Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Aug 1979, p. 14

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PAGE 14,,WEDNESDAY;,AUGUST 22 1979, WHJTÉY FREE, PRESS$ Report..from Queen 's Park Child srie streamdlned During this United Nations' Year of the, Child, the" Governmenit of Ontario bas been emphasizing and" stressing,. the fact that our cbildren are our single, most importa nt assurance for the future. deally, the family enivironment is, the- very best place. for children .téo learn and'grow under the,ý guidance and"discipline 0of'loving parents. Unfortunately, this idéal is not always realizëd-and it isthen that society demahds the governrnent intervene to ensure that children with special ,problemsanrd needs receive the care they requireto become, self-sufficient, ,contributing adults. In the past,, there has been a ten 'dancy to put cbildren with special needs into isolated categolri's, s'uch-as ".haridicapped" WHITB' UICf-NrOW TRAÂILER HI TCH ES and ACCESSOR.IES, . HWY.2 lY. ¶' Burns I ndustr1aI Dr.I Unt J CdIsmsDr. * * FINf TI SHAWA. Gsorwn 4Motors 0 'I11 ndu&trial Dr,, Unfit 6 PHÃ"NE 666-11 'HEF PRO'. "disturbed", "'neglected". or "delinquent,". Each of these problems have been handled by a different service group. For example, Juvenile Court dealt withdelînquent chilciren, wbile neglected children were looked after by the Children's Aid Society. It is rather obvious though that the two problems should teally blend together, because quite often a cbild will become delinquent b ecause, of negleet.« . .For the past two years,> the Honourable Keith Norton, Minister of ýCommunity, and Social Services has been working very bard to, change this 'attitude of ýseparate agencies dealing with just one' aspect, of a child's spe 1cial needs. Mr. Norton is' personallyconimitted to the fundamental belief that, the total' well-being of children witb special needs must be considèred in order te correct the. problems. ý,His initial step iii meeting thlis goal was' to place ail the varicus provincial government agencies under one umbrella. After two ful1years of-wo, rk, the Children's Services Division of COMSOC now has responiibility, forChildren's Mental Health Services> (from'the Ministry 'of Health), Juvenile Division: (frorn the .Ministry of Correctio«nal Services), and Observation and Detention Homes (from ýthe.,,Ministry of 'the Attorney General), as well as the DayNurseries »ranch and the. Child WVelfare'Branch ^of the Miniistry' of'Comfmunity -and Social Services., the physical'collecting. togetherof this Division bas been a, long, and onerous task, but the Children's Services Division is now setup and< operating., The ChÏildren's Services Div-ision ojperates, on the principles that,, first of ail, children arebest served in the long run when we -direct our efforts towards. prevention ofô', pr'oblems and secondiy, when We recognize the best:chanceý of success in .helping children is to enlist -the".active seupport of .a .cbild's family filends and neighbours. To meet these goalIs requires input and- assistance, from local. commu nitiles. To obtain tis input, the 'Provincial Government is now encouraging the establishmcnt of Local Children's Services Committees in .communi.ties. throughout Ontario. It is anticipated that individual citizens who are intereèsted'in and knowledgeable on the s'pecial problems of. children ýwill agree -to serve on their Local Children's, Services'Co mmitte'e, and that the vNarious government and private agencies for children, in the communîty will coordinate their, programs through the Committee. Ultimately, the Local Children's Services Committee %ýould keep an inve.ntory of ail the children's services available in the community,l it would identify any duplication ýof, service (and 1)1-LiSJ i rt[U1U KeiVAl'.CL i ot u. , BROOKLIN FLEAMARKET' HY..--1ÃŽ2: t1 1/2Miles North of BrÃœookin. 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Wednesdoy thru Sundayý >VENDORS WELCOME! "New 16,000 sq. ftL building * Permanent spots~ ".Indoor I& Outdoor lots * Overnight storae Office:' Frank Florino Residence:< Bob Manager 6554004666-1481 thus Save money)_and any gaps ln the services provided, and make recommendations to the Children's Services Division of the Ministry on action required by the Province. I arn very pleased té tell you that many of our local people are working bard to coordinate childrenIs services in Durham. Included 'in this group are. representatives from Durham House, the, Ajax-Pickering-Whitby ýAssociation for the Mental- ly Retarded, Fernie House andý the Durham District Health Counicil, just, te name a few. As well,'staff from the Durham, Family and Children's , Durham Board of Education and the children's Aid Society are cooperating to the fullest. Because children really,,are our single, most important asset, it is hoped that through the unselfish efforts of - these people every child will be given an opportunity te become a self-su fficient, 'contributing aduit, whîch will do much te guarantee the future of this province -and this country. LETTERS TO THE EDIITOR CONT'D Do it right CONT'D FROM PAGE 4 Whlle we are on -the subject of- road .construc- fJlan, 1 must report to you, that cdurlng-theI6 years wel ha ve establilshed', 'our home In, Brook lin, I called' tWice'each year the, Sup-', ervisor -of Public Worksý to repair the wash-out ove r a ýculvert of the service road on the south side of -my property fo allo«w safe" enfrance of heavy farm' mac hinery for. servicîng and har- v.esting my back fields.- Yes, __ ,had'resp-onse every time. A truck came and, filed.the sides of the cul'vert withmore- loose gravel. No. cernent mix- ture, of course. Acouple of ramn storms, we were back where we started One may caîli this: Job Cr eation, but, the fax- payp r certainly uses a difVerent'namne for if. Mr. Gartshore,- if. you would occupy rny Estate and h ad created with much money and endless effort, an.eyesore weed- fielid Into another beauty, spot on ehr "Hill of Brooklln"", 1 arn sure you would have spoken a dif- ferent language as 1 ld. »By no mieans arn 1 a complainer, but 'I do: thlngs ,.proper the f irst time,âÂ*Yeà-r-s--n-busineS-S has ,taught me that less.on 1. 'May I ask you now for your - immedi'ate attention. Ithank you. G. Genl P.S. While 1 arn writing this letter, my wlfe Iust cal ledý me f rom home that more. sand and gravel was applied tf0 our road' today. Now, this is abso- Iutely rediculous. The surface of the road is complefe 'ly dry and'any- thing applied to if wili do, the same' damage as- we talkëd, ,albout before! I also.advise, that1I'arn claiming, stone damages' to my cars (Lincoln Con!- tinental 'and' Pontiac) parked outside of my garages on my property against the Town 'of Whitby. He can't be liable CONT'D FROM PAGE 4, by a i uvenile é because as a. juvenile, he, Is- protecfed by law. As a resuit, he can not be held hiable for compen-, sation even1 though he adrnitted te police that he stole the bike f rom our property. My daughter is aise a juvenile and worked at a summer lob te buy her own bike. Who cempensates her for the loss? What protection dees she get as a juvenhle?. If is firne for the Inno- cent party te be protected in this country. Olive J. Crawford Walnut Street Whitby EDITOR'S NOTE: We have since informed Mrs. Crawford that the offen- der ln her letter rnay be bound te makecompensa- tion for the loss of her daughter's bicycle as a term of his probation, If that Is the sentence impo- sed. To get thlsi she' would have to apply ta the Crown Aftorneyý's offitce for the compenwsation. CRPORATION,.0F THE- TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTIO'N'ý NOTICE Is hereby given thatthe Cçuncil of the' Corporation of the Town of -Whifby Intends f0 pass a By-law f0 stop up,- close and' seli that untràvelIed public hlghway municipally known as Bàee'ch Street, lying between Brock Street and Perry Street. bounded on the north by properties'owned by the Town of Whitby and the Ca'nadIan Pacif ic Rallway and on'thesouth by properties munlclpally known as 641 Brock Street, N. and 700 Perry Street, and designated as parts 1,2,3,4,5,'6, and,7 on a Plan of Survey deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as Plan 40R-5243. UNTRVELEO7 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Operations Committee of the Council of the Town of Whitby will, at the hour of 7:30 p. m. on the 17th day of September, 1979 in Committee Room No. 2 of the Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, hear in person or by his counsel, sol icitor, or agent, any person who claims his larnd will be preiudically affected by such By-law and who applies f0 be heard. Dated at Whitby, Ontario this Bth day of August A.D., 1979. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk-Administrator, The Corporation of the Town 0f Whltby 575 Rossland Roacf East, Whitby, Ontario UiN 2MB t Libi

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