WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUS T 8s,1 979, PAGE 3 Fa ke polie 'officers' seariclh Ouse Police are investigating a Brooklîn woman's com p- laint, where she dlaims that two men came to'her house and searched the upstairs after saying that te were police officers. Durham Regional Police said that Monica Blackburn, 35, reported that at 4:30 p.m. Jul>' 29 two men, dressed in dark pants and ýgray shirts knocked on ber door, flashed badges and showed ber a paper that they said was a searcb warrant. Blackburn reported that she was told to stay in the downstairs part of the bouse wbile they searched the up- stairs, police said. Police also said that it was not known at this time-wheL' ther anything was taken. Jungle Jig Book The annual dress-up party, "Jungle Jig," was beld outside Nancekivell and CahrnGylssTranwihbrroh, the ýBrooklin library building last Frîday'afternoon. Tomnothy, hiding from, the cameéra. Pictured, above' are, fromn left to right,.Stephen -Thiebaud. A puppet show was presented b>' Sus Jmeo n dressed as a lion, Troy 4Jackson,- as a mouse, Rhonda Stevens, 4renda Duyf, and various games were played, includinga in the background,, first prize winner, dressed as a lion, Peggy* peanut scrambMe. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __Photo, b> Keith W ick. JPolie report....". Lamb n Whitby's 18 Division of the Durhamn - Regional Police Force had a case of rustling to deal with July '31. El rico Piattelli reported that three lambs and a. num- ber of to'ols stolçn from, his farni, just 1north-west .0f Whitby. The lambs were worth $250 each and the tools $160 for a total theft of $910 'police said. 'Police also, said thatPiat- telli said that the animais had to have been stolen from the barn because they could not be caught in the field. ]Raid With, the aid of a search warrant, -Durham Regional Police seized a citizen's band (CB) radio, an aerial 'and first aid equipment from 1209 Brock Street South, Aug. 1. 'The items were stolen from residences on Green Street, John Street and Michael Blvd., police said. Charged with Itheft, under $200 and pocession of stolen goods under $200 is Richard P. McCoy of 1209 Brock Street Soutb. 1His brother, Steven B. McCoy is charged with two counts of theft under $200 and one count of pocession of stolen goods under $200. Luggaige stolen Waiting can sometimes prove unfortunate. It did for Elizabeth Wilson of 209 Brock Street South. M3irham, Regional Police said that tbey received a report fr om Wilson, Aug. 1, who had h 'er luggage-stolen' from, the rear of the bouse. The luggage contained clothing and jewelry worth about $250, police said. K'otor MishapI A rural Whitby resi'dent won't be riding the open highways on bis motorcycle 'for a while to corne. While cleaning bis-motor- cycle, Christopher Mark Campbell, of R.-R. No. 2, Whitby, at bis home July 310 -istling E P *You've seen them sailing' on the-ba>'. b>' the,' lean, string suited sylphs skimiming bin acoppertone.haze. >The guys on the other boats can't get,,close fast enough. The>' don't stand a chance. Let's face it. Girls look fantastic on Windsurfers. Some people think it takes brawn to Windsurf. But balance and agility are what realy really count'. It doesnýt takeinuch sfrength to Iik »o t the lightweight, 434 pound fibreglassimast and 56 square feet of racing dacron. And, since the whole rig'will fold up before pulhing you over, you can't get hurt. In fact, if skiinig were this safe, there'd be far fewer'hobblers coming back from Aspen vacations. Windsurfer fleets race and party ai over the world. Over 100000 are saiing in Europe, the U.S. and Asia. Each year national and international championship regattas are held, and some international hotel chains even keep fleets of windsurfers as attractions. A magazine is published to keep owners apprised of happenings, rulings and developments. Ahl you need to Windsurf is the desire. The rest we'l teach you at our Windsurfer school. With expert instruction, dry land simulators and' boats, we'll' have you Windsurfilng even-if you neyer sailed before. Start Windsurfmng toda>'. It's the sexy way to sail. For the first time in Ontario, we are offerîng a SPECIAL 1 week course, ail summer long on in the' operation and control of the International :Class Windsurfer. Our standard course consists of two 3 hour lessons, one free use of windsurfer, land simulator, wet suit use and certification. 1 Windsurfing )URHAM REGIONAL 60 F-RONT ST.. FRENCHMANS BAY 111 OLY IfNGSEXER, .JA ILON MSI ts A GIRL 01V A "WNDSu RFffJp W-dsarfe4 tarted if ail O Widsr fji I We st; I ICKERING, L.IW 1 N8 1 1 839-7474