Ftness. in your heartyo ko isright Kmsmen Kinettes elect'officers ~, Guaranteed lnvestment Certif icates NOW percent *AnnuatlnkterstfrOnreorTwo)tc WITOR1A, ~flAND GREY TRUST. Since 1844 Con tact ou r office:^ 308 Dundas St.reet West. Whltby , (Toro nto Lin e) ~668-9324 683-7189' Member: Canada Doposit Insurance corporation ~rs On Fri.day, June, 15, 1979t, theprooklin & District Kins- n-n & Kinettesý met. at' th, Brooklin Communfity Centre, for their annual, installation, ceremonies and presentation of club.awards. Zonledeputy governor Ron Death installed the following kinsmien executive: President - Clyde Johaston Past Presîdent ý Ross Batten lst' Vice President '- Rick Mancini, 2nd VicePresident -Ray Wagg w Ou ,FR ,> , 1REALTOR' 225 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY 668-6171 OPEN FOR OFFERS Must seli today, 3 bedroom, twin 2 sforey ln Whitby. 1 1/2 Baths, attached. garage, eaf-in kifchen with walkouf f0 patio. Only 2 years old. Cali MARLENE KERR 668-6171 or 666-1750 ta see this-,special of the week. 510DE SPLIT $6899 00 Featurl .ng eating are <a off kitchen wlth lots 0f cupboard space - large living room and a cozy "family room,'plus den or 4th bedroom. This is a >we.ll mainfaineci brick home with alu minum facia and sofits. Yýou're lucky you can assume a là per cent mortgage and Save.. Caîl HERB VISSER 668-6171 or 668-5718.' FAMIi'V TRUST CORPORATION RUALTOR 101. Brock.St. S., W hiby -WOODIED RETREAT 12,900 near the lake on 50 x 100o lot. Huge oak free on propertysmall, cabin wifh no services. No building permit available.- BLAIR BUCHANAN 668-8865 or 668-6313. 10 PER CENT IACN DUE 1982. Whitby 4 bedroom homneawaits a new family. Cordial surrounding& friendly neighbourhooci invite you f0 come see. NEL RICHARDS.668-8865 'or 668-5727. WHITBY INCOME.PROPERTY Asking $64,900. Rent ouf .part of th is older well kepf home-and l ive al most rent free, close f0 schools and- shopping. Large 10 .1/'4 per cent morfgage available f0 approvecl purchaser. Cali LEO ZW1E R S at 668-6171 or 668-6950. WHITBY 'SIDESPLIT Asking $69.900. This home has a good sizedl living room and a roomy eat.in kitchen. If has 3 bedroom and an attached garage. The basement is waifing f0 be finished, large mortgage' at' il per cent available. Caîl LEO ZWIERS 668-6171 or 668-6950. REDUCED - WHITBY 2551 LOT $69.900 Vendor'tià hsferý. red a n d rst leave' this 3.-bedroontrick bungalow in a prestige*ar >ea on a large lot. «Gently sîopingto ravine and creek with a mass of mature trees. See if soon wiflh MERV PARCHMENT. 668-6171 or 579-0569;- WH nTBY 58,900 -Lovely 3 becfroom, home on 184« f t. lof. WaIk ouf from finished rec. room f0o patio. 3 bedrooms, greenhouse& pool. Cail MARGIE AUKEMA 668-8865 or 668-0806. 10 1/4 PER CENT FINANCING On this 3 bedroom backsplit, sifuafed on a court in Whifby, separate dining room, 2-pc.-bath ensuite, finished recroom, only $59.900. MARGARET'COX 668-8865 or 668-6498. JUST LISTED 63,900 Whitby bungalow with pool. Immaculate home, seperate dining roor, rec. room with bar, large lot with ln-ground pool and long term morfgage. at 10 per cent. MRS. HEIDI DEWEY 668-8865 or "8.8776. WHITBY 4 BEDROOMS '$69,900. Delighfful 4 level sidesplif on a streef wifh nMure frees, boasfing living and dining, sparklin kitchen, 1 1/2 baths-, family room with stone fireplace, affached garage and walkouf f0 deck and large backyard. See if with MERV PAR CHMENT 668-6171 or 579-0569. WHITBY - BEATTHE HEAT $63,500. Priced toseil is this 3 bedroom, j storey home wifh living and clining, 1 1/2 bahts, new cushion f looring in kitchen, large master bedroom and affached garage. Cool off affer work in the 24' above ground pool. Caîl soon MERV PARCHMENT 668-6171 or 579-0569. The Canada-wide reai ~ estate service with 350 selecte.d realestate- off 1- > âl ee >ces in .200' communies MP across Canada. A "FRANK" 'i ISTINO MEANS AGREAT'DEAL LIST WITH "#FRAN K" PEOPLEI Secretary - Tom Lewis Treasurer - John D rlin'g Registrare- 4Murray Crawford Bulletin Editor- Dave Jellicoe, Director - Tom Applery Director - Fred Baron Director - Doug Scott Kinsmen President Clyde Johnston installed the folio- wing Kinette Executive: President - Linda Darling Past President - Pat Thiebaud Vice President Branda Mancini, Secretary - Jane Baron Treasurer - Karen 'Akers Registrar - Gloria Vipond Bulletin Editor - Susà an Smith Director - 'Jon Harper The Kinette of the year award was presented to co- winners Diane Batten & Jane Baron. 'The, Don 'Vipond Kinsmen of the year award was presented, to Rick Mancini. The John Týhiebaud'rookie, of the year- award was pre- sented to Paul McCabe for 1977-78 and Tomn McCabe for 1978-79. -The Ross Batten public speakinig award was presen-, ted to Rick Manicini., The Gxeorge Heath adverti- sing award was presen ted to Re: County Town Carnival ProgFam Advertisement Page 26 for J.L. Connelly ShoulId have read:, Free $150.00 Heatilator, with Custom Buit Fireplace byJ. L.Connelly Custom Bulit Fireplaces' 668-5539 We wish to apologize for any inconvenience'»tfiS erra may have caused. Brooklin& District Kinsmen Club OrIJ~y668-6221 GOL JAKETREATV Tb: 683-6221' r, ember broker -4 Brock, St.N W tb "eah off ice aIdpednl ondad operated. WHITBy TWO STOREY Central air main floor family, roomn wifh fi!replace, walkout to patio. 4 oversize bedroorn, 1 1/2 baths over 2,000 sq. f t. f0 enjot $78,900. Caîl vic. BROWN- JUSTi LISTED 61,900 A real 3 bedroom. beauty. Brick garage backing on open concept need I. say more, Cail on this one because if won't last long. HELEN COUTURE. COUNTRY LIVING TREED 1/2 ACRES Custom design sfone & brick 4 bedroomn - fwln f loor f0 ceiling, fi!replaces. Patio waîkouf. Excusive area. Only $8000 clown. LORNE KIME,668-6221. C OMMUNI El STY RI« T BE A ""SOMEBODy" AND COME TO WHERE THE' CUSTOMER IS Ul NUMBER ONE' FOR FRIENDLy PERSONAL ATT- N ENTION TO ALL YOUR FINANCIAL & BAN KING NEEDS, VISIT ONE 0F OUR BRANCH OFFICES' BECOME A MEMBER TODAY AND O DISCOVER THAT THERE' IS A BETTER PLACE TO DO YOUR