WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,AyRIL 4, 197",PAGE 2l =SEVIES 1CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO Lic.B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramnie Tfing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Ced. ar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cali 668-4686 HIIBET PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, clocks, jew- elry, dishes,* fumniture, cr- ocks, ofi paintings and smal- Friendly Flea Market 725M9783 23 King St. W., Oshawa BROOKLUN TOOL CO. HALF PRICE in :ail ydraulic jacks, vices, socket sets, wrench sets, micrometers, drill sets, 12 speed drilli press and many other tools for mechanics. Complete Automotive Garage Supplies 683-1753. >TAX RETU RNS For the 'best deal ln town se e Tax Time at Whitby Malil. TAX RITURMS Let me prepare your 1978 Income Tax Returns. Accu. rate, rellabie service. STAN aLAYTON CALI 668-3900 PAINTING & PAPER HANG- ING.Exceilent workmanship. Freeestimates. Cali Bruce 668. 9020. COTrswolD RESTORATIONS Exterior and Interior Building Renovations EXPERT Masonry and Cernent Work FIRE PLACES Built and Probiems Rectified Estimates Given Proposais Submitted PHONE 668-4860 WEDDING CAKES, blrthday cakes and decorated cakes for ail occasions. Phone 725-5956. GOLDEN RETRIEVER. Free to good home. Purebred, house trained, ail needies, femnale. 15 months old. Please phone between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. weekdays. BEDLINGTON TERRIOR' PUPS. Female, non alergenic, non shedding. Vet prepared. Phone 985-8340. j H ELP RESEARCH ASSISTANT Wanted - Health Care Research Assistant to coordinate a Long Term Care Study of health needs of the elderly, chroni- cally 111 and physically disabled. Position availabie immediately for a six month period. Salary - $250/week plus expenses. Apply ln writing by no later than April llth, 1979 to: Durham Region District Heaith CouncIl 575 Rossland Rbad East Whitby, Ontario - OFFICE FURNITURE SALES'PERSON An exceptional opportunitv for an experienced offilce f urniture sales person to represent major furniture.lines, eg. steel case ln a protected area. Salary and/or commission. For' confidlential Interview, send resurme f0: Jim Ryan Whitfield Office Outfltters 62 Coîborne St. E. Orillia, Ont. L3V MT AUCINS AUCTION SALE Good Friday, April 13, 12 noon. Brougham Hall, No. 7 Hwy. & Brock Rd. Sale of Antiques, f urniture and collectibles, including piano, round oak table, set of pressed back chairs, (six), oak sectional bookcase, two church pews (oak), old telephones, hand made quilts, dlocks, ohi amps, decoys, station stove, beaver sealer, walnut tea wagion, copper boilers, brass top hanes, bedroom suite, etc. Good dlean consignments welcome. Further deta ils next week. Terms cash. John Annis auctioneer. 655-4663. COOPERS AUCTION SALE- SERVICES Wanted, estate sales. Furni- ture and applilances on consign- ment. We alIso buy job lots. Soid every Saturday. For further information caîl F. Sleep .668- 2887. PEROAL WEDDING IN LATE SPRING OR S4JMMER? Bookings stîli availabie. Qua. lity work at affordable rates. Cali and compare. Photo. graphy by Larry Parkes. Cal 571-1087. HAYNES Gail, Keith & Paul are happy to announce the arrivai -of Mark, Bernard at Oshawa General Hospital on March 27, 1979. Many thanks f0 Dr. Lai and the obstetrical staff. Proud grand. parents are Matt and Ruth Agar. AUTMOLES1 FOR SALE 1977 DODGE CUSTOM VAN. Professionally finished insicle. In excellen *t condition. Only 17,000 miles on it. 8-track'tape playe'r etc. Phone 5798238. 1961 FORD COMET. Automa- tic, standard steeringý and brakes. As is. Best offer.* Please caîl 655-4988. 1971 MGB, english green, good condition, rebuiit mechani. cally, 2 tops & tonneau 1 cover, certif ied, ready for summer fun. $2,200 or make an offer. Cali Sam 655.4794. ETOETHELP EXPERIENCED CLIEANING LADY, likes to work days. Needs transportation or within walking distance of Garrard Rd. Phone 728-4460. EFRNRET 'FOR RENT' Off ice Space. Up to ý(0,000 sq. f t. sprinklered. Hopkins St. Cail coiiect Toronto 633-1615 SWIMMING POOLS TO RENiT -Will lease and instaîl for home. owners, farnily size, aluminum swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting al fencing regulations on one, two, or three year rentai basis with option to own. Try before you buy!call toîl f ree 1-800-268- 1944-5. FLORIDA.VACATION For Rent - Five compietely furnished Mobile (Permanent) homes in Clearwatèr. Pools, Tennis, Close to Gulf of Mexico Beaches, Disney World, Busch Gardens, and Orner Malor*1,t. tractions. Chldren welcome.. $125 vSoekly U.S. Book now for Sumrner and Fail. 683-5503. ~E SIg ERIN CONTRACTINO the Most remous basket' world0 phone 7à 8-21 03 FORSAE SWIMMING POOL MANU- FACTURER has new 1978 Pools, regu lar price $2,190, now at our off season special of $1,355. Pools corne with walk around deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor & f ilter. Delivery arranged to your convenience. For best selection and informa- tion cali toli f ree 1-800-268-1944- 5. SPRUCE AND MAPLE TREES FOR SALE Also some pine, cedar, ash, red rubbarb roots, red coat straw- berry plants and Iilac roots. Ail very reasonably priced. Some dig your own. For more infor- mation phone 655-4525. 4 14"1 tire rims, ln excellent condition. Caîl 668-1728. MELLANEUS WANTED TO RIENT 3 Bedroom house ln the Whitby/Brooklin area. Phone 668'-3110. WANTED TO RENT STORE 400- 1000 sq. ft., parking, in Pickering, Whitby, and Oshawa area. On busy street, reasonablp. Da ys phone 698- 2589 or evenings 655-3047. Ask for Larry. :ELLANEOUS WITNESS Would anyone who saw al1972 Cougar vandalized near 301 Coiborne St. E. in Whitby on Monday. evening' of Jan. 29, 1979 Please éci Gary.ý at 683-3993.. REWARD, EWANTED. VOLUNTEERSNEDIED We need YOU to assist In variou:s ýprograms Arts & Crafts - One-to-One -,Bingos Music Programs " Therapeutic Pub Patient Library- Gift Shop FREE Babysitting for prescioOiers,- Teeafternoons a week PLEASE CALL: Alayne Metrlck, Volunteer services, Whitby Psychiatric Hospital 668-5881 ext. 323 ( ) Govemrnent Services Ontario T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE & INSTALATIONO FOR QUALITY SERVICE AND FREE ESTIMATES *CALL BI at 6681620è * iyour heart" - y ou know it'S; right< PaqR ,ICParrIun JW The Canadian movement for personat fitness. 'j w aulmn.y Rpà fr, 900f, Brick Mmury, nvtroulu, Concrote CALL 668»2098 Quality screened' TOP SOIL Also SAND -& STONE Ted Ans omSupply .Brock Rd. N., R. ýR. 1, Pickering 683-0887 '- Lýý for-results 1 ON@" r, tzi