PAGE 16,1 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1.1'97 HTY R~ FreePress E, Cail 6 68-6.1 mp:orlum i ium -Ads w'iII only "be adcctetd subl.c tota-the followMin 1- AUTOM OBI FOR SAL 68 DODGE POLU c ond iti on. New brai1 ta prove. As is. $150 St. N., Whitby. îLESI I MISCLLNEUS ~RAGod 8 TRACK CAR 'DECK Ser. ke job, Bill No. 501648. Moc. No. C940-26821 i302 Byron >wîth 4 speakers & 3 trades. $50. July. 11-7 Caîl 6U.5919., 4 - 6 p.m. AU. 1/79 1974 GREMLIN, as ios,30V- standard, 3 speed transmis- sion. $1400. Phone 668-8178. June 27, 79 74 RENAULT - R12 Station wagon. Hclutch. $275. As is. 655-4136. JuIy 18, 79 1972 DODGE 3/4 tan pick-up withl cap. Standard transmis- sion, 6'clinder,, excellent'con*-, dition, s1,200. Phone 666-1507... May'30, 79. 75MERCURY CON 2doar. Au toma tici .steering. A-1 candil $1,995 or best afi 668-0776. ALMOND COLOURED ADMIRAI stove & fridge, 3 manths aid. $500 for pair;' Large aquarium $5; Glass top coffee tintab $5.hnne £LaARan ta see. When the advertised Item uss uid, ulsposed of, or unavallable forý whatever reasan, the Item will be deemed ta have been soîd and a commission wiII be charged baséd on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Ilîustrated beîaw, regprdless If prîce Is stated wlth "best affer"à . If the item Is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the id wIll be run for 3 MONTHS and au MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $3.00 wlll apply. Ali advertlsements must be placed on an. exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and'run et Ieast one month If not saîd. RATES [if article ls soldi: 5% of advertîsed price Up to 5400.00 ~%of balance over $400.00 7w00 40 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advsrtlsed for $120.00 Ai.1/7 . commission due $6,0 ,-.u..,7 *Iminimum charge Is $3.001 Air canditioner -1 15000 BTV,, 2. speed fan 220 vol twi:h window hardwr $0. h 655-4003. Ju IV 87 Double- Stainîess Steel Sink $10; 00Oft. heab July 4. 79 ME, brown, 'WOODEN BANIS TER $50; radio. Power Hardwoad f looring $100; Also tMon. Asklng wooden chest $20; Large 2 Wooden bed frarrie & spring, July 11, 79. $10. Phone 683-6638. .1 . .July 25, 79 76 DODGE DART, vinyl root, beige, autamatic power steer- ing, radia, excellent condition. Asking S,000. Caîl 668-0776. June 20, 79. 1973 NOVA Gaod condition. Power steering. Asking 51,300., Pnone 668-0920. 76 GREMLIN, 32,00( cylinder, automatil Phonie 6f'ý5318._ HOOVER APPARTM ENT size washer& dryer with'stand. Avocado green. Good' condi'- tion. $350. Caîl 668-4200 anytime July, 25, 79, R. C. A. REFRIG Aug. 1/79 :Used only 1 year. hand; R.C.A. range, ýO miles, 6 ing, 2 large burners ic, $2,200.- electric $750 for bo- I986-4716 mornings, 66 298 afternoons. May 30, 79.' '5 Ford -' 6 cyl. MaveFick Excellent condition. $3,200. Phono 579-6144. JuIy 4, 79R EPU,' ARTS FOR SALE H goodyear 9-LT-15 A/T Tracker S mounted on white rims ln good shape. $300 or best cfer. Phone 668-3065 at ter 5 o'clock. Ju ne 13, 1979. 4 41/2 INCH MAGS with Dunlop radiais for Austin-Mini, $150. Also sports steering wheei, $20, Phone 655-3972. May 30, 79. 3 XR 78-14 Uniroyal1steel belted radial tires, $50. 1 14X Michelin tire $20. 666-1847. >May 23, 1979 REATIONAL VEIES GO'KART -4.5. horsepower, Honda engine,stinger Go-Kart., $700 or best off er. Phone 668. 5615. .ue6 1975 YAMAIIA YZ 125. Just rebuiît, proof of parts. Asking $400 or bes tof f er. Caî11 668-4680. - June 27, 79 75 RD350 VYamaha. 6,00 miles. Saddîe baqs. windshield, iiiiorneci protection bar, back carrier. Original owner $850. Phone 668-0989. July 4, 79 12 FT. FIBERGLASS car top fishing boat with 4.4 Chrysler o -tboard. Excellent condition, $450. Caîl anytime 683-3019 and ask for Gary. 1977 SUZUKI RM 12 lent condition. Wis Ported & poîished. and powerful with Star helmet, Diggei other accessories. Phone 668-2203. REFRIGERATOR di tion f or a cottage $'A hi tch &bar $60; Ha ir wood cupboard'S40; end tables $35a pa 683-6638. Ju< Private advertising onlyl Please notify us If you f md a retailer Iisted as a prîvate advertiser. Ploaise natify the Whitby Free Press Immediately wh nItem is sold sa -that we may -delete It f rom the follawing Issues. Al. ads not f ittlng the Empurium guidelines wiIl be treated.anci charged per week as regular cîassified ads ona pre paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clathing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads. not quating price or quantity: Private classified ads'may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headlngs. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM* P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., SWhitby- THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS, 15 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT ,NOON. ERATOR 1-TWOýPIECE French provin- Wide lef t cial suite, gree 'n & gold vel'1'vet. selfclea- » Pulls 'Out into a double.:bed sf i dean- ,$150; Two orange, part vinyl )th. Phone part, fabric,' chrome chairs $20' 5M881ext. each; 1 3/4 colonial bed, corn- 8-581 xt. plete bed '$75, Two 20"I girls Aug.1/79 bicycles, $15:each; One five drawers 'chest $25; One greený crushed velvet rocker 575; One Good con- . por table black, & white TV $25;, ý28; Reeser 'One 3' piece white rod-ironÎ dryer $10; round kifchen. table witih 2' 2 waînut chairs $40;,Phone 668-1436. Caîl ir., Phane after 5:30 p..m., yV 18, 79 American stroller chair. Con- verts into carniage, car bed, feeding chair, rockingý chair. Blue. --Good condition. $75. Phone 683-1574. July 4, 79 AKAI STEREO in- mint condi- tion. Turn table, amplifier & receiver. 2 speakers. Complete $700 or best offer. Good starter system. Phone 668-2649. July 11, 79 COMPLETE Dl VI NG OUTFIT Regulator tank, wet suit. Good condition. $300 f irm. Contact Jeff 655-4470. July 25,79 Portable Mesh Child's Gate $6.. White wicker Basînette $15. Phone 668-5471.- a JulY 18, 79 PUMP AND FIîîTERf or above ground pool. S'tainless steel tank. 3/4 H.P., 3450 RPM, 60 C PS, 115 volts. Asking $125. Phono 668-0570. JuIy 11, 79 DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL SINK $10; 200 f t. heavy duty rubber hose $50; glass belted whitewall tires L78x15, $25; Lawn r oller $10; Caîli6.49-2578 (Claromont). .fuly 4, 79 *BRAUN MIXER vegetable Mshreader, slicer and meat *grinder attachments. Under *warranty. Retail value $360. *Asking $225. Phone 655-4271. July 18, 79 May 23, 79. AIR CONDI) IONER Viking - I10,500 B.T.U. - 2 speod fan - 25 B, Excel with hidden push buttan con- co pistons, traIs - approx. 24 1/211 x 22 1/2"1 Very quick, x 14 1/2"1 high $150. Phono Bell Moto- 668-7953 af ton 7 p.m. rboots and Aug. 1/79 IWestinghouse autamatic wa- W' -shing machine ,'good condition. $175. Under wvarranty. Phono Au.1/79 FOR SALE Gas pool heater- Used two seasons. $325; Pool pup1 3/4 horsepower, used oneý season $175. Pool vacuum kit and slýimmer net $20; and pool chemicals, including 30 lbs. of, chlorine $30. Caîl 576-7655. June 20, 79'.< DOUBLE BED SET Nine drawer dresser and mirror. Asking $150. Phone 668-8154. June 20, 79.' FOR SALE Electric MAotor -X 1/4 h.p. 110 volt. 60 cycle 1725- ram 1,12" shaftwith pulley $25; 22" B.B.Q. with hood, shelf., Electric charcoal ighter, good' cond. $22. Caîl 668.2630. June 13, 79. CB RADIO, 40 channel, single sideba nd TRC 448 with capabi. lities. Just like new. Buying abase s lation. Askinat$300. Ca 11 668-4277. IFOR SALE Acme Fax" stock cont cluding Abces of cards. $100. Phon FOR SALE Purple rug & dra- pes,suitablef or rec-room. Ask- ing $300 or best off er for bath. Phono 666,1618. Juiie ,13, 1979. GARAGE EÎZUIPME:NT Rotor dlsc. Lathe and Drum Lathe. Bath 51,100. Delco Tune.up DigotcCentre, like new, 51,950 will seil for $1,150. Have grease equipment also and engine pulley., Caîl John at, 666-1021.~ Rfor 'above TIME, WORRYING OVER ipool. Also Used twa PRESENT PROBLEMAS... $100, phone MORE ARE JUST A«OtNDb May 16, 79. l0-speed, 22", 668-6580. May 16, 79. PUMP & FILTER qraund swimming Iadder & hase. summers. Asking 655-3583. CCM BIKE boy's 10 wheels, $50. Phone ELECTROI40ME air-candi. tioner, 5,000 BTU's. A-i condli-, tion, $125. Phone evenings 655. 4121. May 16, 79. COURHOUE SQ ARE OFFICE DESK 2 x 5 ft., 6 d rawers, $60. Student desk, $10, hair styler, $10, 2 metal beds and mattresses $10 each, ringer-washer, $25. Cali 655. 4196. May 16, 79. STEREO, recara poayer and 8 track player. Asking $100. mcClary, contînuous dlean stave, asking $150. Phone 668. 8138. May 16, 79. BLACK & WHITE TV Console m"26". Westinghouse, $100. Phlone 668-0776.( May 16, 79. Metric- it's wortb the change 1' 0 CZA~ M WESTINGHOUSE Mobile air 6,000 B.T.U. Air conditioner, window style. $75.. Phono 668- M ainstream Canad ___.IL CAPTAIN BED customn made, natural pife, solid unit design, $250. Cali 666.1414,after 6 p.m. May 30, 79. USED DOUBLE BE D S ET, triple üressing table with huge rrror. I dcali.for cottage, $250, tihone 579.6786. EKO GUITAR ac tri , 12 stringj, exce tion wiîh caseè, Si, amplifie~r, $150. Call 9220 to .1 p.nî., 656- P.11. Who Creates the Jobs? Dy W. Roger Woérth Mary operates a small cor- ner store in Vancouver and em- ploys three people. Sam man- in Canada1 In many cases, while big between 1971 and Iufactures wood productis in employees have in fact been May 30, 79.- *Quebec, hiring 14 fulI-time shedd ing jobs, reducing over- - workers Io produce a v 911yai employment, the smuall and :oustic/elec- M of crafted items for the retail, medium sized films'have mov- eîlent condi- 25. Traynor grade, including a large depart- ed in Io picki up the siack. Il Victon 683- 8309 atter 6 May 30, 79. ILTER QUEEN % eatilr with attaci new. Asking $250.C Iment store Chain. John is a Maritime contractor, employ- ing. seven fuli-time staff and another dozen during the sumn- mer months. il VACUU - la -I an unusual way, the three hmnents, like Canadians are connected. :al 57.247. They've ail hired one extra Mvay 30, 79. Jun'l 13, 1979. SANYO FT478 AM/FM - --- assette car stereo, like new. ie Sealay "Se F. fonward, eloct, L/D Iock-in, itrl sste in >5. C.all Victor 683-9220 to 4 é trl sysemn- 656-8309 after 6 .m. 9 TC contro~LUIi ne 668-3131. Ju ne 13, 1979. ONE PAIR of gold drapes, lined. Size 14 X 94. Asking $75. Phone 668-4760. -ue679 BABY ITEMS FOR SALE Gendren Carniage, converts to car bed or stroller $25; Bathi. nette $15. Phone 668-1528. June 20, 79. SPORTSMAN FLORESCENT- LANTERN, used lwice $25; Lloyds calculator $5; Doîphin car revterbera ion 668-8178. PICTURES $50 and LI< S11, Child'S Rod SIMPSON-SEARS power cantridge ty fa 6,000 gallons, 683-7360. VIKING FLOOR $10 single bod, $1 der, $30, exorcise don, $35, hydrolic Caîl 666-1847. si~. 'none DRAPES - LIVING & DINING June 27 1 79 noom. 120"1 x 9411 and 80"1 x 45". Juno 7, "~ Open weave-lined, mass green, $15; Tricy- .$50. Rods included. Phono 668- d.iroI 5029. iran aco Mua-y 23, 79. ft - Sb ChflICs table elecîriç orqan $10; Swimming Lounger for S1U; Child's ballet shoos sizo lu s3; Console Stonea AM FM S Z50. Phono 666.ý1312. _________ Jurlo6, .79. STEREO/TV/RADI( $200 or best off er.C p. m. 666-1761. May 30, 79. While statistics are not available on -job cre ation by firms with more <han 20 work- ers and less <han 500,, the med- 1Dmn sized businesses aImost certainly provided more <han their fair à shire of new emfpioy- fuîî-imo employee aurîng the The increasing importance Iast few months, reating an- of smali business exists flot other three jobs and, in their oniy in Canada, but.,.in_'t he own small way, helping over- U.S., Japan, and other coun- corne the country's serious un- tries as weII. employment problem. What's happening is that The three jobs certaînly small and medium sized firms don't make much of a dent ln are beating the pants off the _____- Canada's 976,000 unempîoy- larger companies. when it 14 han-sÎ. ment total, yet without the comes to creating jobs. ppe filten up $60. Phono Like many small business May 30. 79. Canadian Federation Of shun publicity. But it's these ______- ndeendea' usinss, humble, modest citizens, and Public 4ffairs, 0, room divi- jobs provided by these lndlvi- parts across the country, that slonder bon- dualsand thousands of other have given Canada one of the : rwer $4. mail businesses across the highest job creation rates in -May 23, 79. country, thejobless rate would the worid. thousanas of mneîr counier- ho mùch, much higher. Wlthout such Independent In Iact, 1< is*not overstatIng businesses and their tremen-1 the case to saY independent busînesses are the real heroes dous capacity go create jobs, in the batieIo beat unemploy- be mach, much higher. ment. The people who operate io console, Considerihese facts. Busi- such firms, in the vernaceular :all after 4 nesses with fewer <han 20 em- of election campaigus, deserve May 1,79. ployees provided aon astound- our vote. A vote of thanks for ing 59% of net< new Job growthÎ a Job wcil dont. ý PRE SS ý POLISHER, , WHITBY F',