WHTBY FREE PRESS, WFDNSDAY, MARCH 7, 1979,'PAGE 19 FASHION SHOW St. Margaret's Guild of Al Saints' Anglican Church pre- sents "Fashion Fever '79", a fashion show and commen- tary, courtesy of Eatons, April 5 at 8 p.m. at Henry Street High Sehool. Tickets are available at Middleton's Bqok Store and the Kitchen Cupboard or by calling 668-8626 or 668-9045. CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE George Grant, owner and president of Grant Broad- casting wilî speak on "Radio in thé 1980s" at the regular meeting of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce March 12 at noon at the Chalet Restaurant. Anyone 'interested in attending this meeting should confirm their atten- dance by calling -the Chamber- office at 66à -4506 by Friday March 9. HIU The branch Human annual tenni al Street 7:30 p.r Thein form of Party, fi and ele 1979. Bran( Burgess and anii JMANE SOCIETY future. For further iforma-. MEETING tion about the Club, contact Durham Region Connie Cramne at 728-0654. hi of the Ontario LANDSCAPE ne Society will hold its GARDENING 1meeting at the Cen- A prograni on landscape [Building, 416 Centre gardening by 'the Oshawa South, March 27 at Garden Centre will be held in M. the Whitby Library audito- meeting will take the riumn March 28 at 7:30 p.m.- f a wine and cheese There will be a slide presen- following the business tation of gardening and land- Btion of officers for scaping ideas, and door prizes will be offered. ch President Mike HANDICRAFT DISPLAY s invites all members ýA special handicraft dis- [mal loyers to attend. NEWCOMERS' MEETING SThe March Genheral Meet- ing of the Oshawa-Whitby Newcomer's. Club wiîl be' held on Tuesday, March 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Consumer's Gas Building, Consumer's Drive, Whitby. This, promo- tional' meeting will invýolve a social hour and discussions on the. various activities of the Club planned for the Events' play featuring the work of weaver Melisande Neal, artist Sharron Pretty and bronze castings and sculp-, ture by Laura Duthie will be on view at the Wbitby Public Library during the month of March. THE STORY 0F WINE Films on the Story of Wine, with comimentary by Baron 'Rothschild wiîl be shown at the Whitby Public Library on varioufs nights at 7 p.m. The program for March 8 mlill be "Great Apt-ritifs" and "Great Dessert Drinks" and the March 15 program will be "Bottle Talk" and "From A Generaî's Drink To A General Drink." TRAVEL FILMS Travel films on Paris and the French Riviera will be shown March 14 at 7 p.m. in the Whitby Public i Library ANIMAL FILMS Animal films from the "Stationary Ark" series will be held at the Whitby Public ,Library Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Topies are: March 13, «ILemurs Breeding" March 20, "Zoos of the World," and March 27, "Death of a Legend." Admission is fre.. r7 l TO FIT YOU R BUDGET! 1974 COUGAR, -XR7 BUCK ETS,. CO NSO LE. COMPARE THIS UNIT & PRIE NYHEE]LIC. HTH 769 $2700 1975 BUICK CENTURY WAGON 50,000 Mi LES YOU COULD LOOK A LONG TIME FOR ONE LI KE THISI $3200 LIC. J VL 334 1975 VENTURA SPRINT BUCKET SEATS, CONSOLE, 39,000 MI LES, U LTRA SHARP! LIC. EKJ 668$3 0 1974 MONTE CARLO G1..W..... ................................... STHE CORPORATION 0F STHE TOWN 0F WHUTBY NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING BROOKLIN SECONDARY PLAN STUDY - PHASE Il TAKE NOTICE that a meeting 0of the Council in Commitee.of-the-Whole wiII be held onMonday, March l2th, 1919 at the hour of 9:00 p.m., In the Meeting Hall of the Municipal Building at 575 Rossland Road East, Town of Whitby, The purpose 0f this meeting is f0 receive the final report on the Brooklin Secondary Plan Study, Phase Il, as prepared by Donovan F. Pinker Consultants Limited. W m. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Clerk-Administrator, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. LUN 2M8 JOHN I3ANI)URCHJN CIartereci Accountant 111 BROCK STREET NORTH WH ITBY, ONTAR 10 R ES: IHAIRSTYLING]