Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Jul 1979, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS od Free PressEmpori --- ~ ~mru Ads will onlybeaccepted subject to th""Mo~ n~tos - TIRES WITH RIMS, size H-78. PLEASE READ i PICTURES $50 and $15; Tric' V CNAD 15 eah $0. hono 668.9458. 'Nhen the advertised lttem is od disposed of, on unavailable for cIe $13; ChiId's Rod-inon Sco( People To People Devoîopmont SOndYourT8,-OoductibeContribu lion To: OXPAMOCANADA Box le,000Box 12.00 TOIIONTO WINNIPEG OTTAWA REGINA HALIFAX CALGARY ST.JOHNB VANCOUVER [,ATOOLES FOR SALE 1972< DODGE 3/4' ton pick-up with cap. Standardi'raànsmis- sion, 6 cylinder, excellent con' dition, $1,200. Phone 666.1507. May 30, 79. 197 1 TORNADO, low mileage, pow er everything, great shape, f ront wh!eel drive. $1,800. Phone 668-1113. May 2, 79. 75 MERCURY COMET, brown, 2-door. Au toma tic radio. Power steening. A-i. condition. Asking $1,995, or best offer. Phone 668-0776. < Julv 11, 79, 76 DODGE DART, vinyl roof; beige, automatic power steer. ing, radio, excellent condition. Asking $3,000. Caîl 668-0776. June 20, 79. 71* FORD TORINO station wçigon, 302, VIB, automatic, power, steering, runs good; Needs body work, $225. Phone 723-'9164. Ma ,79. 1966 'PLYMOUTH FURY, slanted 6 engine in very good shape with new plates. $300 or beC~ off er. As is. Phone 668- 4889. May 9, 79. 76 GREMLIN, 32,000 miles,6 cylinder, automatic, $2,200. Phone 669-.5318. May 30, 79. 1971TOYOTA, uncentifiîed. $250 or best offen. Phone 668-9884. lune 7.7,-19 75 Ford'. 6 cyl. Maverick Excellentý condition. $3,200. Phone 579-6144. uy4,7 1971 DODGE DEMON Power brakes and, steering. AM-FM radio. Good running order. Needs body wonk. $175. Phone 668-1306. - JuIy .11, 79 1974 GREMLIN, as is, 304 V -8 standard, 3 speed transmis- sion. $1400. Phone 668-8178. June 27, 79 ou uL3GEb POLARA Good condition. New brake lob. Bill to prove. As is. $150. 302 Byron St. K, Whitby. July 11, 79 MUT PATS FOR SALE-H goodyear 9.LT-15 A/T Trackers mounted on white rims in good shape. $300 or bestcf #er. Phne 66-306 Nd t n - t L c c s '1 t' M May 30, 79. ONE PAIR of gold drapes, ined. Size'14 X 94. Asking $75. Phone 668-4760. June 6, 79. FOR SALE Acme Sealay "See Fax". stock control system in- iluding 4bcxes ofstock control cards. $100. Phone 668-3131. Ju ne 13, 1979. STEP FLUSH cottage toliet, $25. Phone 668-3167. April 25, 79. EI'O GUlIR acoustic/eiec- tric , 12 string, excellent condi- tion with case, $125. Traynor amplifier, $150. Caîl Victor 683- 9220 to 4 p.m., 656-8309 af ten 6 p. rM. May 30, 79. SANYO FT478 AM/FM csscf le car stcneo, like ncw. i-,forward, eject, L/D iock-in, S~. rail Victor 683-9220 f0 4 rn. 656-8309 after*6 p.m. May 30, 79. 6 PION EER MODEL PL115D jnrntable, $100. Phone 728-6962. May 9, 79. whatever reasori, the item wilI be deemned to have been sold and'a commission w"Il be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iîlustrated beIow, regandiéss If pnice Is stated with "best offer"l. If the item Is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiIl be run for,3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of .$3.00 wili apply. All advertisements must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not'sold. RATES [if article is soîdi: 5% of advertised price Up 10 $400.00> 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120.00 - commission due $6.00 Iminimum charge is $3.001 Pnivate advertising only! Please'notif y us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Ploase notify t1he Whitby Free Press immediateIy whdn itprm is sold so that we may delete il f nom the following issues. Ail ads not fitting the E.-purium guidelines wiIi be treated andi charged per week as regular classified ads on* a pre paid basisý such as: services,-help wanted, cIothing, reai estate, and personai message type ads, or ads not quoting pnice or quantity: Private ciassified ads may appean in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. May 16, 79. CRATIA'IN L VELES 75 RD350 Yamfaha. 6,000 mniles. Saddle bags, windshield, cnromed protection bar, back carrier. Original owner $850. Phone 668-0989. July 4, 79 GO-.KART 4.5 horsepower, Honda engine,stinger Go-Kart. $700 or best offer. Phone 668- 5615. Ju ne 6, ?. 12 FT. FIBERGLASS car top f ishing boat with 4. -4 Chrysîer o 'iboard. Excellent condition, ,$450. Caîl anytime 683-3019 and ask for Gary. May 23, 79. 1 977 SUZUKI RM 125 BS. bxcel:., lent condition. WiSco pistons. Ported &-polished. Very qulck and powerfuî with Bell Moto. star helmet, Digger boots and other accessories. $800 f irmn. Phone 668.2203. 1975 VAMAHAý YZ 125. Just rebuilt, proof ofpart1s. Asking $400 or besi off er. CaîIl 668-4680. "'lne 27, 79 ELLALLNEOUS 12' x 12' Dining tent. Ail- screens in good condition. No outside ropes. $75. Phone 668-5949.. July 4, 79 Double Stainless, Steel Sink $10; 100Oft. heab July 4, 79 TOASTMASTER oven-broiler, used 3 times $40, Walker $5, Shoefly rocker horse $5, Alumi. nu -lawning. Dark blue &white 12 14 ft. $100. ýG-E. Floor -o . er, $10. Phone 666-1229. May 2, 1979 CAPTAIN BED custOmn made# natural paine, solid unit design, $250. Cail 666-1414 after 6 p.m. May 30, 79. SIMPSON.SEARS 1/4 lhorst- power cartridge type f ilter Up f0 6,000 gallons, $60. Phone 683-7360. OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE, DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS US THE' FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. STFRFC'/TV/RADIO console, -$200 or best offer. Call after 4 p.m. 666-1761. May 16,79. WESTINGHOUSE Mobile air 6,000 B.T.U. Air conditioner, window style. $75. Phone 668- 6062. June 13, 79. rILTER QUEEN VACUUM, clearter with allachments,* like new. Asking $250. Calîl 571-2477. May 30,,79. CB RADIO, 40 channel, single sideband TRC 448with capabi- lities. Just like new. Buying, abase Slation. Asking $300. Caîl .668-4277. Juno 13,' 1979. US ED DOUBLE BED SET, triple dressing table wijh huge ninror. Ideal for cottage, $250, phono 579-6786. May 30, 79.' VIKING FLOOR POLISHER, $10 single bed, $40, room divi- der, $30, exercise slender ben- der, $35, hydrolic rower, $40. Cali666-1847. May 23,-79. 4 ASSORTED BIKES somne parts rnissing $5 each. 1 single bed complete with box springs & matresses. Asking $50. Phone 668-0621. April 25, 79, TRICYCLE $30, aquarium, 50 gai., ail accessories and stand, $75, 2 antique dressers, 1 $130 and 1 $200, antique chair 75, solid oak hutch, $350, range hood, $20, redwood rocker & swing set, $130, counter top dishwasher, $10, air-hockey gamre, $20, 2 stereo speakers, $15, hanging wrought iron plant- basket, $20, antique mantle clocks, $75, $95, $125, $175. Antique Canadian WaIll dock, $450. Phone 668-7007. May 2, 79. ELECTROHOME air-condi- f ioner, 5,000 BTU's. A-i condi- tion, $125. Phone evenîngs 655- 4121.'- May 16, 79. GE AIR CONDITIONER, win- dow model. Fair working con- dition. Asking $100. Cali68 5526. May 23, 79. KENMORE HUMIDIFIER, asking $60. Cal after 6 p.m. 579-0475. May 9, 79. n. FOR SALE Gas pool heater. Used two seasons. $325; Pooi pup-3/4 horsepower, used one season $175. Pool vacuum kit and skimmen net $20; and pool chemicals, inciud ing 30 Ibs. of chlorine $30. Caîl 576-7655. June 20, 79. DRAPES -'LIVING & DINING room. 120"1 x 94" and 80" x 45". open weave-lined, moss green, $50. Rods included., Phone 668- 5029. May 23, 79. Westinghouse automatic wa- shing machine, good' condition. $1 75. Under warranty. Phone 623-5715. Jly4,7 GARAGE EQUIPMENT Rotor disc. Lathe and Drum Lathe. Both $1,100. Delco Tune-up Diagnostic Centre, like new, $1,950 will sell for $1,150. Have grease equipment also and engine puliey. Caîl John at 666-1021. May 23, 79. INTERIOR WOODEN DOORS 30" x 78" x 1 3/8", $30. 2 aluminumstornmdoors,33 1/2" X 82", $25 each. Antique Trea- d le sewing machine, $65. Antique wooden telephone, $85. Phone 728-2327. Apnil 25, 79. OFFICE IDESK 2 x 5 ft., 6 d rawers, $60. Student desk, $10, hair styler, $10, 2 metal beds and mattresses $10 each, ringer-washer, $25. Caîl 655- 4196. May 16, 79. FOR SALE Electric Motor - IX 1/4 h.p. 110 volt. 60 cycle 1725 ram 1/2" shaf twith puiiey $25; 22" B.B.Q. with hood, sheif. Electric charcoal lighter, good cond. $22. Caîl 668-2630. June 13, 79. DOUBLE BED SET Nine drawer dresser and& mirnor. Asking $150. Phone 668-8154. June 20, 79. BABY ITEMS FOR SALE Gendren Carniage, çonverts to car bed or stroller $25; Bathi- nette $15. Phone 668-1528. June 20, 79. SPORTËSMAN FLORESCENT LANTERN, used twice $25; Lloyds calculator $5; Doîphin car reverberator $15. Phone .668-8178. lune 27, 79 FOR SALE Purpîe rug &cira- pes, suiîlab le for rec -room. Ask - 1rig $300 or bes t off er f or b oth. Phone 666-1618.. June 13, 1979. M. L3 F g c v ti i i ci i fa ci pr vil f . w ter $5; Child's table electric organ $10; Swimming Lounger for $10; Child's ballet shoes size 10 $3; Console Stereo AM-FM $250. P hone 666-1372. June 6, 79. STEREO, record player and 8 track player. Asking $100. McCiany, continuous dlean stove, asking $150. Phone 668- 8138. May 16, 79. VICTORIAN GENTLEMEN' dressing mirron, $50. Phone 655-4918 after 5 p.m. May 9, 79. 2 GIRLS' BIKES, $20 & $30. Phone 668-1921-. May 9, 79. PUMP & FILTER for above ground swimming pool. Aiso Iadder & hose. Used two summens. Asking $100, phone 655-3583. May 16, 79. BLACK & WHITE TV Console mnrfl 26". Westinghouse, $100. Phone 668-0776. May 16, 79. American strolier chair. Con- vents into carniage, car bed, feeding chair, rocking chair. Blue. Good condition. $75. Phone 683-1574. JuIy 4, 79 CCM BI1KE boy's 1 0-speed, 22"1 wheels, $50. Phone 668-6580. May 16, 79. Rý1EFRIGE=RATOR. Good con- dition for a cottage $28; Reeser hitch &bar $60; Hairdryer $10; wood cupboand $40. Phone 683- 6639. >July 11, 79 AKAI STEREO ini mint condi- tion. Turn table, amplifier & receiver. 2 speakers. Complete $700 or best offen. Good starter system. Phone 668-2649. - JuIy 11, 79 FOR SALE 14'fiberglass canme- n good condition. $150. Phone 668-2294. - ~July 11, 79 DOUBLE STAINLE.SS STEEL SINK $10; 200 ft. heavy duty rubber hose $50; glass belted vhitewall tires L78x15, $25; Lawn nouler $10; Caîl 649.2578 (Cianemont). Juiy 4, 79- PUMP AND FîLTERfonabove ;round pool. Stainless steel lnk. 3/4 H.P., 3450 RPM, 60 PS, 115 volts. Asking $125. 'hone 668-0570. JuIy 11, 79 Your gift to CARE means safer Nater for rural families, thus anding many senlous probiems. A illage pump means no more lost me walking miles for the day's ,uppi. tmeans better sanitation prac- !ces and reduction of energy- ýpping diseases. It means more -ildren can attend school. it neans their mothers have more ine to devote to household tasks, he famiiy garden or 10 learning iutrition, hygiene, sanitation and amily planning at CARE-buiit ýalth and nutrition centres in 'ARE's integrated water and ialth programs. Vour dollars can ýelp provide water systems for im- roved irrigation of crops and 0ow farmers how to buiid silos nd improve storage facilities. end your gift to-day to CAECanada, Dept. 4. 1312 Bank St., Ottawa KiS 5H7 Courthouse Sqiuares Food usually cornes in kilograms and grarns Friends Are A Nice Thing To Rave... THIS EMBLEM IS THE SIGN 0F GOOD BUSI- NESS AND 'GOOD FRIENDS. For information cali: Phone- 728-2103-- ~I~3~3 Mont greatest invention was the WH EEL.. . A close second was the CLASSIFIED'AD CIaaeIfieddAdvffliafng - PLEASE SEE CLASSIFIED ADS FOR MORE' ITEMS FOR SALE- ""ýtemier Il in doubt, caîl 668-611'1 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN 551'

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