Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Jun 1979, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE PRES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1 979, PAM 25 fwM ERVIcES. QueIty m TOP SAND TED- ARINTS 1LI Brock Rd., .N, R. &13-4 HIGHEST PRICES .Paid for GoaIdand Sîlvor coins, aid guns, docksjowelery, dishes, furnituro, cracks, oil, pailltings and seaters. FRIENDLY FIPEA 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., ; 1 OÃ"SHAWA~ CJARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS. 1 MPROVEMENTS METRQ.-LLC. B - 2 Kitchens, Ceramic TiIing, Drywall, Roc. Rooms, Cedar Docks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES .C ILf6ëê" MOBILEON-SITE. CONCREiTE iReady mixed concrete for home owners., Patio, sidewalks, foundations, siabs etc. Saturday deliveries cal' CARPET CLEANINO IN YOUR .OWN HOME New Roto Static Method' Guaranteed No Shrinkage Dry in 2 Hours No Sharnpoo or Siicky ResÃŽidue.toAttract Dirt CALL 728-5554 <ANYTIME DUBINS SIDINO AluÃŽminum & vinyl siding, sof- f itt, fascia & seamless alumi- num eavestroughing Installa- tion. Free estiinates, very reasonabie. Caîl 666-1979 eve- nings. 10 per cent discount for senior citizens. FILTER 'QUIEN is iooking for 12 sales people. Pull or part-time available. No experience necessary. Ail leads supplied. Car is neces- sary. For interviews cati 579- 1077. IJNÏEMPLOYED ? Be a prof es - siomal driving ir5tructor. Earn Up to $7 hr. With compay car, - Training avaiabie. Must be over 21. Phone between 8:30 - 4:30, Monday -te Friday 725- G EORRNT WHITBY .3 bdrm Townhause f or ren t. Rec room & su n deck. $400 monthly. Phone West Hill 284-3587 between_6 &8 p!.m. COTTAGE FOR RENT Lai Simcoe - Georgina l1stand, soe lc furnished lakefront, Iarç cottage, large lot, will su. handyn, IoN seasonal rentfi .certainwork tobe done. Phot 1-278-4200. SWIMMING POOLS TO REIN Witt lease and'Install for hom owners, famniiy size aIumininm swimmning pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting ail fencing regulations on a one, two or three year rentai ba- sis with option to buyl -Cali IMPERIAL POOLS toit free 1-800-268-5970. 0RIRENT Office* Space. Up to 20,0X 'q. ft. sprinklered& Hopkins 1 caou collect Toronto 633-,161 SUÛBLET Lynd ÃŽiê Çlîge 2 be-c roorn, new. building, sauna squash, whirlpool, avallabli Aug. 8/79, $320 rnth.ý Ca 668-1346 after'g p.rn. ill ýor ine le- 15 le- iÀEJ SWIMMING POOL Manufac- turer has new 1978 Pools, regu- lar price $2,190 now at oëur in season special1 0f $1,355. *Pools corne ýwith walkaroUnd -deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor& filIter. Delivery arranged to your convenience. For best selection and information caîl IMPERiAL POOLS tolI free *1-800-268-5790. WINDOWS FOR SALE one picture window; 61/2 x 7 1/2' feet, two bedroom windows 5 x 6 feet, one bathroomn window, 2 1/2 x 4 feet. For further infor- mation caîl 668-2364, evenings only., FOR SALE Perfect condition Tasco Refractor Telescope' with the trl-pod $100; Fleet. wood High-Fi Walnut cabinet wuiiî &AA-rA iguud irJoi record cha nger and table ou tiet $185; 10speed boys bicycle, new condition $185. Phone af ter S655-3833 SCRAP CARS, trucksaànd heâ - vy steel purchased at top prices.* Free pickup. Phone 576-8077. HARD TOP CAMPERforsale New screen, new spare tire. Sleeps six. Best 0ffer. Phone 668-0442. FOR SALE Brand noe chester* f Ield chair which pulls Into a single bed. Piad colour. Paid $125. YWnt $80. Cati mornings 2xjy..a t 668-7942. FOR SALE Living room drapes- & chair nearîy new, gold col- cur; bedroom drapes blue col- Wur; becroom carpet 10, - 14# blue; 1 end table, T.V. set, amps; kitchen utensils. Rea- son for seliing moving out of town. Canbeseenany day,any time, dlay> or evenipgs. Cali 668-1255or 315ColborileSt.W Apt 407, Whlby. IMP ALE . Mondafldd essev é 1- 1 e It r ýe T o ;t. 5. ,-J .IELPWANTXEOPart-timebus buh atyaga.cni drtvlip JuJ & ug. das a ti on. Tra ilor a nd ca nvascoe week 2 ru nsêiW dt,* jS1tj tlne included. Phone 728-7728.> or get ciass' c license. '4se Ma66-356 or 66-4643. OAYCAE WATED> fomhp. py il41rlod i. Otter Creek àarue.1t*ila16. ____________ ,< ESITUATIONSj Looking for a s teady ride. Day î shif t only WÃŽMI pay well. From 200 White Oaks, Whilby to lndusfried Port Whtby. Caîl 668-9858 affter 5 o.mO o t. - CA~PRTENDERS GARAESLST he Whity Psychia fric Hc5spi- -taI will be pleaseci to accept, GARAGE SALE Saturdfay,',- o a ppro. 1600sq. ft.of a rbo- Mune .l6th, 10 ýa.m to 4 p.p * *rile to the wa11d -the 4th.f 1oor, cloihinigga nes, miscellaneaus. D.C.D.H. Anderson St. N. FirstHouse.on - - lot t South a of sadRd AII mnaterlals will be suppied Whilby - ____ -, esie. Tender documents ____________________ may be*IeboQatn Psychiatric Hespiti. Metrc-iaétlil This tender wiii close on, habit fe~~~n 26th, -1979 at -'~:s : 1:00 noon. - -. <V~ g4~.. PWANTE5 TYPEWRITER TECHNICIA N We are Iooking for an experienced typewriter technician for the Barry - Orillia area. -,Pre- ference wiII be given to element type machine experience. Knowledge of electronics an asset AUCTION SALE Saturday, _____June 16, 12:30 p.m. Furniture, ; applia nces,ý tools etc. of Ca-VIlle Scroenea & Ruth Han cggHan 1/2 mi.,northon DurhamRd. No. 7. Press back commode SOIL chair, treadle sewing rnchine 180 nepw dresser, 2411 McClary VSTONE si fcrcapine,1a ~U E 8, single ee.baktbd DAM ' SU rrLv ,ding, picket .fencing aprc. 00,step' ladder,. oh lheater, - .1,* Pickering dishes, bottles,.pots& anrs, books, shovels,ra es, and many -more items too *numneràus to 188S7'--mention. Lunch. John Pearoe 1976io Services. 985-7492 gin,,5.speed, 19,000Omiles. Ex -AuCTION SALE Thursday, cellent' condition, certif led June 14, 1 p.m. for Mr.. Ian $3,500; 1976 Yamaha, RD200 Stwart, at his residence, 39 eiec trlc start, 32,000 miles, ex. Heber Dav'Cresc,'Brooklin. cellent condition $650. Phone- Large househoid 'sale includ- daây 576-4600 or night 668-1276. ing: 24 f t. above grounci pool, 69 DODG E DART 6 cylinder. > car, washer, dryer, f ridge, Good running condition as i stove, dlstwvasher, air condi- $300 or best offer. Phone 668- tioner,babyfurnlsher,cylitider 6079 af fer 3 o.m top secrelary desk "1excepti- onal", Boudoir* love seat, oîd FOR SALE 1966 Pontiac Beu guns, bear rug, washstand, mont, 4door hard-top, V-8, as rocking chair, corner cabinet Is condition. Phone 668-2972 glasswear "ICranbery, Nippon 1fer 6 p.m. -and Flo Blue" and many more - itemns old and new. Earl Davies, J1975 DODGE ASPEN, stand- auctionere, 728-4455. a rd tranrs missi1on, 2 door, ti nted g la ss, c lea n, w 11 ce rtif y, $2,'700, LIC LNR 409 Phone 668.4421.NTIES ý197ÃŽ FORD CUSTOM, 4 door,* air conditloning, power brade MR. & MRS. LOREN JONES, & pover steering, excellent R.R. 1 Ashburn,wiîi bea thome> condition, asking price $1,950. to re latives and f riends on the Certif ied. Phone 668-7950. occasion on their Sth Wedding - Anniversary on Sunday, June 24th, 1979, 2-4 p.m. & .7-9 p.m. HOME O AEBest wishe onlyplease. THE FAMILY of Bill and Belle WHITE VAIL: Spacicus reno- Grylîs wili be pleased to recel. va ted home.. Large lot on qui et ve f riends and relatives a 't the roed.* Closee t store, Library, home of Joy and Mal. Bailn, 900 and comuter., Price '$86,500. 'Rosiand Roed'East, Whtby,, Phone 294-3457. f rom 2-4a nd 7-9 p.m', Satlurday > June 23, 1979, in honour of their OUT 0F TOWN PROPÉRfY: Parents Golden Wedding. Anni- BoNanlll, cuog d.-,. versary. Best wishes. oily s1 iifedbet1ween Iwo Chrietlan .'- NNiOUNCMEIT Reë'*ta SchoIs~ ver.1/2 acre l'ot;, - fejngTryDw nPa iandscaped, mature trees, * no; Anita Brooks, Ciarinet; bedroom immaculate bunga- adAtnaHxalfue ,ow,paved circular drive, ata- Wiii ta ke pla ce Su nday Ju ne. 17 ched garage plus many more- a.t 8:00 p.mat the :Ontario extras. Please cati Woudstra, Ladies' Coliege, Reynolds St., Realtor, 985-5915 for deta ils. Amsinfre REATIONA WINNERS TICKETS Spencer VVEHI LESICommunity Centre Drawv on VEHILES Mon. May 21179 are: lst p'rize - 1976 YAMAHA DT 12SexceIIent T.V. set - Mr. Irving Carr, 385 condition. New-sprokets, cha in. -Toybee Trail, Pickering, Ont. $600_Phone 683-0709. 282-5859. Winning No. 2201. 2nd _________prize - dlock radio - Roberta 1975 YAMARiA RD 350 Imm. Archlbald, 7 Comrle Terrace, culate condition, wind screen, Scarborough, Ont. 267-3572. saddle« bags, buck carrier,' Winnil10 No. 2267. 3 rd, prize - cromiprotective bar 6,000 u-.- comf or ter - MikeCannon; R. R. original oNner $900..Phone 668- 098 PETS ~THAN O ______________ THANK '(OU Harvey and Elva PETS 2 kittens tree to a o-d Nighswander and family wlsh home. Cali Linda at 668-3346 t> tha nk the men of the Whi tby attr6 p.m. - Fire dept. for their* prompt af 1erresponse & eff iciency in coping with the fire in cur home. Aiso the way they protected aur THAN YOUfurniture and the rest of aur home. We also wantto thank bas openlngsfor 3 fialtime' alïîsrep-- ment. neoesaary, M i lgalage. <1Car esoential. For more information cali ALSO: _postlons fortMwo M..euns. 668-166 (1666wor dropy lO8,.Athol .St. Whitb , Ont..'ý FITNESS IS SOMETHING ,am YOU CAN JUMP UP AND DOWN ABOUT! WI lc.Idy NOTIqCLE,,.TgO CEDITOR'î AN» HEIiiS/ANDOTHE IN THE ESTATE 0F Anthony Skeba, deceased, Labourer, AIl persons having dlaims agalnst the esta te 0f the i mentioneci, la te of the Town of Whitby ln the Judicial Distr York who died at the said Town of Whitby on the l8th di December 1973,*are requlred to file proof of same wlt undersigned on or before the 2lst day of July 1979. Af ter tha tda te the Public Truste wilI proceed to distribui eslt e, having regard only to the dlaims 0f which he then have had notice. DAT ED at. Toronto this Sth day of June 1979. os_ above, rict of Iay of Mi the de the ishaîl PUBLIC TRUST EE, 145 CQueen St. West, Toronto, Administra tor, To'»Order FUEL muPionsn843 DXh!LMo . ,.k..F« Ta-0anp- Cour u 157D.Dt .ÈST HTYPT For, interview ssnd resoni'e îor pimo.e Brion Dhker at. -6-L' 1-705-326-7332 After Hours 1 705-325-,6631l il,

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