Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Mar 1979, p. 7

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BrionW in té r's I w. Historical Whitby m WHITBY FOUNDRY (Part Two) Following the fire of August 1868, the Whitby .Foundry on Brock Street North where the Henry Buildall store is presently located,. enjoyed its greatest years of properity. In June 1872 the company, which manufactured agricultural implements, made its first shipment of Canadian reapers to England. About the same time the foundry was the first to introduce the Johnston reaper from the United States to Canada, where it was considered a great improvement over older machines. The Cayuga Mower, also manufactured by the Whitby Foundry was a winner of many prizes at exhibitions and was constantly being improved by its manufacturers. By 1880 the foundry (known as Brown and Patterson Manufacturing Company), reached the height of its success when it produced the "Whitby Harvester." Wherever it was exhibited, it usually took first prize. One prize was won at Manchester, near Port Perry, when the Whitby Harvester was in competition with machines from Oshawa, Toronto and Newcastle. A good example of the quality of the agricultural implements prôduced by the Whitby Foundry may be seen in the following advertisement which was published in the Whitby Chronicle on r FA, w Brooklun Bylines I NEWS Some teens are confused about the entry requirements for the Teen Dance-A-Thon beirig sponsored by the Brooklin and Distiict Kinette Club. We stated in last weeks column "Any teens (13 to 17- years) may enter by collecting a $10 sponsorship." This means a total of $10 in sponsorships (minimum) is required, not one sponsorship for $10. The Dance-A-Thon is to be held April 7 at the Brooklin Community Centre between 12 noon and 12 midnight. Proceeds from the dance will go to Cystic Fibrosis. For further information call Jane Baron at 655-4818. Lenten Services will be held at St. Thomas' Anglican Church in Brooklin on the following Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m.: March 7 - 14 - 21 - 28; April 4. The topie for the above services is "The History of the People of God." All are welcome. The Brooklin Boy Scout Paper Drive will be held on Saturday, March 10 at 9 a.m. Newspapers are to be tied two ways and left at the curbside before 9 a.m. Newsprint only can be accepted, no magazines or glossies. Ashburn residents may leave their newspapers at the Ashburn Community Centre. Please do not leave papers after the pick up day. For futher information call Jack Alma at 655-4930 or Peter Lacombe at 655-4292. The Brooklin Business Association will meet on Tuesday, March 13 at 8 p.m. àt the Brooklin Community Concept Centre. The Brooklin Area Block Parents welcome and invite any interested people to attend their next meeting which will be held on March 12 at 8 p.m. at 90 Queen Street in Brooklin. For more information call 655-4854. Tickets are still available for the Fahsion Show being held at the Ashburn Community Centre on april 7 at 2 p.m. The fashions being modelled are custom made clothes sewn by Susan Rigby and Barbara Porter of Ashburn. Susan and Barbara will be selling these garments at a 25 per cent discount. Other clothing may be ordered and the ladies will fit- vou in a style of your choice. The admission price is $1 which O0R0 jom Chamber Eighty new members joined the Whitby Chamber of Commerce in February, as a resuht of a membership drive conducted by former councillor Joy Thompson. <Mrs. Thompson was hired by the Chamber to visit local businesses to obtain mem- berships, and soicit com- ments about problems thëy face. Last week she turned over the results of her surveys to the Chamber. June 24, 1880: THE WHITBY HARVESTER Improved for the year 1880; weighs, all told, 700 lbs. Being principally made of BEST QUALITY IRON AND STEEL! and from its ingenious and compact construction, it combines the strength and durability of the heavier machine. This machine has been THOROUGHLY TESTED during the harvests of 1877, 1878, and 1879, in all kinds and conditions of grain, and purchasers can rely on getting A STRONG, GOOD WORKING MACHINE of LIGHT DRAUGHT and EASY MANAGEMENT. Will do GOOD WORK in ANY KIND OF GRAIN no matter how badly lodged, with almost 50 per cent less draught than ordinary machines. It is much less complicated, more easily managed, and our 20 years' experience with Harvesting machines enables us to say that the "WHITBY HARVESTER" is not equalled in this or any other country, and STANDS WITHOUT A PEER! Notwithstanding we manufactured several hundreds the past year and demand more than doubled our manufacture, and the machine has passed through the harvest with less breakage and repair than any other machine sold in the same localities. We have-added some valuable improvements since the harvest of 1879: increased the size of the drive wheel, increased the speed, and strengthened it wherever required. FIRST PRIZE GOLD MEDAL AT THE BELFORD FARMERS' CLUB in the Township of Markham in July, 1879, in competition with Johnson, Kirby No. 3A and No. 3B by Harris, Son & Co. Brantford, Wrought Iron Havester by Thompson and Williams Manufacturing Com- pany, Stratford; Royal Royce, by Green Bros. & Cd., Waterford. Several other manufacturers, with machines, were present, but declined to complete on account of the heavy lodged grain. The Judges, In making the decision, stated that they had-no difficulty in placing the First Prize--the superiority being so apparent. Also the LARGE BRONZE MEDAL AND DIPLOMA at the Toronto Industrial Exhibition, held Septem- ber, 1879, in competition with all the machines in Ontario. will go the Community Centre. Door prizes and refreshments will be given. You may acquire tickets by calling -usan Itigby at 655-8081 or Barbara Porter at 655-4652. DATES TO REMEMBER March 17 - Draw for Mad Hatter March Movie Contest - Brooklin Community Centre. April 17-18 - Spring Fling of Fashion - Oddfellows Hall 8 p.m. Tickets $2 - Call 655-4818 or 655-4739. May 31 - Miss Brooklin Spring Fair Pageant - To enter call 655-3932. Susan Smith 655-3932 Brown's Dron off Emmanuel Reformed Church inducts new mster Rev. Emmo Oltmanns, formerly of Monroe, South Dakota, was installed as the new pastor-of the Emmanuel Reformed Church on Ross- land Road Friday.. Rev. Mr. Oltmanns suc- ceeds Rev. Lou Harvey, who left Whitby last year. Rev. H. Van Essen pre- sided over the induction ser- vice, and Rev. J. Strick of St. Catherines, preached the sermon. Rev. Harvey and Rev. W. Kroon gave the charge over to the congrega- tion and the new minister. WHITBY FRFE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1979, PAGE 7 County of Kent Agricultural Society, at Chatham, in comppti- tion with a large number of leading machines, First Prize, a silver medal. A FALSE STATEMENT--The Newcastle Manufacturing Co. have advertised in their circulars that they have taken first prize at Wooler and sold to two of the judges. We refer to the judges whose post office address we have given, to prove the falsity of the statement. Comment is unnecessary. OUR ,IMPROVED CAYUGA CHIEF, JUNIOR MD YOIJNG CANADA MOWERS Are both first-class machines--constructed almost wholly of Iron'and Steel. The Cayuga Jr. has a rear eut, and the Young Canada a front cut: both strong, durable machines, and not excelled by any machines in the market for quality of eut, durability, and lightness of draft, adaptability, and ease of management. Our YOUNG CANADA has a forward cut, high motion, small section, with malleable guard and steel face, Cout'd on P.8 PLASTIC PIPE RUST RESISTANT-EASY TO HANDLE AND INSTALL Y" 6 1 fN. 11/" 18 dft %" 8d G.S.w. ft. 1Y2"28d ft. SUMP PUMPS $4450 MITCHELL BROTHERS BROOKLIN H'tch-N -PIow TRAILER HITCHES and ACCESSORIES 1979 HITCHES NOW IN STOCK! * Ail Makes & Models * Electric Brake Controls * Transmission (olers * Air Bags * * Trained Personnel PHONE 666-1819 11lndustrilDr. Unit 6 Whitby CAdst building centre 1 AmN@Mý &»%p iliquillmqcl-lg a

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