric charceal cond. $22. Cali66 Irl I uc.tFon -e fstock control user does -not possess the ne 668-3131. faintest idea of what he is Ju ne 13, 1979. tiYing to say. Since bureau- - crats often find themseives ;E Mobile -air i the unenviable position of r conditionor, 5. Phono 668- attempting t'O justify poli- June13,79. des, formulated by superiors, June13.79. which tIre> find utteriy i- tric Motor - X< comprehensibie, thre value of 60 cycle 1725 bureaucratese is obvious. Un- ith pulloy $25;* fortunately, however, the dia i hood, sheif. 1 Iighter, goodi le surfaces - undoubted>' 68-2630. through force of habit - even June 13, 79. whntr ekedoaav Linguists recognize that complexity ini language is a sign of primitiveness. That is, thre most advanced languages are thre ieast complex. On that basis, bureaucratese be- longs somewhere around the Stone Age. Bureaucratese, no matter how backward, does serve one very useful function: it a clear grasp of the subject. Consequently, the public ai- most neyer has the faintest ideanos ha. oermn m e as.anDpa Ten A eriyrcntlDepat ment of iEtoeagyureacaee- heatd-ointo. a bureaual- ceaedivia soHving mail-né qetoaiirie dtesaignd qetionr oe ation as srtilgastheinerstatons at- sprngt sh Energyidepat mee t whast toofidthatr fwer than 0% fthane forms e.rse mpeted andrepetum- ed. Wose yetthe recipiean- noe thoutfrmsherme O a andyed abot g'th ompeiy' ard zyWarding that th barragediashigonwt couIn tedph trds- pin, the Edethsofthir des pair, te En enficasTe weriedt truckby eiusofTre- deidtoit thejtobnnfire wvrtng thejusio nnairesho ovr oa uio igscho Theass uetspmse iThefstueons posteued gifs for rlefacognin texb isenl of isrcinfo alcex setoins tarutins o cacu ia ing the verae mnthlin gs rcete studonmaensn tstucted th e aton anae toic smpi write down th Trie vswnqonsthonpampe hetretvis uesionnai re- sponse has exceeded 80,7. And everyone is happy Now think Jfhow pleased we. ail would beif our own government fired ail the iaw- yers that currently draft our rcomprehiensible regulations md replaced themi with high ;chool studejrts. Remember: .omplexity of expression is te mark of a primitive mind. "Thînk amaîl" laan editoral message f romn the Canadlan Federatlon of Indepondent Busines@ 1 je illi 1 -PR--ESS . 1 une 20, 79. Q Good con- e Sealay "See trol svstem în- 15000 STV, Cond'itions..