Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Aug 1979, p. 16

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PAGE 16' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8,1979, WIIITBY FREE PR.ESS f zAJ FOR S'ALE 1971 TOYOTA Automnaflc. 57,000 miles, in gond condition. $600. Cail 666-4495. Aug. 8/79 1973 N OVA 'Gooci condition. Power steerlng..Asking $1,300. Phone 668-0920, Aug. 1/79 1974 GREMLIN, asi-s, 304 V. Standard, 3 speeed transmis- sion. $1400. Phone 668-8178. June 27, 79 74RENAULT R12 Station Wagon. H clutch. $275. As ls. July 18, 79 15 MERCURY COME-!, brown, 21-door. Automa tic radio. Power steerlng. A-1 condition. Askinu $1,995 or best of ý668.0776. 68 DODGE 005 condition. New brai f0o prove. AS IS. $150 St. N., Whitby.- 75 Ford -cyl Excellent condition Phone 579-6144-. 7DODGE DART, beige, automatic1 .ing, radio, excellei Asking $3,000. Call 76 GREMLIN,ý 32,( cylinder, automa Phone 66R.5318. rress. E:poru-um CaliI668,6111 2 cr-uum Adswi only be aiccepted subject to the foilio GO-KAR T 4.5 horsepower, Honda engine,stinger Go-Kart. $700 or besf citer. Phone 66a. 5615. J e6 SELLANEOUS STOVE ueluxe Westinghouë, harvest gold,' self cleanîng wlth rotisserie, two years oli, $550, new, asking $350 or best offer. Cail 666-1670.- Auq. 8/79 CýùOSL E STE REO Gru'ndeig, .not ln working order $120; Two mattresseci & box springs, twin size $40 a pair; Child's dresser, red & white $90; Teak desk $95. Phone af ter 5 p.m., 281-2999. Aua 8/79 Ifer. Phone OSTE R I ZER BLENDER Fair. - y new. $20; Double beci. 6 July 11, 79. years oid, wood headboarcî, - footboarct & rail. $20; Silver .A 1 ô trivets, $5 & $10; Old silven ke job* Bill butter dish with kn ite $5; Silver 0. 302 Byron candle, stick $10 pair; Antique ladies dresser with large bevel- July 11, 79 led oval swinging'mirror $175; « Antique chest Of dnawers, solid j.M î7 î Oak on china castens, aIl brass ýn. $3,200. hardware & key hole with key $250. Besf offer on the above luly 4, 79 articles. Phone 668-6567. Aug. -8/79 vinyl roof, power steer- nt condition. Il 668-0776. »une 29, 79. BABY'S CRIB White. like new, Includlng maffress. $80, new $200; GM car seat $10. Phone 668-6590. 000 miles, 6. Aug. 8/79 tic, $2,200 . 8 TRACK CAR DECK Sei 1 Fo0. I5016.48 - Moc. No. C940-26821 wifh 4 speakers,& 23 tapes. $50. Aur,. 1/79 171 .. ----Y=J/4 ion icINuj with cap* Standard transmis. sion, 6 cylinder, excellent con- dition, $1,200. Phone 666-1507. May 30, 79. AU ARTS 2 FIRESTONE steel belted, snowtlres. GR78-.14 only three months wear. $60 for the pair. Cal666-1670. Aug. 8/79 FOR SALE H goodyear 9-LT-15 A/T Trackers mounted on white rims in good shape. $300) or best offer. Phone 668.3065 atte S 'clck.June 13, 1979., 4 41/2 INCH MAGS with Duniop radiais for Austin-Mini, $150. Also sports steering wheet, $20, phone 655-3972. May 30, 79. '3 XR 78.14 Uniroyaisteel beited radial1 tires, $50. 1.14X Michelin tire $20. 666-1847. May 23, 1979 RECEAONAL 75RD350 YVamaha. 6,00 miles. Saddlebags. windshield, -li- -weo potction .bar, back car2r FT.iBEgiASS canr$top fishingbot with 4 4.ryMe oeult pboar.Eceln ofoprtsision, $450. Cai afytime 683-3019 and asIk for Gary. 1977 SUZUKI RM 1 lent condition. Wfi "Ported & polisheci. andi powerfuî witl, Stan helmet, Digge othor arcessories. Phone 6M8-2203. is R.C.A. REFRIG Useci onîy 1 yoar. hand; R.C.A. rangee ing, 2 large burners, eîectric $750 for bol 986-4716 mornings, 661 298 afternoons. When the advertlsed item I$s oici, dlsPoSed 0f, or unavaîlable for whatever reason, theItem wilî be deemneci tu have been sold and a commission wili be chargea based on THE ADVERTISED PRICIE as il lustnated below, regardless If prîce I5sfated wlth "besf offer"l. If the Item Is NOT SOLO, or disposeci ot, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of .43.00 wîîî appiy. -Alil aciverfisements must be placea on an exclusive basis wlth the WHITBY',FREIE PRESS and run et ieast one month If not sold. RATES [If article lis sold]: s% of advertlsed prîce Up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertlsed for $120.00 -commission due %.0o Ilminimum charge Is 53.001 Private advertlslng only!1 Please noflfy us If you f i a refalier listeci as a pnivate adverfiser. Please notlfY the Whltby Free Press immediateîy whè item Is soid so thaf we may delete It'f romn the following issues. Ail. ads not f ifting the Emp%,nium guidelines will be treateci anci chargea per week as regular classifieci ads on a pre paici basis, such as: services, help wanted, ciothlng, real estate, and personal mêssage type ads, or ads not quotîng price or quantity: Pnivate classifleci ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headlngs. if in doubt, caîl 668.6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS REMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, W~hitby, LUN 55> OR DELIVER TO:. 131 Brock Sf. N., Whitby THIE DEADLINiE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT. NOON. BRAUN MIXER vegetable shreader, slicer* andi meat grinder attachments. Under warrainty. Retail value $360. Asking $225. Phono 655-4271. Jqy 1,79 Portable Mesh Chiîd's Gee $6- White 'wicker Basinet $15. Phone 668-5471. - ERATOR JUIY 18,7â Wide loftt self dlean. REFRIGERATOR Good con- ý2 smaîî, ition for a cottage $28;: Reeser th. Phonoe hitch &bar $60; Hairdryer $10; 8-5881 ext., wood cupboarcg $40; 2 walnut, endi tables $35 a pair. Phone Aur,. 1/79 M 683-6638. ALMOND COLOURED ADMIRAL stove & fridge, 3 mnonths old. $500 for pair; Large aquarium $5; Glass top coffee table $25. Phone 668-4886 fo see. Aug. 1/79 1-TWO IÃŽEE French'p'rovin- cial suite, green & gold velvet. Pulls ouf into a double bed $150; Two orange, part vinyl Part fabric, chrome chairs $20 each; 1 3/4 colonial bed, com- plete bed $75; Two 20,1 girls bicycles $15 each; One f ive drawers chest $25; One green crusheci velvef rocker- $75; One Portable black & white TV $25; One «3 piece white roci-iron round kitchen table with 2 chairs $40; Phone 668-1436. Cali affer 5:-30 p.m. Aug. 1/79 AI1R CONDITIONER Viking - 10,500 B.T.U. - 2 speed fan - furniture- style front panelling with hiciden push button con- trois - approx. 24 1/2" x 22 1/211 x 14 1/2" high $150. Phone 668-7953 af fer 7 p.m. Alto. 1/79 COMPLETE DIVING OUTIFIT Regulator tank, wet suit. Gond condition. $300 f irm. Contact Jef 655-4470. July 25,79 HOOVER APPARTMENT size washer & dryer with stand. Avocacto green. Gond condi- tion. $350. CaîIl 6684200 anyti me. Julv 25. 79 May 23, 79. WOODEN BANISTER SM5; -* Handwood flooring $100;*Also -*wooden chest $20; Lange 2 25 B. Excet:U tienea tlower stand $20; co pistn. Wooden bed trame & spning Veny quick $10. Phono 683-6638. Jl25 Bell Moto.-ul 1.7 r -boots and SM800 m Air condîitioner -1 2speed fan 22C mr window hardware 65-403. PUMP AND FIL ground pool. Si tank. 3/4 H.P., CPS, 115 volts. Phono 668-0570. AKAI STEREO ir lion. Turn table, receivor. 2 spoakei $700 or bes t offonr. system. Phone 661 FOR SALE Acme Seaiay "See Fax" stock control system in- cluding 4bces ci stock control cards. $100. Phone 668-3131. Ju ne 13, 1979. WESTINGHOUSE Mobile air 6,000 B.T.U. Air conditioner, vy'indow style. $75. Phone 668. 6062. June 13, 779. CBRADIO, 40 chnneî, single sidebanci TRC 448with capabi. Iitles. Just like new. Buying abase sla tion. Asking $300. Caî l July 18, 791319 . FOR SALE Elecfnic Motor - X' -TER for F~ 1/4 h.p. 110 volt. 60 cycle 1725- ;tainless stel ram 14-' shaf t with pÙlley $25; 3450 R PM, 60 22" B.B.Q. with hoo0d, sheîf. Asking $125. Eloctric charcoal lighter, gond conci. $22. Caîl 668-2630. JulY 11, 79 June 13, 79. i mint c in à ONE PAIR of gold' drapes, amplifier & lineci. Size 14.x 94. Asking $75. ns.tmplte Poo66-70 July 11, 79 PlICTURES,$50 anc cît- $13; Child'i Rc )îmatic wa- ti - Sb, Child's ta condition. orqian $10; Swimm nty. Phone for $10; Chiid's balli 10 $3; Console Ster Juiy 4,79 siso. Phone Gi 8-2 Westinghiouse auto shing machine, good $175. Under warrar 623-5715. Amnerican strolier chair. Con- verts into carrnage, car.bed, feeding chair, rocking chair. Blue. Good condlition. $75. -Phone 683-1574. July 4, 79 SPORTSMAN FLORESCENiT LANTERN, used -twice $25; Lloyds calculator $5; Doîphin car reverberator $15. Phone 668-8178. June 27, 79 FOÃ"R SALE Ga7s pool heater. Used two seasons. $325; Pool Pffl3/4 horsepower, used one season $175. Pool vacuum kit. and Skimmer net $20; and pool chemnicals, including 30 lbs. of chiorine $30. Cali 576-7655. June 20,79. DOUBLE BED SET Nine drawer dresser and mniréor. Asking 3150). phone 668-8154. June 20, 79. BABY ITEMS FOR SALE Gendren Carrnage, converts to car bed or strolier $25; Bathi. nette $15. Phone 668-1528. June 20., 79. 500 BTV, FOR SALE Purpîe rug & dra- NoJft çWth1 pes,suitablefor nec-room. Ask. $M.Ph ing $30 or best ffier for bofli. JUIV 18 79 Phono666-1618. .kmne 13, 1979. ZILTER QUEEN %. eanur with attachi new. Asking $250. Crc SIMPSON-SEARS power certnicige t to 6,000 gallons, 683-7360. EKO GUITAR a tri., 12 stninq, ext tion wilh case, Si amplifier, $150. Ca 9220 to 4 p.nm., 656 p.. SANVO FT478 cassette can storet F. torward, eiect,1 >.Cà.i Victor 61 p.m. 656-8309 after CAPTAIN BED cu naturel pine, soi $250. Cal 666-141.4 June 6, 79. $15; Tic*y. ic-iron Scoo- blo elctrç et shocssue ana nu rmuai rest stops. reo AM-FM Don't eat junk foods. Try to maintain a reguler 666.1 372. schedule of meals. Don't skip-meals and don't overeat. Juno 6, 79. Don't rush. Allow ample time to pack and get to the airport, and start eerly if you are travelling by car. VACUUM Don't miss your sleep. Try to maintai> normal sleeping imonts, like habits. ali 1571.2477. Dnttytd hns htyuaenti hscl USED DOUBLE BED SET, triple dressing table wlth huge pnone 579-6786. VIKING FLOOR $10 single bed, .4, der, $30, exercise der, $35, hydnoi< Caili666-1847. GARAGE EQUIPJ disc. Lathe andi I Both 51,100. Del Diagnostic Centri 51,950 wii11 sel f or grease equipmner engine puIley. C, DRAPES -. LIVIN9 room. 120"1 x 94" ai Open weave-llined, May 23, 79. CHERRY DOT CHEESECAKE COOKIES 1 pkg. refrigerated slice 'n bake cookies, any flavour 1 egg, separated. 1 cup fix>ely chopped nuts 4 - oz. package cream cheese, softéned 2 teblespoons sugar !/4 teaspoan grated lemon wu ried hpe Preheat oven to 3500F/. May 30, 79. 180'. -SlUce cookie' douSh' according ta, package direc- Stions; rail each into a bail POLISIIER, lp-hlsW sihtly beaten 40, room dlvi- egg white and rail in> tzely >rowner, en chopped nuts. Place on> cookie sheet; press an index>- May 23, 79. tatian in> each cookie with, bMENT Rotor finger. F111 with %~ teaspoon Drum Lathe. cheese filling an>d sprinkIce lco Tune.up with chopped cherries. Bake e, like ne w, fr 8 ta 10 minutes until ,1,150. Have g l e b o n erg rt nf also and godnbwn Rfreat 'ail John af any Ieftovers. Makes 32 cookies. May 23f 79. Cheese Fillix>g: In samal G & DINING mixing bowl, cream sugar ind 80" x 45"1. and cream cheese together.; moss green, Add egg yolk and lemon . Phone 668_ peel; blend well. * HealIth'ý -%0Views What nlot to do on your next vacation t eou, will visit six countries in eight -days," the travel agent says '<each day cram packed with activity". Books, magazines and travel folders areloaded with suggestions on what to do and see on your net vacation. Seldom is there an article written on what not to do -- which would make most People's vacations many times more satisfying and relaxing. Don't try to cram tao much inta your vacation. While a heavy sehedule of activities may1 seem like fun in the health and well-being. Fatigue dulis reflexes, slows reactions, and often causes erratie responses to situations. Fitness lits hin.~ MaDo,79n'aettry o d hnsta o aenti>pyia 1a U 9 s netak o. uhlgae 1/4 hrir-- Don't btake o u hougae. o h hl ai e ype f ilter up everyone pitch in with the various tasks to be doue... $60. Phono Don't sit ix> the same position for a long time. If you are travelling by air, try to elevate your feet or get up and May 30, 79. walk down the aisle periodically. If you are travelling by car, have a good poisture seat. If you don't, a bath towel, coustic/oloc. folded across the back above the hip boues will help .eîîent conc'i- support.the spine decreasix>g fatigue and backache. 125. Tnaynor Don'tt too mc sun. M aavctinasbe Il1 V ic to r 6 8 3 - e u hM n a a i n b s b e 6.8309 at ter 6 ruined due to the effects of sunburn or heat, prostration.- May 30, 79. The employer cen't understand why s0 max>y workers end up taking e couple of deys sick leave on' returning from a vacation. Safety authorities cen 't 1-AM/FM understend why there are more accidents in> vacation' ou, like now- activities tha.n in occupational activities. L /D ock-in,C h o p a icY Um y 839 to 4 Doctors of Cior ce n telli about mn of the 6 p.m. illnesse that are brought on by vacation activities. S Doctors of Chiropractie have made a special otudy of May 30, 79 conditions related to the spine and nervous system. He - . - seeks not only to locate the problem a.nd give relief froïn istom made. rte symptoms, but also to correct rte fundamental cause, unit design, af for 6 p.m. as well as offer preventive rehabilitation and maintenance' Soeunsei. May 30,.79,,. Free 1 1 a

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