PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25,1979, WGITBY FREE PRESS whitby Voice of the County Town MichaelInn Burgess, ITe only Whitby newspaper Independently owned and operated by Whit Published every Wednesday by M.B.M. Publishing and Photography Inc. Phone 68-6111 The Free Press Building Publliher - Managln'gEditor131'Brock Street North, by residents for Whitby residents. P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Or 99 ~t. Whitby Chamber 0f Commerce Community Edito -Brian WInter Contributing Editor -Jim Quail Production Manager -Marj Burgess Print & Promotionat oinLo Manager Robin Lyon Classified Ad -Leesa Menard Mailing Permit No. 460 Member of the: Better Business Bureau of Toronto whitby chamber of Commerce Advice onpaintingoffered Dear Sir: May I offer a few com- ments wlth regard to the small iandscape in oils that was "f ound" re- cently at the O.L.C. and attributed by some to Group of Seven Artist F.H. Varley. Soon after the artist's death in 1969, Canada Council-gave a grant to Peter Varley (the artist's son) to produce a photo- graphic inventory of Varley works In Canada with the proviso that all the photographs and re- levant research:material would come under the care of the National Gallery of Canada In Ottawa. While It Is quite possible that Peter Var- Iey may have helpful observations and guide- Aines to offer - It is the writer's view that those concerned with authenti- cating the picture and giving it an appropriate exhibition spot af the O.L.C. should get In touch with the curator of Cana- dian Art at the National Gallery and in this way (1) secure authentication from the ultimate source in Canada, and (2) get the O.L.C. painting into the Varley inventory if It Is a genuine Varley. This would contribute towards its true market value at mid year in 1979. Your writer says that the little painti'ng has an "inscription on the back" F.H. Varley etc. Most genuine Varley works are signed by theartist on the front surface of the work in a distinctive ranner I.e. or The Group of Seven Artists produced a very great number of smali sketches and they often left many of them un- signed until sold or because they were not pleased with them. Fred Varley led a rather disorderly life and the $50 price is not unusual for a 12 x 14 sketch back in those days. What else is on the walls or in the closets of the O.L.C.? Eugene Henry 1600 Charles Street Whitby, Ont. 1VOVE 4./70 C/IEe?/5/Wb'VV T70' ep<1/IFRpAM UJtVr/771 ~I-'-V~ 7 ~~'f v .c~.'t.-f V L~ ~ 7/P~¶/¶1L~L.' /f~/ ~1 /7~t7L.' <~Jf-.y/-~-1f .~ - - - Concerned mothers petition against nuclear plants Tothe Editor: It may Interest your readers to know that two concerned Oshawa mothers namely, myséif, Jill Chappell and Barb Kimball have started a petition for ail Durham Reglon concerned citizens. Our petition is asking for the stoppage of construction at the Darlington Nuclear plant k,. and asking for public enquiries into waste dis- posal and safety records at the Pickering Nuclear plant. We are not aligned with any other group or politi- cal party but are deeply concerned with the seemingly insurmoun- table problem of nuclear waste disposal and feel that the environment in the Durham Region is already being conta- minated by small leaks at the Pickering plant. These leaks seem to be considered irrelevant by official standards but no reliable information sampled or researched is available to even guess at the potential hazard to human life of long term, low level radiation. A Nuclear plants, OHIP fees Dear Sir: For the past months I have been ing the report Queen's Park by member Mr. GE few read- from Our eorge Ashe. As a resident of Dur- ham West Riding I would like to know if Mr. Ashe could tell us a littie more about the danger we live in, in this area with regards of the nuclear plant in Pickering. One of the answers we would like to know is what happens in case of a human error, and who is paying the $85 million of -damaged tubes that have to be replaced. Another good subject for his report should be the latest Ontario budget. While the Minister of Health is cutting down on second plant in this area would be asking all of us to live with an excessive amount of risk. Since this is also the International Year of the Child we feel that It is the responsibility of all parents to educate them- selves and become fully aware of. all potential hazards to our childrens future quality of life. and prices hospital budgets, patients watching hospitals cutt- ing down beds and doctors opting out of OHIP, we are made to pay more for OHIP premiums. Why was the minister saying that he is trying to The short term benefits of aid to the economy and jobs seems an inadequate reason to jeopardize living areas, water supplies- and agricultural property for many hun- dreds of years. Anyone wishing to find out more about our peti- tion may ring 579-8215. We urge all concerned citizens of Durham to make their feelings known now and' urge all local Governments to promote more public awareness of the situation. Yours, Mrs. Jill L. Chappeil 402 Century Street, Oshawa, Ont. L1K 1C6 concern reader help the tourist industry when at the same time he raises the prices of alco- hol, gasoline and tobacco. We are already paying 100 per cent more for these items than our neighbours in the U.S. and why he eliminated the succession duty when only 3 per cent of the population of Ontario are affected. What's in this budget for the working poor? Yours very truly, Carmen Vella 902 Crocus Cr., Whitby. lWelcome tc Brighton Dear Editor: Your help in assisting our reunion by publishing this letter would be ap- preciated. AIl former students and staff of East Northumberland Secon- da.ry School in Brighton, Ontario are invited to share in the festivities of the silver anniversary weekend. Although a high ischool had existed in Brighton since 1916 on another site, the present school wasopened in May of 1955. To celebraté the 25th- year on its present site, studenfs are invited to return on May 16, 17 and 18 in 1980. Former oschool & town reunionsI students and staff should contact: Mrs. Edna Faulkner ENSS Reunion Box 219 Brighton, Ontario KOK 1HO Yours truly, Brian M. Todd Principal Rainy River Dear Sir: The citizens of Rainy River extend a friendly invitation to all former residents to join them for their 75th Anniversary celebration and home- coming days, August 3 to 6, 1979. This celebration will feature a Parade, Bail Games, a Craft Show, Golf Tournament, Armed Forces Day, Dances, School Reunion and many more events too numer- ous to mention. It will be a time of family gatherings, meet- ing old friends and for- mer classmates. If any readers of this paper who have lived or attended school in Rainy River or if you know of any classmates living in your area, send names to: M.E. Alice Brunn, Co-ordinator, Rainy River, 75th Anniversary Com., Box 220, Rainy River, Ont. POW 1LO Dear Sir: I would like to make a few comments with re- gards to some of the stories that appeared in your paper of last week. It seems to me that our town fathers have their priorities mixed up again. Here we are, being told that senior citizens are leaving town because of lack of good accommoda- tion, while at the same time, council is telling us that a recreation and fit- ness centre Is urgently needed at Iroquois Park. Come off It you guys up the hill; it's fnot enough to build a harbour marina which is to be used by 5 per cent of the to\Wn people; the rest is 'for outsiders and the elite, who are not paying any of our taxes. I hope that both the marina and the fitness centre won't be another costly white elephant such as the swimming pool and Heydenshore To the Editor: On behalf of Plyah Chapter of Hadassah- Wizo, i would like to thank your paper for Its co-operation in publiciz- ing our recent Art Auc- tion. Our Auction was most successful, and was very Pavilion, both are too remote for the average family. The average tax- payer expects something better for our money. Yours very truly, Ed Cauchi 921 Bayview Ave. Whitby, Ont. well attended, an indica- tion that good media coverage Is -important In making local events known to the general community. Sincerely, (Mrs. Annette Marder Publicity Chairman. Council priorities mixed up Thanks for publicity r%- -.- eýt-