Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Mar 1979, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1979, WHITBY FREE, PRESS CORRECTION Due to an er ror on the part of the Whitby Free Press, a portion of Iast week's Chorney Motors ad was incorrect. The price of the 1976 Malibu should have read $3195. The -Whitby Free Press sincer ely regrets any, inconvenience that may have been caused. KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS,,.. jV TYBINGOI * CABLE CHANNEL 10 4 810GAMESI * EVERY WEDNESDAY * UP TO $375,00 IN PRIZES * 3for $1.00 (.50.ae")] * LAST WEEKS WINNERS * L.SUN DER LAND, Bowmanville * R. HURST, Oshawa * M. LEWIS, Oshawa * GRAND PRIZE WINNERSI I*1B. CANE,DOshawa S. SELL ERS, Bowmanville * BINGO CARDS AMAIABLE AT: I * Co unty Bowl - 118 Byron St. N. Whitby Baskins - Robbins - Safeway Plaza, Whitby I Oshawa Meat Products & Delicatessen I 1818 Dundas St. E.,Whitby * Shorty's Cigar Store 121 Brock St. N., Whitby. Shorty & Son Billiards - 130 Dundas St. W. Whitby I Bailey Pharmacy - Brock St. S. Safeway Plaza * Jury & Loveil Drug Store - Whitby Plaza U S317 Brock St. S Vhitby Glass & Mirror - 210 Brock St. S M M M M M M M M f $132,OOO provided to service Port Whitby area The Whitby representa- tives on the Region of Durham Council recently fought hard and strong to have a motion for $132,000 enginerring costs passed by the Regional Council. The funds are needed due to the proposed multimili ion dollar expansion program scheduled- for the Port Whitby area and the area south of -Highway 401. There is a freeze on the develop- ment in this area due to the lack of municipalîy serviced land. Councillor Gerry Emm pointed. out that "Port Whitby has a development freeze on it. The Town of BANK 0F MONTREAL INVITATION JOE SHARP, manager of the Bank of Montreal in Whitby and lus staff, in- vite you to help them cel. ebrate the branches 2Sth Anniversary in Whitby. "Open House" wil be held at the branch on Saturday March 3lst between the hours of 1l:30 arn. and 2 p.m. CHIORNEY"# 1MOTORS 16BROCK STREE NORTH, WHITBY ACROSS FROM THE ROYAL HOTEL 1973 BUICK CENTURY 1974« DODG E DART V-8 AUTOMATIC, P/S, P/B, RADIO, 6YIDRAT. AIWWWç VINYL ROOF, W/W, W/C. 6CLNE UORDO /,WC LIC. EBB 488 LIC. HXE 392 $1995 >$1995 1974 DATSUN PICK UP 1974 GMC PICK UP 4 SPEED, RADIO, W/, W, wi. V-8 STANDARD, WEST COAST MIR- LIC. C75 762 RORS, CAB, STEP BUMPER. LI C. C90 272ý $1895 $2495 1977 GMC TON PICK UP 1966 FORD LTD H.D.ISUSPENSI ON, H.D./BRAKES, V-8 ORGNLITIR,30V8AO. AUTO., P/S, Ai R, DUA L TANKS, 2 ORIGINPW /SAL I RAIO0VA., TONE PAINT, RADIO, WEST COAST P/S PB, /PSEATS, IO.FX3 MIRRORS, 14,000 MI LES. LIC. C90 458 MS ESE!LC B 3 $'5795 1$1850 1973 DA RT SWI NG ER 1973 FORD F250 PICK UP 318 V-8 AUTO., P/S, P/B, RADIO, VINYL V-8 AUTO. ROOF, MO LOINGS, W/W, W/C. RADIO, WE LI C. EAC 860$19 LIC. F29 Ej SWE NOW HAVE COMPLETE CLEAI FOR PRIVATE CAR OWNERS a ALL VIHICLES CERTIFIED - MANY MORE TU BANK FINANCING AVAl LABI 668-1725 "THE LITT'LE LOT TIJATDOESA LOiS." Whitby can't issue permits due to the lack of sufficient services. We are going to do our work properly to bring the lands up to the stan- dards. If we don't have the serviced land there when needed we won't be able to have industrial develop- ment." He pointed out that the Town of Whitby is going to have a $27 million proposed expansion of the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital. This work is to be done by the Province of Ontario in the early 1980's. There is also the proposed expansion of LASCO Steel at an estimated cost of $85 million. Mayor Jim Gartshore who is one 0f Whitby's represen- tatives on the Regional Council supported Councillor Emm. He said, "the $132,000 is strictly for engineering and land design of the buildings. The Harbour development is beginning to corne around." He knew that when the Hospital starts rebuilding it will have to revamp its sani- tary system and we are planning here. Let us not fool ourselves in a very short span of time. It is just a minimal start on the land not that we are going to spend three million dollars right away. It will open up." Mayor Jim Potticary of Oshawa and Councillor Ed Kolodzie of Oshawa h- moved to have the $132,0 engineering budget for wat, and sanitary services fi Whitby deleted or deferr4 from the Regiona budg, discussion. But they were ni successful in their motion ft deferral. Whitby's Councillor Bc Attersley stated, "'the lack( engineering and designisi for the water and sanitar services "1certainly closes u the sotuth-end of Whitby. Tih Ontario Government ani their consultants are makinI some advances. Whitby ha budgeted toward the engin eering and land design." Th, $132,000 in debate before thq Regional Council is to indlu ded in the budget for th( engineering and land desigr of the Port Whitby and south. ern section of the Whitbý area. "I suppose it has got tc corne some time," saic Regional Councillor Allar Pilkey of Oshawa. "Well we have had the announcement on the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. Pro- bably it will be needed" ubt he viewed the "possibility of having it (the request for funds recommendation) laid over for one year, as there is no plans for it" (the develop- ment of the Hospital expansion)". A recorded vote on the WHITBY JAYCETTESI ad ýer .or Bd ret ,ot or Df ig e is t, PHOTO CONTEST First 50 s'napshots, 3" x 5 "(taken after October 1978) will be accp= d. I3abies under 3 years old as of December 31, 1978 are elgbe Display will be set up in front of the" Mr. Rec Room " Store in the WHITBY MALL from March 31 to April 14. V ot- ing by the public during Mail hours. One penny dropped in the container registers one vote. Winners will be announced on Thurs- day, April 19 at the Whitby Public Library at 7:30 p.m. Bank ISaving Certificates to be awarded to top three babies. A $1.00 entry fee must accompany tuie entry form. Send self- addressed envelope if photo is to be returned. Baby à Name.......................................................... Birth Date .................................Sex ......................... Parents 'Name ........................................................ Address(street).................................... Town ............ Phone nu*n-ber.......................................................... Mail or deliver to: By March 30, 1979 Whîtby Jayoettes, Baby Photo Contest Mrs. Cecile Wagar, 713 Green Street, Proceeds will assist WHITBY JAYCETTES with their Cmint Sérvioe Projects. o n ni j mi water and sanitary service engineering and land design budget for Whitby was called.. As the vote was being recorded Regional Council- lor Kolodzie was not present to answer to his name and register his vote. As a result* Regional Chairman Walter' Beath ruled the "motion was out of order."* Thus Whitby will have $132,009 to use for engineer- ing and land design in pre- paration4 for the expansion of the Whitby Psychiatric Hos- pital and the subsequent development of the Harbour area and LASCO Steel Ex- pansion programme. Roller skating CiIk approved despite Despite protests from *nearby residents, council has approved the sale of 2.27 acres in the Hopkins Street Industrial Park for a roller skating rink. The land will be purchased by Claraboo Investments Ltd. for $113,500, and is located on the south side of Burns Street east 0f Pringle Creek. Council turned down an alternate proposai to build the. rink -at Iroquois Park, which was supported by Councillor Joe Drumm and a number of residents. Councillor Drumm said the people knew they were buying homnes near an idus- trial area but did not expect recreational uses of that area. Increased traffic was a concern of the residents. Councillor Drumm argued that the rink at Iroquois Park would facilitate the servicing of Port Whitby with sanitary sewers, while Councillor Bob Attersley said the money from the sale of land in the industrial park could be used to eliminate a dangerous methane gas pro- blem at an old landfill site nea rby. The owners will operate under the narne of Saints Roller Skating Centre, which has a chain of such opera- tions with locations in Sault StILe.'a m WMareadTudrB BàANQUET HALL COMPLETE CATERJNG ON PREMISES S SEATING UP TO 160 PEOPLE 173 BROCK ST. N. 4 P/S, P/8, DUAL TANKS, 'EST COAST MIRRORS, B46 $2395- N-UP FACILITIES 9, DEALERS. '0 CHOOSE FRuM LE 1 APPLICATIONS FOR RENTAL( CAL: 6848422 APPéaios or Pot-im emlomn r: MR-Ouw 1eqwnFa Appiatins or arttin emloyentforwaimsss bingacoeptede î ý .e% x tÎN ,*& . ..t . . ..%. . . ..&a. . . &&. .4. --, .--. -*- -- ý1ý qq EASTER -BABY

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