-j PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY JUJTY 18,1i979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Says rereation dfretor.... Kieee p fit at.,froquois 1hanks to lot levies sup- plied by subdividers, Whitby is obtaining a number of new recreational facilities this year. Six tennis courts are now in service at Iroquois Park, and the lighting for these courts was installed last Fni- day. The cost of. the courts is $120,000, paid for through lot levies. They will remain in their present conditioni this CUE TIP BILLIARD LOUNGE. Has Reëopened Under The New Management 0f THE MIASTER BILLIARD. MECHANIC LTD., .12 Veaes Experienoe in Billiard Service and Supply - Professionally attended tbe and equipment tbe - Hot and cold snacks - Complete line of supplies for home and commercial use ONE HOUR 0F POOL MAKES YOU ELIBIBLE FOR OUR CONTIINUOUS 2PCE.-CUE RAFFLE LADIES PLAY FREE IF ACCOMPANIED, BY A GENTLEMAN WHITBY MALL NEXT TO MIRACLE MA RT 10ar. - 1 a.m. - 6 days a week l00a.m. -.*11 p.m. - Sunday after 10 p.m. use rear door) year and will receive their final color coating next year, said Parks and Recreation Director Wayne DeVeau. Accordling to Mr. DeVeau, the courts will not be booked out to community groups or individuals, with one excep- tion, and wilI operate on a first corne, first serve basis. Starting next year the Whitby Tennis Club, which has been using the Peel Park tennis courts, wilI use three of the six courts two nights a week, he said. The tennis courts are pre- sently available to the public at haîf an hour per court. A tennis camp for children aged eight to, fourteen to learn the advanced skills of tennis is operating this sum- mer in two sessions. The July session has 2S~ members and there are 36 in the August camp. There are stili a' few openings in August, said Mr. DeVeau. The camps run from 9:30 a.xn. to 3 p.m., followed by a swim in the Iroquois Park pool at 3 p.m. Eight sets of new . blea- cher s have been installed at the soccer and softball fields in Iroquois Park, said Mr. DeVeau. Also, a set of fencing has been completed this month at the Peel Park soccer field adjacent to Burns Street as a MR P'jSiN 131 BROCK ST.N. HUNDREDS 0F DIFFERENT PAPER- BACK NOVELS & MAGAZINES WINTARIO & PROVINCIAL TICKETS We now carry GORDON ae-F. FRASER greeting cards exclusirely 10% 01. A5rIEC1IOh OF DINN#Qe 6618-6111 _ol wi, blO:tn /4 safety precaution to keep children and soccer baîls fromn getting'onto this busy street. Creative play apparatus has been installed in Bradley and College Downs Parks, at a cost of $10,000 for Bradley and $10,300 for College Downs. A basebali diamond, soft- baîl diamond and soccer field have been installed in the Pringle Creek Park, on. Manning Road near Ander- son Street in one' of the town's new subdivisions, at a cost of $42,000 from lot levies. Crea.tive- play equipment' has also been ordered for this park, said Mr..DeVeau. Another project to be undertaken this- year is the painting of the interior of the Brooklin Community Centre and the installation of new drapes. Eârlier in the spring the Iroquois Park Arena was painted with blue and yellow trim (the town colors) to make the complex look more attractive. The Whitby Kiwanis Club is one-of the community groups which has assisted the town in providing recreational equipment. For several years the club has been installing. play equiprnent at Heydenshore Park, and, this year's addi-, tion is a set of jungle gym climbing bars and firemen 's poles. The West Lynde Commu- nity Association has 'instal- led two large swing sets,. one baby swing set and two sm 'all creative play units in Cen- tral, Calais and Jeffrey Whitby Parks and Recreation Director Wayne DeVeau tests his ability on a bar at one of the exercise stations on the fitness trail in the Bluegrass Meadows subdivision. Varions stations along the trail provide for exercises such as situps, chinups, running on the spot', jumping, hanging bar exercises, cli mbing, «etc., following the European style of exercise trail. A second, such trail is being constructed in the Brooklin and District Kinsmen Park. Free Press Photo Parks, said Mr. DeVeau. The town is also using lot levies of $52,500 to instali two lighted tennis courts in D'Hillier Park in connection with the Otter Creek subdivi- sion. Work has already begun on this project, which will include play apparatus and a small parking lot. Mn. LK.ARN TO DRIVE! WHIlTBY, AJAX DRIVING SCHOO L PRIVATE LESSONS or DRIVING COURSE FOR INSURANCE DISCOUNT 666-1073 already begun developing a master plan for the remain-- der of D'Hillier Park. Only -a small portion. of subdividers '.lot levies go into recreational equipment which the public can' se, said Mn. DeVeau. Most levies go inito the "hard services" such as under- ground utilities, which the public does not see. One of the blessings of the new subdivisions. is that they do provide the funds for the town to develop recreational facilities for the people of Whitby, newcomers as well as older residents of the town, said Mr. DeVeau. FFi5ýSSNowI Fibness is a national issue. %~ oeilit Body Politics. RENTS YO U CAN AFFORD......, A downtown Co-op with " COnvenience of elevators in a sinoN project " range of unit types for famillses, couples, end single- people * close to downtown Conet. a meeting of CRANBERRY COURT CO-OP, end get involv.d in developlng end runnhg your own bhowhig Hfenry Street Sclmool, Wlitby et 7:30 p... Tùesd.y Judy 24 or Tbursday Judy 26 ý 1 1 5-Y,