Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 May 1979, p. 20

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PAGE 20e WEDNESDAY, MAY 23,_1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Press Emporiu CaII1668-61.11 Em«rporium Ads wiII only be a'ccepted subject to the foIlowing Condhiions. w AUTOOBIES FOR SALE 1971 ROAD RUNNER, 383 4 barrell, low mileage, good con- dition. Asking $1,300. 1977,650 Yamaha, low mîleage, excel- lent condition, must seIl $1,600. Phone 668-9496. March 21, 79. 1971 IDODGE DART, 48,000 miles, V-6. Good condition. Certif ied, asking $1,450. Phone after.6 p.m. 655-3043. March 21, 79. 1961 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, 2-Dr. hard top, 6 cylinder, automatic, new power brakes," new tires, al mechanical1 items in good condition, $500. Phone 655-3990 after 4 p.m. May 9, 79. 1972 VEGA HATCHBACK, new radial tires, automatic, good body & paint, 68,000 miles. $700 or best off er. Phone 728.2327. April 25, 79. 1971 TORNADO, 10w mileage, Power everything, great shape, front wheel drive. $1,800. Phone 668-1113. May 2, 79. 1972 FORD TORINO. 4-dr., au tomnatic, power steerlng, V-8' Vinyl roof, fair condition, some body work needed. $400. As is! Caîl 668-6367. April 18, 79. 73 PONTIAC LEMANS COUPE 51,000 miles, original body, 350 2 Barrel, automatic transmis- sion, power stee ring, power brakes. Used only 3 winter- seasons. $2,800 with stereo or ' ~~$2,400 without. Phone 668-9944 weekends o nly. March 28, 79. 1976 rYT COROLLA A 1 2-dr., standard, 38,000 miles. i cly owner. AM radio & 8-trck with speakers included. Asking $2,200 or best off er. Caîl 623-2769. March 21, 79. 71 FORD TORINO) stàtion wagon, 302, V8, automatic, power steering, runs good. Needs body work, $225. Phone 723-9164. May 9, 79. ' 1966 PLYMOUTH FURZY, sîanted 6 engine in very good shape wlth new plates. $300 or best offer. As is. Phone 668- 4889. May 9, 79. 4 TIRES, Daytona Sport, G-70-14, $100 for set. Phone 728-2327. April 25, 79. FORD AUTOMATIC TRANS-' MISSION, fits 302 & 351 en- gines, $30. Also, other f ord parts. Caîl after 8 p.m., 668- 7553. March 7, 79. -t SNOWMOBILE ENGINE - Polaris 295 cc, twin cylinder, twin carbs, $75. 1973 Kawasaki, 750 H2,'1l owner, excellent Sshape $775. Phone 655-3280. March 21, 79.j TIRES WITH RIMS, size H.78. 15, each $20. Phone 668-9458. 3 XR 78-14 UnircyalIsteel belted radial tires, $50. 1 14X Michelin tire $20. 666-1847, AMaY 23, 1979 E ECEIONAL~ VELES 1971 KAWASAKI 100 Moto-- crosf,. Good tires and depend- able engine. Good first bike. Asking $200. Caîl 655-3527 after 5 p.m. April 11, 79. 11,71 MX 250 Yarnaha Moto- crr,. Newly painted and top ci rebuild. Lots of power. inmg $450 firm. Caîl 655-3527 e ~r5p.m. April 11, 79. 197'l F-11 250 Kawasaki Erm-(uro. New fenders and ý* nt Regal dependable in dirt. ig$350. Caîl 655-3527 after April 11, 79. 1977 SuzukiRM125B. Excellent condition. Wisco pistons. Ported & polished. Very quick and povverful with Bell Moto- Star helmet, Digger boots and other accessories. $800 f irm. Phone 668-2203. May 23, 1979 12-f t. fiberglass car top f ishing boe twith 4.4 Chrys ler ou tboard Excellent condition. $450. Cal anytime 683-3019 and ask for' Ga ry - May 23,1979 SLEEPY DRIVERS. MREST PiECES bilio'T APPANES PORTABLE DlSHWASHER top loader, copi3ertone, $75. Bed mattress and srping, $10. Phone 668-1436., April 4, 79. Rangette, brown, 2 burners and oven, 2 months old. $100. Phone 668-7838 after 6 p.m. April 11, 79. 7If you have a dishwasher, yo-ýU can save some energy use; don't dry. The drying cycle in most, automatic dishwashers uses more e- Iectricity than actual wash- ing and rin.sing. You can Save energy by disconnect- ing the drying cycle. Built- in heat inside the dishwash- or wil dry the, dishes. You can also open the dishwashý' or after the wash cycle and let the dishes air dry. MUESE READ When the advertised ltt,i, iâ scia, disposeâé ot, or unavallable for whatever reason, the Item wiII be deemed ta have been sold and a commission wlll be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iîîustrated beîow> regardîess If price Is sfated wlth "best offer"'. If the item Is NOT SOLD, or ctlsposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wlll appîy. All advertlsements must be pîaced on an exclusive basis wlth the WHITBY FRÉE PRESS5 and run at Ieast one month If not sold. RATES tif 'article is soîdi: 5% of advertîsed prîce up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE:, SoId Item advertlsed for $120.00 .commission due $6.00 1lminimum charge Is $3.001 Privatè advertlslng only! Please notlfy us if you find a retailer' listed as a private advertlser. Please notify the Whltby Free Press immediately whé item is sold s0 that we may delete Itf from the foîîowing issues. , AIl ads not f itting the Em-p,,rium guidelines wiIl be treated ancd charged per wëek as regular cîasslfled ads ona pre paid basisý such as: services, heîp wanted, cîothîng, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quotlng price or quantity: Private cîassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropria te. headings. If in doubt, cal 668-6111' MAIL ADS 'TO: FREE P RESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 5S1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS US THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOflN. EICL LAN EUUS Viking Floor polisher $10, single bed $40, roomn divider $30, exercise slender bender, $35, Hydrolic ra#er $40.' Cal r 666-1847. May 23, 1979 CCM BIKE Boy's 10-speed, 22"1 wheels, $50. Wilson- Golf Clubs, men's right-handed. Woods 1, 3, 4, Irons - 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, Il.' $70. Phone 668-6580. May 16, 79. TRICYCLE $30, aquarium, 5o gaI., aIl accessories and stand, $75, 2 antique dressers, 1 $130 and 1 $200, antique chair 75, soîid oak hutch, $350, range hood, $20, redwood rocker & swing set, $130, counter-top dishwasher, $10, air-hockey game, $20, 2 stereo speakers, $15,hanging wrought iron plant basket, $20, antique mantle cdocks, $ý75, $95, $125, $175. Antique Canadian Wall Clock, $450, Phone 668-7007. May 2, 79. ELECTROHOME air-condi. tioner, 5,000 BTU's. A-1 condi- tion, $125. Phone evenings 655- 4121. May 16, 79. G.E. Air conditioner,,windaow model Fair working condition. Asking $100. Cali 668-5526. AMaY23,1979 OFFICE DESK 2 x 5"ft., 6 drawers, $60. Student desk, $10, hair styler, $10, 2 metal beds and mattresses $10 each, ringer-washer, $25. Cali 655- 4196. May 16, 79. ALUMINUM AWNINGS for s~l,4 sizes. Aîmost new, $85, sP,~ $105, $150. For information - call 6(-P 817B. March 28, 79. FOLDING DOORS, 79" x 29 1/2" each $25 a set. Interior wooden door 30" x 78" x 1 3/8"1 $30. 2 aluminum storm doors, 33 1/2"1 x 82"1 $25 each. School desk, 1 piece, $10. Barbeque (wagon), $20. Antique Treadle sewing machine $65. Antique wooden telephone $70. Phone 728-2327. April 25, 79. 30 GALLON AQUARIUM with- f ilter, plants, stones, $23. Black & White T.V.,-"12"1 screen. B3rand new, $100. AM/FM Radio, battery or electric, $25. Apply 130 Byron St. N. April 11, 79. STOVE IN GOOD SHAPE, $25. Junior skis With boots $15, golf clubs withbag, $20. Cali 655- 3527 after'5 p.m. April 11, 79, TWI N STROLLER, children sit side by side. Converts to a twin carrnage. Also includes canopy, wind break and storm coVer. In goiod condition, $25. Phone 668- 2301. May 9, 79. 12 FT. CUSTOM BUILT 3 Pot. -Hydroplane, 25 Evinrude motor full controls. Complete $400. Cali 753-2470. April 4, 79. 15' "INVITATION" SAIL. BOAT, liberglass huIl, alu- rninum ; ast, white main sail. Tops in speed and -control. Excellent condition. Asking $1,000. Cali 683-6466. April 11, 79 BABY ITEMS FOR SALE car bed, $10, wood (walnut) high chair, converts f0 desk, $25, ail in excellent condition., Phone 668-4744. 3 UPRIGHT COCA-COLA vending machines. AIl work- ing. $100 for ail 3 or $50 each. Cail 655-3019. March 7, 79. BAR ETTA BLU under and over 12-gauge trap gun $795, neyer f ired. Baretta S58 under and over 12-gauge trap gun $895, neyer f ired, Gamba 12-gauge under and over field gun $645, neyer f ired. Caîl days 668-6896' or 668-9530. 1 March 28, 79. FOR SALE Ceramic KiIn - Paragon . A9g - with collar - shelves & furniture $475. Caîl after 5:30 p.m. or Saturdays, 668-2877 or 668-1202. March 14, 79.J JACUZZI.FILTER & mainte- nance kit. For 18 ft. or 24 ft. above ground pool. Must selI. $225 or best offer. Phone 668- 8344. April"11, 79. ELECTRIC FIREPLACE, $100. 2 12" speakers in large cabinet, $50. 2 C.B. radios,1 sideband $125 and 1 basemobile $75. 2 4 barrel carburetors, Holley 750 $100, 1 with manifold $75. Two radiators f its Vega or Astre, $30 each. 3 10:00 x 20 Goodyear cross.rib truck tires, niew $210 each. Numerous gear ratios for 10 boIt Chev rear housing, $50 each. Completely rebuilt 350 C.l. Chev motor, $300. Many G.M. parts too numberous f0 mention. Reel- Reel tape recorder, $35. Will take best offer On any of a rticles mentioned above. Phone 668-2860. March 28, 79. OUTBOARD MOTOIR (Scott Atwater) 2 H.P. $35. Kenmore Dome Hairdryer $10. Crowm miovie camera, 3 lenses, $30. Range hood, brown, $10. 2 table Iamps $18. Tri-Lite $7. Radio and T.V. tubesso cents each. Phone 668-5201. April 4, 79. BABY 'POTTY CHAIR, $4, chest of drawers, pine wood, $50, large tape recordelr, $60,. antique phone table, lamp attached, $60. Phone 668-9599. April 18, 79. MAN'S HOCKEY EQUIp. MENT..Knee pads, pants, elbow pads, gloves and ankle cluards, $30. Caîl1668-1640 af fer 7 p. m. week- d'lys. MAarch 14, 79, ONE MANN Electric Guitar' (with hard shell case), Good condition, 1 yr. old, $160. One Roland Double Beat Pedal (WHand Distortion), four months old $80. If purchased torjether $230. Caîl 668-4424. MAarch 28, 79. 1 ITALLIAN MADE 10-spee bike, in excellent condition. New $240 WiIl selI for $80. 4 assorted bikes some parts mis- sing $5 each. 1 single & 1 double bed complete with box springs & mafresses. Asking $50 each. Phone 668-0621. >April 25, 79. 4 PC. CHESTERFIELD, set, good condition, $150. Toast- master oven broiler, used 3 times, S40, Baby high chair, $15, walker, $5, Shoefly rocker horse, $5, Aluminum awning - Dark blue & white, 12 x 14 ft. $100. G.E. Floor Polisher, $10. Phone 666-1229. GARAGE. EQUIPMENT Rotor disc. Lathe and Drum La the. . Both $1100.00 Delco Tune-up Diagnostic Centre. Like'new . Cost $1950. will seil for $1150 Have grease equipment a 150, a nd engine pully. Caîl John a? 666-1021. 2 GIRLS' BIKES, USED TV TOWER with rotor in good condition, $125. Phone 668-9379. May 16, 79. 1",1 BLACK & WHITE console T.V. Excellent condition. .$60. Phone 668-5956. April 18, 79. '76 PIONEER MODEL PLI15D turnitable, $100. Phone 728-6962. May 9, 79. STEREO, record player and 8 track player. Asking $100. McClary, continuous dlean stove, asking $150. Phone 668. 8138. May 16, 79. STEREO/TV/RADIO 'console, $200 or best offer. Cali after 4 p.m. 666-1761. May 16,79 BLACK & WHIITE TV Console model 26". Westinghouse, $100. Phone 668-0776. May 16, 79. T.V. PHILIPS, B. & W. 261, excellent condition, $50.o. O Painting Iandscape, 30" X 42#0, $100. Phone 668-8273 after 6 pm. April 11, 79. KENMORE HUMIDIFIER, asking $60. Cali after 6 p.m. 579-0475. May 9, 79. PUMP & FILTER for above ground swlmming pool. Also ladder & hose. Useci two summers. Asking $100, phone 655.3583. May 16, 79. 2 BLUE BEDSPREADS and 1 set matching curtains. $50. Cali 723-5447. $20 & $30. March 21, 79. BOY'S BICYCLE*-for sale. "Drag Stripper", 5-speed, good condition. $70 or best offer. Phone 668-5083. Vrctorlan Gentleman's- dressing mirror, $50. Phone 655-4918 after 5 p.n May 9, 79. Dra pes-Living 120" X94" and1 weave- ined.P Rccs included. & dining room. 80" X 45". Open MAass green $50 Phone 668-5029. PROTECT CANONAS À& FORESTS Pieuse s for more. items "IFOR SALE"'; TURN ONS lý fw r April 11, 79. March 21, 79. 1

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