Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Mar 1979, p. 21

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WUITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1979, R GE 21 SI Rq% ,IES CARIPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO Lic.B-2554. Kitchens, Ceramîic Tling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Ced' ar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMAT ES. CatI 668-4686 HUGUIEST PuC.ES.. Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jew-> elry, dîshes, fumniture, cr- ocks, oil paintings and seal- ers. Friendly Flea Market 7259783 23 King St. W., Oshawa, SROOKLUN TOOL CO@ HALF PRICE #3n :ail ydraulic -jacks, vices, socket sets, wrench sets, micrometers, drill sets, 12 speed drill press and many other tools for mechanics. Complete Automotive Garage Supplies .683-1753 TAX RETURNS For the best deal in town see Tax Time at Whitby Ma Il. TAX RETURNS Let me prepare 'your 1978 Income Tax Returns. ACCU- rate, reliable service. STAN CLAYTON CALI 668-3900 PAINTING & PAPER HANG- ING.Excellent workmanship. Free estimates. Caîl Bruce 668- 9020. On.ri Goernment ede ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS bupply and instaîl new undler- ground cable between existing' street ight pales at the Psychi- atric Hospital, Whifby, Ont. TENDER # LIN-79-004 - P67373 Sealed tenders will be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, APRIL 18, 1979. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For further Informa- tion regarding this tender, please caîl Mrs. E.M Neale at the above address. Telephone: (705) 324-9188. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ontado Ministry ot Govemment Services :S RV E S ' ATTENTION TRUCKERS I You can dump clean fi11 free.. 305 Watson St. E., Whitby, Ont. CALL 668-5731 Q ual ity screened TOP SOIL Also. SAND & STONE Ted Arnts»Loam Sup.ply. .Brock Rd. N., R. 'R. 1, Pickering 683-0887 ERIN CONtRACTINO Chimney Repir, Roof,ý Brick, Mosonry, Eavestrough, Concret. CAILL 668-2098 AUTOOBLE1 FRSALE 1971 MGB, english green, good condition, rebulîf mechani- cally, 2 tops & tonnea u cover, certif led, ready for summer fun. $2200 or make an offer. Caîl Sam 655-4794. 1977 DODGE CUSTOM VAN. Professionally finished inside. In excellent condition. Only 17,000 miles on if. 8-track tape player etc. Phone 579-8238. 1972 MAZDA 808, 4-dr., 1600 c.c.'s, certif led. Cali 668-3809 after 5 p.m. LOST Calico coloured caf with whife f lea collar. Answers ta Spunky. Children's pet. Reward. If found please caîl 668-7711 ext. 270 before 4 p.m. or evenings 668-7663. .THE OSHAWA OBEDIENCE ASSOCIATION offers sprIng dog training classes starting March 27 in Bowmanville and March 28 in Oshawa. For Infor- mationcaîl 576-1167 or 655-4356. Advanced registration only. MPEISNAL' ENLIGHTMENT PROFESSIONAL PSYCHIC CONSULTATIONS Private or 'parties, featuring unique "Sand for Life" read- ings f rom Barbados Sand and psychomeptry, clairvoyance, and auras. Phone 1-267-8663. WEDDI1NGINLATÏE SPRING OR SUMMER? Sookings still available. Qua- lity work at affordlable rates. Cali and compare. Photo- graphy by Larry Parkes. Cal 571-1087. Forthcom ing Marriage Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown Of 414 Cochrane Street, Whitby are pleaÉed to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daughter Katrina to Edward Covey, son of Mr. & Mrs. James Maurice Covey of Hali- tax, Nova Scotia. The wedding wiIl take place on the l2th day of April, 1979, at St. Andrew's Presbyferian Church in _Pickering Village af 6 p.m. .EONIOS THURSDAY, MARCH 29 af 6 p.m. To be held in Stoufville Sale Barn. Household furniture and collectible items. T'erms cash no reserve. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER HELPWNTEI COACH NEEDED for Ladies Sof tball League in Whitby. Caîl 668-4792. CYLE:)SE YARD SALE, April 21sf. Sou th of Brooklin, between Spencer Rd. and Robmar St. on Hwy. 12. used gravlty roller conveyor, power beit conveyors, shelving &taillt racks. Phone 686-1693. 8 ft. red moulded double huli boat. Complete with oars. Top condition $145. Phone 655-4702. SWIMMING POOL MANU- FACTURER has new 1978 Pools, regular price $2,190, now at our off season speclal of $1,355. Pools corne with walk around deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor & filiter. Dellvery arranged to your convenlence. For besf selecfion and inf orma- tion caîl toîl f ree 1-800.268-1944- 5. NEW AND USED Office Furni. ture & Equipment. Sales. Service.Rentals. Desks,- chairs, files, lanscreens, type. writers and calculators. Cali Avis Office Equlpment, 723. 5926. IN GOOD CO6NDITION a van ity sink with f ive foot coun- ter top and toliet. Phone 668- 3332. JUKE BOX, Wurlitzer, nostal. gia model No. 1050. Phone 668-7177. FORRET FEMALE PERSON wanted to share 'furnished 3-bedroom apartmenf. Sauna, Iaundry, T.V., $35 a week. Cail 668.5037 affer 5 p.m. 'FOR RENT' Office Space. Up to ý0,000 sq. ft. sprinklered. Hopkins St. Call collect Toronto 633-1615 FLORIDA VACATION For Rent - Five complefely furnished Mobile (Permanent) homes in Clearwater. Pools, Tennis, Close to Gulf of Mexico Beaches, Disney World, Busch tractions. Chlldren welcome. $125 weekly.jS. Book noW for Sumnier and Fail. 683-5503. DETACHED 3-BEDROOM, Park Rd./401 area (Oshawa), $315 per month. Available May L. Phone 668-3497 mornings or lafe evenings. SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT, -Ï ill lease and instali for home- owners, family size, aiuminum swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting al fencing regulations on one, two, or three year rentaI basis with option to own. Try before you buy!cail toîl f ree 1-800-268- 1944-5. FURNISHED ROOM for work- ing person, close f0 shopping area & f0 centre Wh itby. Phone 668-2206. 3 BEDROOM TOWN HOUSE for rent. Rec room and sun deck. $400 per month, available anytime. 15-30 Michael BIvd., Whitby, Ont. Please caîl bet- - ween 6 p.m. & 8 p.m. 284-3587. Timi is time e for fitness on Your Side. EXPANSION CELEBRATION SAVINGS »~FAN rectangular coffetable, Ané styledlfrlwo.O.rf. Quo- TUS CHIRSln asaorted fabrics and col- ,ù%!nijýltdquanitlies.Cash%'n'ecary. TEAK WALL UNIT, includes 3-2. pieim so tbons bar, T.V. and bookcase units.à Tailc. 5 797.81 PRUNCEVILLE 6 po. modern dinlng roomn, china unît, table and 4 arm chairs, one onl* Tag Price $19,099.95. 9 VILAS 6 plece bedroom guite, massive dres- ser, twin mîrrors, headboard ,ami 2 night tables,solid maple, one only , 'TaPrice $2600$.V0 ,KROEHLER 2 pc. chesterfield suite, colonial 'Pub'set in olefin and polyester, gold/cream coloured stripe. Tag'Price $17289 $899 LIBERTY 3 Pc. bar, exotic beach arborite bar plu s 2 Vinyl seat chairs. One only *Ta9 Price$488 2 - SKLAR sofa only, 100% cotton floral print, ai caps and covered deàks, one only.:- Tag Prlce $489.95osB MISMATCH, 4'6" (double bed) mattress, base, white headboard, footboard and rails, one only, as is. Tag Prico $279 CLE ARANCE $1 79r MERIDIAN 2 pc. traditional cheserfleld.,. stipe- velvet, one only, used, as is. Tmg Price $527 CLEARANCE $399 PINE DESK CHEST, hinge, one only. 'Tmg Prîce $1 79.50 drop leaf or piano .$138.95 -KREI4ER2 pee rdW;ese1ij 100% nylon velvt, flralor brown. 0» mein or"cerecmmendsd by le n uu"er«. nncmawityI puceu lme m moi o~Ch*Rmys or oheuim 0e * Ooe r"re f1Tmg c. le loinu Mmwu bged prev"o IoCso ece. morne mcume 1050 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHiT8Y-579-2UC0 OPEN: Mmn. to Fr1. - 9:30 arnm. to S p.m, Saturdoy - &.m. ta 5:30 p.. limNEBNpmgq Imam %Mdwy5mmg soduw wuM àRuKm2m %Bdyw mssm ilmwadm %m2wm%ý yR22um M95M Imm naam effls â%SM âemmmdqm dusm ENNU MUNM lvyimamam NRadmm affls ANNM àwNSF wNsm ÈMM jamm àw5m induwagqm wKONMJW . -.- - - 1 Pi 1

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